Joe Bidenā€™s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

Let us know when Dr. Blasey Ford is charged.

Let me know when you guys can prove she lied.

Do you know is she still afraid of flying?

View attachment 323340
Lots of people have a fear of flying but do when needed. What the fuck is your point?

Point is that she lied that she couldn't fly to Washington.
The point is that you are full of shit. People that have a fear of flying will do it if absolutely necessary.

And going to Washington wasn't necessary?
I can't believe Trumpettes are still defending a man whose claim to a seat of the USSC is based on him liking beer.

Please explain the difference between accusations against Kavanaugh and against Biden.

Why you chose to find one credible and another not?
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
This is merely confirming my prediction. Decades old, impossible to prove accusations of sexual misconduct will be a normal part of every election cycle. We saw it against Kavanaugh and I predicted that we would see it against the next democrat candidate, and we have. They've already shot their wad against Trump, so we won't be hearing any more about that except for dredged up, toothless claims to be hurled as a weak defense any time Biden's name is in the spotlight.
All claims are not all equal.
When they're decades old with no witnesses, no contemporary reports or even 2nd hand witnesses and no physical evidence tying both parties to the same place and time, they pretty much are because they come down to he said, she said stories. The claims against Kavanaugh were no more credible than the ones against Biden, yet we're going to see those who screamed bloody murder that Kavanaugh was guilty and that all women must be heard and believed now say that Biden is innocent and his accusers must not be believed, and on it goes. This will become SOP every election cycle.
No because the people are different. A well renowned college professor with nothing to gain would hold more credibility than say a person who spent his collerge years in a drunken stupor with the USSC position to lose. I would belive anyone over Trump, a proven frequent liar.
Ah, yes, the old agenda driven belief system. A dispassionate look at the cases would prove that ineffective. When a decades old accusation surfaces at just the right time to inflict the most possible damage to a career and to leave no time for the accused to defend himself, the accuser loses credibility. When the accuser insists that something happened at certain location and time, but cannot say how she arrived at that location or how she got back home, she loses credibility. When she insists something happened, yet no one else that was there says they knew anything at all about it happening, she loses credibility. When the accuser only surfaces at the critical time, tries to do damage, then immediately disappears after failing, she loses credibility. The same thing will happen to Biden's accusers. If they can't produce credible evidence, such as proof they were together at the time and place they said something happened, or people in whom they confided at the time that the they were groped by Quid Pro Joe, their stories will likely fall apart as well. The only thing that remains to be seen is how much damage they will do.

You automatically grant credibility based on your personal support for or antipathy toward the accused. Therefore, Bubba Clinton harassed no one, Kavanaugh is as guilty as Al Capone, Trump is a rapist, and Biden is clean of all accusations. Tis partisanship at its worst.

There was no need for Ford to speak up until the beer guzzler was nominated to the USSC.

And I see you have a degree in Psychiatry & understand how traumatic events are remembered. Did you get that from Trump U?

And really, you using my supposed dislike for Kasvanaugh as you spew your dislike for Biden is quite amusing.

I never said Clinton did not sexually harass. Now you are acting like the typical Trumpette lying fuck.

I said Trump is an accused rapist. One spousal Rape & the other Child rape (with a witness).
"No need" for Ford to speak up? Think about that one carefully for a minute. And yes, when it comes to accusing someone of a very serious crime, I do expect details to match up, because otherwise you can have vague, untrue accusations destroying lives. Naturally, I dislike the idea of Biden being president, because I think he would be a bad one. What you are lacking, however, is anywhere I've proclaimed him guilty of sexual harassment. That's not been proven and may never be. I am watching with amusement, however, the very same who pilloried Kavanaugh as a rapist or sexual abuser on a very old, unsubstantiated accusation suddenly discovering the need for proof before sending someone up the river. So, do you believe Clinton is a sexual harasser?

Funny shit. Your "Quid Pro Joe" demonstrated exactly what you think of BIden to spread that lie about Biden & Ukraine.

You can expect things to match up because you are not a psychiatrist who treats people who have had traumatic events in their lives. Or maybe attempted rape is just a normal activity to you. Which is it?

