Joe Biden’s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

If you want to start a thread about things she’s done in her life feel free but we are talking about her changing the story about this rape do you have a link saying she changed her story yes or no?

I just pointed out how she changed her story..

Many times.

Are you some kind of retard? Have you been injecting Lysol like Dear Leader said? Do we need to call an ambulance?

You didn't point out anything. You simply SAID it. Without evidence.

Produce evidence this woman changed her story because the other poster produced evidence (another video) backing up this woman's claim.

Really, I think the Senate needs to call this Reade broad to testify on Nationwide TV about Mr. Biden's supposed crimes. Starting the investigation NOW will save time in January 2021 if Biden is elected, and the House will be able to hit the ground running with the Articles of Impeachment.

A president can only be impeached for crimes that haven't reached their statute of limitations.

There is no statute of limitations on Obstruction of Congress or Abuse of Power. I really don't see this as a problem with impeaching Biden at all.
Not what the left wanted to hear: Biden's accusers mom called into the Larry King show back in 1993 talking about the assault. Definitely gives credibility to the allegations.

All allegations against Trump surfaced after he started to run for president thus their credibility drops tremendously.

Soon after video of August 11th, 1993 Larry King show was aired on Fox and picked up by social media, the episode featuring call from Tara Reade's mother, CNN removed it from Google Play.

CNN is actively working with Biden campaign to cover up any evidence of Biden's sexual assault.

We are talking about the rape. Do you have evidence she changed her story about the rape?

Um, yeah. The first three versions of her story were rape-free. The Rape only shows up in version #4.

2019: You say she stated Biden didn't rape her. **She NEVER said Biden raped her. She said Biden sexually assaulted her. Without penile penetration it's not rape so she would be correct here.

She didn't even say that. She just said that he was kind of creepy without any mention of rape. If there was a digital penetration, that's what she should have led with... Not, "he was creepy" (2019 version) or "He was mean to Russian (2018 version) or "My Husband got a job in California (2009 version).

Produce evidence this woman changed her story because the other poster produced evidence (another video) backing up this woman's claim.

She's changed her story a bunch of times, and oh, yeah, she's kind of a flake who praised Putin... so there's that.

This one has "Russian Asset" written all over it.
We are talking about the rape. Do you have evidence she changed her story about the rape?

Um, yeah. The first three versions of her story were rape-free. The Rape only shows up in version #4.

2019: You say she stated Biden didn't rape her. **She NEVER said Biden raped her. She said Biden sexually assaulted her. Without penile penetration it's not rape so she would be correct here.

She didn't even say that. She just said that he was kind of creepy without any mention of rape. If there was a digital penetration, that's what she should have led with... Not, "he was creepy" (2019 version) or "He was mean to Russian (2018 version) or "My Husband got a job in California (2009 version).

Produce evidence this woman changed her story because the other poster produced evidence (another video) backing up this woman's claim.

She's changed her story a bunch of times, and oh, yeah, she's kind of a flake who praised Putin... so there's that.

This one has "Russian Asset" written all over it.

Biden should be more that willing to cooperate with the investigation if he is truly innocent.

Let's see what his records show, let's interview other broads who Biden may have assaulted over the years when the Vice President was a teenager.
Biden should be more that willing to cooperate with the investigation if he is truly innocent.

Let's see what his records show, let's interview other broads who Biden may have assaulted over the years when the Vice President was a teenager.

If we apply the same standard to Trump, I'm good with that. I suspect Joe will come out better.
Um, yeah. The first three versions of her story were rape-free. The Rape only shows up in version #4.

Yea he's real good at SAYING shit but not real good at backing it up. I asked him for proof earlier and he ignored those requests and just spewed forth more bullshit.

Looks like the #metoo movement is really the "pick and choose" movement as the left picks and chooses who they believe. If it's against Brett Kav, believe her. If it's against creepy Joe, she must be lying.
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Yea he's real good at SAYING shit but not real good at backing it up. I asked him for proof earlier and he ignored those requests and just spewed forth more bullshit.

