JoeB131 Handicaps the 2016 GOP Field

.......... Clinton was a weak CIC, and made our country vulnerable.

But now he looks to have been so comparison to America's newest, indeed our very first, Apologist-in-Chief.

The president that kills Osama Bin Laden and Qaddafi...The one the right wingers are always harping at about drone strikes...the one that gave the order for the largest troop surge in the Afghan war..... the one that is the, I disagree.

Gingrich said stupid shit all the time. But your hatred clouds rational analysis.

Um, actually, my analysis was right on.

I said repeatedly that Romney's repeated abuses of working folks would bite the GOP in the ass.

And I was right. The lost the White House to a very vulnerable president. They lost two seats in the Senate and 20 or so in the House.

Frankly, Gingrich would have held his own in a debate with Obama.

You're analysis that Gingrich would win the nomination was wrong.

well, yeah, I guess i underestimated just how much the crazies had taken over the asylum. What's your point?
.......... Clinton was a weak CIC, and made our country vulnerable.

But now he looks to have been so comparison to America's newest, indeed our very first, Apologist-in-Chief.

The president that kills Osama Bin Laden and Qaddafi...The one the right wingers are always harping at about drone strikes...the one that gave the order for the largest troop surge in the Afghan war..... the one that is the, I disagree.

Qaddafi was beaten to death by a mob.

Obama was scared shitless during the Bin Laden raid, and they got him, not Obama. And btw, he was an old man hiding with a bunch of women.

Bush took out Saddam and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi . Qaddafi was a pussy.

Just a fact....I know facts bother you.

You just stated plainly why the Middle-East hates Obama's lying ass.

They know he's nothing more than a tin-horn dictator with no balls.

Obama chickened out in Benghazi. None of the attackers have even been sought after. Obama doesn't even care about his diplomats being killed.

The Russians know that Obama cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
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.......... Clinton was a weak CIC, and made our country vulnerable.

But now he looks to have been so comparison to America's newest, indeed our very first, Apologist-in-Chief.

The president that kills Osama Bin Laden and Qaddafi...The one the right wingers are always harping at about drone strikes...the one that gave the order for the largest troop surge in the Afghan war..... the one that is the, I disagree.

Ah, you were THERE to make sure the sack of shit thrown into the ocean didn't actually contain shit instead of Obama!

Did it pass the taste-test, too?
But now he looks to have been so comparison to America's newest, indeed our very first, Apologist-in-Chief.

The president that kills Osama Bin Laden and Qaddafi...The one the right wingers are always harping at about drone strikes...the one that gave the order for the largest troop surge in the Afghan war..... the one that is the, I disagree.

Qaddafi was beaten to death by a mob.

Obama was scared shitless during the Bin Laden raid, and they got him, not Obama. And btw, he was an old man hiding with a bunch of women.

Bush took out Saddam and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi . Qaddafi was a pussy.

Just a fact....I know facts bother you.

You just stated plainly why the Middle-East hates Obama's lying ass.

They know he's nothing more than a tin-horn dictator with no balls.

Obama chickened out in Benghazi. None of the attackers have even been sought after. Obama doesn't even care about his diplomats being killed.

The Russians know that Obama cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

Good god

The Fox is strong in this one

AlQaeda handed Bush his head.....Obama had to clean up the mess he left
The president that kills Osama Bin Laden and Qaddafi...The one the right wingers are always harping at about drone strikes...the one that gave the order for the largest troop surge in the Afghan war..... the one that is the, I disagree.

Qaddafi was beaten to death by a mob.

Obama was scared shitless during the Bin Laden raid, and they got him, not Obama. And btw, he was an old man hiding with a bunch of women.

Bush took out Saddam and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi . Qaddafi was a pussy.

Just a fact....I know facts bother you.

You just stated plainly why the Middle-East hates Obama's lying ass.

They know he's nothing more than a tin-horn dictator with no balls.

Obama chickened out in Benghazi. None of the attackers have even been sought after. Obama doesn't even care about his diplomats being killed.

