Joe Biden verbally abuses his staff, especially the women, and the left LOVES it

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Hey... I agree with you. Trump is an asshole. A braggart. A narcissist. All those characteristics I abhor Trump has them.
He also has the same characteristics of a few of my bosses. Same for them as above!
And you know what they and Trump also have in common? THEY GET THINGS DONE! That's why they are called "EXECUTIVES" because they
How many Presidents your life time were able to say:
1) Energy Independence. Fact:Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”
2) How many presidents had $1 trillion come back from overseas paying $380 billion in taxes?
FACT: American companies have returned some of their profits held overseas after President Trump cut corporate taxes for the
first time in 31 years,

of nearly $1 trillion which was taxed 15.5% on liquid assets and 8% on noncash assets that are treated as if the companies repatriated cash prior to 2018 The tax revenue raised by this transition tax on earnings accumulated abroad was estimated at $340 billion over the 10 years from 2018 to 2027.
And these are just 2 achievement that Trump did in just 3 years somethings that haven't been done for over 30 to 62 years!
In summary.. Trump is a dick. An asshole. He gets things done that we ADULTS appreciate in spite of his personality!
But little kids like you go "boo-hoo-... Trump is mean to me..." How juvenile you people are. ACTIONS definitely speak louder than words!
Trump definitely walks the talk!

Trump made us energy independent? Oh brother.

U.S. exports of primary energy did exceed its energy imports from foreign sources under Trump in 2019 and 2020 — the first times that had happened since 1952

But through the first 11 months of 2021, the U.S. also was on its way to being a net exporter of energy last year — and, thus, by that definition, “energy independent.”

Joe has kept us energy independent.

The trend line for the U.S. becoming a net exporter of petroleum began in 2006, under President George W. Bush, and continued under President Barack Obama and then Trump. The EIA said a decline in the global demand for oil during the COVID-19 pandemic finally pushed the U.S. into net exporter territory.

Last year, the U.S. exported about 164,000 barrels per day more than it imported, according to annual EIA data.

And if the EIA’s most recent projections are accurate, the agency also estimates in the same report that the U.S., as soon as 2023, would once again be a net exporter of petroleum, or, based on that definition, “energy independent.”
Hey... I agree with you. Trump is an asshole. A braggart. A narcissist. All those characteristics I abhor Trump has them.
He also has the same characteristics of a few of my bosses. Same for them as above!
And you know what they and Trump also have in common? THEY GET THINGS DONE! That's why they are called "EXECUTIVES" because they
How many Presidents your life time were able to say:
1) Energy Independence. Fact:Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”
2) How many presidents had $1 trillion come back from overseas paying $380 billion in taxes?
FACT: American companies have returned some of their profits held overseas after President Trump cut corporate taxes for the
first time in 31 years,

of nearly $1 trillion which was taxed 15.5% on liquid assets and 8% on noncash assets that are treated as if the companies repatriated cash prior to 2018 The tax revenue raised by this transition tax on earnings accumulated abroad was estimated at $340 billion over the 10 years from 2018 to 2027.
And these are just 2 achievement that Trump did in just 3 years somethings that haven't been done for over 30 to 62 years!
In summary.. Trump is a dick. An asshole. He gets things done that we ADULTS appreciate in spite of his personality!
But little kids like you go "boo-hoo-... Trump is mean to me..." How juvenile you people are. ACTIONS definitely speak louder than words!
Trump definitely walks the talk!
Companies returned their profits because they don't have to pay taxes on them anymore. Did you know Trump doubled the number of companies who now pay no federal taxes?

How many presidents can say that?
From a shit-eating whiny bitch who's lost its safe space I'll take that in the ignorance with which it it was intended.

