Joe Rogan signs a $100 million deal to move to Spotify.

LOL Taz you wan't to ruin my day ?? AAPL treats humanity pretty well here Don't see you complain about all the drugs China makes to ship here

Don't pretend that you don't know the horrid labor conditions the working class Chinese have to withstand to help Apple manufacture their products. If we had those conditions here in the United States clowns like you would be picketing and throwing "Fight for $15" protests 24 hours a day and damning rich CEOs and corporations as slave drivers. Apple is yet another hypocrisy of the political left.
Taz you want to complain? Start with EVERYTHING they make there and ship here AAPL makes sure the people they have working there are treated as well as possible
Yes, it was kind of Apple to have SUICIDE NETS installed around the buildings their products were made in.

Apple didn't do that. Apple didn't cause anyone to want to commit suicide either.

The reason Chinese men were tossing themselves off the roof of buildings, had nothing to do with Apple at all.

It had to do with the communist Chinese government.

The Chinese government prevented workers who migrated to the cities from the country side, from getting housing, from getting education for their kids, and from getting health care.

This is why workers were living in boxes inside the company plant.

They were living without their families, who were stuck out in the country, while they worked non-stop in the factory. They were prevent by government from even renting an apartment.

The whole reason they were working there to begin with, is because Apple paid good money, the best wages they could get, to produce their products.

The problem wasn't Apple, it was socialism.
I don't buy any of this. You need proof. Provide proof. Prove to me that Nike specifically barred a company from paying it's workers. Then take that to court, and we'll sue them. are very indignant and upset I see and are calling this factory worker a liar.

If you are casting doubt on the woman's first hand account of how Nike treats workers (not the first time
anyone has ever heard of Nike's abusive policies towards worker) then it's up to YOU to prove this woman is lying through her teeth.
She is credible because of Nike's history under billionaire Phil Knight. Nike Sweatshops: The Truth About the Nike Factory Scandal

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

And furthermore if you claim this woman is a liar it's up to you prove your claim, worthless as it is.
So just do it!
I thought Google owned YouTube.
Google says they own YouTube.
I'm sure California tax codes, among other things makes it
more complicated.

Alphabet Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mountain View, California. It was created through a restructuring of Google on October 2, 2015, and became the parent company of Google and several former Google subsidiaries.


On October 9, 2006, Google Inc. announced that it had acquired YouTube for $1.65 billion in Google stock
I don't buy any of this. You need proof. Provide proof. Prove to me that Nike specifically barred a company from paying it's workers. Then take that to court, and we'll sue them. are very indignant and upset I see and are calling this factory worker a liar.

If you are casting doubt on the woman's first hand account of how Nike treats workers (not the first time
anyone has ever heard of Nike's abusive policies towards worker) then it's up to YOU to prove this woman is lying through her teeth.
She is credible because of Nike's history under billionaire Phil Knight. Nike Sweatshops: The Truth About the Nike Factory Scandal

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

And furthermore if you claim this woman is a liar it's up to you prove your claim, worthless as it is.
So just do it!

First that's dumb. She's the one making claims. It is on her to prove those claims.

Don't be a moron.

By your logic.... "Eric Arthur Blair is a baby murderer, that rapes 12 year old girls".

Ok now it's up to you to prove my claim about you wrong? I can make a claim, and BY YOUR LOGIC... you have to take that claim at face value, and now it's up to you to prove it wrong, even if I give no proof that it is right?

Further, I did not suggest that what she happened to her was wrong. She might have had bad working conditions, I don't know. She might have been denied her rightful wages. I don't know.

I have no reason to assume she is lying about that, especially if she was part of a lawsuit against the company she was working for.

What I did suggest is false, is that the company Nike, somehow barred the company Eagle Speed from paying workers.

Bull. Flat out, you need to prove that claim. And don't give me your "guilty until proven innocent" BS.... you make a claim, you prove the claim. It's not up to me, to prove every ridiculous BS crap you Jessie Smollett people spew, wrong. You need to prove your claim.

If you can't prove it... then any decent human being that actually believes in 'innocent until proven guilty'... should ignore that moron crap you guys are spewing.

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

I have read much to the opposite of that. But if you don't like Nike, then don't buy Nike.

If those jobs are so terrible, why are there lines on lines of people trying to get them?
I don't buy any of this. You need proof. Provide proof. Prove to me that Nike specifically barred a company from paying it's workers. Then take that to court, and we'll sue them. are very indignant and upset I see and are calling this factory worker a liar.

If you are casting doubt on the woman's first hand account of how Nike treats workers (not the first time
anyone has ever heard of Nike's abusive policies towards worker) then it's up to YOU to prove this woman is lying through her teeth.
She is credible because of Nike's history under billionaire Phil Knight. Nike Sweatshops: The Truth About the Nike Factory Scandal

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

And furthermore if you claim this woman is a liar it's up to you prove your claim, worthless as it is.
So just do it!

