Joe Biden’s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.
Ah, yes, the old agenda driven belief system. A dispassionate look at the cases would prove that ineffective. When a decades old accusation surfaces at just the right time to inflict the most possible damage to a career and to leave no time for the accused to defend himself, the accuser loses credibility. When the accuser insists that something happened at certain location and time, but cannot say how she arrived at that location or how she got back home, she loses credibility. When she insists something happened, yet no one else that was there says they knew anything at all about it happening, she loses credibility. When the accuser only surfaces at the critical time, tries to do damage, then immediately disappears after failing, she loses credibility. The same thing will happen to Biden's accusers. If they can't produce credible evidence, such as proof they were together at the time and place they said something happened, or people in whom they confided at the time that the they were groped by Quid Pro Joe, their stories will likely fall apart as well. The only thing that remains to be seen is how much damage they will do.

You automatically grant credibility based on your personal support for or antipathy toward the accused. Therefore, Bubba Clinton harassed no one, Kavanaugh is as guilty as Al Capone, Trump is a rapist, and Biden is clean of all accusations. Tis partisanship at its worst.

There was no need for Ford to speak up until the beer guzzler was nominated to the USSC.

And I see you have a degree in Psychiatry & understand how traumatic events are remembered. Did you get that from Trump U?

And really, you using my supposed dislike for Kasvanaugh as you spew your dislike for Biden is quite amusing.

I never said Clinton did not sexually harass. Now you are acting like the typical Trumpette lying fuck.

I said Trump is an accused rapist. One spousal Rape & the other Child rape (with a witness).
"No need" for Ford to speak up? Think about that one carefully for a minute. And yes, when it comes to accusing someone of a very serious crime, I do expect details to match up, because otherwise you can have vague, untrue accusations destroying lives. Naturally, I dislike the idea of Biden being president, because I think he would be a bad one. What you are lacking, however, is anywhere I've proclaimed him guilty of sexual harassment. That's not been proven and may never be. I am watching with amusement, however, the very same who pilloried Kavanaugh as a rapist or sexual abuser on a very old, unsubstantiated accusation suddenly discovering the need for proof before sending someone up the river. So, do you believe Clinton is a sexual harasser?

Funny shit. Your "Quid Pro Joe" demonstrated exactly what you think of BIden to spread that lie about Biden & Ukraine.

You can expect things to match up because you are not a psychiatrist who treats people who have had traumatic events in their lives. Or maybe attempted rape is just a normal activity to you. Which is it?

Ford did not accuse Kavanaugh of rape. It was attempted rape. Kavanaugh could have survived it without the trashing of Ford by assfucks like you or screaming how he liked beer. All he had to do was say he had no memory & if he did it, he was sorry. The guy spent most of his college days drunk. His action during the committee meeting disqualified him. What an ass he is.
Maybe she suffered something traumatic, maybe she didn't. The point is, you don't get to trash another person's life without some details and evidence. She had neither, not even the testimony of someone she told it happened, and you choose to believe her largely because of who she was accusing. Note that nowhere have I accused Biden of doing what he's being accused of doing. That remains to be seen. Naturally, you will find their stories to be miraculously unbelievable and will gleefully trash their reputations without knowing them at all. Nor have I trashed Ford as you so desperately hope and wish that I did. But hey, cling to whatever helps you keep your world view intact in the face of evidence to the contrary.
Do you believe women?
Sure, if they have evidence. But the left taught me during the Kavanaugh charade that evidence is not required. So practice what you preach, hypocrite.
Evidence in such cases is usually hard to come by, especially old cases. If it is a case of he said, she said, I reserve my judgement. If it is a case of he said, they said, I'm starting to lean. Kavanaugh had 3 accusers, Trump 17, and Biden had...

It doesn't matter if there's 1 accuser or 100 accusers, it's still "he said, she said" without evidence. Hypocrite.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time. really think Paula Jones lied? Oh, probably think Slick Willie was faithful to Hillary too? (rolling on the floor laughing)
It doesn't matter if there's 1 accuser or 100 accusers, it's still "he said, she said" without evidence. Hypocrite.
I have a daughter so I'm glad you weren't on the Cosby jury. So in your view it is open season on women. Know any women that agree with you?
These trump people need to let this rest and allow the system to take care of it. Because Biden was vice president for 8 years and this did not come up once during either campaign. If she was really trying to make an effort to get this out, in 2008 she could have done so. Woman were doing that at that time. #me too was not the beginning of this. I wonder how much trump is paying for this.

