Joe Biden VS Donald Trump

Okay, so I'm really sick and tired of all this crap from Biden supporters who can't seem to give me one single logical and fair reason why they support him and hate Trump.
Are you sick or something?
WTF is the matter with you lady?

You keep asking the same question and got serious responses why Biden is a superior choice to Trump

You then come back and say…..Nobody can give me a single logical answer

Sorry Crazy Lady, but I am not playing your game
Go back to your previous thread on the SAME TOPIC and read the responses

You got your fucking responses in THIS THREAD

I never got my answers like I specifically posted in the OP. Even now nobody has left me a list of what they like about Biden so I'm calling this one as you've got NOTHING.

What I like about Biden as a President (and you could say this about nearly everyone who ran on the Democratic Party side of the ledger in 2020) is that he respects and understands the role of government. Your blob didn't know the role of government, much less respect it.

You saw this in the moves that got him impeached the first time--telling the Ukraine to investigate the Biden's.

You saw this in how the blob treated our allies. You saw this in how he aggressively treated the Chinese. I'm sure you haven't the faintest idea what I'm talking about but NK launched some missiles on 7/4/2017. It was from a mobile launcher. The first mobile launch. Where did they get the launcher? China! They didn't have one of these until we started a trade war with the Chinese. Perhaps you can wrap your head around the fact that a mobile launcher is much harder to find and destroy.

So save the argument that your blob knew what he was doing. COVID proved that he didn't have a fucking clue; and neither do you.
Okay, so I'm really sick and tired of all this crap from Biden supporters who can't seem to give me one single logical and fair reason why they support him and hate Trump.
Are you sick or something?
WTF is the matter with you lady?

You keep asking the same question and got serious responses why Biden is a superior choice to Trump

You then come back and say…..Nobody can give me a single logical answer

Sorry Crazy Lady, but I am not playing your game
Go back to your previous thread on the SAME TOPIC and read the responses

You got your fucking responses in THIS THREAD
They can’t understand that others have different views on THE ISSUES.

They can’t understand that others don’t adore the damaged buffoon like they do.

They’re too busy being conned to pay attention.
I can’t figure this dingbat out

She is either a poor excuse for a troll or certifiable batshit crazy
Or just a Trumpster. Have you talked to many of these people, face to face, for at least a few minutes?

This is what has me so concerned. They really believe all this stuff, they really have no understanding of the perspectives of anyone else, and there's a bunch of them walking around out there.
Okay, so I'm really sick and tired of all this crap from Biden supporters who can't seem to give me one single logical and fair reason why they support him and hate Trump.

Reasons Why I Support Trump

but here's why I don't like Joe Biden:

1. He's a liar.

2. He's a cheat.

3. He's destroying everything that Trump accomplished.

4. He's letting illegals into this country.

5. He's making higher taxes.

6. In his own mastermind way he's starting to turn the US into a communist country because if Americans keep getting stimulus checks they're not going to want to work and have to rely on the government for everything.

7. He's trying to take away our right to bear arms.

8. He's making gas prices higher.
Oct 19, 2016 — Donald Trump is playing with fire. The Republican presidential nominee's claim that the election is being rigged against him

Oct 17, 2016 — Trump's warnings that fraud could hand the election to Hillary Clinton not only are unprecedented, but they could also do long-term harm,

Oct 8, 2016 — Jonathan Blitzer on Donald Trump's warnings about voter fraud and how they fit in with a longtime Republican Party election strategy.

Why is Donald Trump attacking the US intelligence community ...

For two years, Donald Trump has attacked the US intelligence ...

Donald Trump's growing divide with the intelligence communities could ..

The battle lines are drawn. On one side stand the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency. On the other: the commander-in-chief of the United States.

On one side stand the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency. On the other: the commander-in-chief of the United States.

He rejected the conclusion of American intelligence that his election was aided by a hydra-headed act of political warfare controlled by the Kremlin.

He accepted Vladimir Putin’s denial that anything of the kind ever happened.

“President Putin… said it’s not Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.”

former acting CIA director Mike Morell wrote ... “In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.”

former CIA and NSA chief Mike Hayden used a Russian term: polezni durak, a useful fool, “manipulated by Moscow, secretly held in contempt, but whose blind support is happily accepted and exploited.”
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Okay, so I'm really sick and tired of all this crap from Biden supporters who can't seem to give me one single logical and fair reason why they support him and hate Trump.
Are you sick or something?
WTF is the matter with you lady?

You keep asking the same question and got serious responses why Biden is a superior choice to Trump

You then come back and say…..Nobody can give me a single logical answer

Sorry Crazy Lady, but I am not playing your game
Go back to your previous thread on the SAME TOPIC and read the responses

You got your fucking responses in THIS THREAD
They can’t understand that others have different views on THE ISSUES.

They can’t understand that others don’t adore the damaged buffoon like they do.

They’re too busy being conned to pay attention.
I can’t figure this dingbat out

She is either a poor excuse for a troll or certifiable batshit crazy
Or just a Trumpster. Have you talked to many of these people, face to face, for at least a few minutes?

