Joe Biden says he will campaign from his basement he will not visit America

which isnt happening. senile, BEIJING joe does not care about AMERICA--neither did the BARRAG. this mentality of hiding from the people not offering anything. what do you demoncrats consider sacred? actually it would surprise me if BEIJING joe knows anything about AMERICA...but you ignoramuses arent allowed to think for yourselves, so you wouldnt see that. but hey when the demoncrats take all of your rights, dont start whining, because you will be to blame

Really? I'm voting for neither Biden nor Trump BECAUSE I can't think for myself? LOL
So you will give a vote to biden
Sounds like he is expecting an unusual and unheard of 85% support from mail-in voters. If he can't go outside to campaign, how can he go do a debate?

I imagine Trumps team will say out loud "a cashier at ________ store can go to work everyday, person A can head to work in ________ industry everyday, but, the man who wants to lead the Free World believes he needs to stay hidden? Would he be able to go outside to head to the W.H"?

Does he believe this will increase enthusiasm from voters to rally behind Biden? This is very odd and surely voters see it. I thought Harris was an awful choice, but this compounds the lack of enthusism he is sure to experience.

Not very smart. If he stays in his basement he's not out the meeting the people he wants to vote for him.

Oh and how does anyone know 85% of mail in voters are for Biden. What a stupid statement.

What if that is the return? If that were the outcome, what would your response be?

45% at the booth, 85% for mail-in.

I already saw MSNBC show a graph. Where they came up with this number I don't know. However, it stated something like 73% of mail-in will be for Joe Biden and 27% for Trump.

How could they know this number in any manner? In fact, I am going to try and find the clip, it was quite odd really.
They are using the primary election split as a model... Don't count on it coming out the way they think it will.

Oh I agree. Nothing comes out as anyone thinks it will. The 2016 election is a case in point. Everyone thought HItlery would be our next POTUS.

This will only aid in guaranteeing a second term for Trump.

Biden will cite Corona as the reason for not debating or campaigning, but the reality is that his handlers are all too well aware that Biden's gaff-prone persona will only amplify the decline of his mental acuity, they also know that he's not up to a debate with anyone, let alone someone who doesn't play by idiotic rules of politicians...

Biden has agreed to 3 debates. It is said he wants more. The sane Americans know that Biden is acting responsibly by taking this pandemic seriously.
Well thanks.. how do you know what’s going on in America with manufacturing jobs the economy if you don’t go out and visit these places?
It's possible that I'm being overly optimistic, but I tend to think that, after the DNC didn't seem to give Joe the bump that a candidate typically enjoys in the days immediately following their party's convention, his campaign has simply found another story to explain away their continuing lack of willingness to throw any significant amount of money or effort behind an absolute joke of a place-holder candidacy.
Well thanks.. how do you know what’s going on in America with manufacturing jobs the economy if you don’t go out and visit these places?

You can just see the 'Weekend At Bernie's' Presidential Administration run for the next 4 years with no 'live' outings from Joe, just everything run using grainy webcam footage out of his fortified basement. Harris will do all of the personal appearances.

Joe Biden says he will campaign from his basement he will not visit America

It's been working so far. He's just sitting back and letting Trump destroy himself.

Keep dreaming. Trump is doing fine. The MSM lies constantly about his actions. That is what hiden biden is relying in, a propaganda assault from them, and blissfully ignorant people to listen to them.
Well thanks.. how do you know what’s going on in America with manufacturing jobs the economy if you don’t go out and visit these places?
He can read.

I wasn't going to vote Biden, but if follows through on this - and skips the freak show, it might just warrant reconsideration.
Well thanks.. how do you know what’s going on in America with manufacturing jobs the economy if you don’t go out and visit these places?

Creepy Joe is a coward, hiding in his basement like a TOTAL coward. WHAT is he frightened of? Creepy Joe is BEYOND pathetic and BELOW contempt. The Donald's Campaign Team need to run ADS that say:

"Joe Biden is a COWARD, hiding in his basement like a COWARD and showing CONTEMPT for the American voters by doing so."

Then The Donald's Campaign Team need to run ADS saying:

"WHAT is Joe Biden FRIGHTENED of? Hiding in his basement, PARALYSED by FEAR of meeting the American PUBLIC"

Team Trump need to 24/7 portray Creepy Joe as a COWARD who has CONTEMPT for the American public, run the Ads 24/7, take the gloves OFF, be as BRUTAL as possible, HAMMER it into the American peoples heads that Creepy Joe is a COWARD who has CONTEMPT for them.
Well thanks.. how do you know what’s going on in America with manufacturing jobs the economy if you don’t go out and visit these places?

Creepy Joe is a coward, hiding in his basement like a TOTAL coward. WHAT is he frightened of? Creepy Joe is BEYOND pathetic and BELOW contempt. The Donald's Campaign Team need to run ADS that say:

"Joe Biden is a COWARD, hiding in his basement like a COWARD and showing CONTEMPT for the American voters by doing so."

Then The Donald's Campaign Team need to run ADS saying:

"WHAT is Joe Biden FRIGHTENED of? Hiding in his basement, PARALYSED by FEAR of meeting the American PUBLIC"

Team Trump need to 24/7 portray Creepy Joe as a COWARD who has CONTEMPT for the American public, run the Ads 24/7, take the gloves OFF, be as BRUTAL as possible, HAMMER it into the American peoples heads that Creepy Joe is a COWARD who has CONTEMPT for them.
the "total coward" still isnt infected with sars-cov2

Didnt learn after Herman Cain; wonder if they will now.

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