We already know you enthusiastically support a rich white man who verbally abuses his employees. Insulting me isn't going to change the fact that you're a racist, a misogynist, and a bigot. Own it.
Hey... I agree with you. Trump is an asshole. A braggart. A narcissist. All those characteristics I abhor Trump has them.
He also has the same characteristics of a few of my bosses. Same for them as above!
And you know what they and Trump also have in common? THEY GET THINGS DONE! That's why they are called "EXECUTIVES" because they
How many Presidents your life time were able to say:
1) Energy Independence. Fact:Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”
2) How many presidents had $1 trillion come back from overseas paying $380 billion in taxes?
FACT: American companies have returned some of their profits held overseas after President Trump cut corporate taxes for the
first time in 31 years,

of nearly $1 trillion which was taxed 15.5% on liquid assets and 8% on noncash assets that are treated as if the companies repatriated cash prior to 2018 The tax revenue raised by this transition tax on earnings accumulated abroad was estimated at $340 billion over the 10 years from 2018 to 2027.
And these are just 2 achievement that Trump did in just 3 years somethings that haven't been done for over 30 to 62 years!
In summary.. Trump is a dick. An asshole. He gets things done that we ADULTS appreciate in spite of his personality!
But little kids like you go "boo-hoo-... Trump is mean to me..." How juvenile you people are. ACTIONS definitely speak louder than words!
Trump definitely walks the talk!

I hear Hitler did a much better job with the economy than the person he replaced. Germany went through an economic BOOM when Hitler took over.
Turns out that is a lie. Made up.

You defend Trump after his staff told you

a. They wouldn't leave women alone with Trump
b. He would often say how much he wanted to F ivanka.

As you have been shown it is completely true.
I hear Hitler did a much better job with the economy than the person he replaced. Germany went through an economic BOOM when Hitler took over.
You are right! Hitler created the Volkswagen, the autobahn, etc. kinda like what Biden is attempting to do now...
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
Companies returned their profits because they don't have to pay taxes on them anymore. Did you know Trump doubled the number of companies who now pay no federal taxes?

How many presidents can say that?
YOU are a liar! NO PROOF! I at least put the FACTS out to read. YOU... guesses... WHAT a f...king LIE!
AND so what idiot if they pay no federal taxes! They ALL pay at least 6.2% of their employees wages you dummy!
FACT:In 2022 payroll taxes made up 30 percent of total federal revenues! Over $1.47 Trillion from payroll taxes
Revenues received by the federal government in 2022 totaled $4.9 trillion,

And you dummies want those companies to move overseas taking the jobs that pay $1.47 Trillion in tax revenue???
Again why can't you dummies do a little research and find out some of your dumb ass unsupported, unproven comments are worthless?
YOU are a liar! NO PROOF! I at least put the FACTS out to read. YOU... guesses... WHAT a f...king LIE!
AND so what idiot if they pay no federal taxes! They ALL pay at least 6.2% of their employees wages you dummy!
FACT:In 2022 payroll taxes made up 30 percent of total federal revenues! Over $1.47 Trillion from payroll taxes
Revenues received by the federal government in 2022 totaled $4.9 trillion,

And you dummies want those companies to move overseas taking the jobs that pay $1.47 Trillion in tax revenue???
Again why can't you dummies do a little research and find out some of your dumb ass unsupported, unproven comments are worthless?
Boy did I hit a nerve or what?

YOU are a liar! NO PROOF! I at least put the FACTS out to read. YOU... guesses... WHAT a f...king LIE!
AND so what idiot if they pay no federal taxes! They ALL pay at least 6.2% of their employees wages you dummy!
FACT:In 2022 payroll taxes made up 30 percent of total federal revenues! Over $1.47 Trillion from payroll taxes
Revenues received by the federal government in 2022 totaled $4.9 trillion,