So now if we are going to do this, then the women who have accused trump need to be heard full story and allowed their days in court. The right isn't just going to be allowed to talk about this story every day in this forum without trumps 19 rapes being a part of the conversation.
Dude! Seriously? Haven't you figured out that those women accusing Trump of rape only to disappear as soon as the election took place were nothing more that one more part of the smear campaign waged against Trump by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?
It's a sad commentary but it's obvious that the partisans on both sides have no problem with smearing the opposition with false accusations. I'm not passing judgement on this woman's accusations because I don't have the facts but I am pointing out how this has now become the norm in political races.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.
Ah, yes, the old agenda driven belief system. A dispassionate look at the cases would prove that ineffective. When a decades old accusation surfaces at just the right time to inflict the most possible damage to a career and to leave no time for the accused to defend himself, the accuser loses credibility. When the accuser insists that something happened at certain location and time, but cannot say how she arrived at that location or how she got back home, she loses credibility. When she insists something happened, yet no one else that was there says they knew anything at all about it happening, she loses credibility. When the accuser only surfaces at the critical time, tries to do damage, then immediately disappears after failing, she loses credibility. The same thing will happen to Biden's accusers. If they can't produce credible evidence, such as proof they were together at the time and place they said something happened, or people in whom they confided at the time that the they were groped by Quid Pro Joe, their stories will likely fall apart as well. The only thing that remains to be seen is how much damage they will do.

You automatically grant credibility based on your personal support for or antipathy toward the accused. Therefore, Bubba Clinton harassed no one, Kavanaugh is as guilty as Al Capone, Trump is a rapist, and Biden is clean of all accusations. Tis partisanship at its worst.

There was no need for Ford to speak up until the beer guzzler was nominated to the USSC.

And I see you have a degree in Psychiatry & understand how traumatic events are remembered. Did you get that from Trump U?

And really, you using my supposed dislike for Kasvanaugh as you spew your dislike for Biden is quite amusing.

I never said Clinton did not sexually harass. Now you are acting like the typical Trumpette lying fuck.

I said Trump is an accused rapist. One spousal Rape & the other Child rape (with a witness).
"No need" for Ford to speak up? Think about that one carefully for a minute. And yes, when it comes to accusing someone of a very serious crime, I do expect details to match up, because otherwise you can have vague, untrue accusations destroying lives. Naturally, I dislike the idea of Biden being president, because I think he would be a bad one. What you are lacking, however, is anywhere I've proclaimed him guilty of sexual harassment. That's not been proven and may never be. I am watching with amusement, however, the very same who pilloried Kavanaugh as a rapist or sexual abuser on a very old, unsubstantiated accusation suddenly discovering the need for proof before sending someone up the river. So, do you believe Clinton is a sexual harasser?

Funny shit. Your "Quid Pro Joe" demonstrated exactly what you think of BIden to spread that lie about Biden & Ukraine.

You can expect things to match up because you are not a psychiatrist who treats people who have had traumatic events in their lives. Or maybe attempted rape is just a normal activity to you. Which is it?

Ford did not accuse Kavanaugh of rape. It was attempted rape. Kavanaugh could have survived it without the trashing of Ford by assfucks like you or screaming how he liked beer. All he had to do was say he had no memory & if he did it, he was sorry. The guy spent most of his college days drunk. His action during the committee meeting disqualified him. What an ass he is.
Maybe she suffered something traumatic, maybe she didn't. The point is, you don't get to trash another person's life without some details and evidence. She had neither, not even the testimony of someone she told it happened, and you choose to believe her largely because of who she was accusing. Note that nowhere have I accused Biden of doing what he's being accused of doing. That remains to be seen. Naturally, you will find their stories to be miraculously unbelievable and will gleefully trash their reputations without knowing them at all. Nor have I trashed Ford as you so desperately hope and wish that I did. But hey, cling to whatever helps you keep your world view intact in the face of evidence to the contrary.

So you you declare the no witness, no crime rule. If there are no witnersses or video, it is OK to assault women. You Trump lovers are all the same.

You think it is OK for YOU to trash the victim.

A lot of people are convicted when there is no physical proof. It goes to the character of those giving testimony.

You believe the sloppy beered up college drunk.
Do you believe women?
Sure, if they have evidence. But the left taught me during the Kavanaugh charade that evidence is not required. So practice what you preach, hypocrite.
Evidence in such cases is usually hard to come by, especially old cases. If it is a case of he said, she said, I reserve my judgement. If it is a case of he said, they said, I'm starting to lean. Kavanaugh had 3 accusers, Trump 17, and Biden had...

It doesn't matter if there's 1 accuser or 100 accusers, it's still "he said, she said" without evidence. Hypocrite.
Only to a dumbass Trumpette like you.
These trump people need to let this rest and allow the system to take care of it. Because Biden was vice president for 8 years and this did not come up once during either campaign. If she was really trying to make an effort to get this out, in 2008 she could have done so. Woman were doing that at that time. #me too was not the beginning of this. I wonder how much trump is paying for this.