Ford did not accuse Kavanaugh of rape. It was attempted rape. Kavanaugh could have survived it without the trashing of Ford by assfucks like you or screaming how he liked beer. All he had to do was say he had no memory & if he did it, he was sorry. The guy spent most of his college days drunk. His action during the committee meeting disqualified him. What an ass he is.
Would you attempt to rape this? I wouldn't attempt to touch it with remote control. Just saying.

Let us know when Dr. Blasey Ford is charged.

Let me know when you guys can prove she lied.

Do you know is she still afraid of flying?

View attachment 323340
Lots of people have a fear of flying but do when needed. What the fuck is your point?

Point is that she lied that she couldn't fly to Washington.
The point is that you are full of shit. People that have a fear of flying will do it if absolutely necessary.

And going to Washington wasn't necessary?

She told her story. Could have been done via video. All the Republicans wanted to do was cakll her a liar or a slut.
Let us know when Dr. Blasey Ford is charged.

Let me know when you guys can prove she lied.

Do you know is she still afraid of flying?

View attachment 323340
Lots of people have a fear of flying but do when needed. What the fuck is your point?

Point is that she lied that she couldn't fly to Washington.
The point is that you are full of shit. People that have a fear of flying will do it if absolutely necessary.

And going to Washington wasn't necessary?

She told her story. Could have been done via video. All the Republicans wanted to do was cakll her a liar or a slut.

Story... right. Story so believable that she couldn't remember almost anything she was coached to say. Except the "laughter" forever recorded in her hippocampus. LOL Good story, bro.

So, she could go to Washington to meet with former agent (not current) to perform lie detector test, to meet with lawyers, but not to testify.

Does accused have a right to face the accuser?
So, here is the NYT article before and after "correction".

"imprecise language"... They deleted "precise" details. LOL

And who are they to rule that there are no patterns in sexual misconduct? Don't we have medical and legal system to determine that?

I can't believe Trumpettes are still defending a man whose claim to a seat of the USSC is based on him liking beer.

Please explain the difference between accusations against Kavanaugh and against Biden.

Why you chose to find one credible and another not?
For one thing Ford's best friend said it never happened. In this case I must support stink finger Joe. If Tara didn't come forward when he ran for the Senate or when he ran for VP she has nothing to say now.
Do you believe women?
Sure, if they have evidence. But the left taught me during the Kavanaugh charade that evidence is not required. So practice what you preach, hypocrite.
Evidence in such cases is usually hard to come by, especially old cases. If it is a case of he said, she said, I reserve my judgement. If it is a case of he said, they said, I'm starting to lean. Kavanaugh had 3 accusers, Trump 17, and Biden had...
I can't believe Trumpettes are still defending a man whose claim to a seat of the USSC is based on him liking beer.

Please explain the difference between accusations against Kavanaugh and against Biden.

Why you chose to find one credible and another not?
For one thing Ford's best friend said it never happened. In this case I must support stink finger Joe. If Tara didn't come forward when he ran for the Senate or when he ran for VP she has nothing to say now.

She claims that happened when he was in Senate, and she was aide there. Maybe unrelated, but Congress hides those things, they even have funds (on our dime) to pay off those cases when they happen.

But you see, you're consistent, and you use the same reasoning for Ford and Reade. Leftist don't.

They're still defending Ford and saying she's credible, while attacking Reade and saying she's not credible. Biden himself was saying that women must be believed, well, unless they accuse him of the same.
Last edited:
Do you believe women?
Sure, if they have evidence. But the left taught me during the Kavanaugh charade that evidence is not required. So practice what you preach, hypocrite.
Evidence in such cases is usually hard to come by, especially old cases. If it is a case of he said, she said, I reserve my judgement. If it is a case of he said, they said, I'm starting to lean. Kavanaugh had 3 accusers, Trump 17, and Biden had...

"Kavanaugh had 3 accusers"


You're funny.
Do you believe women?
Sure, if they have evidence. But the left taught me during the Kavanaugh charade that evidence is not required. So practice what you preach, hypocrite.
Evidence in such cases is usually hard to come by, especially old cases. If it is a case of he said, she said, I reserve my judgement. If it is a case of he said, they said, I'm starting to lean. Kavanaugh had 3 accusers, Trump 17, and Biden had...

