Joe Biden’s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

Quick, Joe! Go out and brag about grabbing women by the pussy and lear at half dressed teenage girls, and then Republicans will love you!

Quick, Joe! Go out and brag about grabbing women by the pussy and lear at half dressed teenage girls, and then Republicans will love you!
Quick Biden go sexually harass some more children, your support of liberals will boom!
Biden authored the violence against women act. I just say we need to be getting this from more than trump supporters and then if we are going to measure Biden by allowing this woman to speak, then all of trumps victims should be given equal time. And if people are going to believe Bidens accuser without question then we must believe all of trumps.

Focus, IM. This has nothing to do with the False Allegations the libs cooked up against President Trump. This is about the rapes of Sleepy Joe.
Until his recent 26-year-old allegation, Joe Biden has never even been accused of rape. You are making a slanderous allegation as if it is fact.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
You democrats dug your grave with Kavanagh, enjoy lol
"Whaaa Whaaa whaaa I like Beer"

YOu assfucks: "Great, you'll make a great USSC justice"
Don't like how ol' Biden's accuser seems to be credible huh? Don't get mad at me because your party is running an accused rapist against the incumbent president that had record low unemployment numbers just 2 months ago.

Um no, there's no universe where Tara Raeda aka Alexandra Reade, AKA Tara Moulton, AKA Tara McCabe is credible.

Especially when she has praised Biden over the years.

View attachment 328248
Why do you support a rapist
You supported one./ Why did you do it?
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
You democrats dug your grave with Kavanagh, enjoy lol
"Whaaa Whaaa whaaa I like Beer"

YOu assfucks: "Great, you'll make a great USSC justice"
In 2015 I actually served him a beer at the hotel I was working at after he finished the Boston Marathon good guy.
Don't like how ol' Biden's accuser seems to be credible huh? Don't get mad at me because your party is running an accused rapist against the incumbent president that had record low unemployment numbers just 2 months ago.

Um no, there's no universe where Tara Raeda aka Alexandra Reade, AKA Tara Moulton, AKA Tara McCabe is credible.

Especially when she has praised Biden over the years.

View attachment 328248
Why do you support a rapist
You supported one./ Why did you do it?
I supported a wrongly accused great man with a great family of rape.. like most rich man they get accused all the time by their mistress. I know you have a little IQ and have to be reminded of this and also not to drink Lysol I’m here for you lol
Don't like how ol' Biden's accuser seems to be credible huh? Don't get mad at me because your party is running an accused rapist against the incumbent president that had record low unemployment numbers just 2 months ago.

Um no, there's no universe where Tara Raeda aka Alexandra Reade, AKA Tara Moulton, AKA Tara McCabe is credible.

Especially when she has praised Biden over the years.

View attachment 328248
Why do you support a rapist
You supported one./ Why did you do it?

The majority of the Senate agreed that Kavanaugh didn't do it.

Not only that, the Montgomery County sheriff has totally refused to investigate Brett Kavanaugh on the charges. There is no statute of limitations on Rape in Maryland,and Mr. Kavanaugh stood accused by this broad of having weekly Rape Train Parties of minor children fueled by drugs in Montgomery County. Very serious charges.

I guess he either tolerates that kind of shit in his county, or he realizes that the charges were bullshit.
  1. Reade Did Not Change Her Story
The allegation Reade changed her story is false. She still claims Biden engaged in unwanted touching but that this was separate from the assault. She also says there’s a paper trail backing up this claim. She filed a complaint against Biden over the unwanted touching — something I will address below.

  1. Experts Say Assault Victims Frequently Don’t Tell the Full Story All at Once
Rich McHugh, one of the investigative reporters who worked with Ronan Farrow to break the Harvey Weinstein story and who says he finds Reade’s allegation “credible,” also says he has seen this before:

“A number of [Weinstein’s victims] didn’t come out with their full story to us at the time,” he states. “For obvious reasons they are wrestling with whether they trust you as a reporter, whether they want to go out with the full horrific story that’s going to be Google-able for the rest of their life.” He asserts many survivors have told him they did not tell their “full story at the time because they didn’t feel comfortable” and that he does not see this as an issue.
And again, Reade did not change her story, she simply added more details.

  1. Reade is a Lifelong Democrat
Reade did support Bernie Sanders during the primary, but why would she risk a second Donald Trump term by continuing to push the issue now that Bernie’s dropped out?

  1. Reade Worked in Biden’s Senate Office in 1993
This might sound simplistic, but it’s important to remember how apeshit Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) went over Christine Blasey Ford’s now-debunked allegations against Brett Kavanaugh when she could not even establish she ever knew Kavanaugh.

So, yes, in this climate, it is worth noting that Reade knew and worked for Biden during the time in question.

