Joe The World's Dumbest Politician Biden Says He’d Defy Subpoena to Testify in Trump’s Senate Trial

You stupid Fuck!!!
Barisma is corrupt as hell!!!

Yep. And Biden was seeking a tougher prosecutor to investigate said corruption.

If you guy would stop lying, you'd have nothing to say. It is really odd.

Do you realize how stupid that remark is? What you're saying is that Joe had the prosecutor fired because he was not doing enough to investigate a corrupt business his son worked for, and you expect anything but a dumb Democrat to believe that?

It doesn't even make any sense. Especially when Shokin did an interview explaining that he was indeed investigating Burisma, and in particular, Hunter and a money laundering scheme. That's when Joe flew down there and had him fired.

Shokin's claim is certainly more believable than the tales from the Democrat party and MSM.

Your timing is fucked. And you are too dishonest to admit it.

Timing of what? It has nothing to do with timing. It has to do with the likely possibility that Joe had Shokin fired to help protect his son. If that can be proven, it makes what Trump did a nothing burger. That's the reason for the knee-jerk reaction by the commies when they learned that Trump was curious about Joe and Hunter.

Likely possibility? No. Impossibility. That did not happen. You need to check the timeline of events. Biden firing Sholkin was unrelated to any Burisma
investigation. No Burisma investigation was paused, stopped or interfered with by the firing of Sholkin. This is already a known fact.

You are lying. Over and over again.

But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Returning to the campaign trail after Christmas, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Friday stood by his comments that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify at President Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate.

In a meeting with the editorial board of The Des Moines Register, whose endorsement in the Iowa caucuses is coveted by presidential hopefuls, Mr. Biden argued that complying with a subpoena and testifying would essentially allow Mr. Trump to succeed in shifting attention onto Mr. Biden and away from the president’s own actions.

“The reason I wouldn’t is because it’s all designed to deal with Trump doing what he’s done his whole life: trying to take the focus off him,” Mr. Biden said. “The issue is not what I did.”

“This is all about a diversion,” Mr. Biden added. “And we play his game all the time. He’s done it his whole career.”

Mr. Biden met with The Register at the beginning of a two-day visit to Iowa. He boarded his “No Malarkey” campaign bus later Friday and headed to Williamsburg for an event there, to be followed by additional stops on Saturday.

Mr. Biden had previously said that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify at the impeachment trial. Asked Friday about that stance, he said, “The grounds for them to call me would be overwhelmingly specious. But, so, I don’t anticipate that happening anyway.”

Mr. Biden raised the scenario of voluntarily appearing at the Senate trial and explained why he did not view that as a good idea.

“What are you going to cover?” he asked, referring to the news media. “You’re going to cover, for three weeks, anything I said. And he’s going to get away.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

A new Popular Mechanics SPECIAL EDITION on Grandpe Joe and his worth MILLIONS son Hunter has just been released....


Donald Trump is the world's dumbest politician. I would do the same thing. Tell Senate Republicans to take a hike. Biden would be smart to do that.

Trump was impeached by the commies for doing the exact same thing. Why is it okay when your people do things, and when ours does the same, it's a major offense, even an impeachable one?

You people are such liars and hypocrites. And with that, I once again quote Rush Limbaugh.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for everybody else."
Rush Limbaugh
Please don't tell me you listen to the druggie and kid raper.
I thought you had progressed to the gateway pundit??
Returning to the campaign trail after Christmas, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Friday stood by his comments that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify at President Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate.

In a meeting with the editorial board of The Des Moines Register, whose endorsement in the Iowa caucuses is coveted by presidential hopefuls, Mr. Biden argued that complying with a subpoena and testifying would essentially allow Mr. Trump to succeed in shifting attention onto Mr. Biden and away from the president’s own actions.

“The reason I wouldn’t is because it’s all designed to deal with Trump doing what he’s done his whole life: trying to take the focus off him,” Mr. Biden said. “The issue is not what I did.”

“This is all about a diversion,” Mr. Biden added. “And we play his game all the time. He’s done it his whole career.”

Mr. Biden met with The Register at the beginning of a two-day visit to Iowa. He boarded his “No Malarkey” campaign bus later Friday and headed to Williamsburg for an event there, to be followed by additional stops on Saturday.

Mr. Biden had previously said that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify at the impeachment trial. Asked Friday about that stance, he said, “The grounds for them to call me would be overwhelmingly specious. But, so, I don’t anticipate that happening anyway.”

Mr. Biden raised the scenario of voluntarily appearing at the Senate trial and explained why he did not view that as a good idea.

