Joe Biden Says That The Second Amendment Isn't Absolute

You need to learn how to read bro. I said that certain people shouldn't be allowed to have weapons and background checks should be performed, as it's not the weapon that's the issue it's the person using it. Just like a car wouldn't kill somebody unless there was a person behind the wheel controlling it.
Thanks to the Constitution they have a right to deny firearms to felons and they can also use a conviction to make you a slave.
Well yeah! I mean do you really think that we're all just going to stay quiet about it and be revoked of our rights? If this were to come to pass then it would pretty much be the beginning of World War III.

My guess is that the folks at the ATF conducting more than 3 million background checks for new firearms purchases a month ...
Might want to give those folks on Capitol Hill a call.

It doesn't really look like the armed citizens are playing around.

True the idea they had was a well-regulated militia in which each member of the militia could use their own firearm which is what Minutemen did.
Yeah, in most states every male citizen was required to join the local militia too.
Oh Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. Why don't you just go right out and say that you're trying to take our weapons away? He's completely got it backwards. It's not that there are certain weapons that people shouldn't purchase, it's that certain people shouldn't be allowed to purchase weapons. It's just like how certain people can't drive (like me) and shouldn't drive. It doesn't mean that we should ban cars. I mean they already banned illegal drugs, and we've already seen how well that worked out. :rolleyes:

EVERY TIME DemoKKKrats are in power, our civil rights are at risk.
In what case? I must have missed it.
Can you cite the ruling and copy/paste his text to that effect?
In case you refuse to read past the second sentence.......

When he spoke these words to PBS in 1990, the rock-ribbed conservative appointed by Richard Nixon was expressing the longtime consensus of historians and judges across the political spectrum.

Twenty-five years later, Burger’s view seems as quaint as a powdered wig.
You people lost that fight when you insisted everyone get an experimental medical procedure, or lose your job, place of residence, custody of children, health care, and freedom of movement.
I have never insisted that people get their shots or lose a job much less inoculations for kids to attend schools. Can you provide proof of me ever doing as such? If not then you have just proven what a liar you are.
Many are startled to learn that the U.S. Supreme Court didn’t rule that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to own a gun until 2008, when District of Columbia v. Heller struck down the capital’s law effectively banning handguns in the home. In fact, every other time the court had ruled previously, it had ruled otherwise.
Specifically, what USSC rulings did Heller overturn?
Sorry Joe but our rights come down from God not man. What man doesn't give man cannot take away, and what government doesn't give government cannot take away.

Now about that cannon Joe, Cannon was a TV detective show in the 1970s, a canon is something you shoot.

Can you get God to confirm those rights in writing by his own hand?
Specifically, what USSC rulings did Heller overturn?

The article never made that claim. U.S. Supreme Court didn’t rule that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to own a gun until 2008.

According to the Second Amendment, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”9 Prior to the Heller decision, there was little disagreement among the courts about this language's meaning. In fact, until Heller no federal appellate court had ever invalidated any law as a violation of the Second Amendment.

Oh Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. Why don't you just go right out and say that you're trying to take our weapons away? He's completely got it backwards. It's not that there are certain weapons that people shouldn't purchase, it's that certain people shouldn't be allowed to purchase weapons. It's just like how certain people can't drive (like me) and shouldn't drive. It doesn't mean that we should ban cars. I mean they already banned illegal drugs, and we've already seen how well that worked out. :rolleyes:

Nothing in the Constitution is absolute. You have heard of the amendment process, right?

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