Joe Biden takes sides against Hyde amendment

I think they agreed because in the battle for abortion all chips are in
That's never been true for those ethically opposed to abortion and probably why they are winning now.

Still the law of the land

But is Roe v Wade 'the law of the land?' Congress did not pass a law with that wording. No President ever signed it into law. It is a court ruling subject to significant interpretation.

Again, evenso, in 1979 in Maher v. Roe, SCOTUS ruled that Roe v. Wade does not establish any right to a free abortion and "did not declare an unqualified 'constitutional right to an abortion" and "implies no limitation on the authority of a State to make a value judgment favoring childbirth over abortion." It neither orders funding of abortion nor does it prohibit funding of abortion.

Advocates of Roe v Wade always want to overlook Maher v Roe. Roe v Wade clearly gives the states an interest in abortion after the first trimester, guarantees nobody the right to a 'free abortion', and does not prohibit regulation of abortion by the states or whatever decisions a state decides to fund or not fund abortion.

Both court rulings affirm that The Hyde Amendment therefore is completely legal and, because Congress passed it--overwhelmingly bipartisan by the way--and it was signed into law, it IS the law of the land. And a strong majority of Americans still want it to be the law of the land.
Stop pretending you don’t understand the responsibilities of our courts

I am a constitutional student--not scholar but student. And I am pretty damn sure I know what the original intent was in establishing the courts, and what the constitutional limitations are on the courts, and how the Congress misused and misuse those courts for its own purposes. I stand by everything I posted.
Marbury v Madison has been established precidence for well over 200 years.....time you catch up
The D Party is nothing if not baby killers.

No that would be Republicans. Democrats allow women to choose when to have a baby. Republicans are killing babies. 6 children have died in Border Patrol custody since Trump took office, all as a direct result of Trump Administration policies. No child died in Obama's custody, in 8 years.

The USA has the highest rate of infant mortality and maternal death in child birth in the First World. Actual women and children are dying because of Republican policies around women's reproductive health.

Republicans removed the mandated requirement that all employer health insurance policies issued cover women's reproductive health issues. Those employers with religious objections to birth control or abortion can refuse to provide coverage for their female employees. Since the health insurance policy is part of their compensation package, WOMEN should have the right to determine what their policy covers according their personal needs, not their employers' religious beliefs.

WOMEN are not voting Republican because of their policies regarding women's reproductive health. You have poked the feminist bear and she's fully woke now. One in four American women will have an abortion before she's 40. You've lost these women. You've also lost all of their sisters and mothers who have faced difficult choices and made decisions you may not agree with, and do not want to take that away from our daughters, and our granddaughters.

Asshole men like you have no idea how far women will go to protect this right.
The fetus is a human being you can’t murder it without consequences. The law is moving against yo my because the people know murder when they see it.

The fetus is a "potential" human being. Terminating a pregnancy is NOT murder, no matter how many times you say it. 1/3 of all fetuses spontaneosly abort because our bodies are designed to allow us the choice of when to have children and women have exercised that choice throughout history REGARDLESS of what men have done to try and stop us.

Cave women knew of aborificants and used them. Abortion, like prostitution, has always been with us. As a voter, you can choose to have those abortions be legal, and safe, or your can try to go back to the days of women bleeding out in emergency rooms, overflowing orphanages, and giving welfare to poor women with a dozen kids because that's what will happen.

Rich and middle class women will just do what they've always done: travel to a country where safe legal abortions are available. Poor women will just have babies they can't afford to feed, house or educate. And you'll be stuck with the bill.

Republicans are making a full frontal assault on abortion, but only the most extreme Republican base opposes abortion. 80% of Americans support women's access to safe legal abortion. As always, the Republican Party is on the wrong side of an argument for personal freedom for women.
Apparently you think women don’t know how to prevent pregnancy. You think them dumb. So they must have the right to murder their offspring, because their too dumb to prevent pregnancy. WTF.
And the men who got them pregnant?
"This week, amid spending negotiations in the House, a freshman representative from Massachusetts, Ayanna Pressley, pushed a proposal to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, which bans reimbursement for most abortions through programs such as Medicaid, from the Health and Human Services budget. Democratic leaders quickly shut Pressley down, refusing to even bring her amendment to the House floor for a vote. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she doesn’t “see an opportunity to get rid of [Hyde]” given Republican control of the White House and Senate.
The Democratic dream of 2020 is not just to take back the White House, which would allow party leaders to appoint a generation of judges and justices who will support abortion rights. Democrats want to maintain the House and reclaim the Senate as well. If that happens, the reluctant truce that’s held since 1976 may end. If Democrats have their way, taxpayers will fund abortion once again.

In 1978, the Republican senator from Pennsylvania, Richard Schweiker, wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Times protesting efforts to link the anti-abortion movement to right-wing Catholics, calling it “a smear against millions of Americans deeply opposed to ‘abortion on demand.’” He praised his Democratic colleagues who supported the ban on federal funding for abortion, including Biden, who was about to win his second term as a U.S. senator from Delaware.
the federal government paid for abortions through Medicaid, covering an estimated 250,000 to 300,000 procedures per year. In 1974, the year after Roe was decided, this accounted for roughly one-third of all abortions nationwide. The cost to taxpayers was between $45 and $55 million per year.

Hyde, who did not support the bill’s expanded spending, voted to override Ford’s veto anyway, because he thought the federal-funding ban was so important: “Human life cannot be measured in terms of dollars,” he said. “My choice is as clear as it is unpleasant.”

In the years since Hyde first passed, however, the debate about abortion in America has transformed. The abortion conversation in the 2020 race is already wildly different than it was in 1976, when both the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, respectively, said they opposed abortion. While American public opinion has remained mixed on this issue, largely favoring legalized abortion with limitations, the two parties now represent the extremes of the debate. Hyde might still be with us, but gone are the days of compromise that allowed politicians to remain somewhere in the middle on abortion, signaling to voters that they respected their feelings of moral complexity.

Why Democrats Ditched the Hyde Amendment
Biden will make abortion a pivotal issue in the 2020 election

Republicans will be for complete appeal of abortion in all cases
Biden will support Government funding of abortion

It has been 45 years coming but we finally have a showdown on abortion

Joe Biden: Inside his abortion stance reversal - CNNPolitics
It will be interesting to see if he has ANY game. He's failed twice before, all thought the Neil Kinnock plagerism thing was pretty cheap since Kinnock stole his speil

But Biden's reminiscence of civility/bipartisanship apparently ignores the gop's silence on birtherism and Garland.

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