First that's dumb. She's the one making claims. It is on her to prove those claims.

Don't be a moron.

By your logic.... "Eric Arthur Blair is a baby murderer, that rapes 12 year old girls".

Ok now it's up to you to prove my claim about you wrong? I can make a claim, and BY YOUR LOGIC... you have to take that claim at face value, and now it's up to you to prove it wrong, even if I give no proof that it is right?

Further, I did not suggest that what she happened to her was wrong. She might have had bad working conditions, I don't know. She might have been denied her rightful wages. I don't know.

I have no reason to assume she is lying about that, especially if she was part of a lawsuit against the company she was working for.

What I did suggest is false, is that the company Nike, somehow barred the company Eagle Speed from paying workers.

Bull. Flat out, you need to prove that claim. And don't give me your "guilty until proven innocent" BS.... you make a claim, you prove the claim. It's not up to me, to prove every ridiculous BS crap you Jessie Smollett people spew, wrong. You need to prove your claim.

If you can't prove it... then any decent human being that actually believes in 'innocent until proven guilty'... should ignore that moron crap you guys are spewing.

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

I have read much to the opposite of that. But if you don't like Nike, then don't buy Nike.

If those jobs are so terrible, why are there lines on lines of people trying to get them?
as well as AAPL ?
I don't buy any of this. You need proof. Provide proof. Prove to me that Nike specifically barred a company from paying it's workers. Then take that to court, and we'll sue them. are very indignant and upset I see and are calling this factory worker a liar.

If you are casting doubt on the woman's first hand account of how Nike treats workers (not the first time
anyone has ever heard of Nike's abusive policies towards worker) then it's up to YOU to prove this woman is lying through her teeth.
She is credible because of Nike's history under billionaire Phil Knight. Nike Sweatshops: The Truth About the Nike Factory Scandal

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

And furthermore if you claim this woman is a liar it's up to you prove your claim, worthless as it is.
So just do it!

First that's dumb. She's the one making claims. It is on her to prove those claims.

Don't be a moron.

By your logic.... "Eric Arthur Blair is a baby murderer, that rapes 12 year old girls".

Ok now it's up to you to prove my claim about you wrong? I can make a claim, and BY YOUR LOGIC... you have to take that claim at face value, and now it's up to you to prove it wrong, even if I give no proof that it is right?

Further, I did not suggest that what she happened to her was wrong. She might have had bad working conditions, I don't know. She might have been denied her rightful wages. I don't know.

I have no reason to assume she is lying about that, especially if she was part of a lawsuit against the company she was working for.

What I did suggest is false, is that the company Nike, somehow barred the company Eagle Speed from paying workers.

Bull. Flat out, you need to prove that claim. And don't give me your "guilty until proven innocent" BS.... you make a claim, you prove the claim. It's not up to me, to prove every ridiculous BS crap you Jessie Smollett people spew, wrong. You need to prove your claim.

If you can't prove it... then any decent human being that actually believes in 'innocent until proven guilty'... should ignore that moron crap you guys are spewing.

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

I have read much to the opposite of that. But if you don't like Nike, then don't buy Nike.

If those jobs are so terrible, why are there lines on lines of people trying to get them?
as well as AAPL ?

You mean Apple? What about Apple?

If you mean the false claims that Apple treats it's workers badly, no it doesn't.

I already covered that in a prior post.

First, what really irritates me about these discussions, is that none of the companies left-wingers blame, are actually the ones involved. Apple does not have any employees in China. Nor does Nike have employees in Thailand.

These are local companies, with local employees, run by local management, under local laws.

But specifically as it relates to China, the BBC did a huge story documentary on this years ago. The Chinese migrant workers, are from rural China. Because there are no jobs, or there are extremely low wage jobs, the workers move to the cities.

Well because housing, health care, and education are all socialized, this is expensive to the communist government. It's like having a massive welfare state, and then having open borders. You can't do that.

So the Chinese government put in plase citizen permits. If you don't have a permit to be in the city, you can't get house, or education, or health care.

So these poor workers looking for a job that pays, come to work for these factories... but they can't bring their families, because they can't buy a house or a rent an apartment, and they can't get education for their kids, and they can't get health care.

So all their families stay out in the country, while they are in the city working alone.
And they can't even get an apartment, so they end up living in the factory where they work.

Apple didn't do any of that. If anything they have jobs that pay will because of Apple.

But they are hopeless and lonely, and have no future, thanks to the Communist government. Nothing to do with Apple. NOTHING.
I don't buy any of this. You need proof. Provide proof. Prove to me that Nike specifically barred a company from paying it's workers. Then take that to court, and we'll sue them. are very indignant and upset I see and are calling this factory worker a liar.

