Joe Rogan signs a $100 million deal to move to Spotify.

AAPL way up 318+ up 5 and change FU

Why are you defending a corporation that exploits cheap Chinese labor?
If Ivanka can do it why not AAPL And I defend them because they employ many 1000's here in USA and I own beaucoup shares for many years

So you admit that your value money over humanity. I guess that would make you a Republican then wouldn't it?
LOL Taz you wan't to ruin my day ?? AAPL treats humanity pretty well here Don't see you complain about all the drugs China makes to ship here
LOL Taz you wan't to ruin my day ?? AAPL treats humanity pretty well here Don't see you complain about all the drugs China makes to ship here

Don't pretend that you don't know the horrid labor conditions the working class Chinese have to withstand to help Apple manufacture their products. If we had those conditions here in the United States clowns like you would be picketing and throwing "Fight for $15" protests 24 hours a day and damning rich CEOs and corporations as slave drivers. Apple is yet another hypocrisy of the political left.
Here is what I don't get...

If guy like Rogan can get $100M for a podcast, why can't wealthy anti-collectivists establish something that takes google, assbook and youtube down several pegs and competes with them?

Because Google owns the highway that platform requires to function.
No they don’t.
Yes, they do.
The store you get your apps from is owned by Google and certification is required for approval to be placed on the store. It is 100% a closed and privately regulated store front.
There is no requirement to download apps from the Google Play Store. You can get them outside their store front.
AAPL way up 318+ up 5 and change FU
It isn't "way up" and how bright is it to pretend Apple is happy YouTube lost the biggest voice in pod casting?
Not very.
Way up since I bought it before it split 7-1 at 92
And close to all time high
LOL Taz you wan't to ruin my day ?? AAPL treats humanity pretty well here Don't see you complain about all the drugs China makes to ship here

Don't pretend that you don't know the horrid labor conditions the working class Chinese have to withstand to help Apple manufacture their products. If we had those conditions here in the United States clowns like you would be picketing and throwing "Fight for $15" protests 24 hours a day and damning rich CEOs and corporations as slave drivers. Apple is yet another hypocrisy of the political left.
Taz you want to complain? Start with EVERYTHING they make there and ship here AAPL makes sure the people they have working there are treated as well as possible
That's precisely the argument I've put forward every time conservatives on this board scream for the government to regulate Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Regulation is why monopolies exist. It's the surest means of killing any future competition.

It baffles me that in one breath people wanna compain about there being no competition, yet in another breath cheerlead for killing any chance of competition by touting regulation.
AAPL way up 318+ up 5 and change FU

Why are you defending a corporation that exploits cheap Chinese labor?
If Ivanka can do it why not AAPL And I defend them because they employ many 1000's here in USA and I own beaucoup shares for many years

So you admit that your value money over humanity. I guess that would make you a Republican then wouldn't it?
And yes in my republican days I did value money over humanity But since I've seen the light ,no more My last Repub vote was in 2000 for GWB AND one day I'll sell my AAPL but not today and tomorrow doesn't look good either
LOL Taz you wan't to ruin my day ?? AAPL treats humanity pretty well here Don't see you complain about all the drugs China makes to ship here

Don't pretend that you don't know the horrid labor conditions the working class Chinese have to withstand to help Apple manufacture their products. If we had those conditions here in the United States clowns like you would be picketing and throwing "Fight for $15" protests 24 hours a day and damning rich CEOs and corporations as slave drivers. Apple is yet another hypocrisy of the political left.
Go call Warren Buffet and those 1000's of republican owned funds that love AAPL Then you can knock on my door
LOL Taz you wan't to ruin my day ?? AAPL treats humanity pretty well here Don't see you complain about all the drugs China makes to ship here

Don't pretend that you don't know the horrid labor conditions the working class Chinese have to withstand to help Apple manufacture their products. If we had those conditions here in the United States clowns like you would be picketing and throwing "Fight for $15" protests 24 hours a day and damning rich CEOs and corporations as slave drivers. Apple is yet another hypocrisy of the political left.
Taz you want to complain? Start with EVERYTHING they make there and ship here AAPL makes sure the people they have working there are treated as well as possible
Yes, it was kind of Apple to have SUICIDE NETS installed around the buildings their products were made in.
Taz you want to complain? Start with EVERYTHING they make there and ship here AAPL makes sure the people they have working there are treated as well as possible

Keep telling yourself that, Chuckles


Joe Rogan is fairly well known in specific circles. He's a health buff, known for involvement in UFC mixed martial arts.

He also involved in Fear Factor as well.

Interestingly, he first did stand up comedy back in the late 80s.

Humorously Wesley Snipes challenged him to a cage match, but Snipes backed out.

Rogan really isn't a darling of conservative thought... rather he just refuses to tout dogma.

One of his more infamous moments, was coming out against men, competing as women, in mixed martial arts with the UFC. His reasoning was pretty simple, that he watched a guy, that was bottom rung fighter, get some implants, and claim to be a women, and then end up in the top tier in the women's competition.

In Rogan's own words, said that his skill and abilities had no improved at all, but just that he would go in and man-handle all these woman.

That said, most of his show is comedy, and he has at least 8 million subscribers, and his shows are downloaded 100 million times a month, and he makes roughly $30 Million a year on it.

So, him moving to Spotify is pretty large move.

The man the left love to claim has no influence through his podcasts just got paid 100 million dollars for that make believe influence by Spotify
Well, we cant account for gullible, easily influenced people like you. You people will always exist.
Taz you want to complain? Start with EVERYTHING they make there and ship here AAPL makes sure the people they have working there are treated as well as possible

Keep telling yourself that, Chuckles

OK Taz I'll admit they aren't treated well in China but where are workers treated well ?7.50 in America is good?
Yes, it was kind of Apple to have SUICIDE NETS installed around the buildings their products were made in.
Such good progressive employers. Former Nike factory worker shares story of abusive working conditions
Same with Nike. Billionaire Phil Knight touts progressive politics while he treats his sweat shop employees
little better than Alabama slaves.

I need real proof. Anyone can get up there and say anything.

Supalai said because the workers could not produce all of the products by the set deadline, Nike put a fine on the factory, which in turn barred the factory from paying the workers.

I do not believe this. You are telling me, that Nike made it so that the factor was "barred" from paying it's workers?

Nike did that? Nike did that. Prove it.
Provide actual proof.

I believe that Eagle Speed, the company in Thailand, may have engaged in abuse, but you are telling me Nike made them? No. I don't believe you. Provide proof.

By they way, Eagle Speed, produced clothing for several companies, including some from Europe like Salomon, AG. Did Salomon AG else force Eagle Speed to not pay workers?

I don't buy any of this. You need proof. Provide proof. Prove to me that Nike specifically barred a company from paying it's workers. Then take that to court, and we'll sue them.

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