Joe Biden's Abortion Platform--what is it?

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He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

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Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism
It really doesn’t matter.

Biden is not going to appoint conservative judges to the Federal courts – or conservative justices to the Supreme Court – who are hostile to the right to privacy.

Moreover, the issue is otherwise moot: there’s a current authoritarian, conservative majority on the Supreme Court indeed hostile to the right to privacy and likely to rule allowing the states to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.
He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

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View attachment 337674

Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism

It depends on which day it is.
Biden is as soulless as any modern day worshipper of Le Marquis de Sade, a sadist. They're all toothy smiles beneath dead black shark's eyes. His platform? His party? Mass murder of the unborn—meeting their daily quota of sacrifices.

When you wingnuts agree to 90% tax rates to pay for all these unwanted babies, then you can get back to me.

Individual responsibility is worth far more it’s weight in gold than any tax hike. I don’t expect you to understand that though...

“Individual responsibility”

And you’ll be voting for Trump – someone who has never taken “Individual responsibility.”

Too funny.
He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

View attachment 337672

View attachment 337674

Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism
It really doesn’t matter.

Biden is not going to appoint conservative judges to the Federal courts – or conservative justices to the Supreme Court – who are hostile to the right to privacy.

Moreover, the issue is otherwise moot: there’s a current authoritarian, conservative majority on the Supreme Court indeed hostile to the right to privacy and likely to rule allowing the states to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.

Fucking Donnie. . . What good is your so called right to your privacy if you have no right to your life?
Abortion is the single most polarizing issue in America. There are more single-issue voters for this than anything else. But let me ask you pro-lifers a serious question. If your daughter was raped and subsequently impregnated, would you then support abortion to prevent untold misery and suffering of both daughter and her child?
Abortion is the single most polarizing issue in America. There are more single-issue voters for this than anything else. But let me ask you pro-lifers a serious question. If your daughter was raped and subsequently impregnated, would you then support abortion to prevent untold misery and suffering of both daughter and her child?
And...answer me honestly!!!!
Whether to carry a pregnancy to term or not is a private matter to be determined by the beliefs of the woman involved, not a matter of government concern. I think that Biden knows this. It is not the place of government to force ideological/religious beliefs on the people,

some really want this to come to fruition.

View attachment 337728

What are you talking about?
Biden's position on abortion: "kill 'em, kill 'em all!"

Of course with Biden you can never be sure if he even understands that abortion kills.
He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

View attachment 337672

View attachment 337674

Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism

Tramp use to be pro abortion. The only reason his is not is for the Christian zealot votes, truth be known he probably paid for a few.
If they pay for vasectomies then they must cover abortion.

I have no opinion if fed funds should go for abortion, but one must not close PP as they do in MO and TX, all the republicans states. Republicans have abortions as well, if truth be known they have them more often than not , like Abby Johnson, she had 2 and is now pro like activist. You probably had a abortion or a few, we will never know,
and we have no reason to.
That's President Trump to you, Madam Sock.

I thought abortion was a choice too until I got into a debate with a Professor who taught human psychology class that I took. He took the antiabortion side. I could see his pov, but it took me at least a year to realize he was right and I was wrong. When people have an open mind to debate, they can and do change their minds, even if it takes an indefinite amount of time to realize their debate was wrong, and their opposition was correct in every way. And that's why I'm against abortion: it's a bad thing to do to another human being, and in addition, life has stages from the time it's a two-cell fertalized ovum of a human being until it has literally millions upon millions of cells when that same human being is born, becomes a child, who becomes a grownup, who reaches old age and until its death, is a human being.

No, its tramp for me. He should be tramp to you as well. Its none your business who has an abortion or not, other people's health stance is none of your business, unless they chose to advertise it like Abby Johnson.

And by the way , I know how babies are made. I never changed my mind on the matter, and no debater can ever be wrong, everyone has opinions, but opinions on only your health matters to you, not someone elses.

It's not the first or the last time that Democrats truly believed that humans were less than human and exploited their beliefs for monetary and political gains.

i don't believe they ever used the term 'infestation' & other similar words when talking about them thar brownies crossing the border.

I was talking about Black slavery and oppression Democrats so dearly loved and still love in their ghetto's to this very day but interesting you bring up Democrats supporting "illegal" border crossings at the expense of taxpaying citizens for their political sedition and gain.

funny that you don't think black people can't decide for themselves & vote accordingly. hmmmm rather ironic of you.

