Joe Biden's trip abroad $322K limo bill ON TOP of $1million hotel stays


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
It sort of takes one's breath away. I don't expect any world leader to stay at a Holiday Inn. I understand security issues.

But seriously 100 rooms rented out? A million dollars for two nights?

Vice President Joe Biden's costly trip to London and Paris last month just got more expensive.

A newly uncovered receipt from the February trip shows the vice president's office spent $321,665 to a limousine company in London, in addition to the previously reported hotel tabs of $459,338 for one night's stay in the city and and $585,000 for a night in Paris.

State department officials say Biden's staff members, who are not allowed to drive themselves, used the limo company to get around the city. Biden's limousine was flown in from the U.S.


Hot spot: Biden rented out more than 100 rooms in the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand

During his trip in late February, Biden spent the night at two five-star hotels - one night at the Hyatt Regency London for a total of $459,338.65 and another night at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand for $585,000.50.

Joe Biden's trip abroad gets even costlier with 322K limo bill ON TOP of 1million hotel stays | Mail Online
I bet you cannot even tell us, without looking, why Biden went to England and France, can you.
Mr Biden and Mr Cameron are expected to discuss the security situation in Africa and the future of the UK's relationship with the European Union.

The visit comes shortly after President Barack Obama raised concerns over Mr Cameron's plans to hold an in/out referendum on EU membership, telling the prime minister in a phone call that the US "values a strong UK in a strong European Union".

Also likely to be on the agenda are the security situation in north Africa, Iran's nuclear programme and the continuing uprising in Syria.

Mr Biden will meet Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg on his arrival in the UK on Tuesday, before having a working lunch with Mr Cameron in 10 Downing Street, the US Embassy in London confirmed.

BBC News - US Vice-President Joe Biden to visit Downing Street

But to hell with talking about unimportant stuff like Iran's nukular program, or China making dangerous inroads into Africa.

Let's talk about Biden's hotel bill. That's what matters!

Bachmann for Prez 2014!
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Last post on this issue nutballs led the defense.

My instinctive view? He could stay in a Motel 6.

A more considered position? There should be a point generally agreed as reasonable somewhere between traveling like a 19th century French General and a Holiday Inn. The man is VP, not King of the Grifters, for Christ's sake.
Just remember where you are setting the bar. And that it can be retroactively applied, as well as foward.

You really want the leader of the richest country on Earth, who is the target of many, scrimping like a pauper?
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Just remember where you are setting the bar. And that it can be retroactively applied, as well as foward.

You really want the leader of the richest country on Earth, who is the target of many, scrimping like a pauper?

My world is a results-based world.

Biden would be at the Motel 6 based on the results he produced on the best day of his life. Generosity of spirit impels me to put an extra hand towel in his room.
How telling is it the only topic started about important meetings between the leadership of the United States and the heads of Europe over Irans' nuclear programme, the uprising in Syria, and the security situation in Africa is one about a HOTEL BILL?

Pathetic. Shallow-minded.
How telling is it the only topic started about important meetings between the leadership of the United States and the heads of Europe over Irans' nuclear programme, the uprising in Syria, and the security situation in Africa is one about a HOTEL BILL?

Pathetic. Shallow-minded.


I'm sick about it.

Uh, by the way, you forgot to mention the expense is only 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of federal spending this year. Did you lose your notes, or did the outrage at the curiosity of people who understand reasonable costs cause a momentary blackout?
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How telling is it the only topic started about important meetings between the leadership of the United States and the heads of Europe over Irans' nuclear programme, the uprising in Syria, and the security situation in Africa is one about a HOTEL BILL?

Pathetic. Shallow-minded.

One day in London. One day in Paris. Over one million dollars spent.

How much ground did they cover in these so called "talks" in one day?
Ok how's this? At no expense.

Dear David:

Joe here.

Iran's nuclear ambitions are a problem.

Syria's a problem.

Please email me on any prospective solutions.


CC Francois
My source was the Daily Mail UK. What does Bachmann have to do with this thread?
He has nothing therefore he posted a nothing response. Typical for libtards.
Bachmann told the lie about the Obamas spending $200,000,000. per night.

[ame=]CNN: Anderson Cooper and Michele Bachmann argue over Obama's $200 Million India trip - YouTube[/ame]

Bachmann has nothing to do with my thread. My source is the Daily Mail UK.
Why 100 rooms? Who was in his entourage?

I think it's reasonable to question this. One half million dollars for a one night stay? Not even a corporate rate? :)

Oh and here's the contract that was released. Nothing to do with Bachmann.

And I sure as hell hope they got a free continental breakfast for this price. Sheesh.

VPOTUS January / February 2013 - Hotel in Paris
Solicitation Number:

Agency: Department of State

Office: European Posts

Location: U.S. Embassy Paris, France

Notice Details

Original Synopsis
Feb 14, 2013
8:58 am

Notice Type:
Award Notice
Contract Award Date:
January 28, 2013

Contract Award Number:

Contract Award Dollar Amount:

Contractor Awarded Name:
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Why 100 rooms? Who was in his entourage?

I think it's reasonable to question this. One half million dollars for a one night stay? Not even a corporate rate? :)

Oh and here's the contract that was released. Nothing to do with Bachmann.

And I sure as hell hope they got a free continental breakfast for this price. Sheesh.

VPOTUS January / February 2013 - Hotel in Paris
Solicitation Number:

Agency: Department of State

Office: European Posts

Location: U.S. Embassy Paris, France

Notice Details

Original Synopsis
Feb 14, 2013
8:58 am

Notice Type:
Award Notice
Contract Award Date:
January 28, 2013

Contract Award Number:

Contract Award Dollar Amount:

Contractor Awarded Name:
Actually, when our top people visit foreign countries, an entire floor has to be sealed off the floor for safety purposes. Nowadays, they have to have a small army of Secret Service agents who are trained in thwarting terrorist attackers, and possibly our own food service people to avoid poisoning incidents. Ventilation systems have to be checked and free of toxic products, debugging experts have to check for surveillance stuff, etc. These things aren't cheap.
Last post on this issue nutballs led the defense.

My instinctive view? He could stay in a Motel 6.

A more considered position? There should be a point generally agreed as reasonable somewhere between traveling like a 19th century French General and a Holiday Inn. The man is VP, not King of the Grifters, for Christ's sake.
Tinydancer is no such thing, Dugdale. She's simply asking a question and wanting to know why it costs so much for our dignitaries to go abroad to execute their international relations tasks. She deserves an accounting because she is an American citizen who is concerned with expenses that are causing the government to expand beyond its means.
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I think we should weigh this against Dick Cheney's contribution to getting us into the 2 trillion dollar Iraq War.
I think the fact that Biden is not in America is money well spent.

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