"Kavanaugh had 3 accusers"


You're funny.
I may be, the subject, no so much:

The Sexual Assault Allegations Against Kavanaugh
By Ainara TiefenthƤler

There are multiple women who have accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. Here are their allegations and his responses.CreditCredit...T.J. Kirkpatrick for The New York Times
By Christine Hauser

Three women have publicly accused Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee, of sexual assault or misconduct, with the latest allegation emerging on Wednesday.
The accusations against Judge Kavanaugh started to surface this month as he faced confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The judge has denied the claims. On Thursday, as he testified before the committee about Christine Blasey Fordā€™s allegations, he said forcefully, ā€œI am innocent.ā€

[Hereā€™s a guide to The New York Timesā€™s coverage of the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh]


Christine Blasey Ford
Christine Blasey Ford
What she said
Dr. Blasey came forward in an interview published by The Washington Post on Sept. 16, saying that Judge Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when she was about 15 at a party in suburban Maryland in the early 1980s.
She described a drunken Judge Kavanaugh pinning her on a bed, trying to take her clothing off and covering her mouth to keep her from screaming. ā€œI thought he might inadvertently kill me,ā€ the newspaper quoted her as saying. ā€œHe was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.ā€

Dr. Blasey said a friend of Judge Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, was in the room and participated in the assault. He has denied the allegations.
Her background
Dr. Blasey, 51, is a research psychologist at Palo Alto University in Northern California, who also goes by her married name, Ford.
[Read our profile of Dr. Blasey]
At the time of the alleged assault, she was a student at Holton-Arms School, a private girlsā€™ prep school in Bethesda, Md. He was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School, an elite Jesuit school in suburban Washington.

The entrance to Georgetown Preparatory School in North Bethesda, Md.Credit...Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA, via Shutterstock
Important details
Her account was also detailed in a confidential July 30 letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee.

The Post interview included quotations from Dr. Blaseyā€™s husband and her lawyer, and it described a therapistā€™s notes from 2012 in which she spoke of the attack.
She also took a polygraph examination in August. The retired F.B.I. agent who conducted the examination, Jerry Hanafin, said the results showed ā€œno deception indicatedā€ ā€” in effect, ā€œshe was being truthful.ā€ Her lawyers released a copy of the polygraph report on Wednesday.
Judge Kavanaughā€™s response
Judge Kavanaugh has denied the accusations, and the White House has said it stands by those denials.
What happened next
The report resulted in the delay of the Judiciary Committeeā€™s vote on Judge Kavanaughā€™s nomination the week it was published.
Dr. Blaseyā€™s lawyers, Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, have said that since she went public with her story, she has been subjected to death threats, had her email hacked and had to leave her home.

The committeeā€™s Republican leadership has retained an Arizona prosecutor specializing in sex crimes to help question Dr. Blasey about the allegations in a hearing on Thursday.


Deborah RamirezCredit...Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, via Associated Press
Deborah Ramirez
What she said
Ms. Ramirez said in an interview published in The New Yorker on Sept. 23 that during the 1983-84 school year at Yale University, when she and Judge Kavanaugh were freshmen, he exposed himself to her during a drinking game in a dorm suite.
A small group of students sat in a circle and people selected who had to take a drink, she recalled, saying she was chosen frequently. She became drunk, she said.
Suddenly, Ms. Ramirez said, she saw a penis in front of her face. One man told her to ā€œkiss it,ā€ she told The New Yorker. As she moved to push it away, she said, she saw Judge Kavanaugh standing, laughing and pulling up his pants. Raised a Catholic, Ms. Ramirez was ā€œembarrassed and ashamed and humiliated,ā€ she said.
Her background
Ms. Ramirez, 53, was a student of sociology and psychology at the time. She arrived at Yale from Shelton, Conn., the daughter of a telephone company lineman and a medical technician. She attended a coed Catholic high school, St. Joseph, that was predominantly white but had a number of minority students, including Ms. Ramirez, whose father was Puerto Rican.

Judge Kavanaugh attended Yale Law School after graduating from Yale University.Credit...Jessica Hill for The New York Times

[In a culture of alcohol at Yale, Ms. Ramirezā€™s social circle converged with Judge Kavanaughā€™s]
Ms. Ramirez is now a registered Democrat who lives in Boulder, Colo., with her husband, Vikram Shah, a technology consultant. She has worked with a domestic violence organization and joined its board in 2014. She also works for the Boulder County housing department.
Important details
Ms. Ramirez said she told few people about the episode at the time. She and Judge Kavanaugh were not close friends, but they crossed paths, including at Yale and at a wedding in 1997.
Judge Kavanaughā€™s response
Judge Kavanaugh denied the allegation, saying in a statement to The New Yorker, ā€œThis is a smear, plain and simple.ā€
What happened next
More than 2,200 Yale women have signed a letter of support for Ms. Ramirez; a similar letter has been circulating among Yale men.
A lawyer for Ms. Ramirez has written to the Judiciary Committee saying that his client would be ā€œwilling to cooperateā€ and tell her story under certain terms.