& those were dixiecrats & were full tilt KKK members - we know we know.... but sometime around 1965, that sure flipped didn't it?

anyhoo, lumps - let's stay in the current... them thar 'illegals' aren't 'infesting', & only a few of the most extreme left advocate for 'open' borders.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................ good common sensical bi partisan immigration reform has been drawn up in past years & whoooooooooo always shelves it? i do believe that paul ryan is guilty as sin in that regard & i don't think anything even close to that has come fwd since.

there IS a process for asylum & donny ain't following it; 'cause after all.... they are 'vermin'. i do believe THAT word has been used as well.

sweet huh?

Sadly, you're full of misinformation and Democrat rewriting of history this morning ole friend and I'm not in the mood to straighten you out.

relax .. enjoy .. there's no reason not to smile and enjoy life from my perspective, how about you?

who says i'm not smilin'?
Whether to carry a pregnancy to term or not is a private matter to be determined by the beliefs of the woman involved, not a matter of government concern. I think that Biden knows this. It is not the place of government to force ideological/religious beliefs on the people,

some really want this to come to fruition.

View attachment 337728

What are you talking about?

some ( those that call themselves 'pro life' ) would like to see a woman chained until she gave birth.

against her will.

so much for a smaller less intrusive gov'ment that CONservatives are always bitching that they want. sorry that i didn't spell it all out, but a couple other posters understood.
So neither of us lives in Wyoming where politicians who raise taxes by so little and one cent are voted out of office the very next term. And if you're paying $1500 a year for a Condo, you're rich enough to pay it. I'm not, and I have no income that would pay such a fee.

Sounds to me like you could sell your farm and get more than enough money to retire on.

The bank has nothing to do with my farm. I spent all the money I had on paying cash fer it. I did not anticipate a $3000 tax hike on the place when I started on Social Security a few years later, and I'm disabled so I can't just run out to the employment office and find a job that tolerates somebody missing for several days a week while dealing with one health issue after another that fibromyalgia causes.

All this government dependence, and you still want to vote for the party that would push your wheelchair off the cliff.
Individual responsibility is worth far more it’s weight in gold than any tax hike. I don’t expect you to understand that though...

Women who get abortions are showing the ultimate responsibility. They are not taking on a role they aren't ready for. We should celebrate them.

Abortion is wonderful.. it weeds out the maladjusted and pisses off the religious. It's a win-win.
Could I get at least one of you pro-aborts to answer this question. . .
If YOU were NOT a child , when YOU were in the zygote, embryo or fetal stages of YOUR life. . . what is it then, that makes YOUR biological father YOUR biological father?

I didn't exist until I was born. That's what my birth certificates says.

No civil rights for medical waste, buddy.
He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

View attachment 337672

View attachment 337674

Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism

Tramp use to be pro abortion. The only reason his is not is for the Christian zealot votes, truth be known he probably paid for a few.
If they pay for vasectomies then they must cover abortion.

I have no opinion if fed funds should go for abortion, but one must not close PP as they do in MO and TX, all the republicans states. Republicans have abortions as well, if truth be known they have them more often than not , like Abby Johnson, she had 2 and is now pro like activist. You probably had a abortion or a few, we will never know,
and we have no reason to.
That's President Trump to you, Madam Sock.

I thought abortion was a choice too until I got into a debate with a Professor who taught human psychology class that I took. He took the antiabortion side. I could see his pov, but it took me at least a year to realize he was right and I was wrong. When people have an open mind to debate, they can and do change their minds, even if it takes an indefinite amount of time to realize their debate was wrong, and their opposition was correct in every way. And that's why I'm against abortion: it's a bad thing to do to another human being, and in addition, life has stages from the time it's a two-cell fertalized ovum of a human being until it has literally millions upon millions of cells when that same human being is born, becomes a child, who becomes a grownup, who reaches old age and until its death, is a human being.

No, its tramp for me. He should be tramp to you as well. Its none your business who has an abortion or not, other people's health stance is none of your business, unless they chose to advertise it like Abby Johnson.

And by the way , I know how babies are made. I never changed my mind on the matter, and no debater can ever be wrong, everyone has opinions, but opinions on only your health matters to you, not someone elses.

