Joe Biden’s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
Temple Taggart, a former Miss Utah, told the New York Times in May 2016 that Trump "kissed me directly on the lips" when she met him at the Miss USA pageant in 1997.

That bastard! I guess we ought to lock up Richard Dawson as well!

It is still inappropriate behavior to be married and kiss a beauty pageant contestant on the lips when they first meet and he is the owner of the pageant. Yes go ahead and make lite of it but it does show a pattern.

Still he denied the kiss so who is telling the truth.

His level of involvement in the pageants was unexpected, and his judgments, the contestants said, could be harsh. Carrie Prejean, who was 21 when she participated in the Miss USA contest in 2009 as Miss California, was surprised to find Mr. Trump personally evaluating the women at rehearsal. “We were told to put on our opening number outfits — they were nearly as revealing as our swimsuits — and line up for him onstage,” she wrote in her memoir, “Still Standing.”

Donald Trump walked out with his entourage and inspected us closer than any general ever inspected a platoon. He would stop in front of a girl, look her up and down, and say, “Hmmm.” Then he would go on and do the same thing to the next girl. He took notes on a little pad as he went along. After he did this, Trump said: “O.K. I want all the girls to come forward.” …
Donald Trump looked at Miss Alabama.
“Come here,” he said.
She took one more step forward.
“Tell me, who’s the most beautiful woman here?”
Miss Alabama’s eyes swam around.
“Besides me?” she said. “Uh, I like Arkansas. She’s sweet.”
“I don’t care if she’s sweet,” Donald Trump said. “Is she hot?” …
It became clear that the point of the whole exercise was for him to divide the room between girls he personally found attractive and those he did not. Many of the girls found the exercise humiliating. Some of the girls were sobbing backstage after he left, devastated to have failed even before the competition really began to impress “The Donald.”

You sound a little jealous. Beauty competition isn't easy. If a girl couldn't cut it then I suggest she drop out. It was, after all, Trump's contest to run as he saw fit, right or wrong, however we may see it. Besides, that was all a long time ago.
All those at the party said it didn’t happen. She’s a mentally ill loon.

You remember what happened at parties you were at 30 years ago in another room? I don't.

Sure thing.... right after you can prove she's telling the truth.


We send people to prison on less than what Dr. Ford had.

Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state clerk, files suit against President Bill Clinton in the federal court in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1994, asking for $700,000 in damages.

Jones claimed that Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, sexually harassed her and then defamed her after she went public with her accusations. The following August, Clinton’s lawyers filed a motion to dismiss Jones’ suit citing presidential immunity. The federal district judge ruled that Clinton could not stand trial until leaving office, but that the investigation into Jones’ allegations could proceed. Jones appealed and in 1996 won the right to proceed to trial in the Supreme Court; Clinton then filed a request to delay the trial until he left office. The timing of the decision, which coincided with the November 1996 presidential election, bought Clinton a reprieve.

Okay, let's look at that. Because Clinton wasted so much of the national attention on a nuscience lawsuit, Al Qaeda was able to build strength. When Clinton tried to take them out, Republicans made jokes about "Wag the Dog" and "Aspirin factories"

The thing was, Jones had no case. Even if Clinton did what she said he did, it didn't fall under sexual harassment as defined by the federal law.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
This is great news for the Dimocrat party.
They now have a legitimate excuse to pressure old senile Joe to end his bid for the presidency. They then could pressure one of the two new Dim rock stars, Cuomo or Newsome, to jump in. Hell, maybe even Hillary !

What makes Fredo and Newsome "rock stars" at all?

Not Fredo, I'm talking about Andrew.
I think Cuomo would make a terrible president. However, he has become a rock star with his daily virus briefings about New York. Unlike Trump, he has been able to make an emotional connection with the people. Here's even a poll showing Dimocrats would now prefer Cuomo over Biden.

Gavin Newsome, is young, good looking, governor of the most populated state, and popular with Democrats.