The Russians know that Obama cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

Good god

The Fox is strong in this one

AlQaeda handed Bush his head.....Obama had to clean up the mess he left


al Qaeda isn't something you can just clean up.

al Qaeda is in over 100 countries.

The key to destroying al Qaeda is Islam. Islam is teaching these idiots to hate. That is the Genesis of al Qaeda. It's nothing but bigotry.


al Qaeda isn't something you can just clean up.

al Qaeda is in over 100 countries.

The key to destroying al Qaeda is Islam. Islam is teaching these idiots to hate. That is the Genesis of al Qaeda. It's nothing but bigotry.

I thought the Genesis of Al Qaeda was your boy Ronnie Ray-gun giving Bin Laden and the rest of the misogynistic assholes guns so they could kill Russians in Afghanistan.

Of course, back then, they were 'Freedom Fighters'. They didn't become "Terrorists" until they started killing Americans.


al Qaeda isn't something you can just clean up.

al Qaeda is in over 100 countries.

The key to destroying al Qaeda is Islam. Islam is teaching these idiots to hate. That is the Genesis of al Qaeda. It's nothing but bigotry.

I thought the Genesis of Al Qaeda was your boy Ronnie Ray-gun giving Bin Laden and the rest of the misogynistic assholes guns so they could kill Russians in Afghanistan.

Of course, back then, they were 'Freedom Fighters'. They didn't become "Terrorists" until they started killing Americans.

al Qaeda really originated 1200 years ago.

It didn't really take off until Carter allowed those terrorist assholes to take our embassy. Back then they didn't call it al Qaeda. It was just terrorism. Now terrorism has a name and Carter gave it a purpose.

Taking our embassy was an important moment in terrorism. That meant that violence could cow even the Great Satan into inaction. Obama simply reaffirmed that it's open season for Americans again. al Qaeda is simply an evolution of terrorism into it's present form which is ever changing.
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al Qaeda isn't something you can just clean up.

al Qaeda is in over 100 countries.

The key to destroying al Qaeda is Islam. Islam is teaching these idiots to hate. That is the Genesis of al Qaeda. It's nothing but bigotry.

I thought the Genesis of Al Qaeda was your boy Ronnie Ray-gun giving Bin Laden and the rest of the misogynistic assholes guns so they could kill Russians in Afghanistan.

Of course, back then, they were 'Freedom Fighters'. They didn't become "Terrorists" until they started killing Americans.

al Qaeda really originated 1200 years ago.

It didn't really take off until Carter allowed those terrorist assholes to take our embassy. Back then they didn't call it al Qaeda. It was just terrorism. Now terrorism has a name and Carter gave it a purpose.

That meant that violence could cow even the Great Satan into inaction. Obama simply reaffirmed that it's open season for Americans again. al Qaeda is simply an evolution of terrorism into it's present form which is ever changing.

Guy, someone in your vast studies of Islamic Scholarship, you did get that the Iranians are Shi'ites, and Al Qaeda are Sunnis, right?

Oh, the word "Terrorism" existed long before the Hostage Crisis. and it didn't always apply to Muslims.

IN fact, the word "Terrorism" comes from the French "Reign of Terror".

Also, the fact that you think that there is some action we could take to stop terrorism is kind of silly.

George W. Stupid spent 8 years fighting "The War on Terror". Did terrorism end? Um. Nope.

OUr problem with the Islamic World is we keep sticking our dicks in the Hornet's Nest and wondering why we get stung.
Um, actually, my analysis was right on.

I said repeatedly that Romney's repeated abuses of working folks would bite the GOP in the ass.

And I was right. The lost the White House to a very vulnerable president. They lost two seats in the Senate and 20 or so in the House.

Frankly, Gingrich would have held his own in a debate with Obama.

You're analysis that Gingrich would win the nomination was wrong.

well, yeah, I guess i underestimated just how much the crazies had taken over the asylum. What's your point?

That you were wrong.

And continue to be so.
I thought the Genesis of Al Qaeda was your boy Ronnie Ray-gun giving Bin Laden and the rest of the misogynistic assholes guns so they could kill Russians in Afghanistan.