It's not the first or the last time that Democrats truly believed that humans were less than human and exploited their beliefs for monetary and political gains.

i don't believe they ever used the term 'infestation' & other similar words when talking about them thar brownies crossing the border.

I was talking about Black slavery and oppression Democrats so dearly loved and still love in their ghetto's to this very day but interesting you bring up Democrats supporting "illegal" border crossings at the expense of taxpaying citizens for their political sedition and gain.

funny that you don't think black people can't decide for themselves & vote accordingly. hmmmm rather ironic of you.

& those were dixiecrats & were full tilt KKK members - we know we know.... but sometime around 1965, that sure flipped didn't it?

anyhoo, lumps - let's stay in the current... them thar 'illegals' aren't 'infesting', & only a few of the most extreme left advocate for 'open' borders.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................ good common sensical bi partisan immigration reform has been drawn up in past years & whoooooooooo always shelves it? i do believe that paul ryan is guilty as sin in that regard & i don't think anything even close to that has come fwd since.

there IS a process for asylum & donny ain't following it; 'cause after all.... they are 'vermin'. i do believe THAT word has been used as well.

sweet huh?

Sadly, you're full of misinformation and Democrat rewriting of history this morning ole friend and I'm not in the mood to straighten you out.

relax .. enjoy .. there's no reason not to smile and enjoy life from my perspective, how about you?

who says i'm not smilin'?

I'm pretty sure your smiling when your cracking the whip .. :wink_2:
He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

View attachment 337672

View attachment 337674

Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism

Tramp use to be pro abortion. The only reason his is not is for the Christian zealot votes, truth be known he probably paid for a few.
If they pay for vasectomies then they must cover abortion.

I have no opinion if fed funds should go for abortion, but one must not close PP as they do in MO and TX, all the republicans states. Republicans have abortions as well, if truth be known they have them more often than not , like Abby Johnson, she had 2 and is now pro like activist. You probably had a abortion or a few, we will never know,
and we have no reason to.
That's President Trump to you, Madam Sock.

I thought abortion was a choice too until I got into a debate with a Professor who taught human psychology class that I took. He took the antiabortion side. I could see his pov, but it took me at least a year to realize he was right and I was wrong. When people have an open mind to debate, they can and do change their minds, even if it takes an indefinite amount of time to realize their debate was wrong, and their opposition was correct in every way. And that's why I'm against abortion: it's a bad thing to do to another human being, and in addition, life has stages from the time it's a two-cell fertalized ovum of a human being until it has literally millions upon millions of cells when that same human being is born, becomes a child, who becomes a grownup, who reaches old age and until its death, is a human being.

No, its tramp for me. He should be tramp to you as well. Its none your business who has an abortion or not, other people's health stance is none of your business, unless they chose to advertise it like Abby Johnson.

And by the way , I know how babies are made. I never changed my mind on the matter, and no debater can ever be wrong, everyone has opinions, but opinions on only your health matters to you, not someone elses.

It's not the first or the last time that Democrats truly believed that humans were less than human and exploited their beliefs for monetary and political gains.

i don't believe they ever used the term 'infestation' & other similar words when talking about them thar brownies crossing the border.

I was talking about Black slavery and oppression Democrats so dearly loved and still love in their ghetto's to this very day but interesting you bring up Democrats supporting "illegal" border crossings at the expense of taxpaying citizens for their political sedition and gain.

funny that you don't think black people can't decide for themselves & vote accordingly. hmmmm rather ironic of you.

& those were dixiecrats & were full tilt KKK members - we know we know.... but sometime around 1965, that sure flipped didn't it?

anyhoo, lumps - let's stay in the current... them thar 'illegals' aren't 'infesting', & only a few of the most extreme left advocate for 'open' borders.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................ good common sensical bi partisan immigration reform has been drawn up in past years & whoooooooooo always shelves it? i do believe that paul ryan is guilty as sin in that regard & i don't think anything even close to that has come fwd since.

there IS a process for asylum & donny ain't following it; 'cause after all.... they are 'vermin'. i do believe THAT word has been used as well.

sweet huh?

Sadly, you're full of misinformation and Democrat rewriting of history this morning ole friend and I'm not in the mood to straighten you out.

relax .. enjoy .. there's no reason not to smile and enjoy life from my perspective, how about you?

who says i'm not smilin'?

I'm pretty sure your smiling when your cracking the whip .. :wink_2:


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