Joe Biden Says That The Second Amendment Isn't Absolute

The only thing that is a fraud is citing Burger as an authority on the 2nd Amendment.

While on the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Warren Burger never wrote a word about the Second Amendment. After he left the Court he became a paid puppet for Handgun Control Inc. (what the Brady Campaign was called in the early 90's).

A more in depth examination of Burger's 2nd Amendment views is his commentary in the January 14, 1990 issue of Parade Magazine. Placed next to the later PBS comments, the Parade article has such incredible contradictions of constitutional understanding it can only be read as evidence of Burger's willingness to sell anti-gun statements hostile to his own beliefs to the highest bidder.

In Parade, Burger states that there is an unquestioned right for Americans to defend their homes with firearms; that such a right, "need not be challenged". He continues that, "the Constitution protects the right of hunters to own and keep sporting guns for hunting game," in the same fashion that no one could, "challenge the right to own and keep fishing rods and other equipment for fishing . . . ."

Burger goes on to tell us what types of guns are protected by the Constitution; "To 'keep and bear arms' for hunting today is essentially a recreational activity and not an imperative of survival, as it was 200 years ago; 'Saturday night specials' and machine guns are not recreational weapons and surely are as much in need of regulation as motor vehicles."

So, Burger does admit that the express constitutional mention of [the right of the people to] "keep and bear arms" guarantees private citizens (not connected to any militia nor acting under militia orders) a constitutional right to own guns for home defense and a right to own hunting guns.


Burger goes further and recognizes three exemplary rights -- hunting, fishing, and buying cars -- that are so firmly guaranteed by the Constitution that they are beyond question while knowing that no Supreme Court case has ever held any of these activities to be Constitutionally protected.

What can we draw from Warren's wandering analysis?

Machine guns (an presumably cheap?? handguns) can be regulated in a fashion like motor vehicles but guns suitable for defense of the home and guns suitable for hunting should be as immune from governmental oversight as fishing equipment since the right to own such things is unquestionable and not subject to challenge (including any militia based attack on the right).

Sounds like in 1990 he's advocating the NRA's position that a unassailable constitutional right to own guns for various legal purposes without any militia conditioning exists . . .

And then he is paid by handgun Control Incorporated to say such a position is a "fraud" less than a year later????

I believe he said it was the"unfettered individual right" to weapons like machine guns and Saturday night specials that he didn't agree with. Most states allowed hunting weapons, rifles, shotguns and handguns.

Banning firearms doesn't change the person but will increase the number of outlaws immediately.

Lol, ya gunna turn your s in if they do ban them? I am not. Bout as much chance of the libs taking your guns as the repugs doing away with abortion. Both issues are put in our face so we ignore what the parties really care about which is moving your money into theirs and their donors pockets
Lol, ya gunna turn your s in if they do ban them? I am not. Bout as much chance of the libs taking your guns as the repugs doing away with abortion. Both issues are put in our face so we ignore what the parties really care about which is moving your money into theirs and their donors pockets

I am not going to turn anything in.

They will always leave loopholes for someone to own a firearm.
The government knows what I own and what I can do with it ... They taught me.

Joe Biden has more guns surrounding him than most state and local police forces have at their disposal but he is correct that the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute. There are literally volumes of laws that impact the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and most Americans accept it and deal with it. So what's the problem again?
Joe Biden has more guns surrounding him than most state and local police forces have at their disposal but he is correct that the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute. There are literally volumes of laws that impact the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and most Americans accept it and deal with it. So what's the problem again?

Well, it should be absolute to those deserving of it anyways.
It is not a right to have an abortion that is not the case.. The case is the right to the liberty to control your own body.

What if I told you the "penumbral rights theory", by which the right to privacy and the derivative right to abortion was recognized and secured*, is dependent upon the fundamental, inviolate nature of the individual right to arms as secured by the 2nd Amendment?

If the right to arms can be restricted, (or extinguished / rescinded), then the "rational continuum" of liberty represented in the rights secured in the first eight Amendments of the Bill of Rights**, can not be said to exist. Thus the justification for the penumbral rights theory evaporates along with legal contrivance recognizing and securing the right to privacy (and abortion and LGBTQ rights).