“What are you going to cover?” he asked, referring to the news media. “You’re going to cover, for three weeks, anything I said. And he’s going to get away.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

A new Popular Mechanics SPECIAL EDITION on Grandpe Joe and his worth MILLIONS son Hunter has just been released....


Donald Trump is the world's dumbest politician. I would do the same thing. Tell Senate Republicans to take a hike. Biden would be smart to do that.

Trump was impeached by the commies for doing the exact same thing. Why is it okay when your people do things, and when ours does the same, it's a major offense, even an impeachable one?

You people are such liars and hypocrites. And with that, I once again quote Rush Limbaugh.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for everybody else."
Rush Limbaugh
Say no more.
How's your KKK meeting these days?
Yep. And Biden was seeking a tougher prosecutor to investigate said corruption.

If you guy would stop lying, you'd have nothing to say. It is really odd.

Do you realize how stupid that remark is? What you're saying is that Joe had the prosecutor fired because he was not doing enough to investigate a corrupt business his son worked for, and you expect anything but a dumb Democrat to believe that?

It doesn't even make any sense. Especially when Shokin did an interview explaining that he was indeed investigating Burisma, and in particular, Hunter and a money laundering scheme. That's when Joe flew down there and had him fired.

Shokin's claim is certainly more believable than the tales from the Democrat party and MSM.

Your timing is fucked. And you are too dishonest to admit it.

Timing of what? It has nothing to do with timing. It has to do with the likely possibility that Joe had Shokin fired to help protect his son. If that can be proven, it makes what Trump did a nothing burger. That's the reason for the knee-jerk reaction by the commies when they learned that Trump was curious about Joe and Hunter.

Likely possibility? No. Impossibility. That did not happen. You need to check the timeline of events. Biden firing Sholkin was unrelated to any Burisma
investigation. No Burisma investigation was paused, stopped or interfered with by the firing of Sholkin. This is already a known fact.

You are lying. Over and over again.

But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Wasn't he the guy who everybody , Biden and all the euros said he didn't prosecute enough.
And fled to Russia ?
You really have to quit Lisening to the fat druggie

You'll have to ask him. Do all innocent people obey subpoenas or do some go to court to have them enforced?

You go to court. That's what the Republicans did when Obama obstructed Congress that he didn't get impeached for.

Enjoying your commie SS Medicare.?
The gun makes you feel more like a man brave boy?
I thought you would be fighting Isis hand to hand rather than sucking off your commie benefits from your double wide?

You'll have to ask him. Do all innocent people obey subpoenas or do some go to court to have them enforced?

You go to court. That's what the Republicans did when Obama obstructed Congress that he didn't get impeached for.

12 Benghazi investigations, that's what we need
Do you realize how stupid that remark is? What you're saying is that Joe had the prosecutor fired because he was not doing enough to investigate a corrupt business his son worked for, and you expect anything but a dumb Democrat to believe that?

It doesn't even make any sense. Especially when Shokin did an interview explaining that he was indeed investigating Burisma, and in particular, Hunter and a money laundering scheme. That's when Joe flew down there and had him fired.

Shokin's claim is certainly more believable than the tales from the Democrat party and MSM.

Your timing is fucked. And you are too dishonest to admit it.

Timing of what? It has nothing to do with timing. It has to do with the likely possibility that Joe had Shokin fired to help protect his son. If that can be proven, it makes what Trump did a nothing burger. That's the reason for the knee-jerk reaction by the commies when they learned that Trump was curious about Joe and Hunter.

Likely possibility? No. Impossibility. That did not happen. You need to check the timeline of events. Biden firing Sholkin was unrelated to any Burisma
investigation. No Burisma investigation was paused, stopped or interfered with by the firing of Sholkin. This is already a known fact.

You are lying. Over and over again.

But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Wasn't he the guy who everybody , Biden and all the euros said he didn't prosecute enough.
And fled to Russia ?
You really have to quit Lisening to the fat druggie
No, that was Hunter Biden's boss, the CEO of Burima, who fled to Russia because Shokin was investigating Burisma. That's why Joe Biden demanded Shokin be fired.
Returning to the campaign trail after Christmas, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Friday stood by his comments that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify at President Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate.

In a meeting with the editorial board of The Des Moines Register, whose endorsement in the Iowa caucuses is coveted by presidential hopefuls, Mr. Biden argued that complying with a subpoena and testifying would essentially allow Mr. Trump to succeed in shifting attention onto Mr. Biden and away from the president’s own actions.

“The reason I wouldn’t is because it’s all designed to deal with Trump doing what he’s done his whole life: trying to take the focus off him,” Mr. Biden said. “The issue is not what I did.”