If you are casting doubt on the woman's first hand account of how Nike treats workers (not the first time
anyone has ever heard of Nike's abusive policies towards worker) then it's up to YOU to prove this woman is lying through her teeth.
She is credible because of Nike's history under billionaire Phil Knight. Nike Sweatshops: The Truth About the Nike Factory Scandal

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

And furthermore if you claim this woman is a liar it's up to you prove your claim, worthless as it is.
So just do it!

First that's dumb. She's the one making claims. It is on her to prove those claims.

Don't be a moron.

By your logic.... "Eric Arthur Blair is a baby murderer, that rapes 12 year old girls".

Ok now it's up to you to prove my claim about you wrong? I can make a claim, and BY YOUR LOGIC... you have to take that claim at face value, and now it's up to you to prove it wrong, even if I give no proof that it is right?
Here's the thing, though I shouldn't have to even deal with this: This woman is talking about
things that happened to her as a contract Nike employee and you call her a liar, even though as my provided
citation shows, Nike has a very bad record in this regard.
You are claiming as statement of fact, this woman is lying! Should we all believe whatever you claim?
Do you have no responsibility at all to document what you claim?

The women said this happened to me. And you said, no it didn't! The ball is in your court, Sport.
Now you put up of shut up!

Further, I did not suggest that what she happened to her was wrong.
She might have had bad working conditions, I don't know. She might have been denied her rightful wages. I don't know.

I have no reason to assume she is lying about that, especially if she was part of a lawsuit against the company she was working for.

What I did suggest is false, is that the company Nike, somehow barred the company Eagle Speed from paying workers.

Bull. Flat out, you need to prove that claim. And don't give me your "guilty until proven innocent" BS.... you make a claim, you prove the claim. It's not up to me, to prove every ridiculous BS crap you Jessie Smollett people spew, wrong. You need to prove your claim.

If you can't prove it... then any decent human being that actually believes in 'innocent until proven guilty'... should ignore that moron crap you guys are spewing.
YOU called her a liar.
Then you demonstrate she has lied. It's very simple. She said A happened to me. You said no A did not!
The onus is on you.

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!
I have read much to the opposite of that. But if you don't like Nike, then don't buy Nike.
Guess what? I don't.

If those jobs are so terrible, why are there lines on lines of people trying to get them?
If the water tastes so bad why are all these thirsty people trying to drink it?
I'll leave it up to a real sharp guy like you to reason that out.
I don't buy any of this. You need proof. Provide proof. Prove to me that Nike specifically barred a company from paying it's workers. Then take that to court, and we'll sue them. are very indignant and upset I see and are calling this factory worker a liar.

If you are casting doubt on the woman's first hand account of how Nike treats workers (not the first time
anyone has ever heard of Nike's abusive policies towards worker) then it's up to YOU to prove this woman is lying through her teeth.
She is credible because of Nike's history under billionaire Phil Knight. Nike Sweatshops: The Truth About the Nike Factory Scandal

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!

And furthermore if you claim this woman is a liar it's up to you prove your claim, worthless as it is.
So just do it!

First that's dumb. She's the one making claims. It is on her to prove those claims.

Don't be a moron.

By your logic.... "Eric Arthur Blair is a baby murderer, that rapes 12 year old girls".

Ok now it's up to you to prove my claim about you wrong? I can make a claim, and BY YOUR LOGIC... you have to take that claim at face value, and now it's up to you to prove it wrong, even if I give no proof that it is right?
Here's the thing, though I shouldn't have to even deal with this: This woman is talking about
things that happened to her as a contract Nike employee and you call her a liar, even though as my provided
citation shows, Nike has a very bad record in this regard.
You are claiming as statement of fact, this woman is lying! Should we all believe whatever you claim?
Do you have no responsibility at all to document what you claim?

The women said this happened to me. And you said, no it didn't! The ball is in your court, Sport.
Now you put up of shut up!

Further, I did not suggest that what she happened to her was wrong.
She might have had bad working conditions, I don't know. She might have been denied her rightful wages. I don't know.

I have no reason to assume she is lying about that, especially if she was part of a lawsuit against the company she was working for.

What I did suggest is false, is that the company Nike, somehow barred the company Eagle Speed from paying workers.

Bull. Flat out, you need to prove that claim. And don't give me your "guilty until proven innocent" BS.... you make a claim, you prove the claim. It's not up to me, to prove every ridiculous BS crap you Jessie Smollett people spew, wrong. You need to prove your claim.

If you can't prove it... then any decent human being that actually believes in 'innocent until proven guilty'... should ignore that moron crap you guys are spewing.
YOU called her a liar.
Then you demonstrate she has lied. It's very simple. She said A happened to me. You said no A did not!
The onus is on you.