*Griswold v CT and Roe v Wade
**Harlan's dissent in Poe v Ullman, cited in Griswold as the foundational principle for penumbral rights, elevated to the opinion of the Court in Planned Parenthood v Casey
U.S. Supreme Court didn’t rule that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to own a gun until 2008.

Of course it did. From the very first case that the Court spoke directly on the right to arms and the 2nd Amendment (as two separate, distinct things) the Supreme Court has never endorsed any other interpretation but the 2ndA recognizing and securing (not granting, giving, creating or establishing) the individual right to arms, without any conditioning or qualification.

In that first case, US v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875), the Court recognized the right of two Freemen, former slaves then citizens, to possess and carry arms for self defense in public from white oppressors in a state and at a time that the state had no militia (it being disbanded by the governor on the orders of Congress). Cruikshank shows without any dispute that SCOTUS recognizes and endorses the 2nd Amendment securing an individual right independent of any militia association. These were two black men who, even if Louisiana had a militia, they could not enroll (see Militia Act of 1792).

Whatever permutation of "collective right" interpretation you care to posit, there was no such theory in any federal court before 1942; U.S. v. Tot, 131 F.2d 261 (3rd Cir. 1942) for the "state's right" interpretation and Cases v. U.S., 131 F.2d 916 (1st Cir. 1942) for the "militia right".


Joe Biden Says That The Second Amendment Isn't Absolute​

This, a constitutional analysis,--- from a guy who needs names written down
on a card at pressers for him just so he knows who he is calling on?

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Oh Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. Why don't you just go right out and say that you're trying to take our weapons away? He's completely got it backwards. It's not that there are certain weapons that people shouldn't purchase, it's that certain people shouldn't be allowed to purchase weapons. It's just like how certain people can't drive (like me) and shouldn't drive. It doesn't mean that we should ban cars. I mean they already banned illegal drugs, and we've already seen how well that worked out. :rolleyes:

a first step would b taking guns away from capital police
True, just because you have the right to have a firearm doesn't mean you can murder people.

Just like with the right to religion, just because you have that right doesn't mean you can have human sacrifices for your religion..

Have you guys caught on yet or do you want to continue to show your ignorance?
But because you have a vagina you can murder a unborn child.
You can't own modern fully auto weapons. I think the cutoff year is 1984 and newer are illegal.

Just stop it . . .

There are hundreds of thousands of full-auto NFA arms in the hands of private citizens.

I cited precisely the 1986 law that closed the NFA-34 registration of newly manufactured NFA arms. That effectively froze the nation's available census of NFA arms (and juiced the value of those guns --real "assault rifles"-- into the many tens of thousands of dollars.

You can go to Gunbroker right now and buy a full auto "machine gun":

Screengrab taken seconds ago . . .


IT AIN'T A BAN!!!!!!!

Google Big Sandy Shoot or Knob Creek . . . All private citizens shooting machine guns up to anti-aircraft guns and Vulcan mini-guns . . .

Again, just stop saying crap when you don't know what you are talking about!
But because you have a vagina you can murder a unborn child.

I know what you're saying and I agree, but men can be just as insensitive and cruel when it comes to insisting upon their girlfriends/wives get an abortion as well. However, that's changing the subject though.
The article never made that claim. U.S. Supreme Court didn’t rule that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to own a gun until 2008.

According to the Second Amendment, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”9 Prior to the Heller decision, there was little disagreement among the courts about this language's meaning. In fact, until Heller no federal appellate court had ever invalidated any law as a violation of the Second Amendment.

Yup it needed to go to the Supreme Court because liberals were to stupid to understand basic English
Oh Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. Why don't you just go right out and say that you're trying to take our weapons away? He's completely got it backwards. It's not that there are certain weapons that people shouldn't purchase, it's that certain people shouldn't be allowed to purchase weapons. It's just like how certain people can't drive (like me) and shouldn't drive. It doesn't mean that we should ban cars. I mean they already banned illegal drugs, and we've already seen how well that worked out. :rolleyes:

That motherfucker is calling a Glock a "weapon of war". Just more evidence that the Communists want to ban all guns.

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