This is what has me so concerned. They really believe all this stuff, they really have no understanding of the perspectives of anyone else, and there's a bunch of them walking around out there.
She does buy all the Trump misinformation as doctrine.
Quite gullible
Okay, so I'm really sick and tired of all this crap from Biden supporters who can't seem to give me one single logical and fair reason why they support him and hate Trump.
Are you sick or something?
WTF is the matter with you lady?

You keep asking the same question and got serious responses why Biden is a superior choice to Trump

You then come back and say…..Nobody can give me a single logical answer

Sorry Crazy Lady, but I am not playing your game
Go back to your previous thread on the SAME TOPIC and read the responses

You got your fucking responses in THIS THREAD

I never got my answers like I specifically posted in the OP. Even now nobody has left me a list of what they like about Biden so I'm calling this one as you've got NOTHING.
What is the matter with you ?

You got more detailed answers than you deserved
Why do you have the GALL to dismiss them and then claim nobody could answer your question
You cannot say one good thing Biden has done.
He got the COVID vaccine out
Okay, so I'm really sick and tired of all this crap from Biden supporters who can't seem to give me one single logical and fair reason why they support him and hate Trump.
Are you sick or something?
WTF is the matter with you lady?

You keep asking the same question and got serious responses why Biden is a superior choice to Trump

You then come back and say…..Nobody can give me a single logical answer

Sorry Crazy Lady, but I am not playing your game
Go back to your previous thread on the SAME TOPIC and read the responses

You got your fucking responses in THIS THREAD

I never got my answers like I specifically posted in the OP. Even now nobody has left me a list of what they like about Biden so I'm calling this one as you've got NOTHING.
What is the matter with you ?

You got more detailed answers than you deserved
Why do you have the GALL to dismiss them and then claim nobody could answer your question
You cannot say one good thing Biden has done.
He got the COVID vaccine out
Lol, Trump got the covid vaccine out. Anyway the vaccine is proving not so good. People are dying after receiving it and are getting covid after receiving it.
Trump had a better foreign policy. i don't even understand Biden's foreign policy

Biden says he wants a "rules-based order"...i'm not against that, but i'm not against golden retrievers either

a weak foreign policy like Biden's emboldens America's enemies
Trump's foreign policy was idiotic...

He was considered a childish and untrustworthy by allies... They made fun of him behind his back... He wasn't invited to the real meetings...

Trump was clueless when in foreign policy... He begged the Australian PM and others over the phone for help domestically, do you how weak that make US look..
3. He's a man of God.
download (10).jpeg
Lets see how gullible the OP is…

She believes

1. He built a wall to keep people out of this country who hate us and want to kill us.

No, Mexicans do not hate us or want to kill us. They come here to pick our crops, make our beds, mow our lawns. They make good citizens, always have

2. He supports our constitutional rights.

Trump tried to circumvent the Constitution and overturn the will of the voters

3. He's a man of God.

Trump has no history of being a man of faith. He has no knowledge of the Bible and uses it as a prop

4. He loves America.

Hugging a flag is not loving America

5. He developed the Covid vaccines ahead of schedule.

Yes he did

6. He lowered taxes.

For most Americans, especially the rich
Not for me

7. He found jobs for millions of Americans.

Trump finished with fewer employed than he started with

8. (Despite what some people might say about him) He tried to keep families at the US border together.

Trump made no attempt to track families after they were separated

9. Made healthcare a personal choice.

Trump tried to cancel healthcare in the middle off a pandemic

10. Made healthcare more affordable.

Blatantly untrue
Okay, so I'm really sick and tired of all this crap from Biden supporters who can't seem to give me one single logical and fair reason why they support him and hate Trump. So I'm challenging you Biden supporters to a bit of a test to see if you can handle it. Here's the rules. Trump supporters and Biden supporters will list ten things that they like about the person they support and anything (it doesn't have to be ten this time) that they don't like about the opposing side. If you can prove to me that you can come up with better reasons to support him (it can't be just because you hate Trump) then I will publicly apologize and declare you're right and that he should actually be president. playtime, now's your chance to prove me wrong.

Reasons Why I Support Trump

1. He built a wall to keep people out of this country who hate us and want to kill us.

2. He supports our constitutional rights.

3. He's a man of God.

4. He loves America.

5. He developed the Covid vaccines ahead of schedule.

6. He lowered taxes.

7. He found jobs for millions of Americans.

8. (Despite what some people might say about him) He tried to keep families at the US border together.

9. Made healthcare a personal choice.

10. Made healthcare more affordable.

Now I could go on and on and on here but here's why I don't like Joe Biden: (Or I suppose the Biden/Harris administration)

1. He's a liar.

2. He's a cheat.

3. He's destroying everything that Trump accomplished.

4. He's letting illegals into this country.

5. He's making higher taxes.

6. In his own mastermind way he's starting to turn the US into a communist country because if Americans keep getting stimulus checks they're not going to want to work and have to rely on the government for everything.

7. He's trying to take away our right to bear arms.

8. He's making gas prices higher.
He's a man of god?

  • You're smoking the good stuff it seems.

He tried to keep families together at the border?

  • His own Chief of Staff and AG said that the policy was separating kids.

If you're sick and tired of being corrected...try being smarter.
I think he was shout 'Oh God' when he was fucking the Porn star four months after his kid was born...

Or was he thinking about God when fucking a playmate....

That is not including the number of women he harassed but Trump thought he was allowed to do that because he was famous..

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