Joe Biden’s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
why don't those same rules matter to a kavanaugh exactly?
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Both of these women had independent additional evidence for substantiating their claims. As far as I know, Biden's accuser has none.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Both of these women had independent additional evidence for substantiating their claims. As far as I know Biden's accuser has none.
they did? like what?
Why is Tara Reade filing a criminal complaint? It was 27 years ago? Who is paying her?

This has nothing to do with Republicans who genuinely want Biden to be the nominee. This is a tactic of the left. The DNC desperately wants to replace Biden. They are making an excuse.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Both of these women had independent additional evidence for substantiating their claims. As far as I know Biden's accuser has none.
they did? like what?
Ford has seen a therapist about the incident and the therapist had notes. Also, Ford had spoken to others about the incident, less reliable than a therapist notes, but still evidence. Nelson's evidence was the community knowledge of Moore's behavior which fit Nelson's allegation. In fact, Moore did not deny Nelson's claim of dating her. He was not accused of molesting her. He was accused of having a community reputation for chasing underage girls.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Both of these women had independent additional evidence for substantiating their claims. As far as I know Biden's accuser has none.
they did? like what?
Ford has seen a therapist about the incident and the therapist had notes. Also, Ford had spoken to others about the incident, less reliable than a therapist notes, but still evidence. Nelson's evidence was the community knowledge of Moore's behavior which fit Nelson's allegation. In fact, Moore did not deny Nelson's claim of dating her. He was not accused of molesting her. He was accused of having a community reputation for chasing underage girls.
no she didn't. thanks for the lie. Her husband said, uh uh. her friends said, uh uh. so actually Ford lied.

community knowledge isn't evidence. too fking funny, then every murderer can be charged with every murder in the country.

Wow, you grew that stupid quickly.
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
why don't those same rules matter to a kavanaugh exactly?

There was enough there in terms of people who were close to kavanaugh and his victim at the time that the incident occurred to establish some evidence. His friends. Her friends. People who knew him or were in a position to witness his behavior.

When I was about 20, my friends, male and female, went on a cheap ski vacation to Maine. Sugarloaf. Six of us, including one guy who was the partner of one of us girls, stayed in one large room. The rest of our party stayed in different rooms. There was one bathroom at the end of the hall for all the people on the floor. I was accosted in the hall by someone in the room across the hall while in my jammies with footies, and had to be escorted to the bathroom by my male roommate for the rest of our stay. I never knew the name of the kid who attacked me. If I did know his name, and he was running for office at any time in the years afterwards, I would go public and ream him a new asshole.
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
why don't those same rules matter to a kavanaugh exactly?

There was enough there in terms of people who were close to kavanaugh and his victim at the time that the incident occurred to establish some evidence. His friends. Her friends. People who knew him or were in a position to witness his behavior.

When I was about 20, my friends, male and female, went on a cheap ski vacation to Maine. Sugarloaf. Six of us, including one guy who was the partner of one of us girls, stayed in one large room. The rest of our party stayed in different rooms. There was one bathroom at the end of the hall for all the people on the floor. I was accosted in the hall by someone in the room across the hall while in my jammies with footies, and had to be escorted to the bathroom by my male roommate for the rest of our stay. I never knew the name of the kid who attacked me. If I did know his name, and he was running for office at any time in the years afterwards, I would go public and ream him a new asshole.
nope, lie. nice job. you are a true leftist patriot.
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
why don't those same rules matter to a kavanaugh exactly?

There was enough there in terms of people who were close to kavanaugh and his victim at the time that the incident occurred to establish some evidence. His friends. Her friends. People who knew him or were in a position to witness his behavior.

When I was about 20, my friends, male and female, went on a cheap ski vacation to Maine. Sugarloaf. Six of us, including one guy who was the partner of one of us girls, stayed in one large room. The rest of our party stayed in different rooms. There was one bathroom at the end of the hall for all the people on the floor. I was accosted in the hall by someone in the room across the hall while in my jammies with footies, and had to be escorted to the bathroom by my male roommate for the rest of our stay. I never knew the name of the kid who attacked me. If I did know his name, and he was running for office at any time in the years afterwards, I would go public and ream him a new asshole.
nope, lie. nice job. you are a true leftist patriot.

I'm not sure that I am a "leftist" because there is no working definition of what a "leftist" is. Patriot. Yes. Always have been. I watched alone in my aunt's living room when the U.S. flag was planted on the moon. I was a teenager, maybe 15 years old. I stood up and saluted the television. I remember that day vividly. Then I sat down on the sofa with the big black dog who guarded me. My aunt was on duty at Andrews AFB at the time.
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
why don't those same rules matter to a kavanaugh exactly?

There was enough there in terms of people who were close to kavanaugh and his victim at the time that the incident occurred to establish some evidence. His friends. Her friends. People who knew him or were in a position to witness his behavior.

When I was about 20, my friends, male and female, went on a cheap ski vacation to Maine. Sugarloaf. Six of us, including one guy who was the partner of one of us girls, stayed in one large room. The rest of our party stayed in different rooms. There was one bathroom at the end of the hall for all the people on the floor. I was accosted in the hall by someone in the room across the hall while in my jammies with footies, and had to be escorted to the bathroom by my male roommate for the rest of our stay. I never knew the name of the kid who attacked me. If I did know his name, and he was running for office at any time in the years afterwards, I would go public and ream him a new asshole.
nope, lie. nice job. you are a true leftist patriot.

