Joe: "We'll pass election reform... and make sure no one has the opportunity to steal an election again."

Oh blow it out your hole. Look, if you are going to try to insult my intelligence, just shut the fuck up.
  • J6 is just about one riot that occurred over a 4-6 hour period, and after already having an extensve investigation, hearings and faux impeachment over it, they've needed almost 1.5 years additional time supposedly still trying to investigate it. And that was just the information gathering phase.
  • The suspected election fraud admittedly began in December 2019 thru November 2020 involving 400 million dollars and nearly fifty secret leftwing shadow organizations across at least six states.
  • The Trump team had just SIX WEEKS to prosecute the full case before time and tide forced congress to pick electors to certify the election come January 6.
  • Most of the 28 separate cases were never even heard, dismissed or denied on technicalities of standing and time of filing, etc., not on the validity of the evidence.
  • Of those few cases that DID proceed, as presented here in a thread weeks ago listing all of the cases, Trump actually WON most of them.
Our elections are a joke as defined by Jimmy Carter himself in 2005 when he released the Carter-Baker report on the need for election reform back in 2005. Our system is only designed to handle a very small, local dispute like the hanging chads in Florida back in, what?--- the year 2000? And THAT took weeks to resolve with Al Gore bringing in 300 lawyers to prosecute the case. We have no system in place whereby courts can join forces to look at, communicate with, and analyze something so big as this

By all indications, much of the cheating as possible has been bottled up this time for hopefully a more honest and legitimate election(s) this time. We shall see.
You are full of shit.

But great job at least TRYING to look like you know WTF u talking about.

You are full of shit.
Fine. THEN PROVE ONE THING I SAID ISN'T FACTUAL, Ace. I'd love to stomp your every argument to pieces and I'm just the person to do it. You're new here, you don't know who you are dealing with.

But great job at least TRYING to look like you know WTF u talking about.
And there goes the next bullshit cop out of another yokster who can never back up a single thing he says and cannot even spell the word 'you.' Let me save you a little trouble, Ace, Time Magazine effectively published a confession to the steal naming names and how they did it already way back in 2/21, trying to brag that they "saved" the election from a Trump win. My guess is that you and most of the fraud deniers here are already members of at least one of the organizations below, one of which Hillary Clinton just confessed a couple weeks ago she is still a part of and was out actually looking for donations for to help support to try to unseat THIS election!

Time Shadow Election Commission.png
Sounds like Pedo Joe is destroying Democracy.

Joe Biden is looking to be the actual biggest threat to our democratic rule of law this nation has ever faced. I'll take pleasure in watching him get impeached.
Fine. THEN PROVE ONE THING I SAID ISN'T FACTUAL, Ace. I'd love to stomp your every argument to pieces and I'm just the person to do it. You're new here, you don't know who you are dealing with.

And there goes the next bullshit cop out of another yokster who can never back up a single thing he says and cannot even spell the word 'you.' Let me save you a little trouble, Ace, Time Magazine effectively published a confession to the steal naming names and how they did it already way back in 2/21, trying to brag that they "saved" the election from a Trump win. My guess is that you and most of the fraud deniers here are already members of at least one of the organizations below, one of which Hillary Clinton just confessed a couple weeks ago she is still a part of and was out actually looking for donations for to help support to try to unseat THIS election!

View attachment 720796
Trigger much?

Fuck off you comical little twit!

I've seen all of your delusional bullshit already.

It has not gotten any more credible.


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