Joe Biden Wants To Raise Your Taxes Alot

I voted for Jorgenson. Did you vote for more debt?
You mean you voted for Jorgensen but just don't care about her enough to spell her name right?
"You are supporting more of the same."
"Did you vote for more debt?"
Were you born such an insufferable prick and do you need to practice every day?

So that would be yes, you support what you condemn out of others but rather than face your hypocrisy you think the answer is attacking the one pointing it out to you.
Hurry, hurry, now! Yeah, yeah, that must make sense. Fuck it. Time's up. I'm goin' with that one!
Raising taxes will be the only promise Biden would keep. And you can forget about that over $400,000 bullshit. Everyone will get hit. Well, everyone except Dolan, Zuckerburg, Murdock, Gates, the Google guy, Tim Cook and the rest of the super rich assholes who went above and beyond to get Biden elected. They'll never pay taxes

Just like now. They all get billions in taxpayers money and pays nothing in return in taxes.
It took decades of legislation to create the loopholes that make it possible for Buffet to pay no taxes and Biden was a part of writing all those loopholes. Just remember, 21% of 0 and 60% of 0 equals the same thing. This imaginary tax hike on the rich will never happen. That's why the corporate money all went to Biden. Trump's mistake was in overestimating the ability of voters to see how crooked and hypocritical Biden and Democrats are. On the other hand, the MSM played to uninformed voters with limited understanding abilities and got them to flock to Biden using information suppression, half truths and lies. Without easily brainwashed dummies and voter fraud this election would have been a cakewalk for Trump.
Biden, Pelosi, Schumer want to eliminate the Trump $10,000 cap on deducting State and Local Taxes on your Federal tax return. This tax cut would almost entirely benefit the wealthy. As punishment for Biden/Harris and a member of the 3% I'll take this tax cut to the bank. :muahaha:
Raising taxes will be the only promise Biden would keep. And you can forget about that over $400,000 bullshit. Everyone will get hit. Well, everyone except Dolan, Zuckerburg, Murdock, Gates, the Google guy, Tim Cook and the rest of the super rich assholes who went above and beyond to get Biden elected. They'll never pay taxes

Just like now. They all get billions in taxpayers money and pays nothing in return in taxes.
It took decades of legislation to create the loopholes that make it possible for Buffet to pay no taxes and Biden was a part of writing all those loopholes.

He was. What does that have to do with my position?

Just remember, 21% of 0 and 60% of 0 equals the same thing. This imaginary tax hike on the rich will never happen. That's why the corporate money all went to Biden. Trump's mistake was in overestimating the ability of voters to see how crooked and hypocritical Biden and Democrats are. On the other hand, the MSM played to uninformed voters with limited understanding abilities and got them to flock to Biden using information suppression, half truths and lies. Without easily brainwashed dummies and voter fraud this election would have been a cakewalk for Trump.

Do I think Biden will do this? No, but it is what needs done. That's my argument,
Raising taxes will be the only promise Biden would keep. And you can forget about that over $400,000 bullshit. Everyone will get hit. Well, everyone except Dolan, Zuckerburg, Murdock, Gates, the Google guy, Tim Cook and the rest of the super rich assholes who went above and beyond to get Biden elected. They'll never pay taxes

Just like now. They all get billions in taxpayers money and pays nothing in return in taxes.
It took decades of legislation to create the loopholes that make it possible for Buffet to pay no taxes and Biden was a part of writing all those loopholes.

He was. What does that have to do with my position?

Just remember, 21% of 0 and 60% of 0 equals the same thing. This imaginary tax hike on the rich will never happen. That's why the corporate money all went to Biden. Trump's mistake was in overestimating the ability of voters to see how crooked and hypocritical Biden and Democrats are. On the other hand, the MSM played to uninformed voters with limited understanding abilities and got them to flock to Biden using information suppression, half truths and lies. Without easily brainwashed dummies and voter fraud this election would have been a cakewalk for Trump.

Do I think Biden will do this? No, but it is what needs done. That's my argument,
Redoing our stupid free trade agreements would help to make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. It might even encourage them to move production back to America. Trump was doing a great job on this until the election. Of course the corporations didn't like it because it stepped on their rigged deals. But our corporations are short sighted and overly concerned with the daily stock numbers. That's a recipe for long term failure. Biden will also be the go along guy when it comes to open borders which also hurts the American worker and taxpayer. It's too bad because we were heading in the right direction before this so called election. All this election really proved is that the super rich, who Democrats talk about taxing, were able to fix the election so they will never have to pay taxes. That's for certain.
Raising taxes will be the only promise Biden would keep. And you can forget about that over $400,000 bullshit. Everyone will get hit. Well, everyone except Dolan, Zuckerburg, Murdock, Gates, the Google guy, Tim Cook and the rest of the super rich assholes who went above and beyond to get Biden elected. They'll never pay taxes

Just like now. They all get billions in taxpayers money and pays nothing in return in taxes.
It took decades of legislation to create the loopholes that make it possible for Buffet to pay no taxes and Biden was a part of writing all those loopholes.