Julie SwetnickCredit...Michael Avenatti, via Associated Press
Julie Swetnick
What she said
On Wednesday, Ms. Swetnick accused Judge Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct at parties while he was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School in the 1980s. Her allegation was conveyed in a statement posted on Twitter by her lawyer, Michael Avenatti.

Ms. Swetnick said she observed Judge Kavanaugh at parties where women were verbally abused, inappropriately touched and ā€œgang raped.ā€
She said she witnessed Judge Kavanaugh participating in some of the misconduct, including lining up outside a bedroom where ā€œnumerous boysā€ were ā€œwaiting for their ā€˜turnā€™ with a girl inside the room.ā€ Ms. Swetnick said she was raped at one of the parties, and she believed she had been drugged.
Her background
Like Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Swetnick, 55, is from the Washington suburbs. She grew up in Montgomery County, Md., graduating from Gaithersburg High School in 1980. She attended the University of Maryland, according to a rƩsumƩ for her posted online, The Times reported.
She has held a variety of public and private sector jobs in Washington. Her rĆ©sumĆ© and her lawyerā€™s statement say she has held several government clearances, including with the State Department and the Justice Department.
Important details
Ms. Swetnick said in her statement that she had attended at least 10 house parties in the Washington area from 1981 to 1983 where Judge Kavanaugh and Mr. Judge, his friend, were present. (Mr. Judge has denied the allegations in her statement.)
Ms. Swetnick said she saw Judge Kavanaugh drinking ā€œexcessivelyā€ at parties and engaging in ā€œabusive and physically aggressive behavior toward girls, including pressing girls against him without their consent, ā€˜grindingā€™ against girls, and attempting to remove or shift girlsā€™ clothing to expose private body parts.ā€
Judge Kavanaughā€™s response
In a statement issued by the White House, Judge Kavanaugh said there was no truth to the claim. ā€œThis is ridiculous and from the ā€˜Twilight Zone,ā€™ā€ he said. ā€œI donā€™t know who this is and this never happened.ā€

What happened next
President Trump dismissed Ms. Swetnickā€™s lawyer, Mr. Avenatti, on Twitter as a ā€œthird rate lawyer who is good at making false accusationsā€ and is seeking attention.
Judiciary Committee aides confirmed that they were examining Ms. Swetnickā€™s declaration. But the committeeā€™s Republican chairman, Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, told reporters that he did not expect to find anything.
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, another Republican on the committee, said he would ā€œnot be a participant in wholesale character assassination that defies credibility.ā€
A fourth accusation surfaces
Judge Kavanaugh faced another accusation after an anonymous letter, dated Sept. 22, was sent to Senator Cory Gardner, Republican of Colorado.
In the letter, a woman said her daughter had witnessed Judge Kavanaugh drunkenly push her friend, a woman he was dating, up against a wall ā€œvery aggressively and sexuallyā€ after they left a bar one night in 1998.
On Tuesday, Judge Kavanaugh was questioned about the letter by staff lawyers for the Judiciary Committee about the accusation, which he denied, according to a transcript.
ā€œItā€™s ridiculous,ā€ he said. ā€œTotal ā€˜Twilight Zone.ā€™ And no, Iā€™ve never done anything like that.ā€
Do you believe women?
Sure, if they have evidence. But the left taught me during the Kavanaugh charade that evidence is not required. So practice what you preach, hypocrite.
Evidence in such cases is usually hard to come by, especially old cases. If it is a case of he said, she said, I reserve my judgement. If it is a case of he said, they said, I'm starting to lean. Kavanaugh had 3 accusers, Trump 17, and Biden had...