“This is all about a diversion,” Mr. Biden added. “And we play his game all the time. He’s done it his whole career.”

Mr. Biden met with The Register at the beginning of a two-day visit to Iowa. He boarded his “No Malarkey” campaign bus later Friday and headed to Williamsburg for an event there, to be followed by additional stops on Saturday.

Mr. Biden had previously said that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify at the impeachment trial. Asked Friday about that stance, he said, “The grounds for them to call me would be overwhelmingly specious. But, so, I don’t anticipate that happening anyway.”

Mr. Biden raised the scenario of voluntarily appearing at the Senate trial and explained why he did not view that as a good idea.

“What are you going to cover?” he asked, referring to the news media. “You’re going to cover, for three weeks, anything I said. And he’s going to get away.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

A new Popular Mechanics SPECIAL EDITION on Grandpe Joe and his worth MILLIONS son Hunter has just been released....


Donald Trump is the world's dumbest politician. I would do the same thing. Tell Senate Republicans to take a hike. Biden would be smart to do that.
Don't know about that.
He conned 1/2 of the zero college white boys.
Voted the biggest con in history
Your timing is fucked. And you are too dishonest to admit it.

Timing of what? It has nothing to do with timing. It has to do with the likely possibility that Joe had Shokin fired to help protect his son. If that can be proven, it makes what Trump did a nothing burger. That's the reason for the knee-jerk reaction by the commies when they learned that Trump was curious about Joe and Hunter.

Likely possibility? No. Impossibility. That did not happen. You need to check the timeline of events. Biden firing Sholkin was unrelated to any Burisma
investigation. No Burisma investigation was paused, stopped or interfered with by the firing of Sholkin. This is already a known fact.

You are lying. Over and over again.

But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Wasn't he the guy who everybody , Biden and all the euros said he didn't prosecute enough.
And fled to Russia ?
You really have to quit Lisening to the fat druggie
No, that was Hunter Biden's boss, the CEO of Burima, who fled to Russia because Shokin was investigating Burisma. That's why Joe Biden demanded Shokin be fired.
He wasn't investigating.
Where do you get your info?
The fat one?

So I guess Biden should have no problem with the subpoena right?


You'll have to ask him. Do all innocent people obey subpoenas or do some go to court to have them enforced?

He damn well should testify in light of his video admitting quid pro quo.
Why wouldnt he want to exonerate himself and his coke head son?
Oh yeah......because they're both guilty as sin.
Joe is showing us he's dumb but he's not stupid. They would fry him like a 3 dollar steak and he knows it.

They were protesting he didn't prosecute ENOUGH
And where is joe and where are our zero college old white fart posters?
No, it was only Joe. Everyone was concerned about corruption in Ukraine, but when Joe Biden went to Ukraine, he didn't demand any anti corruption reforms, just the firing of the man who was investigating his son's company, Burisma.
Timing of what? It has nothing to do with timing. It has to do with the likely possibility that Joe had Shokin fired to help protect his son. If that can be proven, it makes what Trump did a nothing burger. That's the reason for the knee-jerk reaction by the commies when they learned that Trump was curious about Joe and Hunter.

Likely possibility? No. Impossibility. That did not happen. You need to check the timeline of events. Biden firing Sholkin was unrelated to any Burisma
investigation. No Burisma investigation was paused, stopped or interfered with by the firing of Sholkin. This is already a known fact.

You are lying. Over and over again.

But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Wasn't he the guy who everybody , Biden and all the euros said he didn't prosecute enough.
And fled to Russia ?
You really have to quit Lisening to the fat druggie
No, that was Hunter Biden's boss, the CEO of Burima, who fled to Russia because Shokin was investigating Burisma. That's why Joe Biden demanded Shokin be fired.
He wasn't investigating.
Where do you get your info?
The fat one?
From Shokin. Where did you get the idea he wasn't investigating Burisma?
Likely possibility? No. Impossibility. That did not happen. You need to check the timeline of events. Biden firing Sholkin was unrelated to any Burisma
investigation. No Burisma investigation was paused, stopped or interfered with by the firing of Sholkin. This is already a known fact.

You are lying. Over and over again.

But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Wasn't he the guy who everybody , Biden and all the euros said he didn't prosecute enough.
And fled to Russia ?
You really have to quit Lisening to the fat druggie
No, that was Hunter Biden's boss, the CEO of Burima, who fled to Russia because Shokin was investigating Burisma. That's why Joe Biden demanded Shokin be fired.
He wasn't investigating.
Where do you get your info?
The fat one?
From Shokin. Where did you get the idea he wasn't investigating Burisma?

