Joe Biden Says That The Second Amendment Isn't Absolute

I gave you a quite comprehensive reply why your belief is wrong.
The existence of a mainstream theory that differs from my novel theory doesn't prove me wrong though.

Perhaps it is that mainstream theory that is wrong.

I love it. Two arrogant pro-gunners who are dismissive and condescending towards others on this board who are not opposed to certain restrictions on firearms, and think they are the final word on the second, can't agree. Made my day. Thought you were both 100 per cent right in your views? You can't even agree among yourselves. This is aimed at you too Abatis
While I guess I do think that I am right on this, note that I am proposing something novel that contradicts everything that has gone before. It is not unreasonable that there will be people who don't agree with my theory.

My proposal of a novel theory is quite different from a situation where progressives propose something that clearly and obviously violates the Constitution.
No, you're not using that much logic.
I'm using enough.

If the Second Amendment is focused on protecting collective defense, then it protects the right to have those weapons that are best suited for collective defense.

Only letting people have minor weapons that are not of much use for collective defense violates your interpretation of the Second Amendment.

You're not trying to start at the beginning and work from there, trying to understand why the founding fathers put things in the Constitution or didn't.
Or trying to understand their mentality from the past.
I did that many years ago.
You idiots are trying to segregate society again..,,,,,

Governments take guns away from people then murder 15 million of them……that is a lesson an intelligent person would never forget……..and you forgot it…….
Yeah, let's compare 1930s Germany/USSR to 21st century USA. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Yeah, let's compare 1930s Germany/USSR to 21st century USA. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Germany in the 1920s was a modern nation, with courts, universities, the rule of 20 years they went from a normal society to murdering 15 million people...

Do you really think that the people of Germany in the 1920s ever thought they would be murdering 15 million innocent men, women and children?

Right now, China is a slave state, and it committing genocide, Russia just invaded a country for the ego of putin..........and you have morons from the democrat party praising both of those countries......and calling for Chinese Flu vaccine resistors to be imprisoned.....

Your lack of understanding of human nature and human history is exactly how the 1930s happened....

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