Joe diGenova: “John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys… Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
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John Brennan....
Should be very interesting.

And I'll bet Barr's investigation will reveal a lot.
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Joe said that the NSA admiral worked with the FISA court to nail the "4 Obama/Brennan plumbers" doing wiretaps without court orders. Someone is in deep shit....
Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
Totally agree that this is exactly what they were attempting. They were trying to frame President Trump for somehow being able to rig the election in his favor when not one vote was altered, and they were arrogant enough to think Obama could cover their operation with his hand picked sycophants and get away with it. It is really hard to manufacture that kind of evidence and make it stick, but they had already gotten away with so much corruption and political crimes what was one more? Look how they rigged Clinton's Investigation and she was Guilty To Hell and Back!

It was a legitimate COUP attempt. This goes beyond just soliciting and paying Putin and The Kremlin for manufactured dirt on Candidate Trump.

It was a multi leveled multi directional COUP attempt. That's why they called it "Crossfire Hurricane" because it was meant to be destructive and was a multi directional multi faceted attack on our Democracy and The Trump Campaign and his family and organization.
Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
I bet you mock people for believing Trump colluded with Russia, don't you.
The OP sounds exactly like the beginning of a hilarious joke: Joe diGenova, Mike Huckabee, and Rudy Giuliani get together on Fox News with Laura Ingraham...

"And then Bigfoot installed the wiretap in Trump Tower!"
Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
I bet you mock people for believing Trump colluded with Russia, don't you.
Dude, you have no honor. You were PART OF THE (FAILED) COUP and helped Promote Russian Propaganda, and any and all Propaganda from Enemies of The United States who wanted to sow discord and division in our Country.

Your are an Enemy of America. No one should believe a single thing you say.

Mueller with a rigged investigative team of all Hillary Clinton Lawyers, Supporters, and Donors was UNABLE to MANUFACTURE EVIDENCE of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

Half of Mueller's team had to be fired they were so corrupt and are under Criminal Investigation and they still could not pull of The Frame Job without exposing themselves to being willing participants in THE COUP "Operation Crossfire Hurricane" (The Insurance Policy)

Go jump off a bridge. You and your comments are useless.


Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
I bet you mock people for believing Trump colluded with Russia, don't you.
Dude, you have no honor. You were PART OF THE (FAILED) COUP and helped Promote Russian Propaganda, and any and all Propaganda from Enemies of The United States who wanted to sow discord and division in our Country.

Your are an Enemy of America. No one should believe a single thing you say.

Mueller with a rigged investigative team of all Hillary Clinton Lawyers, Supporters, and Donors was UNABLE to MANUFACTURE EVIDENCE of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

Half of Mueller's team had to be fired they were so corrupt and are under Criminal Investigation and they still could not pull of The Frame job without exposing themselves to being willing participants in THE COUP "Operation Crossfire Hurricane" (The Insurance Policy)

Go jump off a bridge. You and your comments are useless.
I have some shares in a plutonium mine I would like to sell you.

Joe diGenova: “John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys… Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks

Let's all come back to this topic in two weeks. :lol:

"Fuck you, we've moved on to Joe Biden's child prostitution ring!"
Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
I bet you mock people for believing Trump colluded with Russia, don't you.
Yes I do! I ridicule them with impunity all while wearing my patriotic beautiful MAGA hat.
Gooooooood! Hopefully the truth comes out and they bust the slimeballs

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
What did Creepy, Sleepy Joe Biden know about the Crooked Hillary/Obama directed coup attempt against our President and when did know about it! Crazy Joe needs to testify before Congress! Also, we all need to see his tax returns and the tax returns of his associates involved in his meddling in foreign countries to benefit his family members.

Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
I bet you mock people for believing Trump colluded with Russia, don't you.
Yes I do! I ridicule them with impunity all while wearing my patriotic beautiful MAGA hat.
And you do so with no sense of irony. :lol:
Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
I bet you mock people for believing Trump colluded with Russia, don't you.
Dude, you have no honor. You were PART OF THE (FAILED) COUP and helped Promote Russian Propaganda, and any and all Propaganda from Enemies of The United States who wanted to sow discord and division in our Country.

Your are an Enemy of America. No one should believe a single thing you say.

Mueller with a rigged investigative team of all Hillary Clinton Lawyers, Supporters, and Donors was UNABLE to MANUFACTURE EVIDENCE of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

Half of Mueller's team had to be fired they were so corrupt and are under Criminal Investigation and they still could not pull of The Frame Job without exposing themselves to being willing participants in THE COUP "Operation Crossfire Hurricane" (The Insurance Policy)

Go jump off a bridge. You and your comments are useless.


He's a fucking loser statist agitprop bootlicker, trying to pass himself off as an "independent"....An even bigger nose picking loser than the departed Fake Malarkey.
Justice is in sight. This commenter nails it!

[This part here: there has been a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and then if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump.
Why frame DJT?
The plan was to yank Trump as illegitimate and INSTALL HILLARY as the legit winner of 2016.
Impeachment wasn't enough as VP Pence would take Prez office.
This was a coup attempt of the worst kind.]

Watch the video in the link.

IT'S HAPPENING! Joe diGenova: "John Brennan Will Need 5 Attorneys... Report on James Comey Is Coming Out in Two Weeks - Criminal Referrals" (VIDEO)
I bet you mock people for believing Trump colluded with Russia, don't you.
Dude, you have no honor. You were PART OF THE (FAILED) COUP and helped Promote Russian Propaganda, and any and all Propaganda from Enemies of The United States who wanted to sow discord and division in our Country.

Your are an Enemy of America. No one should believe a single thing you say.

Mueller with a rigged investigative team of all Hillary Clinton Lawyers, Supporters, and Donors was UNABLE to MANUFACTURE EVIDENCE of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

Half of Mueller's team had to be fired they were so corrupt and are under Criminal Investigation and they still could not pull of The Frame Job without exposing themselves to being willing participants in THE COUP "Operation Crossfire Hurricane" (The Insurance Policy)

Go jump off a bridge. You and your comments are useless.


He's a fucking loser statist agitprop bootlicker, trying to pass himself off as an "independent"....An even bigger nose picking loser than the departed Fake Malarkey.
Let's all come back to this topic in two weeks.

Should be a hoot! :lol:
DiGenova told the panel a solo report on James Comey coming out in about two weeks. DiGenova says the report will contain criminal referrals.

DiGenova also said the only hero in all of the cabal is Admiral Mike Rogers who not only slipped into the Trump tower after the election, and told Trump the truth, but he’d gone to the FISA Court and told them who the culprits were and to stop the madness.

According to diGenova the FISA Court has already turned the information over to Attorney General Bill Barr.



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