Joe Biden's trip abroad $322K limo bill ON TOP of $1million hotel stays

We get these stories every few weeks....and when the REAL story comes out, Conservatives scamper away waiting for the nest...

Gubmint is wasting our money story

Joe Biden? What did you grow tired of the Michelle Obama wastes our money stories?

False News also got caught lying when it was about Obama's travel prices. It's expensive, sure, but this is just more winger hyperbole. People don't understand how highly involved presidential travel is. I was involved in two of them - Reagan in 83 came to our college campus to speak and I was on the campus police force. Secret Service was in a month ahead of time. Hell, we had to undergo extensive background checks. White House police and Lord knows who else for weeks before a few hour speech/dinner. You felt a military presence when he came.

Oh screw off with "False News" bullshit. I never linked to Fox.

Can't you get some new material? If you are thrilled to death over Biden spending over half a million bucks on a one night stay just say so.

This is a government link.

VPOTUS January / February 2013 - Hotel in Paris
Solicitation Number:

Agency: Department of State

Office: European Posts

Location: U.S. Embassy Paris, France

Notice Details

Original Synopsis
Feb 14, 2013
8:58 am

Notice Type:
Award Notice
Contract Award Date:
January 28, 2013

Contract Award Number:

Contract Award Dollar Amount:

Contractor Awarded Name:


Sure thing, Tiny Sheep.
A million and a half dollars for just two nights accomodations and limo service and the left wing thinks that just by questioning these expenses we're whining?


$1,500,000 for 48 hours = $31,250.00 per hour.

Please give us an itemized list of cost to perform background checks and secure the floor for the 99 other rooms had they been rented to regular customers.

I'm sure you've performed that kind of analysis, right? Otherwise your entire OP is based on per speculation.


p.s. - also, how come you didn't notice these kinds of things before Obama took office?

I always have noticed taxpayer dollars spent.

Please tell us how much it would have cost to secure the floor with 99 rooms full of people from different countries all potential threats to the Vice President. You must have performed this analysis, yes? I am quite sure someone of your political persuasion would never criticize a solution to a problem without having a better solution. Right?
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During a time of sequester, and all of its impacts, perhaps it would have been more fiscally responsible for the VP to conduct his meeting via WebEx. Just my $0.02.
During a time of sequester, and all of its impacts, perhaps it would have been more fiscally responsible for the VP to conduct his meeting via WebEx. Just my $0.02.

Yeah maybe we should just all telecommute from home. There's no value to actually speaking to someone in person any more.
Anyone have any information on how much money typical diplomatic visits cost?

I want to know how much I should be outraged
During a time of sequester, and all of its impacts, perhaps it would have been more fiscally responsible for the VP to conduct his meeting via WebEx. Just my $0.02.

Fuck sequester

Congress just made up the crisis. There will be another one in a couple of months
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During a time of sequester, and all of its impacts, perhaps it would have been more fiscally responsible for the VP to conduct his meeting via WebEx. Just my $0.02.

Fuck sequester

Congress just made up the crisis. There will be another one in a couple of months

I'm bi partisan on being a watch dog with tax payer dollars. We've just gone thru a couple of years up here where some of the First Nation Chiefs paid themselves more than the President.

Meanwhile their fellow tribesmen were living in abject poverty.

I don't think it's foolish nor whiny to constantly stay on top of those in the public sector who have open access to tax payer dollars.

Too often those who are employed by us somehow morph into individuals who think of the monies as their own and not ours.

Both sides. I'm an equal opportunity basher of any "public servant who abuses funds".

Check this out. This is what she was paying herself. It was unreal and this is not over up here. The Chief and the councillors were spending tax payer dollars lavishly on themselves while other members suffered in poverty.

HALIFAX - Two councillors with a Nova Scotia native band say their chief's salary and travel expenses have been slashed from over $400,000 to a limit of $150,000 annually.

Todd Labrador and Andrew Francis, councillors with the 1,000-member Acadia First Nation, said on Thursday that Chief Deborah Robinson's total compensation package as of Nov. 1 will be $130,000 annually for salary and $20,000 for travel costs.

Deborah Robinson: Acadia First Nation Quietly Cuts Chief's Salary To $130,000 After Complaints
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Last post on this issue nutballs led the defense.

My instinctive view? He could stay in a Motel 6.

A more considered position? There should be a point generally agreed as reasonable somewhere between traveling like a 19th century French General and a Holiday Inn. The man is VP, not King of the Grifters, for Christ's sake.
Tinydancer is no such thing, Dugdale. She's simply asking a question and wanting to know why it costs so much for our dignitaries to go abroad to execute their international relations tasks. She deserves an accounting because she is an American citizen who is concerned with expenses that are causing the government to expand beyond its means.

Not sure what you mean "no such thing"?

No part of my post addresses Tinydancer at all. In fact, she got a credit from me or whatever its called for bringing this subject back to discussion.

My first point is clear: in another thread Obama-hating nutballs defended Biden's traveling Bush League style, apparently on the basis that regardless of party US politicians deserve to travel in a style resembling nineteenth century heathen poobahs.

My second point clearly supports taxpayers' rights to question the value of filthy scum like Biden pissing through tax money like he works on Wall Street and it was investors' cash.
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