Joe Biden’s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

If Biden should be dumped, Trump she be dumped. What is fair is fair game.

The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
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Trump already answered the false charges in 2016. They were false, BTW.

Why do you libs want to Literally Lynch Trump against on lies of alleged sex crimes against white broads? That's what you libs did with Emmett Till, that's what you did with Trump in 2016, and now you want to do it again.

As far as whether the DNC should dump Sleepy Joe, that's their business. I wouldn't pretend to tell them what they should do.

Let me get this straight

So when 25 woman make accusation against Trump and even one of his previous wife accused him of rape while married. He denies it and its he so believable because he says it is fake news

But when this woman and their may be more make allegations against Biden then it is not fake news
'Will the #MeToo movement please stand up?

While Hollywood’s believe-all-women activists were quick to defame Brett Kavanaugh, the elite seem to be strangely quiet when it comes to Joe Biden.

Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexual assault in 1993, has officially filed a criminal complaint in Washington D.C.

Reade has accused Biden of assaulting her when he was in the Senate. She was a staffer in 1993.

Biden has said that he “Believes all women,” yet his campaign denies the claim.

Joe Biden's Sexual Accuser Tara Reade Officially Files Criminal Complaint in DC'
Lawsuits are very expensive so I have to wonder who is backing her. Can you say "swift boat"?

Why do you think that she is lying? They tell me its exceedingly rare for a broad to lie about being assaulted, and we should always believe the victim.
I don't know that she is lying or telling the truth, I only question the timing. She'd be more believable if others came forward with the same claims. Right now it looks like Biden has 16 fewer complaints of sexual harassment than does Trump so given that choice...

Believe women, hypocrite.
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
why don't those same rules matter to a kavanaugh exactly?

There was enough there in terms of people who were close to kavanaugh and his victim at the time that the incident occurred to establish some evidence. His friends. Her friends. People who knew him or were in a position to witness his behavior.

When I was about 20, my friends, male and female, went on a cheap ski vacation to Maine. Sugarloaf. Six of us, including one guy who was the partner of one of us girls, stayed in one large room. The rest of our party stayed in different rooms. There was one bathroom at the end of the hall for all the people on the floor. I was accosted in the hall by someone in the room across the hall while in my jammies with footies, and had to be escorted to the bathroom by my male roommate for the rest of our stay. I never knew the name of the kid who attacked me. If I did know his name, and he was running for office at any time in the years afterwards, I would go public and ream him a new asshole.

Ford had no corroborating witnesses you goddamn liar.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...
There was no claim of molestation by Paula Jones.

You're right. Mr. Clinton sexually harassed Ms. Jones, and afterwards, tried to cheat her out of the money he owed her by lying and convincing witness Monica Lewinsky to lie as well.

If Clinton had been a man about it, and just ponied up the money for exposing himself to Jones, he would have spared himself a lot of grief.
If Biden should be dumped, Trump she be dumped. What is fair is fair game.

The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
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Trump already answered the false charges in 2016. They were false, BTW.

Why do you libs want to Literally Lynch Trump against on lies of alleged sex crimes against white broads? That's what you libs did with Emmett Till, that's what you did with Trump in 2016, and now you want to do it again.

As far as whether the DNC should dump Sleepy Joe, that's their business. I wouldn't pretend to tell them what they should do.

Let me get this straight

So when 25 woman make accusation against Trump and even one of his previous wife accused him of rape while married. He denies it and its he so believable because he says it is fake news

But when this woman and their may be more make allegations against Biden then it is not fake news

The difference is in leftist hypocricy.

While Trump called it straight up as a lie, Biden was preaching that we must believe all women.

It's obvious, he meant all women... all except those who accuse him of sexual assault.
This is great news for the Dimocrat party.
They now have a legitimate excuse to pressure old senile Joe to end his bid for the presidency. They then could pressure one of the two new Dim rock stars, Cuomo or Newsome, to jump in. Hell, maybe even Hillary !

What makes Fredo and Newsome "rock stars" at all?

