Joe Biden's Abortion Platform--what is it?

Yet another thread where the authoritarian right seeks to compel conformity with more and bigger government interfering in citizens’ private lives.

The right to privacy reaffirms the fact that the decision as to whether to have a child or not is not within the purview of the state; government has no authority to mandate women give birth against their will through force of law.

Procreation is a private matter only.
No tramp is a tramp because he is serial adulter and a serial female assaulter and does anything for a buck. That is the definition of a slut, he gives women a bad name, as some need to do it to make a buck, like Stormy and the playboy bunny.

Your opinion does not mean shit to me, the only thing you can be in a democracy is pro choice.

You are probably pro the handmaidens tale and wish it would be that way in the US.
The adultery thing didn't seem to bother you about Clinton. Clinton cheated on his wife both with and without the permission of a large number of women than has come under public scrutiny. The difference between Trump and Clinton is that Trump is sorry for his behavior, and Clinton didn't give a rat's patoot about his infidelities as he arrogantly denied affairs until he left office when his admission to lying about his girlfriend of 10 years (Jennifer Flowers) came about, after he and Hillary used their "War room" to invent lies about her and other women he sexually used for his pleasure. Several women accused him of rape after they told him no. The entire Democrat Party ignored Clinton's indiscretion in order to keep the power they lusted for. And this nation now has a Democrat House Leader who told people she is the most powerful woman in the world because she lusted for and got leadership in the House which means she is third in line to become the President. And her Democrat Party stood behind her while undermining President Trump and his Vice-President Pence in order that they could destroy the presidency but replace them with Nancy Pelosi who is the soul of corruption in this country.

I'm really not sure what you're trying to say here about Bill Clinton, but Clinton's hound dog behaviour is really non of my business because I'm not married to him. The only woman who needed to give permission was Hillary, and she seems to be OK with it, and the sleazy women he had sex with. There were no shortage of them.

You seem to have no problems with Trump's serial infidelity, sex with porn stars and admission of sexually assaulting women. Two women, including his ex-wife have said that Trump viciously beat and raped them. More than 20 women have accused Trump of sexual assault.

Shut up Canuck!
To the best of my understanding, President Trump has not strayed during his Presidency. When he took his oath of office, he put a lot of childish things behind him and has respected his vows of every kind that he can since he did so. It's been good for him, and it's good for America. Even so, he has faced a near-criminal conspiracy against him of ne'er do wells like Hillary Clinton and her dirt room buds who've done their best to mudbath President Trump, and there is sedition at the Clinton and Obama doorsteps that has been concealed by the dowagers Pelosi, Feinstein, and Waters, not to mention many others in the Democrat Congress who've gone along with every lie and slander Hillary's dreamers dream up.
Biden is as soulless as any modern day worshipper of Le Marquis de Sade, a sadist. They're all toothy smiles beneath dead black shark's eyes. His platform? His party? Mass murder of the unborn—meeting their daily quota of sacrifices.

When you wingnuts agree to 90% tax rates to pay for all these unwanted babies, then you can get back to me.
It's not the government that pays for unwanted babies. It's their daddies and mommies.
He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

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Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism

A politician changes their mind for political expedience. Jeepers, it's not like we've ever seen that before, right? On abortion. I'm still amazed after 40 years this is still an issue. But when you look at the right to life movement in this country, it's not hard to see why it is. A group of people loudly bleating that a zygote at the moment of conception is a human being and that aborting it is wrong and anyone who does so is a murderer. All the while out of the other side of their mouths, they'll support cutting funding for sex education in schools, take away access to healthcare and obtaining birth control, and impose draconian measures using legislation and the courts to essentially tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body. Kinda defeating your own purpose here, huh? Then, the babies come out and right to lifers support magically disappears like a fart in the wind. They'll support taking away their access to health care, let them starve by supporting cutting programs that might help poor mothers feed them (SNAP), and see to it that support for public education is eviscerated. In other words, it doesn't matter to them that there are unwanted children in this world. That baby could fall out of the mother and splat on the floor and the right to lifers wouldn't give one iota about it.
That's 47 years and 60 million American unborn children who died needlessly so their parents' would never have to grow up and be responsible and decent citizens.
That's 47 years and 60 million American unborn children who died needlessly so their parents' would never have to grow up and be responsible and decent citizens.

That’s OK.

Better seats and shorter lines for the rest of us.
He used to be against abortion, but when the Democrats made a huge stink about funding abortion, did they really prove it was a woman's right to kill her own unborn baby? Will he go back to his religious views on abortion if he is elected President or will he go Hillary? What do you think?

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View attachment 337674

Joe Biden official position on Abortion : (CNN) As Joe Biden prepared to tell a crowd that he'd changed his mind and now supported allowing federal funds to pay for abortions, he offered a disclaimer: He still didn't think he'd been wrong before.
"I make no apologies for my last position and I make no apologies for what I'm about to say," the former vice president told those gathered for a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta on Thursday night.
Biden's remarks sought to avoid the appearance of flip-flopping on a key issue out of political expediency. Still, pressure from both inside and outside Biden's campaign, including a direct appeal from a prominent supporter, actress and activist Alyssa Milano, led Biden to conclude he had to reconsider his position, according to campaign officials with direct knowledge of internal discussions around the matter.