He was. What does that have to do with my position?

Just remember, 21% of 0 and 60% of 0 equals the same thing. This imaginary tax hike on the rich will never happen. That's why the corporate money all went to Biden. Trump's mistake was in overestimating the ability of voters to see how crooked and hypocritical Biden and Democrats are. On the other hand, the MSM played to uninformed voters with limited understanding abilities and got them to flock to Biden using information suppression, half truths and lies. Without easily brainwashed dummies and voter fraud this election would have been a cakewalk for Trump.

Do I think Biden will do this? No, but it is what needs done. That's my argument,
Redoing our stupid free trade agreements would help to make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. It might even encourage them to move production back to America. Trump was doing a great job on this until the election. Of course the corporations didn't like it because it stepped on their rigged deals. But our corporations are short sighted and overly concerned with the daily stock numbers. That's a recipe for long term failure. Biden will also be the go along guy when it comes to open borders which also hurts the American worker and taxpayer. It's too bad because we were heading in the right direction before this so called election. All this election really proved is that the super rich, who Democrats talk about taxing, were able to fix the election so they will never have to pay taxes. That's for certain.

Redoing our agreements can help. A 12 year old can not do that. 4 years and there is no new agreement with China.

Trump was raised getting his way because of daddy's money. He found out that the world doesn't care.

The only thing that can stop him is a GOP majority in the Senate
bra hahahahahahahahahaha you loser thing you are going to take over the senate???? really ... you'll be lucky if you have any republican senators that can do anything accept whine about the people getting a better life then them're funny

The only thing that can stop him is a GOP majority in the Senate
Then go out and convince enough people that your ideas are better than those of the Democrats, and win enough elections to regain power.

Rather than kissing the a$$ of your Orange Baboon-God and playing the part of the whiney-bitch about past elections that you lost fair-and-square.

Helpful Tip: dump Teflon Don from your ballot or you'll never win another election until you do.
Yes, I believe that is the only way to get the government to address their out of control spending. People love their free stuff and as long as they aren't paying for it they are never going to demand it stop,
the problem you have is nobody is getting free stuff ... thats just the rantings of republican sheep ... they can't come up with and actual truth so the make it up ... welfare not free food stamps not free ... everybody pays for it ... theres no such thing as free stuff..
Oh boy! When a Democrat wins that means it's time to worry about debts and deficits again!
look at the war we just pulled out of ... trillions of dollars was wasted on that war... got us right back where they were with 27 trillion dollars lighter in our coffers ... you right wing nut cases complain about welfare, food stamps, raising the minimum wage, or wasteful taxes and here they waste trillions of dollars of taxes money and you right wing nut jobs nt one peep ...never one complaint about their waste... its always the starving mom on the streets, with her kids, begging for food... trying to get help from the government and you complain ... lets take their freebe's away ... then convince yourself these trillion of dollars spent on the afghan wars you say was a good idea guys make me puke .... the sight of you whining about welfare just makes me laugh at you ...
It took decades of legislation to create the loopholes that make it possible for Buffet to pay no taxes and Biden was a part of writing all those loopholes. Just remember, 21% of 0 and 60% of 0 equals the same thing. This imaginary tax hike on the rich will never happen. That's why the corporate money all went to Biden. Trump's mistake was in overestimating the ability of voters to see how crooked and hypocritical Biden and Democrats are. On the other hand, the MSM played to uninformed voters with limited understanding abilities and got them to flock to Biden using information suppression, half truths and lies. Without easily brainwashed dummies and voter fraud this election would have been a cakewalk for Trump.
sorry these loop holes were are written by republicans I see you're too stupid to get that ...
We are 27 trillion in debt and growing and you want to cut taxes. You obviously are not willing to pay your share.
how much extra do you voluntarily send in every year to cover the extra spending you agree with?
If you are a liberal, please define "rich" and "fair share"

Those are two terms liberals throw around daily, but they never ever define them clearly.