Where did you get your info that he was?
The fat one?
Try this
"which Trump based his assertion – that Joe Biden had Shokin removed to stop him investigating wrongdoing in his son’s gas company – has already been widely debunked.

Put simply, the chronology doesn’t work – the investigation into Burisma, where Hunter worked, was dormant by the time Shokin was pushed out. It would also represent a major historical anomaly. During Shokin’s 13 months in office, not one major figure was convicted. No oligarch. No politician. No ranking bureaucrat. It would appear unlikely he was in the middle of breaking the habit with the Bidens"
gawd google The Independent uk for gods sake.
You believe the 16000 lies teen peeking guy?
Returning to the campaign trail after Christmas, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Friday stood by his comments that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify at President Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate.

In a meeting with the editorial board of The Des Moines Register, whose endorsement in the Iowa caucuses is coveted by presidential hopefuls, Mr. Biden argued that complying with a subpoena and testifying would essentially allow Mr. Trump to succeed in shifting attention onto Mr. Biden and away from the president’s own actions.

“The reason I wouldn’t is because it’s all designed to deal with Trump doing what he’s done his whole life: trying to take the focus off him,” Mr. Biden said. “The issue is not what I did.”

“This is all about a diversion,” Mr. Biden added. “And we play his game all the time. He’s done it his whole career.”

Mr. Biden met with The Register at the beginning of a two-day visit to Iowa. He boarded his “No Malarkey” campaign bus later Friday and headed to Williamsburg for an event there, to be followed by additional stops on Saturday.

Mr. Biden had previously said that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify at the impeachment trial. Asked Friday about that stance, he said, “The grounds for them to call me would be overwhelmingly specious. But, so, I don’t anticipate that happening anyway.”

Mr. Biden raised the scenario of voluntarily appearing at the Senate trial and explained why he did not view that as a good idea.

“What are you going to cover?” he asked, referring to the news media. “You’re going to cover, for three weeks, anything I said. And he’s going to get away.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

A new Popular Mechanics SPECIAL EDITION on Grandpe Joe and his worth MILLIONS son Hunter has just been released....


Donald Trump is the world's dumbest politician. I would do the same thing. Tell Senate Republicans to take a hike. Biden would be smart to do that.

Trump was impeached by the commies for doing the exact same thing. Why is it okay when your people do things, and when ours does the same, it's a major offense, even an impeachable one?

You people are such liars and hypocrites. And with that, I once again quote Rush Limbaugh.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for everybody else."
Rush Limbaugh
Say no more.
How's your KKK meeting these days?

You mean the KKK FOUNDED BY THE DEMONRATS IN 1867...TO KEEP THOSE BLACKIES IN LINE....THAT ONE?.....You have the brain of a slug!....Apologizes to the slugs of the world!
But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Wasn't he the guy who everybody , Biden and all the euros said he didn't prosecute enough.
And fled to Russia ?
You really have to quit Lisening to the fat druggie
No, that was Hunter Biden's boss, the CEO of Burima, who fled to Russia because Shokin was investigating Burisma. That's why Joe Biden demanded Shokin be fired.
He wasn't investigating.
Where do you get your info?
The fat one?
From Shokin. Where did you get the idea he wasn't investigating Burisma?

Where did you get your info that he was?
The fat one?
Try this
"which Trump based his assertion – that Joe Biden had Shokin removed to stop him investigating wrongdoing in his son’s gas company – has already been widely debunked.

Put simply, the chronology doesn’t work – the investigation into Burisma, where Hunter worked, was dormant by the time Shokin was pushed out. It would also represent a major historical anomaly. During Shokin’s 13 months in office, not one major figure was convicted. No oligarch. No politician. No ranking bureaucrat. It would appear unlikely he was in the middle of breaking the habit with the Bidens"
gawd google The Independent uk for gods sake.
You believe the 16000 lies teen peeking guy?

Ex-Ukraine prosecutor said he was told to back off probe of Biden-linked firm, files show
Oct 2, 2019 · Ukraine controversy brings focus to Hunter Biden's ... Shokin in which he claimed that his “investigations stopped out of ... him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves,

You know only what the demonRAT/Socialists spoon feed you and the MSM regurgitates.....your IQ is getting lower with each of your bullshit posts!.. ROTFLMFAO!
But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Wasn't he the guy who everybody , Biden and all the euros said he didn't prosecute enough.
And fled to Russia ?
You really have to quit Lisening to the fat druggie
No, that was Hunter Biden's boss, the CEO of Burima, who fled to Russia because Shokin was investigating Burisma. That's why Joe Biden demanded Shokin be fired.
He wasn't investigating.
Where do you get your info?
The fat one?
From Shokin. Where did you get the idea he wasn't investigating Burisma?