Is this clear to you? Because it's not clear to me. :dunno:

More here: Biden reverses long-held position on abortion funding amid criticism

A politician changes their mind for political expedience. Jeepers, it's not like we've ever seen that before, right? On abortion. I'm still amazed after 40 years this is still an issue. But when you look at the right to life movement in this country, it's not hard to see why it is. A group of people loudly bleating that a zygote at the moment of conception is a human being and that aborting it is wrong and anyone who does so is a murderer. All the while out of the other side of their mouths, they'll support cutting funding for sex education in schools, take away access to healthcare and obtaining birth control, and impose draconian measures using legislation and the courts to essentially tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body. Kinda defeating your own purpose here, huh? Then, the babies come out and right to lifers support magically disappears like a fart in the wind. They'll support taking away their access to health care, let them starve by supporting cutting programs that might help poor mothers feed them (SNAP), and see to it that support for public education is eviscerated. In other words, it doesn't matter to them that there are unwanted children in this world. That baby could fall out of the mother and splat on the floor and the right to lifers wouldn't give one iota about it.
That's 47 years and 60 million American unborn children who died needlessly so their parents' would never have to grow up and be responsible and decent citizens.

That's a very warm and fuzzy ending. Very Ozzie and Harriet or Leave it To Beaver style. So let's say a significant portion of those unborn children are bought into this world. Into the greatest society and economy in the world. Let's also say a fair amount of them are given up for adoption or worst case, are born into families that didn't want them in the first place. Then, reality sets in. They die within a few weeks of birth because of sickness or malnutrition (lack of access to health care or programs that their mothers could feed them with). They end up being abandoned or shoved into the foster care system which quickly becomes overloaded. No healthcare, no nutrition, no education. Things like humans slavery and sex trafficking become the norm. All the while, the bible thumpers like you who marched with signs, chanting slogans, and beliefs held high while they were growing inside mother's bodies...are nowhere to be found once they are born and out in the real world. Because you're too busy supporting the right wing belief that everyone should pick themselves up by their bootstraps. No aid, no assistance, no healthcare, no support.

I ask you. What Would Your Sky Pixie say??
Like 90 percent of abortion could've been prevented by personal responsibility.

There's the problem

So support sex education in schools, support access to and education for birth control, support organizations like Planned Parenthood (which may be some women's only choice for healthcare), support SNAP and other government programs that might help single mothers to want to keep their babies, support public kindergarten and public education for children.

There's the problem. But...we all know you won't do it. Why?...because, deep down, you don't care.
Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?

If it wasn’t then, then none of Trump’s past is yours now...

lol... the (D)s never claimed to be 'the party of family values'. funny how newt gingrich - was screaming to the sky how slick willy was unfit because of his cigar fest & dress staining - was AT THAT SAME TIME boffing his concubine whilst still married to someone else.
& then donny appoints said concubine to be ambassador to the vatican.

you just can't get any more hypocritical than that.
Any party that advocates for the killing of unborn children doesn’t by definition, have any values...

GOP Fundraiser Elliott Broidy Accused of Coercing Woman Into Having Abortion
By Edvard Pettersson
September 7, 2018, 12:24 PM EDT Updated on September 7, 2018, 3:51 PM EDT

Republican fundraiser Elliott Broidy lost his fight to prevent the public from learning about allegations in a lawsuit by former Playboy model Shera Bechard that he coerced her into having an abortion after getting her pregnant.

Broidy is accused by Bechard in the lawsuit of breaching an agreement to pay her $1.6 million to keep quiet about their affair. The hush payment deal was negotiated on Broidy’s behalf by Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer who pleaded guilty last month to campaign finance violations related to payments to Stephanie Clifford, the adult movie star known as Stormy Daniels.
GOP Fundraiser Elliott Broidy Accused of Coercing Woman Into Having Abortion
Just as much a scumbag as the Democrats who support abortion...
Do you deny that you were once that small and undeveloped, yourself?
Yes I was and my parents had the means to support me and see me through.

From that, may I conclude that you agree with the fact that an abortion kills a child? I mean how can YOU have possibly been that small and undeveloped. . . If you that tiny clump of cells was not you?

Furthermore, what does your parents ability or inability to support you have anything to do with what you were when you were that small?


That is why the anti life anti abortion crazy people declare life starts at conception.

Since the vast majority of abortions are done when there's not even a heart beat, the anti choice crazy people must lie and say life starts at conception so they can ban abortion even in the very earliest of stages.

I keep asking those crazy people if life starts at conception then explain ectopic pregnancy. I don't get any reply to that.

When Jenna Bush had an ectopic pregnancy all the anti choice people screamed it wasn't life and she didn't kill anything nor did she have an abortion.