Many people here in Nike Land know Knight to be a cheap exploitative piece of shit!
I have read much to the opposite of that. But if you don't like Nike, then don't buy Nike.
Guess what? I don't.

If those jobs are so terrible, why are there lines on lines of people trying to get them?
If the water tastes so bad why are all these thirsty people trying to drink it?
I'll leave it up to a real sharp guy like you to reason that out.

The women said this happened to me. And you said, no it didn't! The ball is in your court, Sport.
Now you put up of shut up!

Ok then you are a worthless baby rapist.

This is now established fact, and until you can provide concrete proof, you shall hereby be known as a baby rapist.

I will now add this to my sig line, so that every single post I make, reminds you, that according to your own theory of truth you are a baby rapist.

You now have to prove you are not a baby rapist. If you can't, then this is now fact.

If the water tastes so bad why are all these thirsty people trying to drink it?
I'll leave it up to a real sharp guy like you to reason that out.

I already know the answer. Shoe making jobs pay many times the average wage in that area of the world, and they are the absolute best jobs, with the best conditions for those people. That's why there are lines on lines of people for even one single job opening.

You should be praising Nike for creating jobs for people are desperately in need of jobs, where the only alternative is object poverty.
Ok then you are a worthless baby rapist.

This is now established fact, and until you can provide concrete proof, you shall hereby be known as a baby rapist.

I will now add this to my sig line, so that every single post I make, reminds you, that according to your own theory of truth you are a baby rapist.

You now have to prove you are not a baby rapist. If you can't, then this is now fact.
If this woman is a liar you haven't demonstrated that in the slightest way. You just love to open your
foul mouth and let a stream of your toxic b.s. stream out.
I actually pity you though you aren't remotely worth it.
Last edited:
I already know the answer. Shoe making jobs pay many times the average wage in that area of the world, and they are the absolute best jobs, with the best conditions for those people. That's why there are lines on lines of people for even one single job opening.

You should be praising Nike for creating jobs for people are desperately in need of jobs, where the only alternative is object poverty
People lined up for Nike jobs, whether they are the "absolute best jobs" or not because jobs are hard to
come by and families must eat and have shelter.

Should I praise Nike for running sweat shops and paying pennies for stuff they will turn around and make
10,000% profit on without ever paying a decent living wage for the people that inhabit those sweat shops?
No. I'm not the greedy pig and cheer leader for billionaire pricks like Phil Knight that you choose to be.
Go fuck yourself, you disgusting bit of human trash.
I love his fight calling, but his show is terrible, and he went to my parents middle school, he’s not cool
Ok then you are a worthless baby rapist.

This is now established fact, and until you can provide concrete proof, you shall hereby be known as a baby rapist.

I will now add this to my sig line, so that every single post I make, reminds you, that according to your own theory of truth you are a baby rapist.

You now have to prove you are not a baby rapist. If you can't, then this is now fact.
If this woman is a liar you haven't demonstrated that in the slightest way. You just love to open your
foul mouth and let a stream of your toxic b.s. stream out.
I actually pity you though you aren't remotely worth it.

Sorry, I don't talk to baby rapists. Unless you can prove I'm lying....
I already know the answer. Shoe making jobs pay many times the average wage in that area of the world, and they are the absolute best jobs, with the best conditions for those people. That's why there are lines on lines of people for even one single job opening.

You should be praising Nike for creating jobs for people are desperately in need of jobs, where the only alternative is object poverty
People lined up for Nike jobs, whether they are the "absolute best jobs" or not because jobs are hard to
come by and families must eat and have shelter.

Should I praise Nike for running sweat shops and paying pennies for stuff they will turn around and make
10,000% profit on without ever paying a decent living wage for the people that inhabit those sweat shops?
No. I'm not the greedy pig and cheer leader for billionaire pricks like Phil Knight that you choose to be.
Go fuck yourself, you disgusting bit of human trash.

But it is a decent living wage in that country. Again, if it wasn't, there are other jobs that pay money there.

Everything is relative. If every single job you can get pays $1/hour, and the job at Eagle Speed, is paying $2/hour.... that's the best job in the area, and you should be praising them for providing jobs for people, at a better pay rate than they can get anywhere else.

No, you are not a greedy pig... you are just stupid.

And I'm better than you. The only disgusting bit of human trash here is you, because if you had your way, Nike wouldn't be providing jobs to those people, and they'd be worse off, or starving.

You don't care about people. I do. I'm better than you in every possible way. I'm morally better. I have better integrity than you. I'm clearly more honest than you. There is no measure by which you are even decent enough to follow in my shadow.
I've seen a couple of his You tube posts

He's mildly funny sometimes BFD

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