"Kavanaugh had 3 accusers"


You're funny.
I may be, the subject, no so much:

The Sexual Assault Allegations Against Kavanaugh
By Ainara TiefenthƤler

There are multiple women who have accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. Here are their allegations and his responses.CreditCredit...T.J. Kirkpatrick for The New York Times
By Christine Hauser

Three women have publicly accused Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee, of sexual assault or misconduct, with the latest allegation emerging on Wednesday.
The accusations against Judge Kavanaugh started to surface this month as he faced confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The judge has denied the claims. On Thursday, as he testified before the committee about Christine Blasey Fordā€™s allegations, he said forcefully, ā€œI am innocent.ā€

[Hereā€™s a guide to The New York Timesā€™s coverage of the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh]


Christine Blasey Ford
Christine Blasey Ford
What she said
Dr. Blasey came forward in an interview published by The Washington Post on Sept. 16, saying that Judge Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when she was about 15 at a party in suburban Maryland in the early 1980s.
She described a drunken Judge Kavanaugh pinning her on a bed, trying to take her clothing off and covering her mouth to keep her from screaming. ā€œI thought he might inadvertently kill me,ā€ the newspaper quoted her as saying. ā€œHe was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.ā€

Dr. Blasey said a friend of Judge Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, was in the room and participated in the assault. He has denied the allegations.
Her background
Dr. Blasey, 51, is a research psychologist at Palo Alto University in Northern California, who also goes by her married name, Ford.
[Read our profile of Dr. Blasey]
At the time of the alleged assault, she was a student at Holton-Arms School, a private girlsā€™ prep school in Bethesda, Md. He was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School, an elite Jesuit school in suburban Washington.
Staying Safe While Delivering Weed in the Pandemic

The entrance to Georgetown Preparatory School in North Bethesda, Md.Credit...Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA, via Shutterstock
Important details
Her account was also detailed in a confidential July 30 letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee.

The Post interview included quotations from Dr. Blaseyā€™s husband and her lawyer, and it described a therapistā€™s notes from 2012 in which she spoke of the attack.
She also took a polygraph examination in August. The retired F.B.I. agent who conducted the examination, Jerry Hanafin, said the results showed ā€œno deception indicatedā€ ā€” in effect, ā€œshe was being truthful.ā€ Her lawyers released a copy of the polygraph report on Wednesday.
Judge Kavanaughā€™s response
Judge Kavanaugh has denied the accusations, and the White House has said it stands by those denials.
What happened next
The report resulted in the delay of the Judiciary Committeeā€™s vote on Judge Kavanaughā€™s nomination the week it was published.
Dr. Blaseyā€™s lawyers, Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, have said that since she went public with her story, she has been subjected to death threats, had her email hacked and had to leave her home.

The committeeā€™s Republican leadership has retained an Arizona prosecutor specializing in sex crimes to help question Dr. Blasey about the allegations in a hearing on Thursday.


Deborah RamirezCredit...Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, via Associated Press
Deborah Ramirez
What she said
Ms. Ramirez said in an interview published in The New Yorker on Sept. 23 that during the 1983-84 school year at Yale University, when she and Judge Kavanaugh were freshmen, he exposed himself to her during a drinking game in a dorm suite.
A small group of students sat in a circle and people selected who had to take a drink, she recalled, saying she was chosen frequently. She became drunk, she said.
Suddenly, Ms. Ramirez said, she saw a penis in front of her face. One man told her to ā€œkiss it,ā€ she told The New Yorker. As she moved to push it away, she said, she saw Judge Kavanaugh standing, laughing and pulling up his pants. Raised a Catholic, Ms. Ramirez was ā€œembarrassed and ashamed and humiliated,ā€ she said.
Her background
Ms. Ramirez, 53, was a student of sociology and psychology at the time. She arrived at Yale from Shelton, Conn., the daughter of a telephone company lineman and a medical technician. She attended a coed Catholic high school, St. Joseph, that was predominantly white but had a number of minority students, including Ms. Ramirez, whose father was Puerto Rican.

Judge Kavanaugh attended Yale Law School after graduating from Yale University.Credit...Jessica Hill for The New York Times

[In a culture of alcohol at Yale, Ms. Ramirezā€™s social circle converged with Judge Kavanaughā€™s]
Ms. Ramirez is now a registered Democrat who lives in Boulder, Colo., with her husband, Vikram Shah, a technology consultant. She has worked with a domestic violence organization and joined its board in 2014. She also works for the Boulder County housing department.
Important details
Ms. Ramirez said she told few people about the episode at the time. She and Judge Kavanaugh were not close friends, but they crossed paths, including at Yale and at a wedding in 1997.
Judge Kavanaughā€™s response
Judge Kavanaugh denied the allegation, saying in a statement to The New Yorker, ā€œThis is a smear, plain and simple.ā€
What happened next
More than 2,200 Yale women have signed a letter of support for Ms. Ramirez; a similar letter has been circulating among Yale men.
A lawyer for Ms. Ramirez has written to the Judiciary Committee saying that his client would be ā€œwilling to cooperateā€ and tell her story under certain terms.


