Joe Biden Says That More Blacks Should Be Hired As NFL Coaches

You mean teams that tend to have a lot of black people playing for them? They want coaches that win and generate a lot of money/success for the team. That's the important part.

I agree

The NFL is a highly meritocratic industry when it comes to players and coaches.

I didn't see meritocracy when blk ppl in the NFL (Colin Kapernick) complained at police brutality and racism and took a knee.

What could have been more politically correct, more friendly to white ppls tender sensitivities than taken a knee ? There was no riots. No uprisings.

But did you see anyone say "O since you negroes asked so politely. We're gonna have legislation. Yes !! Legislation today !! We are going to have the FBI set up a taskforce to round up all the racists who kill blk ppl. Were gonna have laws to put ppl, who call the police on blk ppl, just 4 being blk, in jail"

In this instance you are wrong. Do you think the the most valuable doctors in the world are being selected based on skin color too?

Yes because white people have created a system which makes it easier for most of them to be doctors. The entire education system is based around benefitting White people

Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy. We don't have people in places with muscle who can who can creak open a door for us.

We are obligated to practice meritocracy because there is no mechanism that allow us to cheat the system. Where as everybody else (especially whites) are caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.
Now correct me if I'm wrong since I'm not a football fan, but shouldn't it be about performance and not skin color?

Whelp, lessee:
  • Some black coaches
  • Mostly black players
  • Many black color analysts
  • Some black referees.
  • A halftime show that was 95% black playing black gangsta rap hip hop crap.
  • Blacks only 13% of the population.
Yep, we have a race issue in the NFL and it isn't not enough blacks. But leave it to Joe to find it!
Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy. We don't have people in places with muscle who can who can creak open a door for us.

We are obligated to practice meritocracy because there is no mechanism that allow us to cheat the system. Where as everybody else (especially whites) are caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.
What about policies like affirmative action that favor black students over white students for selection into certain colleges etc? Is that meritocracy? Is that not a mechanism in the system that favors/helps minorities? It's hard to believe the extremes you take this thinking to. You're wrong Paul. The NFL is not an industry where people are being selected because of their skin color. They're being selected because they're talented people that know how to win games and make money for their teams.
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Whelp, lessee:
  • Some black coaches
  • Mostly black players
  • Many black color analysts
  • Some black referees.
  • A halftime show that was 95% black playing black gangsta rap hip hop crap.
  • Blacks only 13% of the population.
Yep, we have a race issue in the NFL and it isn't not enough blacks. But leave it to Joe to find it!

How can Joe find it when he can't even find his way to the white house by himself let alone a toilet?
Whelp, lessee:
  • Some black coaches
  • Mostly black players
  • Many black color analysts
  • Some black referees.
  • A halftime show that was 95% black playing black gangsta rap hip hop crap.
  • Blacks only 13% of the population.
Yep, we have a race issue in the NFL and it isn't not enough blacks. But leave it to Joe to find it!
And I didnt watch, but I suspect black over representation in the Super Bowl TV commercials also
What about policies that favor black students over white students for selection into certain colleges etc? Is that meritocracy?

There are no policies that favour blacks over whites in any college. You have the University of Michigan (And many uni's in America) giving out 16 points to kids from certain lily-white Upper Peninsulas ?

And 4 points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni ?

And 10 points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools ?

And 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students)

You have scandals were affluent white and non black individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribed and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?
They are letting dumb-ass white students in there all day because of their fathers or uncles. Most blacks applying could run circles around them academically but they would never ever be admitted.

College admissions is nothing but game.

They can and do say anything to black students "your application was late" “it got lost” "We don’t like your essay"............. ANYTHING.

.We are taking no one's spots trust me.

You have a legacy and being a legacy only works if you have a trust fund and your parents have been donating a good % of their annual salary to the school or your dad holds political office or your parents are fortune 500 CEOs, COOs, CFOs or CAOs.

Anyone else, it's still a crap shot.

It might get your resume an extra 5 second glance but if they see average jobs and medium income zip-code on your application, you can forget about it.

Blaming the handful of black people that get in is ridiculous. More Black Americans are becoming doctors (despite the obstacles set for black people) and non-blacks hate to see a black person who is superior to them in anything and become bitter and jealous.

It's hard to believe the extremes you take this thinking to.

That's because you are not used to talkng to people like me. You're talking points sound good around white people. They sound good when your around family and friends. They sound good when no one is there to give a counter argument.

You're wrong Paul. The NFL is not an industry where people are being selected because of their skin color. They're being selected because they're talented people that know how to win games and make money for their teams.

Well that's were we disagree.
The coach is an important part of winning the game.

I agree.

There is a lot of money and prestige on the line when it comes to wins and losses in that industry. NFL coaches are selected based on merit, not skin color

Coaches are chosen based on whiteness, As our jobs. Will this person “fit in” with the team ? Do they have “enough” experience? Will they be able to relate to the customer fan base? All of these evaluations are judgment calls. The kind of judgment calls that are often susceptible to racism.

Whether or not a person can run a touchdown, is great running back is not nearly as subjective,

And as I said whites have always been willing to let black people entertain them, even at the height of segregation.
I say the best qualified should be the coach. But according to you only if they are black.
You know it. Most every commercial had black people in it. Every white family had a few black friends. Blacks are part of everything. I even have a black maid here to wipe my ass!
Black people were in commercials and films 50 years ago. What's your point ?
What about policies that favor black students over white students for selection into certain colleges etc? Is that meritocracy?

There are no policies that favour blacks over whites in any college. You have the University of Michigan (And many uni's in America) giving out 16 points to kids from certain lily-white Upper Peninsulas ?

And 4 points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni ?

And 10 points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools ?

And 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students)

You have scandals were affluent white and non black individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribed and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?
They are letting dumb-ass white students in there all day because of their fathers or uncles. Most blacks applying could run circles around them academically but they would never ever be admitted.

College admissions is nothing but game.

They can and do say anything to black students "your application was late" “it got lost” "We don’t like your essay"............. ANYTHING.

.We are taking no one's spots trust me.

You have a legacy and being a legacy only works if you have a trust fund and your parents have been donating a good % of their annual salary to the school or your dad holds political office or your parents are fortune 500 CEOs, COOs, CFOs or CAOs.

Anyone else, it's still a crap shot.

It might get your resume an extra 5 second glance but if they see average jobs and medium income zip-code on your application, you can forget about it.

Blaming the handful of black people that get in is ridiculous. More Black Americans are becoming doctors (despite the obstacles set for black people) and non-blacks hate to see a black person who is superior to them in anything and become bitter and jealous.

It's hard to believe the extremes you take this thinking to.

That's because you are not used to talkng to people like me. You're talking points sound good around white people. They sound good when your around family and friends. They sound good when no one is there to give a counter argument.

You're wrong Paul. The NFL is not an industry where people are being selected because of their skin color. They're being selected because they're talented people that know how to win games and make money for their teams.

Well that's were we disagree.
Just have one entrance exam for every applicant and admit students by score from the top down till all the seats are filled

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