Looks like the #metoo movement is really the "pick and choose" movement as the left picks and chooses who they believe. If it's against Brett Kav, believe her. If it's against creepy Joe, she must be lying.

Well, no she must be lying because she's changed her story at least four times so far. Also, other things she's said on line indicates she really kind of a flake.

Yea he's real good at SAYING shit but not real good at backing it up. I asked him for proof earlier and he ignored those requests and just spewed forth more bullshit.

Looks like the #metoo movement is really the "pick and choose" movement as the left picks and chooses who they believe. If it's against Brett Kav, believe her. If it's against creepy Joe, she must be lying.

Well, no she must be lying because she's changed her story at least four times so far. Also, other things she's said on line indicates she really kind of a flake.

A lot of victims of vicious sex crimes like this Tara broad sometimes have a hard time coping. I think we really need to look into Biden's pass, like we did with Kavanaugh. Check out his high school yearbook and start questioning the other students and their descendants for those who passed on. See if any of them have anything negative to say about Biden that they heard and give the Vice President a chance to defend himself.

This is called "vetting". President Trump, Vice President Pence, and other Republicans have already been vetted. Now is the time to get a Special Counsel to really look into him just like the libs did with Mueller. Imagine Alex Jones as Special Persecutor against the Bidens?
Here is an idea how about everyone right and left stop trying to use accusations that are decades old for political gain how about both stop with this guilty till proven innocent mindset when it suits their agenda. If someone makes an allegation and they can provide crebile proof or witnesses investigate it but keep in mind if someone brings up an allegation from 25 or 30 years ago there is also reason to skeptical of it.
Yea he's real good at SAYING shit but not real good at backing it up. I asked him for proof earlier and he ignored those requests and just spewed forth more bullshit.

Looks like the #metoo movement is really the "pick and choose" movement as the left picks and chooses who they believe. If it's against Brett Kav, believe her. If it's against creepy Joe, she must be lying.

Well, no she must be lying because she's changed her story at least four times so far. Also, other things she's said on line indicates she really kind of a flake.

She never changed her story about what happened. She might’ve change the story of why she left as a aid..
but your link doesn’t say anything about her changing her story about what happened.
Here is an idea how about everyone right and left stop trying to use accusations that are decades old for political gain how about both stop with this guilty till proven innocent mindset when it suits their agenda. If someone makes an allegation and they can provide crebile proof or witnesses investigate it but keep in mind if someone brings up an allegation from 25 or 30 years ago there is also reason to skeptical of it.

This kind of attack works. Libs were able to delay Kavanaugh from taking his seat on the court for weeks, and were almost able to use the False charges against him to ruin his life.

Now I don't know if the charges against Biden are true or false, but its essential that Biden be held to the same standard as he held Kav.
Yea he's real good at SAYING shit but not real good at backing it up. I asked him for proof earlier and he ignored those requests and just spewed forth more bullshit.

Looks like the #metoo movement is really the "pick and choose" movement as the left picks and chooses who they believe. If it's against Brett Kav, believe her. If it's against creepy Joe, she must be lying.

Well, no she must be lying because she's changed her story at least four times so far. Also, other things she's said on line indicates she really kind of a flake.

WTF is How about a real source? Nothing in the article says she changed her story and absolutely no EVIDENCE was presented.. Its using the fact that she praised Biden for wanting to end sexual assault in 2017 as a reason she wasn't assaulted? WTF?

And another reason is because one time she said she drove and another time she said she flew? Oh yea that definitely shows that her mom was lying 30 fucking years ago about her daughter being raped by creepy Joe when she called in to the larry king show.

And another reason your article says shes lying is because she tweeted anti-Putin stuff? Really? None of this has anything to do with Joe Biden raping her.

There was a shit ton of fucking inconsistencies in Blasey lying Ford's story and I don't recall you splitting fucking cunnt hairs with her story. She couldn't even tell what fucking day it happened and ABSOLUTELY no allegations were made back then, only once Kav got selected for SCOTUS. Where was your analysis of her story?