Julie SwetnickCredit...Michael Avenatti, via Associated Press
Julie Swetnick
What she said
On Wednesday, Ms. Swetnick accused Judge Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct at parties while he was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School in the 1980s. Her allegation was conveyed in a statement posted on Twitter by her lawyer, Michael Avenatti.

Ms. Swetnick said she observed Judge Kavanaugh at parties where women were verbally abused, inappropriately touched and ā€œgang raped.ā€
She said she witnessed Judge Kavanaugh participating in some of the misconduct, including lining up outside a bedroom where ā€œnumerous boysā€ were ā€œwaiting for their ā€˜turnā€™ with a girl inside the room.ā€ Ms. Swetnick said she was raped at one of the parties, and she believed she had been drugged.
Her background
Like Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Swetnick, 55, is from the Washington suburbs. She grew up in Montgomery County, Md., graduating from Gaithersburg High School in 1980. She attended the University of Maryland, according to a rƩsumƩ for her posted online, The Times reported.
She has held a variety of public and private sector jobs in Washington. Her rĆ©sumĆ© and her lawyerā€™s statement say she has held several government clearances, including with the State Department and the Justice Department.
Important details
Ms. Swetnick said in her statement that she had attended at least 10 house parties in the Washington area from 1981 to 1983 where Judge Kavanaugh and Mr. Judge, his friend, were present. (Mr. Judge has denied the allegations in her statement.)
Ms. Swetnick said she saw Judge Kavanaugh drinking ā€œexcessivelyā€ at parties and engaging in ā€œabusive and physically aggressive behavior toward girls, including pressing girls against him without their consent, ā€˜grindingā€™ against girls, and attempting to remove or shift girlsā€™ clothing to expose private body parts.ā€
Judge Kavanaughā€™s response
In a statement issued by the White House, Judge Kavanaugh said there was no truth to the claim. ā€œThis is ridiculous and from the ā€˜Twilight Zone,ā€™ā€ he said. ā€œI donā€™t know who this is and this never happened.ā€

What happened next
President Trump dismissed Ms. Swetnickā€™s lawyer, Mr. Avenatti, on Twitter as a ā€œthird rate lawyer who is good at making false accusationsā€ and is seeking attention.
Judiciary Committee aides confirmed that they were examining Ms. Swetnickā€™s declaration. But the committeeā€™s Republican chairman, Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, told reporters that he did not expect to find anything.
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, another Republican on the committee, said he would ā€œnot be a participant in wholesale character assassination that defies credibility.ā€
A fourth accusation surfaces
Judge Kavanaugh faced another accusation after an anonymous letter, dated Sept. 22, was sent to Senator Cory Gardner, Republican of Colorado.
In the letter, a woman said her daughter had witnessed Judge Kavanaugh drunkenly push her friend, a woman he was dating, up against a wall ā€œvery aggressively and sexuallyā€ after they left a bar one night in 1998.
On Tuesday, Judge Kavanaugh was questioned about the letter by staff lawyers for the Judiciary Committee about the accusation, which he denied, according to a transcript.
ā€œItā€™s ridiculous,ā€ he said. ā€œTotal ā€˜Twilight Zone.ā€™ And no, Iā€™ve never done anything like that.ā€


You gotta be kidding. Swetnick (a call girl) witnessed something happened to other women, and none of those women came forward. And interesting, no names. How much did he get paid to be witness?
You gotta be kidding. Swetnick (a call girl) witnessed something happened to other women, and none of those women came forward. And interesting, no names. How much did he get paid to be witness?
No single, he said she said accuser is ever 100% believable but the more accusers the more creedence they deserve. When someone has more than, say, 15 accusers you have to start thinking there is a fire under all that smoke. Bill Cosby had 60 accusers, I'd think that is enough for anyone to be convinced.

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