So these people are crazy. They seem to think they can redefine the meaning of words for their own convenience.
That's 47 years and 60 million American unborn children who died needlessly so their parents' would never have to grow up and be responsible and decent citizens.

That’s OK.

Better seats and shorter lines for the rest of us.
Better seats would have been tremendous seats if the best pitcher who ever would have lived had pitched a no-hitter for every consecutive game both during the regular season and at the world series, but unfortunately we may never have such a pitcher since he was aborted in the first trimester.

Shorter lines? That's a sellout and you know it. We don't go around killing people in a line to make the line shorter for our convenience. Have you any idea of how calloused what you just said is?

Hitler killing people he considered miscreants and starting a war that ended up killing a hundred million people with several countries taking advantage of the world's attention onto a huge fight rather than them killing a few million people in their own population they didn't like both by Mao and Stalin and who knows who else around the world. That's calloused.

You don't hail mary 60 million dead Americans who would have done wonderful things with their life. That would be calloused.

Abortion is a calloused thing to do to another living being, including a helpless little feller who can't punch you direct in the nose for trying to take him out. It's plum calloused.
I would love to have an open, in depth, constitutionally based discussion with you, on the rape exception to a ban on abortions. I welcome that discussion with any other proaborts, for that matter.

On only one condition.

You must first admit (as I do) that an abortion at ANY stage of gestation, involves the killing of a child.

If we can not first agree that an abortion kills a child, there is no use in discussing or debating any of the other aspects about it.

Any takers?

Nope. Nobody is going to have a conversation based on your religious fanaticism. Fetuses aren't people.

But if you guys seriously think they are, then you should force women to have their rapist's babies.

Now, all that said, Rape abortions are like Late Abortions- they are rare exceptions meant to get people upset about an extreme situation.

Most abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks on women who knew exactly what they were doing when they got knocked up.
It's not the government that pays for unwanted babies. It's their daddies and mommies.

And if they don't want to be 'daddies and mommies', then what?

You don't hail mary 60 million dead Americans who would have done wonderful things with their life. That would be calloused.

Abortion is a calloused thing to do to another living being, including a helpless little feller who can't punch you direct in the nose for trying to take him out. It's plum calloused.

Again, fetuses aren't human beings.

They aren't aware
they aren't viable
They are the size of a kidney bean when most abortions are performed.
Turns out that the woman from Roe v Wade was PAID to campaign against abortion later in life

There is a documentary out about her.
Perfect Abortion Argument.jpg
Like 90 percent of abortion could've been prevented by personal responsibility.

There's the problem

So support sex education in schools, support access to and education for birth control, support organizations like Planned Parenthood (which may be some women's only choice for healthcare), support SNAP and other government programs that might help single mothers to want to keep their babies, support public kindergarten and public education for children.

There's the problem. But...we all know you won't do it. Why?...because, deep down, you don't care.


not caring so much that they would gladly pay more in taxes... that much is certain.
Damn right I’ll be voting for Trump. You think I’m going to vote for a clearly senile old fool?

here’s the thing, we are talking about the Holocaust of abortion, not the President’s past. You’re probably one of those ass hats who thought Bill Clinton’s escapades were just a “family matter” & therefore “none of our business”....
Was it your business?

If it wasn’t then, then none of Trump’s past is yours now...

lol... the (D)s never claimed to be 'the party of family values'. funny how newt gingrich - was screaming to the sky how slick willy was unfit because of his cigar fest & dress staining - was AT THAT SAME TIME boffing his concubine whilst still married to someone else.
& then donny appoints said concubine to be ambassador to the vatican.

you just can't get any more hypocritical than that.
Any party that advocates for the killing of unborn children doesn’t by definition, have any values...

GOP Fundraiser Elliott Broidy Accused of Coercing Woman Into Having Abortion
By Edvard Pettersson
September 7, 2018, 12:24 PM EDT Updated on September 7, 2018, 3:51 PM EDT

Republican fundraiser Elliott Broidy lost his fight to prevent the public from learning about allegations in a lawsuit by former Playboy model Shera Bechard that he coerced her into having an abortion after getting her pregnant.

Broidy is accused by Bechard in the lawsuit of breaching an agreement to pay her $1.6 million to keep quiet about their affair. The hush payment deal was negotiated on Broidy’s behalf by Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer who pleaded guilty last month to campaign finance violations related to payments to Stephanie Clifford, the adult movie star known as Stormy Daniels.
GOP Fundraiser Elliott Broidy Accused of Coercing Woman Into Having Abortion
Just as much a scumbag as the Democrats who support abortion...

but but but.... it happens. most though - you don't know about. which it shold be - 'cause well - it's not any of yer business.
I would love to have an open, in depth, constitutionally based discussion with you, on the rape exception to a ban on abortions. I welcome that discussion with any other proaborts, for that matter.

On only one condition.

You must first admit (as I do) that an abortion at ANY stage of gestation, involves the killing of a child.

If we can not first agree that an abortion kills a child, there is no use in discussing or debating any of the other aspects about it.

Any takers?

Still no takers.

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