And you dummies want those companies to move overseas taking the jobs that pay $1.47 Trillion in tax revenue???
Again why can't you dummies do a little research and find out some of your dumb ass unsupported, unproven comments are worthless?
How do profitable corporations get away with paying no U.S. income tax? Their most lucrative (and perfectly legal) tax avoidance strategies include accelerated depreciation, the offshoring of profits, generous deductions for appreciated employee stock options, and tax credits.
How do profitable corporations get away with paying no U.S. income tax? Their most lucrative (and perfectly legal) tax avoidance strategies include accelerated depreciation, the offshoring of profits, generous deductions for appreciated employee stock options, and tax credits.
So you'd rather have them move offshore and KEEP THE $.8 TRILLION THAT THEY PAY in FICA employee taxes PLUS
by the way you ignorant uninformed... That $.8 trillion paid by employers is matched by the $.8 trillion EMPLOYEES who would then no longer be able to work as the companies had gone OFFSHORE!
YOU never thought about the $2.8 Trillion in federal tax revenue that employers/employees pay did you?
AND so what you idiot, if they pay no federal payroll taxes? They ALL pay at least 6.2% of their employees wages you dummy!
FACT:In 2022 payroll taxes made up 30 percent of total federal revenues! Over $1.47 Trillion from payroll taxes
Payroll Taxes: What Are They and What Do They Fund?
So you'd rather have them move offshore and KEEP THE $.8 TRILLION THAT THEY PAY in FICA employee taxes PLUS
by the way you ignorant uninformed... That $.8 trillion paid by employers is matched by the $.8 trillion EMPLOYEES who would then no longer be able to work as the companies had gone OFFSHORE!
YOU never thought about the $2.8 Trillion in federal tax revenue that employers/employees pay did you?
AND so what you idiot, if they pay no federal payroll taxes? They ALL pay at least 6.2% of their employees wages you dummy!
FACT:In 2022 payroll taxes made up 30 percent of total federal revenues! Over $1.47 Trillion from payroll taxes
Payroll Taxes: What Are They and What Do They Fund?
Sounds like blackmale to me. Sounds like the corporations are in control your way.

No. I'd rather tariff them if they don't bring back that money and pay back taxes.
Sounds like blackmale to me. Sounds like the corporations are in control your way.

No. I'd rather tariff them if they don't bring back that money and pay back taxes.
Excuse me! Are you a racist? "blackmale" shame on you!

But again dummies truly like you provide NO proof for your totally uninformed comments!
"Tariff" them... meaning they will charge Americans more (Which idiots like you complained about Trump against Mexico to pay for the wall!!)
you can't have it both ways idiot!
The facts are payroll taxes make up 30% of Federal gross revenue!
Every one of those dollars will disappear when these companies you bitch about not paying taxes go offshore.
It is just unbelievable how truly uninformed especially when it comes to economics people like you are.
I'm going to keep it simple:
Various researchers have tried to determine how many jobs have been lost to offshoring. Goldman Sachs believes 300,000 – 500,000 jobs have been offshored over the last three years. May 21, 2004
Assuming each American workers earned an average annual salary of $61,900 at a rate of $29.76 per hour as of May 2022

500,000 jobs X ($61,000 per employee X 12.4% payroll tax equals ) $3,782,000,000 in Federal payroll tax revenue! GONE!
But most importantly 500,000 people put out of work, drawing unemployment payments, etc.
All because you WANT to pay MORE for a product made overseas that includes a TARIFF that YOU pay for?
Excuse me! Are you a racist? "blackmale" shame on you!

But again dummies truly like you provide NO proof for your totally uninformed comments!
"Tariff" them... meaning they will charge Americans more (Which idiots like you complained about Trump against Mexico to pay for the wall!!)
you can't have it both ways idiot!
The facts are payroll taxes make up 30% of Federal gross revenue!
Every one of those dollars will disappear when these companies you bitch about not paying taxes go offshore.
It is just unbelievable how truly uninformed especially when it comes to economics people like you are.
I'm going to keep it simple:
Various researchers have tried to determine how many jobs have been lost to offshoring. Goldman Sachs believes 300,000 – 500,000 jobs have been offshored over the last three years. May 21, 2004
Assuming each American workers earned an average annual salary of $61,900 at a rate of $29.76 per hour as of May 2022

500,000 jobs X ($61,000 per employee X 12.4% payroll tax equals ) $3,782,000,000 in Federal payroll tax revenue! GONE!
But most importantly 500,000 people put out of work, drawing unemployment payments, etc.
All because you WANT to pay MORE for a product made overseas that includes a TARIFF that YOU pay for?
Sure if you let them go offshore.

Listen pal. To me it sounds like in your world the corporations are in charge. You're a big fat pussy. In China the corporations are not in charge and yet still corporations are killing themselves trying to get into that market. I bet they pay their taxes in China.

But in America, corporations run the place. Interesting.

Didn't Trump say he would tariff companies who move overseas?
We already know you enthusiastically support a rich white man who verbally abuses his employees. Insulting me isn't going to change the fact that you're a racist, a misogynist, and a bigot. Own it.
If I were, I would.
But you're the MAGADUMIAN which, by definition, means that those that abuse people, rape, lie, steal, and want to bang their daughters are heroes to you.
Own that bucko.
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