So now if we are going to do this, then the women who have accused trump need to be heard full story and allowed their days in court. The right isn't just going to be allowed to talk about this story every day in this forum without trumps 19 rapes being a part of the conversation.
Dude! Seriously? Haven't you figured out that those women accusing Trump of rape only to disappear as soon as the election took place were nothing more that one more part of the smear campaign waged against Trump by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?
The woman who said Trump raped her when she was a child, dropped it due to the threats she received. So Fuck you.
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The truth is Trump voters KNEW about the accusations from over twenty women, They knew Trump cheated on everyone of his wives, they knew about his talk on grabbing pussies, they knew he was accused of child rape, they knew he lusted after his daughter,. Yet you still voted for him.

So don't pretend you give a rats ass about people abusing women. You don't. So really, just shut the fuck up.

And furthermore, nearly all of Bill Clinton acts did not come out until after his second election so cut with the Clinton comparisons.

Voters did not know about Clinton. You assfucks certainly knew about Trump.
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The truth is Trump voters KNEW about the accusations from over twenty women, They knew Trump cheated on everyone of his wives, they knew about his talk on grabbing pussies, they knew he was accused of child rape, they knew he lusted after his daughter,. Yet you still voted for him.

So don't pretend you give a rats ass about people abusing women. You don't. So really, just shut the fuck up.

And furthermore, nearly all of Bill Clinton acts did not come out until after his second election so cut with the Clinton comparisons.

Voters did not know about Clinton. You assfucks certainly knew about Trump.

Funny how all of those accusations just magically went "poof" as soon as the election was over...isn't it, Dave!
Leftist hypocrisy continues...

The truth is Trump voters KNEW about the accusations from over twenty women, They knew Trump cheated on everyone of his wives, they knew about his talk on grabbing pussies, they knew he was accused of child rape, they knew he lusted after his daughter,. Yet you still voted for him.

So don't pretend you give a rats ass about people abusing women. You don't. So really, just shut the fuck up.

And furthermore, nearly all of Bill Clinton acts did not come out until after his second election so cut with the Clinton comparisons.

Voters did not know about Clinton. You assfucks certainly knew about Trump.
Bill Clinton had consensual sex during his affairs. I question Broaderricks story. Monica Lewinsky bragged about fucking the president to Linda Tripp. That shows she wanted to do it. So the trumpers as usual are talking out of their asses in order to make excuses fore trump.
Actually, Ford has made a bundle, and will continue to make a bundle from Leftards for many years, like Anita Hill did.

So have Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick and Kathleen Willey.... from the Right.

The difference is, they don't have any credibility and their stories were debunked at the time. really think Paula Jones lied? Oh, probably think Slick Willie was faithful to Hillary too? (rolling on the floor laughing)

Oh, Clinton was a complete horndog. but there were too many inconsistencies in Jones' story. Such as her claim that his penis had a "distinguishing characteristic", which is contradicted by Clinton's medical records (not to mention all the ladies he had consensual relationships with. )
The truth is Trump voters KNEW about the accusations from over twenty women, They knew Trump cheated on everyone of his wives, they knew about his talk on grabbing pussies, they knew he was accused of child rape, they knew he lusted after his daughter,. Yet you still voted for him.

So don't pretend you give a rats ass about people abusing women. You don't. So really, just shut the fuck up.

And furthermore, nearly all of Bill Clinton acts did not come out until after his second election so cut with the Clinton comparisons.

Voters did not know about Clinton. You assfucks certainly knew about Trump.

Funny how all of those accusations just magically went "poof" as soon as the election was over...isn't it, Dave!
They didn't. Your not giving a shit what Trump did does not mean they have disappeared. Some are still in the legal system.
'Will the #MeToo movement please stand up?

While Hollywood’s believe-all-women activists were quick to defame Brett Kavanaugh, the elite seem to be strangely quiet when it comes to Joe Biden.

Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexual assault in 1993, has officially filed a criminal complaint in Washington D.C.

Reade has accused Biden of assaulting her when he was in the Senate. She was a staffer in 1993.

Biden has said that he “Believes all women,” yet his campaign denies the claim.

Joe Biden's Sexual Accuser Tara Reade Officially Files Criminal Complaint in DC'

The real question here for the voters in November is do we want a possible Rapist in the WH. Its a terrible thing for Sleepy Joe to brutalize US government staffers. But as President, he is going to be close to world leaders. If he behaves the same way with the Queen of England or Putin's wife, or Mrs. Abe the Empire of Japan's first lady, he can easily launch America into WWIII

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