You should try reading the article yourself before posting it to back up your claim.
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Here is an idea how about everyone right and left stop trying to use accusations that are decades old for political gain how about both stop with this guilty till proven innocent mindset when it suits their agenda. If someone makes an allegation and they can provide crebile proof or witnesses investigate it but keep in mind if someone brings up an allegation from 25 or 30 years ago there is also reason to skeptical of it.

This kind of attack works. Libs were able to delay Kavanaugh from taking his seat on the court for weeks, and were almost able to use the False charges against him to ruin his life.

Now I don't know if the charges against Biden are true or false, but its essential that Biden be held to the same standard as he held Kav.
I don't disagree with holding everyone to the same standard I won't shed any tears for Biden.What is disturbing though is the standard being used more and more is not based on facts or evidence but on political advantage.
A lot of victims of vicious sex crimes like this Tara broad sometimes have a hard time coping. I think we really need to look into Biden's pass, like we did with Kavanaugh. Check out his high school yearbook and start questioning the other students and their descendants for those who passed on. See if any of them have anything negative to say about Biden that they heard and give the Vice President a chance to defend himself.

Biden's been in the public spotlight for 30+ years now. We've already looked at his past. Come on, just because Kavanaugh was an entitled little creep who got caught, you need to stop being butthurt.

We already know Trump has bragged about grabbing pussy, has 26 women who've accused him of sexual impropriety, walked into Teen Dressing rooms because he "owned" the pageant, and of course, bragged how he could grab women by the pussy.

This isn't a fight you guys want to have, really.

WTF is How about a real source? Nothing in the article says she changed her story and absolutely no EVIDENCE was presented.. Its using the fact that she praised Biden for wanting to end sexual assault in 2017 as a reason she wasn't assaulted? WTF?

Um, yeah. If he had really sexually assaulted her, she certainly wouldn't have been singing his praises in 2017. She has changed her story about why she quit multiple times.

And another reason is because one time she said she drove and another time she said she flew? Oh yea that definitely shows that her mom was lying 30 fucking years ago about her daughter being raped by creepy Joe when she called in to the larry king show.

That woman didn't say anything of the sort. She just said that unnamed people were making life for her daughter miserable but she didn't go to the press out of respect for an unnamed Senator. If the Senator was the one making her life miserable, she certainly wouldn't have "respected" him. And that works on the assumption that this really was Raede's mom, and not the typical crank who called into Larry King.

I remember another time Larry King had a caller who asked Oliver North if Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell used to have anal sex. King hung up on that guy pretty quickly.
There was a shit ton of fucking inconsistencies in Blasey lying Ford's story and I don't recall you splitting fucking **** hairs with her story. She couldn't even tell what fucking day it happened and ABSOLUTELY no allegations were made back then, only once Kav got selected for SCOTUS. Where was your analysis of her story?

Kavanaugh was nobody before he was selected for SCOTUS and could be in a position where he could rule on women's rights. That's why nobody said anything.

Biden has been in a prominent position for decades, and Raede ACTUALLY PRAISED HIS WORK, until she went out full flaky with her Putin-fan-girlism.
There was a shit ton of fucking inconsistencies in Blasey lying Ford's story and I don't recall you splitting fucking **** hairs with her story. She couldn't even tell what fucking day it happened and ABSOLUTELY no allegations were made back then, only once Kav got selected for SCOTUS. Where was your analysis of her story?

Kavanaugh was nobody before he was selected for SCOTUS and could be in a position where he could rule on women's rights. That's why nobody said anything.

Biden has been in a prominent position for decades, and Raede ACTUALLY PRAISED HIS WORK, until she went out full flaky with her Putin-fan-girlism.

Actually, Justice Kavanaugh was a prominent justice on a prestigious court with a lifetime appointment when our President asked him to serve on the Supreme Court. He went through the confirmation process before.
Actually, Justice Kavanaugh was a prominent justice on a prestigious court with a lifetime appointment when our President asked him to serve on the Supreme Court. He went through the confirmation process before.

None of us ever heard of him before he was nominated.

B iden has been under scrutiny for decades.

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