I don't want any part of any of them, but with old Joe's senility, and now with his woman troubles, one of these other guys or Hillary, would do much better IMO.

Andrew Cuomo has proven himself to be absolute incompetent buffoon. I guess New York loves loved dictatorship, since he has 85% rating there.

He was demanding ventilators while he was hoarding them in a storage unit, and turns out he didn't even need number of ventilators he said he needed. He was demanding hospital beds, while hospital beds are empty by hundreds in hospitals, and on a Navy ship. Now he wasn't us to bail out his budget, and he doesn't mean money spent on virus. He's in a hole for tens of billions of dollars on pensions, he's in debt and he want's us to clean it up. So is California and Illinois. They figured, they can't let crisis go to waste, and they found that way to fix their budgets is to get money from Feds.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.

"nothing to gain"

Ideologically, she had everything to gain. Be a media hero. Be a leftist hero. Just as was Nathan Phillips, or Stephanie Clifford, or Michael Avenatti, or if we go further James Comey. They all lied for the cause, and you're their enabler.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.

Actually, Ford has made a bundle, and will continue to make a bundle from Leftards for many years, like Anita Hill did.

How many books was Hill able to sell, just because she was willing to lie about Clarence Thomas?
This is great news for the Dimocrat party.
They now have a legitimate excuse to pressure old senile Joe to end his bid for the presidency. They then could pressure one of the two new Dim rock stars, Cuomo or Newsome, to jump in. Hell, maybe even Hillary !

What makes Fredo and Newsome "rock stars" at all?

Not Fredo, I'm talking about Andrew.
I think Cuomo would make a terrible president. However, he has become a rock star with his daily virus briefings about New York. Unlike Trump, he has been able to make an emotional connection with the people. Here's even a poll showing Dimocrats would now prefer Cuomo over Biden.

Gavin Newsome, is young, good looking, governor of the most populated state, and popular with Democrats.

I don't want any part of any of them, but with old Joe's senility, and now with his woman troubles, one of these other guys or Hillary, would do much better IMO.
Gay Gavin Gruesome Newsom is popular outside of California. Before corona he was facing recall.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.
Ah, yes, the old agenda driven belief system. A dispassionate look at the cases would prove that ineffective. When a decades old accusation surfaces at just the right time to inflict the most possible damage to a career and to leave no time for the accused to defend himself, the accuser loses credibility. When the accuser insists that something happened at certain location and time, but cannot say how she arrived at that location or how she got back home, she loses credibility. When she insists something happened, yet no one else that was there says they knew anything at all about it happening, she loses credibility. When the accuser only surfaces at the critical time, tries to do damage, then immediately disappears after failing, she loses credibility. The same thing will happen to Biden's accusers. If they can't produce credible evidence, such as proof they were together at the time and place they said something happened, or people in whom they confided at the time that the they were groped by Quid Pro Joe, their stories will likely fall apart as well. The only thing that remains to be seen is how much damage they will do.

You automatically grant credibility based on your personal support for or antipathy toward the accused. Therefore, Bubba Clinton harassed no one, Kavanaugh is as guilty as Al Capone, Trump is a rapist, and Biden is clean of all accusations. Tis partisanship at its worst.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.
Ah, yes, the old agenda driven belief system. A dispassionate look at the cases would prove that ineffective. When a decades old accusation surfaces at just the right time to inflict the most possible damage to a career and to leave no time for the accused to defend himself, the accuser loses credibility. When the accuser insists that something happened at certain location and time, but cannot say how she arrived at that location or how she got back home, she loses credibility. When she insists something happened, yet no one else that was there says they knew anything at all about it happening, she loses credibility. When the accuser only surfaces at the critical time, tries to do damage, then immediately disappears after failing, she loses credibility. The same thing will happen to Biden's accusers. If they can't produce credible evidence, such as proof they were together at the time and place they said something happened, or people in whom they confided at the time that the they were groped by Quid Pro Joe, their stories will likely fall apart as well. The only thing that remains to be seen is how much damage they will do.

