Joe Biden Says That Donald Trump Won't Accept A Loss

Of course he won't and not will his supporters because of exactly who and what we're up against. Any sane person knows that he won't get anywhere near the amount of votes that he needs to win because of it.

2016 Trump refused to say he would accept the results if he lost.
2020 Trump refused to admit loss and tried to overthrow the government to hold power.

Those who fail to learn from history....
Joe Biden isn't one of "those"
300,000 missing 2020 ballots in AZ

WI on record that they made up Biden votes at 3am

And a partridge in a pear tree

Nope. I'm taking you at your word. Trump wasn't even there. He was home playing checkers with Melania. The whole thing was an elaborate ruse staged by deep state lizards, in conjunction with Antifa and the FBI.

But you didn't fall for it! No sirree.

That's sarcasm you're using isn't it?

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