Not Fredo, I'm talking about Andrew.
I think Cuomo would make a terrible president. However, he has become a rock star with his daily virus briefings about New York. Unlike Trump, he has been able to make an emotional connection with the people. Here's even a poll showing Dimocrats would now prefer Cuomo over Biden.

Gavin Newsome, is young, good looking, governor of the most populated state, and popular with Democrats.

I don't want any part of any of them, but with old Joe's senility, and now with his woman troubles, one of these other guys or Hillary, would do much better IMO.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.

Actually, I'll go one further. I think Democrats should stop treating these women on ANY side seriously. The Republicans are immune to it because they won't hold their own accountable. That's true going all the way back to Clarance Thomas... So I'm not sure why the Democrats are burning their own over petty complaints.

It reminds me of the joke LBJ made about liberals and cannibals. Cannibals don't eat their friends.

Paula Jones didn't lie at all.

Actually, she did. She claimed Clinton's Penis had a "distinguishing characteristic". This was proven false by not only Clinton's medical records, but by chicks who have actually seen his penis.

Clinton sexually harassed her, but instead of just ponying up the moolah he owed her, he forced her to sue and he, himself, perjured himself in the depositions.

Actually, he was willing to settle the entire time. Jones' lawyers, who worked for his enemies, insisted he also apologize for something he didn't do. What he should have done was plead "no contest" and then insisted that he owed no more than the largest award given out up to that point, which was $10K.
Biden was preaching that we must believe all women.

If Biden should be dumped, Trump she be dumped. What is fair is fair game.

The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
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Trump already answered the false charges in 2016. They were false, BTW.

Why do you libs want to Literally Lynch Trump against on lies of alleged sex crimes against white broads? That's what you libs did with Emmett Till, that's what you did with Trump in 2016, and now you want to do it again.

As far as whether the DNC should dump Sleepy Joe, that's their business. I wouldn't pretend to tell them what they should do.

Let me get this straight

So when 25 woman make accusation against Trump and even one of his previous wife accused him of rape while married. He denies it and its he so believable because he says it is fake news

But when this woman and their may be more make allegations against Biden then it is not fake news

The difference is in leftist hypocricy.

While Trump called it straight up as a lie, Biden was preaching that we must believe all women.

It's obvious, he meant all women... all except those who accuse him of sexual assault.

yes but are all 25 woman are all lying. Even his wife accused him of rape while there were still married. His response was we were married how can it be rape. Right wing hypocrisy when it is one of their own, Yeah he telling the truth with a history as checkered as Trumps but when a democrat lies oh its this and that. Skirting the issues. The only issues is whether the girls are telling the truth and not whether the guy denies.

On April 5, 2018, Trump was on Air Force One when he claimed that he had no knowledge of Cohen's payment to Daniels. On April 26, however, Trump admitted for the first time that Cohen represented him in "the Stormy Daniels deal"

So a clear lie and then a reversal. So know you believe he never lies especially when it comes to woman. Right wing hypocrisy right from the horses mouth.
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
Temple Taggart, a former Miss Utah, told the New York Times in May 2016 that Trump "kissed me directly on the lips" when she met him at the Miss USA pageant in 1997.

That bastard! I guess we ought to lock up Richard Dawson as well!

It is still inappropriate behavior to be married and kiss a beauty pageant contestant on the lips when they first meet and he is the owner of the pageant. Yes go ahead and make lite of it but it does show a pattern.

Still he denied the kiss so who is telling the truth.

His level of involvement in the pageants was unexpected, and his judgments, the contestants said, could be harsh. Carrie Prejean, who was 21 when she participated in the Miss USA contest in 2009 as Miss California, was surprised to find Mr. Trump personally evaluating the women at rehearsal. “We were told to put on our opening number outfits — they were nearly as revealing as our swimsuits — and line up for him onstage,” she wrote in her memoir, “Still Standing.”

