Joe Biden Wants To Raise Your Taxes Alot

how much extra do you voluntarily send in every year to cover the extra spending you agree with?

How is that going to address a $30 trillion debt? Me sending in extra won't even cover the floor mats of a military vehicle.

I'm happy to pay higher taxes to address our $30 trillion debt.
Then why are we $30 Trillion in debt? I'm trying to make sense of your post........are you trying to claim I'm a Republican because I want taxes raised to pay for what we are spending? LOL
Im claiming your a liberal because you would rather raise taxes than cut spending!!!
How is that going to address a $30 trillion debt? Me sending in extra won't even cover the floor mats of a military vehicle.

I'm happy to pay higher taxes to address our $30 trillion debt.
Typical hypocrisy!!!! Its gotta start somewhere. LEAD THE WAY. BE AN EXAMPLE TO OTHERS who think like you do!!!!! Stop talking and start DOING.

The only thing that can stop him is a GOP majority in the Senate
Joe Biden, Doubling Down on Stupid Every Day.
Im claiming your a liberal because you would rather raise taxes than cut spending!!!

Cut spending? LOL.........Spending went up BIG time under Trump. Under Trump we added $8 trillion more in debt? I'm supposed to believe in fairy tales?

What are you wanting? Another Trump that will cut taxes and increase spending?
We are 27 trillion in debt and growing and you want to cut taxes. You obviously are not willing to pay your share.
That 27 Trillion is the exact same figure we have blown on Social Spending for the morbidly lazy left voting base.

Stop spending our great great great great great great grandchildren's inheritance.
Typical hypocrisy!!!! Its gotta start somewhere. LEAD THE WAY. BE AN EXAMPLE TO OTHERS who think like you do!!!!! Stop talking and start DOING.

I pay my taxes. Your juvenile responses are just that. Defend the $8 trillion in new debt under Trump and tell me how me sending in some extra is going to address that.
I pay my taxes. Your juvenile responses are just that. Defend the $8 trillion in new debt under Trump and tell me how me sending in some extra is going to address that.
I won't defend it. But im not a hypocrite calling for more taxes while not volunteering to pay more without being forced.
Cut spending? LOL.........Spending went up BIG time under Trump. Under Trump we added $8 trillion more in debt? I'm supposed to believe in fairy tales?

What are you wanting? Another Trump that will cut taxes and increase spending?
What I want is for those who call for everyone else to be forced to pay more of their money to a govt. that is out of control to step up and do it themselves voluntarily. Thats what I want. You won't get me to to defend Trumps spending. It was his biggest downfall in an otherwise damn good administration. But I refuse to call for Americans to pay more out of some jealous petty complex. I will call for the govt. to live within its means just like I have to do. THAT is what should be done.
I won't defend it. But im not a hypocrite calling for more taxes while not volunteering to pay more without being forced.

I'm not advocating for people to pay more on their own are simply making up positions because you have NO answers.
What I want is for those who call for everyone else to be forced to pay more of their money to a govt. that is out of control to step up and do it themselves voluntarily. Thats what I want. You won't get me to to defend Trumps spending. It was his biggest downfall in an otherwise damn good administration. But I refuse to call for Americans to pay more out of some jealous petty complex. I will call for the govt. to live within its means just like I have to do. THAT is what should be done.

Jealous petty complex? Not wanting to leave our debt to future generation is petty? You really need to rethink things.

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