Joe Biden's Abortion Platform--what is it?

So neither of us lives in Wyoming where politicians who raise taxes by so little and one cent are voted out of office the very next term. And if you're paying $1500 a year for a Condo, you're rich enough to pay it. I'm not, and I have no income that would pay such a fee.

Sounds to me like you could sell your farm and get more than enough money to retire on.

The bank has nothing to do with my farm. I spent all the money I had on paying cash fer it. I did not anticipate a $3000 tax hike on the place when I started on Social Security a few years later, and I'm disabled so I can't just run out to the employment office and find a job that tolerates somebody missing for several days a week while dealing with one health issue after another that fibromyalgia causes.

All this government dependence, and you still want to vote for the party that would push your wheelchair off the cliff.
Joe sez: "Sounds to me like you could sell your farm and get more than enough money to retire on."

So Democrats like you would like to take someone else who worked hard for a lifetime to remove their idea of the American Dream. <burp>

Sometimes your meanness becomes cruelty, Joe.
I'm not particularly rich, Joe, but I own my deed to my farm and my own car, the bank doesn't, and I'm a couple of car repairs from fiscal disaster on my 2004 truck, which cost a couple of thousand dollars two months ago on a transmission repairs that they said might not keep a year from today...

Wow. That didn't answer my question at all. Let's try again.

If ending abortion is a MORAL IMPERATIVE AND THE WILL OF GOD....

then why do the rich always get their tax cuts but abortion never gets banned?

It was a pretty simple question, even for a simpleton like you, but your head would explode.

I'll make it easy for you.

YOU ARE BEING PLAYED. The GOP doesn't want to end abortion, they just want to keep you angry about it so you keep voting Republican even when you are about to lose the farm..

I din't vote in the last election. I was throwing up on voting day and I don't believe in absentee voting because it's too easy to abuse voting if you are not present with a fingerprint and an eye scan proving you are the person casting the vote.

And you're making accusations against a fellow poster that is putting you on my ignore list for lying.
What evidence, other than your thoughts, do you have of such voting abuse that leads you to such a conclusion?
Biden is as soulless as any modern day worshipper of Le Marquis de Sade, a sadist. They're all toothy smiles beneath dead black shark's eyes. His platform? His party? Mass murder of the unborn—meeting their daily quota of sacrifices.

When you wingnuts agree to 90% tax rates to pay for all these unwanted babies, then you can get back to me.

Individual responsibility is worth far more it’s weight in gold than any tax hike. I don’t expect you to understand that though...

“Individual responsibility”

And you’ll be voting for Trump – someone who has never taken “Individual responsibility.”

Too funny.

Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Individual responsibility is worth far more it’s weight in gold than any tax hike. I don’t expect you to understand that though...

Women who get abortions are showing the ultimate responsibility. They are not taking on a role they aren't ready for. We should celebrate them.

Abortion is wonderful.. it weeds out the maladjusted and pisses off the religious. It's a win-win.

You are seriously one disturbed human being. That’s some Mengele-level thinking right there...
President Trump is not a Tramp because you hate him. The Democrat Party conspired to impeach him falsely, and it wound up on a garbage heap. I think your party is in its last throes, although I may be wrong. I think the American people know the Democrats have played them and will replace this Congress with Republican majorities in both Houses of Congress, and will elect mainly Republicans who will not defect on important issues like abortion, which is likely to be the drumroll of the Democrat party for the entire upcoming presidential election. I'm saying this, not as any kind of savant, but because I think the American people are smarter than the Democrats have ever dreamed, and they will not get re-elected ever again due to Joe Biden's extortion, and like me, they will realize that abortion is a form of human elimination aka murder, and is not only as bad as murder, it is worse, because it kills the soul of women who used to be all about bringing life into a troubled world with the hopes that the next generation would back off war and wrongdoing.

What we often don't get is that taking a life away from another human being is the same whether the human being is a "blob of cells" or has taken its first breath. Before a human reaches the stage of taking a breath, it first has to form enough in the womb to accommodate lungs that are ready to be used to inhale and exhale.
Are you against the death penalty?
Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?
The adultery thing didn't seem to bother you about Clinton. Clinton cheated on his wife both with and without the permission of a large number of women than has come under public scrutiny. The difference between Trump and Clinton is that Trump is sorry for his behavior, and Clinton didn't give a rat's patoot about his infidelities as he arrogantly denied affairs until he left office when his admission to lying about his girlfriend of 10 years (Jennifer Flowers) came about, after he and Hillary used their "War room" to invent lies about her and other women he sexually used for his pleasure. Several women accused him of rape after they told him no. The entire Democrat Party ignored Clinton's indiscretion in order to keep the power they lusted for. And this nation now has a Democrat House Leader who told people she is the most powerful woman in the world because she lusted for and got leadership in the House which means she is third in line to become the President. And her Democrat Party stood behind her while undermining President Trump and his Vice-President Pence in order that they could destroy the presidency but replace them with Nancy Pelosi who is the soul of corruption in this country.
How do you know that Trump was sorry? What evidence do you have of that?
Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?

If it wasn’t then, then none of Trump’s past is yours now...
Let's see let white man be the judge of whether or not to bring a six week pregnancy to term. Women tend to take stock of their situation. Will the father be made to pay child support and will I receive it? Probably not. Should I bring it to term and give it up for adoption? I mean the father doesn't care why should the woman? No I wouldn't bring it to term and give it away just make some white man happy and some child sad. Does the man love me and the fact I'm pregnant? No it was his suggestion to have the abortion. Who picks up the tab for that? Women. Also I have a hereditary disease do I want to pass that along? No Is vasectomy the same thing? Yes. All those sperm that weren't allowed to live. Poor babies.

