Joe Biden: No One Needs a ‘Magazine with 100 Clips in It’....what a moron...why he leads DemonRATS!

Biden has no business running for president,but I agree with him about guns.
You're against 100 round clips?

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These people don't even know the nomenclature or how they function, but somehow we are supposed to trust them with gun policy.

Biden’s latest baffling comment came during a campaign stop in New Hampshire.

“I believe in the Second Amendment, but nobody says you can have a round – a magazine with 100 clips in it!” he told the cheering crowd.

“100 b-bullets in it,” he stammered a second later, recognizing his mistake.

During a campaign stop in Iowa in September, he called for a ban on “magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them,” which would essentially outlaw most handguns, The Washington Times reported.
During a Concord, New Hampshire, campaign stop Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden criticized the ownership of magazines that hold “100 clips.”

Lots of humor to go with his stupidity. Likr...

Something wrong with the system that allows an idiot to get this far...and yet you get SUPPOSED PSYCHOLOGIST telling us Trump is insane...and never examined him...ROTFLMFAO

Biden Calls For Ban On Magazines That Hold '100 Clips'

Maybe he has OCD and really hates lengthy page-turner magazines that compel him to put a color-coded paper clip on every article/page??
Ridiculous, everyone knows you need at least a 1000 round magazine to keep government hands off your medicare.

We need a clip of over 9000 rounds to keep the Democrat gun grabbers at bay.

Nothing less than a minigun will do. We really do truly NEED it, just like Biden needs to grab women awkwardly. Maybe that will make him relate.
No matter how hard I try to satirize the ridiculous arguments of the gun nuts one of you comes along and shows me that there is no way to successfully exaggerate how gun crazy you are. I have guns but I'll be damned if I'm on your side of any argument. Quit being so ridiculous in your arguments or you will lose.
You have guns? super soakers don't really count as a gun.
Ridiculous, everyone knows you need at least a 1000 round magazine to keep government hands off your medicare.
That's not even close to enough to stop the government from cutting medicare benefits and redistributing it to fund sex change operations for pedophile illegal aliens.
Suck it you old mooch. Maybe if you didn't spend so much on guns and ammo you could afford medical care. Why should my tax dollars go to keep a bunch of entitled selfish boomers alive?
I have no problem affording guns, ammo and medical care. You are obviously projecting.

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