  1. Witness Number One
Reade told her brother about the alleged sexual assault at the time it happened. McHugh has talked to Reade’s brother and says the details of their stories are the same.

  1. Witness Number Two
Reade told a friend about the alleged sexual assault at the time it happened. McHugh has talked to Reade’s friend and says the details of their stories are the same.

  1. Witness Number Three
Reade told a friend about the alleged assault about 15 years after it happened, so sometime around 2008. McHugh has talked to this woman and this woman confirms Reade told her a “horrific” story about Biden.

  1. Witness Number Four
McHugh spoke with an intern who worked under Reade in Biden’s Senate office at the time. The intern knew nothing about the alleged assault, but McHugh says, “she said … in mid-April of 1993, Tara was abruptly no longer her supervisor. So the timing matches exactly with what Tara was saying.”

And what Reade is saying is that she was fired for filing a complaint.

  1. Reade Invites Scrutiny
Unlike Blasey Ford, who hid behind her lawyers and little girl voice, Reade is inviting scrutiny, has asked investigative reporters like McHugh to dig into the details of her allegation.

Liars never invite scrutiny. They dodge it and look for excuses to avoid it.

  1. Scrutiny Has Only Bolstered Reade’s Claim
Since Reade invited this scrutiny, details have only bolstered her claim, not contradicted it. Most notably…

  1. Mom’s Anguished Call to Larry King Live
Reade has been telling interviewers she told her mother, Jeanette Altimus, at the time about the alleged assault. Unfortunately, Altimus passed in 2016, so there is no way to verify this… Except there is…

Reade’s been telling journalists that sometime in 1993 her mother called into CNN’s Larry King Live asking for advice about her daughter’s problems with a “prominent senator.”

That video clip has now been found, and is a crucial and damning piece of evidence in support of Reade’s allegation.

  1. The University of Delaware Refuses to Open Biden’s Senate Papers
According to McHugh, if Reade did indeed file a sexual harassment complaint, it would be among Biden’s senate papers, which are currently held at the University of Delaware. The university, however, told McHugh it will not allow anyone access to those papers until two years after Biden retires from public office.

  1. Biden Is Not Demanding the University of Delaware Open His Papers
Look at the difference between Kavanaugh and Biden…

Kavanaugh could not wait to defend himself in public, to put forth all the documentation asked for, to do whatever he could to invite whatever scrutiny was required to prove his innocence.

Biden, on the other hand, is in hiding. He has not even said a word about the allegation (it helps that in a series of interviews with friendly fake reporters like Jake Tapper, Anderson Cooper, and George Stephanopoulos, he wasn’t asked).

Further, Biden is not asking the University of Delaware to throw open his senate papers while begging reporters to dig through them knowing this will prove no one filed a sexual harassment complaint against him.

Biden is acting like a guilty man. The guilty have everything to hide.

Innocent men, like Kavanaugh, have nothing to hide.

  1. The Media are Terrified of This Story
Within a few weeks, on top of countless hours of broadcast time, CNN published nearly 700 stories in support of Blasey Ford’s ridiculous lies.

As of this writing, CNN has published only two stories about Reade, both of them favorable to Biden.

No one in the media have dared ask Biden about the allegation, and when the media do bring it up, they try to write Reade off as a crank, as an unstable Putin supporter (an allegation McHugh says is false).

Those of us of a certain age remember all too well that this is exactly what the media did to Bill Clinton’s victims. Paula Jones was smeared as trailer trash. Monica Lewinsky was defamed as a crazed stalker. Kathleen Willey was slandered as an unstable gold digger. Juanita Broaddrick was swept under the rug. And just like today’s so-called #MeToo activists, just like Alyssa Milano and Hilary Rosen today (both have endorsed and stand by Biden), Clinton-era feminists gleefully joined this appalling jihad.

If the media believed they could debunk and discard Reade’s allegation with facts, they would be all over this story. They know they can’t, so they are treating it like its radioactive — because it is.

  1. Biden Has a Long Pattern of Inappropriate Touching
Biden’s sense of entitlement when it comes to inappropriately touching women and CHILDREN, is well-established. If he behaves this way in public, imagine his behavior in private.

  1. Reade Faces Prison If She’s Lying
Last month, Reade filed a formal criminal complaint against Biden, and one of the penalties for filing a false complaint is prison.

So while Reade is inviting investigative reporters to dig into and possibly debunk her allegation, she is also risking prison if that debunking occurs.

Bottom line…

Reade is behaving like someone desperate to expose a terrible truth, while Biden is behaving like someone with something terrible to hide.

Additional evidence could certainly change my mind. But right now the only people who do not want this investigated are Joe Biden and his media allies.
Rich men are constantly accused of rape when it never happened, Joe Biden pushed a girl against the wall put his fingers inside of her, COME ON MAN I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME! Lol

No evidence of any of that, guy. Other than the word of a woman who has changed her story dozens of times, and can't even consistently tell you her own name. If this is the best you got, you are desperate.