I'm not sure that I am a "leftist" because there is no working definition of what a "leftist" is. Patriot. Yes. Always have been. I watched alone in my aunt's living room when the U.S. flag was planted on the moon. I was a teenager, maybe 15 years old. I stood up and saluted the television. I remember that day vividly. Then I sat down on the sofa with the big black dog who guarded me. My aunt was on duty at Andrews AFB at the time.
honor thy leftist, I get it. nice promotion.
After a lifetime in politics and two times he ran for president and one time he ran and won for vice president this woman suddenly decides to speak up. She deserves to be kicked to the curb.

There is only one reason why she suddenly came forward. The DNC wants to replace Biden because of his obvious dementia.
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
why don't those same rules matter to a kavanaugh exactly?

There was enough there in terms of people who were close to kavanaugh and his victim at the time that the incident occurred to establish some evidence. His friends. Her friends. People who knew him or were in a position to witness his behavior.

When I was about 20, my friends, male and female, went on a cheap ski vacation to Maine. Sugarloaf. Six of us, including one guy who was the partner of one of us girls, stayed in one large room. The rest of our party stayed in different rooms. There was one bathroom at the end of the hall for all the people on the floor. I was accosted in the hall by someone in the room across the hall while in my jammies with footies, and had to be escorted to the bathroom by my male roommate for the rest of our stay. I never knew the name of the kid who attacked me. If I did know his name, and he was running for office at any time in the years afterwards, I would go public and ream him a new asshole.
nope, lie. nice job. you are a true leftist patriot.

I'm not sure that I am a "leftist" because there is no working definition of what a "leftist" is. Patriot. Yes. Always have been. I watched alone in my aunt's living room when the U.S. flag was planted on the moon. I was a teenager, maybe 15 years old. I stood up and saluted the television. I remember that day vividly. Then I sat down on the sofa with the big black dog who guarded me. My aunt was on duty at Andrews AFB at the time.
honor thy leftist, I get it. nice promotion.
What is a "leftist." Your comment contains no substance.
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
Who is going to give any air time at all to this issue? CNN? ABC? NY Times?
:D Yeah, right!
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
All the accusers of Brett Kavanaugh....but you believe all women. Right?
No, I believe all people, women or men, who alleged wrongdoing should be respected enough to listen to and have their allegations considered by appropriate authorities when allegations of a crime are involved.
No, I believe all people, women or men, who alleged wrongdoing should be respected enough to listen to and have their allegations considered by appropriate authorities when allegations of a crime are involved.
Yeah...your comment sure reflects that. :rolleyes:
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
why don't those same rules matter to a kavanaugh exactly?

There was enough there in terms of people who were close to kavanaugh and his victim at the time that the incident occurred to establish some evidence. His friends. Her friends. People who knew him or were in a position to witness his behavior.

When I was about 20, my friends, male and female, went on a cheap ski vacation to Maine. Sugarloaf. Six of us, including one guy who was the partner of one of us girls, stayed in one large room. The rest of our party stayed in different rooms. There was one bathroom at the end of the hall for all the people on the floor. I was accosted in the hall by someone in the room across the hall while in my jammies with footies, and had to be escorted to the bathroom by my male roommate for the rest of our stay. I never knew the name of the kid who attacked me. If I did know his name, and he was running for office at any time in the years afterwards, I would go public and ream him a new asshole.
nope, lie. nice job. you are a true leftist patriot.

I'm not sure that I am a "leftist" because there is no working definition of what a "leftist" is. Patriot. Yes. Always have been. I watched alone in my aunt's living room when the U.S. flag was planted on the moon. I was a teenager, maybe 15 years old. I stood up and saluted the television. I remember that day vividly. Then I sat down on the sofa with the big black dog who guarded me. My aunt was on duty at Andrews AFB at the time.
honor thy leftist, I get it. nice promotion.
What is a "leftist." Your comment contains no substance.
if you don't know, there's nothing I can help you with. but stay stupid, you wear it well.
After a lifetime in politics and two times he ran for president and one time he ran and won for vice president this woman suddenly decides to speak up. She deserves to be kicked to the curb.

There is only one reason why she suddenly came forward. The DNC wants to replace Biden because of his obvious dementia.
BINGO..... We have a winner ...

Red meat so when they take the nomination from Joe, leave Bernie in the cold, and give it to Coumo the masses do not revolt. when this blows up in their faces the Trump landslide will be even greater...
This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever. I am suspicious of her story given today's political climate, the fact that this story is being pushed in right-wing media, and the little that I, as a stranger, can know of Biden's character and life. I seem to remember that Biden was praying in the situation room while watching the raid that got bin Laden went down. However, I was pinned against a wall three times on two continents by guys who wanted to grope me and check out my tonsils and there was nobody in authority to take any report of this, so I'm careful with this stuff.
Who is going to give any air time at all to this issue? CNN? ABC? NY Times?
:D Yeah, right!

It depends on what the reporters come up with that might support her claim. Is it legitimate or is it another right-wing fakery?
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Blasey Ford? Beverly Young Nelson? You call it.
Both of these women had independent additional evidence for substantiating their claims. As far as I know, Biden's accuser has none.

At least she can tell you where and when it happened.

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