You automatically grant credibility based on your personal support for or antipathy toward the accused. Therefore, Bubba Clinton harassed no one, Kavanaugh is as guilty as Al Capone, Trump is a rapist, and Biden is clean of all accusations. Tis partisanship at its worst.

There was no need for Ford to speak up until the beer guzzler was nominated to the USSC.

And I see you have a degree in Psychiatry & understand how traumatic events are remembered. Did you get that from Trump U?

And really, you using my supposed dislike for Kasvanaugh as you spew your dislike for Biden is quite amusing.

I never said Clinton did not sexually harass. Now you are acting like the typical Trumpette lying fuck.

I said Trump is an accused rapist. One spousal Rape & the other Child rape (with a witness).
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.

Actually, Ford has made a bundle, and will continue to make a bundle from Leftards for many years, like Anita Hill did.

How many books was Hill able to sell, just because she was willing to lie about Clarence Thomas?
Most think Hill was right.

Ford just wanted to warn America about Kavanaugh. A waste of time as Republicans accept that behavior from men as they proved in elected Trump.

" I like Beer wahhhhhh wahhhh wahhh." The winning argument to become a USSC Justice.
Let us know when Dr. Blasey Ford is charged.

Let me know when you guys can prove she lied.

Do you know is she still afraid of flying?

View attachment 323340
Lots of people have a fear of flying but do when needed. What the fuck is your point?

Point is that she lied that she couldn't fly to Washington.
The point is that you are full of shit. People that have a fear of flying will do it if absolutely necessary.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.
Ah, yes, the old agenda driven belief system. A dispassionate look at the cases would prove that ineffective. When a decades old accusation surfaces at just the right time to inflict the most possible damage to a career and to leave no time for the accused to defend himself, the accuser loses credibility. When the accuser insists that something happened at certain location and time, but cannot say how she arrived at that location or how she got back home, she loses credibility. When she insists something happened, yet no one else that was there says they knew anything at all about it happening, she loses credibility. When the accuser only surfaces at the critical time, tries to do damage, then immediately disappears after failing, she loses credibility. The same thing will happen to Biden's accusers. If they can't produce credible evidence, such as proof they were together at the time and place they said something happened, or people in whom they confided at the time that the they were groped by Quid Pro Joe, their stories will likely fall apart as well. The only thing that remains to be seen is how much damage they will do.

You automatically grant credibility based on your personal support for or antipathy toward the accused. Therefore, Bubba Clinton harassed no one, Kavanaugh is as guilty as Al Capone, Trump is a rapist, and Biden is clean of all accusations. Tis partisanship at its worst.

There was no need for Ford to speak up until the beer guzzler was nominated to the USSC.

And I see you have a degree in Psychiatry & understand how traumatic events are remembered. Did you get that from Trump U?

And really, you using my supposed dislike for Kasvanaugh as you spew your dislike for Biden is quite amusing.

I never said Clinton did not sexually harass. Now you are acting like the typical Trumpette lying fuck.

I said Trump is an accused rapist. One spousal Rape & the other Child rape (with a witness).
"No need" for Ford to speak up? Think about that one carefully for a minute. And yes, when it comes to accusing someone of a very serious crime, I do expect details to match up, because otherwise you can have vague, untrue accusations destroying lives. Naturally, I dislike the idea of Biden being president, because I think he would be a bad one. What you are lacking, however, is anywhere I've proclaimed him guilty of sexual harassment. That's not been proven and may never be. I am watching with amusement, however, the very same who pilloried Kavanaugh as a rapist or sexual abuser on a very old, unsubstantiated accusation suddenly discovering the need for proof before sending someone up the river. So, do you believe Clinton is a sexual harasser?
I can't believe Trumpettes are still defending a man whose claim to a seat of the USSC is based on him liking beer.

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