Thanks. We will wait!
Redoing our stupid free trade agreements would help to make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. It might even encourage them to move production back to America. Trump was doing a great job on this until the election. Of course the corporations didn't like it because it stepped on their rigged deals. But our corporations are short sighted and overly concerned with the daily stock numbers. That's a recipe for long term failure. Biden will also be the go along guy when it comes to open borders which also hurts the American worker and taxpayer. It's too bad because we were heading in the right direction before this so called election. All this election really proved is that the super rich, who Democrats talk about taxing, were able to fix the election so they will never have to pay taxes. That's for certain.
now this is just plain stupidity talking ... trump made it so bad trying to get new trade agreements he was doing a horrible job ... heres a guy who has bankrupt business after business of billions go dollars and you think he will do a great job just because you don't like corporations deals and say they rigged them ... who rigged them fool ??? do some damn research for once in your miserable life ... its call deregulation ...the war cry of every republican ... deregulate the banks... deregulation the laws for companies ... then all hell brakes loose the market starts dropping, Bigly, a word you've heard a lot ... you have no idea what going on ... when the democrats made laws on loans you had to adhere to that law ... say for instance the loan had a triple rating it was was check bigly... what did the republicans do in 2003 ??? the passed the American dream downpayment it deregulated banks bigly ... it took all of AIG's ability to make sure the loan they were passing they made sure they had the ability to pay it back and they had collateral ... the republicans deregulated that ... so no more checking out the borrower ... then the republicans bill the passed what was called "over the counter derivative" and "bulk loans" ... this unregulated the banks .... it would take several triple A loans combine them with a ton of bad loans and sell them to unsuspecting banks, as good loans ... bank could now give themselves triple A rantings could this have happened ???? deregulation the favorite word of republicans ... the deregulation of the banks thanks to the likes of Phil graham.... then his "over the counter derivative" what a mess they made ...Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives are contracts that are traded (and privately negotiated) directly between two parties, without going through an exchange or other intermediary. Products such as swaps, forward rate agreements, exotic options – and other exotic derivatives in other words you had no idea what was happening with that trade ... no regulations ... this is one of the biggest cause of the 2008 stock market crash along with bulk loans and design by republicans under trump they were trying to do this again with the banks and lenders ... so don't tell us how great trump was thanks to Joe Biden along the democrats getting elected we don't have to have a stock market and banks crash again ... so don't tell us how great trump when he just cause us huge amounts of debt by his corporation taks cut ... the only people who made money was the owners and CEO's ...
The question should be, how much of MY money is government entitled to?
that's the problem with liberals. they are so butt hurt that anyone is able to do well for themselves that they don't consider it YOUR money to begin with. The govt. is supposed to take care of everyone so its THEIR MONEY and THEY decide how much you get at the end of the day. Its completely backwards thinking to what America stands for. Most libs would be much more comfortable in China, or Cuba.
sorry these loop holes were are written by republicans I see you're too stupid to get that ...
Sorry, but those loopholes were written by the establishment from both parties. That would be the same people that todays Marxists praise. Your reality is political and has nothing to do with truth.
now this is just plain stupidity talking ... trump made it so bad trying to get new trade agreements he was doing a horrible job ... heres a guy who has bankrupt business after business of billions go dollars and you think he will do a great job just because you don't like corporations deals and say they rigged them ... who rigged them fool ??? do some damn research for once in your miserable life ... its call deregulation ...the war cry of every republican ... deregulate the banks... deregulation the laws for companies ... then all hell brakes loose the market starts dropping, Bigly, a word you've heard a lot ... you have no idea what going on ... when the democrats made laws on loans you had to adhere to that law ... say for instance the loan had a triple rating it was was check bigly... what did the republicans do in 2003 ??? the passed the American dream downpayment it deregulated banks bigly ... it took all of AIG's ability to make sure the loan they were passing they made sure they had the ability to pay it back and they had collateral ... the republicans deregulated that ... so no more checking out the borrower ... then the republicans bill the passed what was called "over the counter derivative" and "bulk loans" ... this unregulated the banks .... it would take several triple A loans combine them with a ton of bad loans and sell them to unsuspecting banks, as good loans ... bank could now give themselves triple A rantings could this have happened ???? deregulation the favorite word of republicans ... the deregulation of the banks thanks to the likes of Phil graham.... then his "over the counter derivative" what a mess they made ...Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives are contracts that are traded (and privately negotiated) directly between two parties, without going through an exchange or other intermediary. Products such as swaps, forward rate agreements, exotic options – and other exotic derivatives in other words you had no idea what was happening with that trade ... no regulations ... this is one of the biggest cause of the 2008 stock market crash along with bulk loans and design by republicans under trump they were trying to do this again with the banks and lenders ... so don't tell us how great trump was thanks to Joe Biden along the democrats getting elected we don't have to have a stock market and banks crash again ... so don't tell us how great trump when he just cause us huge amounts of debt by his corporation taks cut ... the only people who made money was the owners and CEO's ...

Loads of utter ignorance.
the problem you have is nobody is getting free stuff ... thats just the rantings of republican sheep ... they can't come up with and actual truth so the make it up ... welfare not free food stamps not free ... everybody pays for it ... theres no such thing as free stuff..

Then why are we $30 Trillion in debt? I'm trying to make sense of your post........are you trying to claim I'm a Republican because I want taxes raised to pay for what we are spending? LOL

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