After they take stock of the situation, they choose to abort. What is so God awful about that?
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Whether to carry a pregnancy to term or not is a private matter to be determined by the beliefs of the woman involved, not a matter of government concern. I think that Biden knows this. It is not the place of government to force ideological/religious beliefs on the people,

some really want this to come to fruition.

View attachment 337728

What are you talking about?

some ( those that call themselves 'pro life' ) would like to see a woman chained until she gave birth.

against her will.

so much for a smaller less intrusive gov'ment that CONservatives are always bitching that they want. sorry that i didn't spell it all out, but a couple other posters understood.
Spoken so true. Yet these are the folks who cry "freedom" and "Constitution"!!!
Joe sez: "Sounds to me like you could sell your farm and get more than enough money to retire on."

So Democrats like you would like to take someone else who worked hard for a lifetime to remove their idea of the American Dream. <burp>

Sometimes your meanness becomes cruelty, Joe.

Again, why should the rest of us subsidize your "dream"? Clearly, you don't have the ability to be profitable as a farmer... You don't have the right equipment, you don't have enough land, and you can't meet your tax obligations.

Meanness is telling a young woman that she has to give birth to a deformed baby or that she has to bring her rapist's baby to term. That's cruel.

Telling someone, hey, maybe you aren't cut out for a certain job when you are obviously failing at it... not so much.
Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?

If it wasn’t then, then none of Trump’s past is yours now...

lol... the (D)s never claimed to be 'the party of family values'. funny how newt gingrich - was screaming to the sky how slick willy was unfit because of his cigar fest & dress staining - was AT THAT SAME TIME boffing his concubine whilst still married to someone else.
& then donny appoints said concubine to be ambassador to the vatican.

you just can't get any more hypocritical than that.
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Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?

If it wasn’t then, then none of Trump’s past is yours now...

lol... the (D)s never claimed to be 'the party of family values'. funny how newt gingrich - was screaming to the sky how slick willy was unfit because of his cigar fest & dress staining - was AT THAT SAME TIME boffing his concubine whilst still married to someone else.
& then donny appoints said concubine to be ambassador to the vatican.

you just can't get any more hypocritical than that.
Any party that advocates for the killing of unborn children doesn’t by definition, have any values...
Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?

If it wasn’t then, then none of Trump’s past is yours now...

lol... the (D)s never claimed to be 'the party of family values'. funny how newt gingrich - was screaming to the sky how slick willy was unfit because of his cigar fest & dress staining - was AT THAT SAME TIME boffing his concubine whilst still married to someone else.
& then donny appoints said concubine to be ambassador to the vatican.

you just can't get any more hypocritical than that.
Any party that advocates for the killing of unborn children doesn’t by definition, have any values...
But there has been no party that does this.
He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

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View attachment 337674

Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism
There was a time only the obamanation supported murdering babies born alive after botched abortions. But all the other democrats joined in because it seemed cool to murder the innocent. If there is a baby around democrats will hunt it down and kill it because that is what they do. It's easy to kill the most helpless and innocent as democrats have no morals. They starve them, let them die of thirst, or bleed to death but never shoot them unless they can get away with it and only if it's up close and personal. Creepy Joe is no different. But I wouldn't worry about it as he doesn't have a snow ball's chance in Hell of winning any election. I will bet he will have no debate with Trump as Trump would slap him silly and silly is a bad way to be when you are also stupid.
Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?

If it wasn’t then, then none of Trump’s past is yours now...

lol... the (D)s never claimed to be 'the party of family values'. funny how newt gingrich - was screaming to the sky how slick willy was unfit because of his cigar fest & dress staining - was AT THAT SAME TIME boffing his concubine whilst still married to someone else.
& then donny appoints said concubine to be ambassador to the vatican.

you just can't get any more hypocritical than that.
Any party that advocates for the killing of unborn children doesn’t by definition, have any values...
Where have you been? They now support allow the murder of babies whose hearts are beating and lungs full of air. Morals have nothing to do with these sub humans. I'm sure the next time one is elected the shooting will start in the war these devils started three and a half years ago. Everyone I know have had it to the top of their heads with these criminals and all are ready to give up a weekend to put them in their place.
Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?

If it wasn’t then, then none of Trump’s past is yours now...

lol... the (D)s never claimed to be 'the party of family values'. funny how newt gingrich - was screaming to the sky how slick willy was unfit because of his cigar fest & dress staining - was AT THAT SAME TIME boffing his concubine whilst still married to someone else.
& then donny appoints said concubine to be ambassador to the vatican.

you just can't get any more hypocritical than that.
Any party that advocates for the killing of unborn children doesn’t by definition, have any values...

GOP Fundraiser Elliott Broidy Accused of Coercing Woman Into Having Abortion
By Edvard Pettersson
September 7, 2018, 12:24 PM EDT Updated on September 7, 2018, 3:51 PM EDT

Republican fundraiser Elliott Broidy lost his fight to prevent the public from learning about allegations in a lawsuit by former Playboy model Shera Bechard that he coerced her into having an abortion after getting her pregnant.

Broidy is accused by Bechard in the lawsuit of breaching an agreement to pay her $1.6 million to keep quiet about their affair. The hush payment deal was negotiated on Broidy’s behalf by Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer who pleaded guilty last month to campaign finance violations related to payments to Stephanie Clifford, the adult movie star known as Stormy Daniels.
GOP Fundraiser Elliott Broidy Accused of Coercing Woman Into Having Abortion

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