The majority of the Senate agreed that Kavanaugh didn't do it.

The Majority of the Senate would have put Kavanaugh on if there was tape of him murdering someone. They kind of know this is their last hurrah before the new liberal majority puts them out of business for good.
She’s never changed her story.

Um, yeah, she has.

In 2009- she said she quit because her husband got a job.
In 2018- she said she quit because he hated our Russia Policies.
In 2019- she said Biden didn't rape her.
in 2020, she said he did.

Heck, she hasn't even been consistant on her name, having used two first names and three last names in different combinations.
She’s never changed her story.

Um, yeah, she has.

In 2009- she said she quit because her husband got a job.
In 2018- she said she quit because he hated our Russia Policies.
In 2019- she said Biden didn't rape her.
in 2020, she said he did.

Heck, she hasn't even been consistant on her name, having used two first names and three last names in different combinations.
If you want to start a thread about things she’s done in her life feel free but we are talking about her changing the story about this rape do you have a link saying she changed her story yes or no?
If you want to start a thread about things she’s done in her life feel free but we are talking about her changing the story about this rape do you have a link saying she changed her story yes or no?

I just pointed out how she changed her story..

Many times.

Are you some kind of retard? Have you been injecting Lysol like Dear Leader said? Do we need to call an ambulance?
If you want to start a thread about things she’s done in her life feel free but we are talking about her changing the story about this rape do you have a link saying she changed her story yes or no?

I just pointed out how she changed her story..

Many times.

Are you some kind of retard? Have you been injecting Lysol like Dear Leader said? Do we need to call an ambulance?
We are talking about the rape. Do you have evidence she changed her story about the rape?
She’s never changed her story.

Um, yeah, she has.

In 2009- she said she quit because her husband got a job.
In 2018- she said she quit because he hated our Russia Policies.
In 2019- she said Biden didn't rape her.
in 2020, she said he did.

Heck, she hasn't even been consistant on her name, having used two first names and three last names in different combinations.

Let's hear what other witnesses say. Let's hear what Sleepy Joe says under oath.

I'm not ready to condemn Biden at all. However, this is a very serious charges, and an investigation is certainly needed. Biden's associates need to be questioned, Biden's records need to be subpoena'ed. And if he doesn't provide them cheerfully, that's Obstruction of Congress, a high crime which is definitely impeachable.

Further, there is a good chance that skillful prosecutors will be able to get Obama family members and associates to contradict themselves and that is perjury.
If you want to start a thread about things she’s done in her life feel free but we are talking about her changing the story about this rape do you have a link saying she changed her story yes or no?

I just pointed out how she changed her story..

Many times.

Are you some kind of retard? Have you been injecting Lysol like Dear Leader said? Do we need to call an ambulance?

You didn't point out anything. You simply SAID it. Without evidence. And lets look at what you said:

2019: You say she stated Biden didn't rape her. **She NEVER said Biden raped her. She said Biden sexually assaulted her. Without penile penetration it's not rape so she would be correct here.

2020: You say she stated Biden raped her. **NO she didn't. She stated Biden sexually assaulted her by grabbing her genitals. That is not rape.

Produce evidence this woman changed her story because the other poster produced evidence (another video) backing up this woman's claim.
If you want to start a thread about things she’s done in her life feel free but we are talking about her changing the story about this rape do you have a link saying she changed her story yes or no?

I just pointed out how she changed her story..

Many times.

Are you some kind of retard? Have you been injecting Lysol like Dear Leader said? Do we need to call an ambulance?

You didn't point out anything. You simply SAID it. Without evidence.

Produce evidence this woman changed her story because the other poster produced evidence (another video) backing up this woman's claim.

Really, I think the Senate needs to call this Reade broad to testify on Nationwide TV about Mr. Biden's supposed crimes. Starting the investigation NOW will save time in January 2021 if Biden is elected, and the House will be able to hit the ground running with the Articles of Impeachment.
If you want to start a thread about things she’s done in her life feel free but we are talking about her changing the story about this rape do you have a link saying she changed her story yes or no?

I just pointed out how she changed her story..

Many times.

Are you some kind of retard? Have you been injecting Lysol like Dear Leader said? Do we need to call an ambulance?

You didn't point out anything. You simply SAID it. Without evidence.

Produce evidence this woman changed her story because the other poster produced evidence (another video) backing up this woman's claim.

Really, I think the Senate needs to call this Reade broad to testify on Nationwide TV about Mr. Biden's supposed crimes. Starting the investigation NOW will save time in January 2021 if Biden is elected, and the House will be able to hit the ground running with the Articles of Impeachment.

A president can only be impeached for crimes that haven't reached their statute of limitations.

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