Joe Biden Receives Nobel Peace Prize Nomination

Biden's party (he is the Democrat party) is at war with the US and he gets nominated for the Nobel peace prize? What a freakin' joke. It must be the Democrat's 'everyone gets an award' philosophy at play there. Vote straight Republican.
They most likely are going to give it to him. Now Pres. Trump can't bring that up at the debates, about him being a nominee.
What's next they are going to do? Claim that Biden good decision making has lead him to be wealthier than Pres. Trump


You have to know that the far left would support Biden from other countries and ignore that Biden was fomenting violence not trying to stop it...
From the OP's link;
Biden’s nomination comes from a member of the British Parliament.

Chris Bryant, a member of the Labour Party said “When others have resorted to violent solutions, (Biden) has argued that the best force is the force of argument because guns can stop a heart but well-placed words can change many hearts, and many hearts can change a world.”

Things must be really bad for Biden when foregin countries are trying to influencing the electorate..
A British member of the Labour Party, our version of the democrats, is sticking his nose in this American
matter. A Nobel peace prize has become a leftist party favor.

Of the two candidates who has advanced the cause of world peace? Trump brokering a long thought impossible to achieve agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates?

Or Biden and....well, he's done nothing. Literally! He won't even condemn the arson, murder and beatings
his friends in Antifa are responsible for. Peace prize, my ass!
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