Where did you get your info that he was?
The fat one?
Try this
"which Trump based his assertion – that Joe Biden had Shokin removed to stop him investigating wrongdoing in his son’s gas company – has already been widely debunked.

Put simply, the chronology doesn’t work – the investigation into Burisma, where Hunter worked, was dormant by the time Shokin was pushed out. It would also represent a major historical anomaly. During Shokin’s 13 months in office, not one major figure was convicted. No oligarch. No politician. No ranking bureaucrat. It would appear unlikely he was in the middle of breaking the habit with the Bidens"
gawd google The Independent uk for gods sake.
You believe the 16000 lies teen peeking guy?
lol You are engaging in magical thinking. You seem to believe that if you repeat debunked enough times it will magically be debunked. The fact is Shokin has said several times Burima was under investigation at the time when Joe Biden threatened to withhold US aid unless the President of Ukraine fired Shokin. That statement has never been debunked by anyone with first hand knowledge of the situation.

I understand you are just here to engage in partisan bickering and have no real interest in the facts, but consider that at the time Ukraine was rated as the third most corrupt country in the world and the only thing Joe Biden wanted to address was getting rid of the guy who was investigating Burisma; when bribery was considered part of a government official's pay, why was Joe Biden so obsessed with getting just this one guy fired that he threatened to cut off US aid at a time when Ukraine desperately needed it? Saying debunked, debunked, debunded just doesn't cut it.
But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?
Wasn't he the guy who everybody , Biden and all the euros said he didn't prosecute enough.
And fled to Russia ?
You really have to quit Lisening to the fat druggie
No, that was Hunter Biden's boss, the CEO of Burima, who fled to Russia because Shokin was investigating Burisma. That's why Joe Biden demanded Shokin be fired.
He wasn't investigating.
Where do you get your info?
The fat one?
From Shokin. Where did you get the idea he wasn't investigating Burisma?

Where did you get your info that he was?
The fat one?
Try this
"which Trump based his assertion – that Joe Biden had Shokin removed to stop him investigating wrongdoing in his son’s gas company – has already been widely debunked.

Put simply, the chronology doesn’t work – the investigation into Burisma, where Hunter worked, was dormant by the time Shokin was pushed out. It would also represent a major historical anomaly. During Shokin’s 13 months in office, not one major figure was convicted. No oligarch. No politician. No ranking bureaucrat. It would appear unlikely he was in the middle of breaking the habit with the Bidens"
gawd google The Independent uk for gods sake.
You believe the 16000 lies teen peeking guy?

This comment coming from a guy who's people spent over two years in an investigation, and found nothing.

Shokin stated the corrupt government of Ukraine was lying about the investigations; that he indeed was going to confiscate Burisma's assets when Joe flew down there and got him fired.
Yep. And Biden was seeking a tougher prosecutor to investigate said corruption.

If you guy would stop lying, you'd have nothing to say. It is really odd.

Do you realize how stupid that remark is? What you're saying is that Joe had the prosecutor fired because he was not doing enough to investigate a corrupt business his son worked for, and you expect anything but a dumb Democrat to believe that?

It doesn't even make any sense. Especially when Shokin did an interview explaining that he was indeed investigating Burisma, and in particular, Hunter and a money laundering scheme. That's when Joe flew down there and had him fired.

Shokin's claim is certainly more believable than the tales from the Democrat party and MSM.

Your timing is fucked. And you are too dishonest to admit it.

Timing of what? It has nothing to do with timing. It has to do with the likely possibility that Joe had Shokin fired to help protect his son. If that can be proven, it makes what Trump did a nothing burger. That's the reason for the knee-jerk reaction by the commies when they learned that Trump was curious about Joe and Hunter.

Likely possibility? No. Impossibility. That did not happen. You need to check the timeline of events. Biden firing Sholkin was unrelated to any Burisma
investigation. No Burisma investigation was paused, stopped or interfered with by the firing of Sholkin. This is already a known fact.

You are lying. Over and over again.

But the main character--Shokin, stated it was the exact opposite. And who would know better than him?

He's known to be corrupt.

You'll have to ask him. Do all innocent people obey subpoenas or do some go to court to have them enforced?

You go to court. That's what the Republicans did when Obama obstructed Congress that he didn't get impeached for.

Enjoying your commie SS Medicare.?
The gun makes you feel more like a man brave boy?
I thought you would be fighting Isis hand to hand rather than sucking off your commie benefits from your double wide?

I'm not collecting anything. And I put up my gun avatar when I first joined and went to a firearms topic. I never changed it because it made snowflakes like you melt, and now it's just comical for me.

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