Donald Trump walked out with his entourage and inspected us closer than any general ever inspected a platoon. He would stop in front of a girl, look her up and down, and say, “Hmmm.” Then he would go on and do the same thing to the next girl. He took notes on a little pad as he went along. After he did this, Trump said: “O.K. I want all the girls to come forward.” …
Donald Trump looked at Miss Alabama.
“Come here,” he said.
She took one more step forward.
“Tell me, who’s the most beautiful woman here?”
Miss Alabama’s eyes swam around.
“Besides me?” she said. “Uh, I like Arkansas. She’s sweet.”
“I don’t care if she’s sweet,” Donald Trump said. “Is she hot?” …
It became clear that the point of the whole exercise was for him to divide the room between girls he personally found attractive and those he did not. Many of the girls found the exercise humiliating. Some of the girls were sobbing backstage after he left, devastated to have failed even before the competition really began to impress “The Donald.”
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
Temple Taggart, a former Miss Utah, told the New York Times in May 2016 that Trump "kissed me directly on the lips" when she met him at the Miss USA pageant in 1997.

That bastard! I guess we ought to lock up Richard Dawson as well!

It is still inappropriate behavior to be married and kiss a beauty pageant contestant on the lips when they first meet and he is the owner of the pageant. Yes go ahead and make lite of it but it does show a pattern.

Still he denied the kiss so who is telling the truth.

His level of involvement in the pageants was unexpected, and his judgments, the contestants said, could be harsh. Carrie Prejean, who was 21 when she participated in the Miss USA contest in 2009 as Miss California, was surprised to find Mr. Trump personally evaluating the women at rehearsal. “We were told to put on our opening number outfits — they were nearly as revealing as our swimsuits — and line up for him onstage,” she wrote in her memoir, “Still Standing.”

Donald Trump walked out with his entourage and inspected us closer than any general ever inspected a platoon. He would stop in front of a girl, look her up and down, and say, “Hmmm.” Then he would go on and do the same thing to the next girl. He took notes on a little pad as he went along. After he did this, Trump said: “O.K. I want all the girls to come forward.” …
Donald Trump looked at Miss Alabama.
“Come here,” he said.
She took one more step forward.
“Tell me, who’s the most beautiful woman here?”
Miss Alabama’s eyes swam around.
“Besides me?” she said. “Uh, I like Arkansas. She’s sweet.”
“I don’t care if she’s sweet,” Donald Trump said. “Is she hot?” …
It became clear that the point of the whole exercise was for him to divide the room between girls he personally found attractive and those he did not. Many of the girls found the exercise humiliating. Some of the girls were sobbing backstage after he left, devastated to have failed even before the competition really began to impress “The Donald.”

What I don't understand is why libs are talking about stories, true or false, from The Donald's past.

Why not talk about Trump's actual POLICIES instead? These past several weeks, his stand against the Coronavirus has been tremendous. The story isn't over yet, but its really shaping up. Our President has asked Americans to wash their hands after using the can to help stop the spread. Why don't the libs stand up against Trump on that issue, and take the con side of that? President Trump has a plan to restart the economy and achieve new levels of unparalleled greatness. Vice President Biden could take the con on that issue, arguing for a multiyear lockdown.

Those issues seem to the big ones right now, but Trump has controversial stands against Terrorism, in favor of Peace, as well as in favor of Prosperity. All these are opportunities for Sleepy Joe to take the opposite stand and let the People decide. Talking about if Trump was inappropriate with some broad many years ago, even though there is no proof of that, seems like a real waste of a campaign which should be about public policy.
Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state clerk, files suit against President Bill Clinton in the federal court in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1994, asking for $700,000 in damages.

Jones claimed that Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, sexually harassed her and then defamed her after she went public with her accusations. The following August, Clinton’s lawyers filed a motion to dismiss Jones’ suit citing presidential immunity. The federal district judge ruled that Clinton could not stand trial until leaving office, but that the investigation into Jones’ allegations could proceed. Jones appealed and in 1996 won the right to proceed to trial in the Supreme Court; Clinton then filed a request to delay the trial until he left office. The timing of the decision, which coincided with the November 1996 presidential election, bought Clinton a reprieve.

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