Joe signs massive

Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - The US is all about power and money, not military defense.

There is nothing wrong with using the military to gain economic strength.

However, we missed several real opportunities. For instance, we should have taken over the Iraqi oil fields, just like Trump said. We needed to have used our military to secure vital strategic materials and while we did a little of it we fell far short of what we could have done.

However, we should never be interventionists. We never fight other peopl's wars for them. like when Slick Willy bombed the Christians to protect the Muslims or when The Worthless Negro bombed Libya for no damn reason in US interest whatsoever. I wonder how much of that budget do we spend on blockading other countries from engaging in their own prosperity, while giving them aid, and simultaneously draining these countries, because they won't do as we say?

You are right to use the word "profiteer." With all the Gold, Diamonds, and oil that Venezuela has, we refuse to give their own country the right to it. We want it.

That's what our military budget is all about.
Venezuela is a perfect example of the heinous nature of our imperialist military and government. Iran and Cuba too. And so many other nations who oppose Imperial Washington.
Put another way, traditionally the GOP has complained about government expansion at home but supports government expansion abroad as where the DNC complains about government expansion abroad but expands government at home.

At the end of the day with both running things is massive government expansion at home and abroad. They both created this Frankenstein as it will naturally want to control everything.
Lol, that is the most intelligent post you have ever made. Good. Job
Put another way, traditionally the GOP has complained about government expansion at home but supports government expansion abroad as where the DNC complains about government expansion abroad but expands government at home.

At the end of the day with both running things is massive government expansion at home and abroad. They both created this Frankenstein as it will naturally want to control everything.
Very true, except something has recently changed. The D Party is now just as much the war party as the R Party. Nothing is more bipartisan than war and voting for a massive war budgets.

What Ike warned against in 1960 has been completely effectuated, but few Americans know.
You morons would strip our defenses right when China and Russia are a major threat, God you stupid fucks are ignorant.
I think you mean our OFFENSES. We have way more than enough defenses. Hell, we would hardly need any military spending if we were not still trying to be the world police.


The World Police
we live inside of your land
The World Police
We start wars with no end....
China is threatening war, Russia is threatening war and you dumb asses would have us cut defense
They can threaten all the war they want. It's not a direct threat to the U.S.

In fact, I dare China and/or Russia to attack the U.S. That would be over in a matter of minutes. Rifle behind every blade of grass and what not.

It's not DEFENSE spending, and throws out all complaints about fiscal responsibility.
Who said the following?

Of all the evils to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the patent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes, are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.
This quote says it all. That is EXACTLY what has been happening since the 1910s.
This quote says it all. That is EXACTLY what has been happening since the 1910s.
Yes. Americans used to know this. They were taught the beliefs of the Founders, in public schools.

My parents could recite almost word for word Washington’s Farewell Speech, in their 50s. It like much of the writings of the Founders, was ingrained in school children.

Now noninterventionism is nowhere to be found, which explains why so many Americans find it unacceptable.
Yes. Americans used to know this. They were taught the beliefs of the Founders, in public schools.

My parents could recite almost word for word Washington’s Farewell Speech, in their 50s. It like much of the writings of the Founders, was ingrained in school children.

Now noninterventionism is nowhere to be found, which explains why so many Americans find it unacceptable.
As far as I can tell, Rand Paul is the only Congress Critter even pretending to be a noninterventionist. Anyone else?
General Milley talks to foreign adversaries like China on his own, telling them he has the President under control and even brags to us about it in books he sells for millions of dollars

Yes, he runs the country.
Link? And not from wingnut sites like info wars. Fox news would do. Go.
Very true, except something has recently changed. The D Party is now just as much the war party as the R Party. Nothing is more bipartisan than war and voting for a massive war budgets.

What Ike warned against in 1960 has been completely effectuated, but few Americans know.
Actually, everyone knows. But going against the military is the third rail of politics. No politician can hope to have a political future if he/she went against it.
War is not always bad, at least, for the people of South Korea

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When you are fighting such abject evil as you are in fighting the aggression of North Korea, it is a good thing, at least, for the people of Korea.

But you are correct in that usually war is bad all the way around. Government is the only entity that can organize mass killings, whether it be war or genocide, yet all people talk about it taking guns away from private citizens?
You`ve never seen the same kind of picture of this country?
Actually, everyone knows. But going against the military is the third rail of politics. No politician can hope to have a political future if he/she went against it.
Politicians aren’t everyone. Few Americans know. Most believe the happy horse shit that our military is protecting the homeland. They admire the military. It’s fucked up.
China is threatening war, Russia is threatening war and you dumb asses would have us cut defense
You have it backwards. Typical thinking of the duped. The US government is threatening war against China and Russia. Dumb ass.

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