Of course, back then, they were 'Freedom Fighters'. They didn't become "Terrorists" until they started killing Americans.

al Qaeda really originated 1200 years ago.

It didn't really take off until Carter allowed those terrorist assholes to take our embassy. Back then they didn't call it al Qaeda. It was just terrorism. Now terrorism has a name and Carter gave it a purpose.

That meant that violence could cow even the Great Satan into inaction. Obama simply reaffirmed that it's open season for Americans again. al Qaeda is simply an evolution of terrorism into it's present form which is ever changing.

Guy, someone in your vast studies of Islamic Scholarship, you did get that the Iranians are Shi'ites, and Al Qaeda are Sunnis, right?

Oh, the word "Terrorism" existed long before the Hostage Crisis. and it didn't always apply to Muslims.

IN fact, the word "Terrorism" comes from the French "Reign of Terror".

Also, the fact that you think that there is some action we could take to stop terrorism is kind of silly.

George W. Stupid spent 8 years fighting "The War on Terror". Did terrorism end? Um. Nope.

OUr problem with the Islamic World is we keep sticking our dicks in the Hornet's Nest and wondering why we get stung.

Guy, the Iranian hostage crisis served as an example of what happens when you do what before was considered impossible, standing up to America.

I guess you don't understand the principle of symbolism in the Muslim world......truly pathetic dude.
You're analysis that Gingrich would win the nomination was wrong.

well, yeah, I guess i underestimated just how much the crazies had taken over the asylum. What's your point?

That you were wrong.

And continue to be so.

No,I was completely right.

I said that Romney would be a complete disaster because you don't nominate an asshole who made his fortune putting working people out of jobs in an economy where everyone is scared to death of losing his job.

It's kind of like making Hijacking Jokes at an Airport the week after 9/11. It's just kind of stupid.

But gosh darn, you guys all said, "What a successful businessman!" and nominated him anyway.

and then he got caught on tape saying, "Screw half the country, they don't pay taxes" and "It's totally awesome we put these Chinese women behind barbed wire to make me money".

Fuck, dude, you guys are lucky that Obama was black, and the racists showed up to support him, or he'd have lost by Alf Landon levels.
well, yeah, I guess i underestimated just how much the crazies had taken over the asylum. What's your point?

That you were wrong.

And continue to be so.

No,I was completely right.

I said that Romney would be a complete disaster because you don't nominate an asshole who made his fortune putting working people out of jobs in an economy where everyone is scared to death of losing his job.

It's kind of like making Hijacking Jokes at an Airport the week after 9/11. It's just kind of stupid.

But gosh darn, you guys all said, "What a successful businessman!" and nominated him anyway.

and then he got caught on tape saying, "Screw half the country, they don't pay taxes" and "It's totally awesome we put these Chinese women behind barbed wire to make me money".

Fuck, dude, you guys are lucky that Obama was black, and the racists showed up to support him, or he'd have lost by Alf Landon levels.

You're pretty sick Joe.:eusa_shifty:

Guy, the Iranian hostage crisis served as an example of what happens when you do what before was considered impossible, standing up to America.

I guess you don't understand the principle of symbolism in the Muslim world......truly pathetic dude.

The Iranian Hostage Crisis happened because we overthrew the democratically elected government in Iran and put the Shah back into power. and the Iranians saw us take in that asshole for cancer treatment and they thought, "Oh, my Allah, they are going to do it to us again!"

As far as them being the first to stand up to America.

Hey, guy, did you miss something called "The Vietnam War"?

That's when a bunch of Asian dudes stood up to America and eventually, we were evacuating people off a rooftop...


And it had nothing to do with Islam.

Before that we had something called "The Korean War", where we were fought to a standstill.

Before that we had two world wars were we came in late and happened to be on the winning side after other people did most of the fighting and dying. (More people from China, Russia and India died fighting WWII than Americans.)

Maybe, and i'm just spitballing here, we need to stop having such an inflated opinion of ourselves.
well, yeah, I guess i underestimated just how much the crazies had taken over the asylum. What's your point?

That you were wrong.

And continue to be so.

No,I was completely right.

I said that Romney would be a complete disaster because you don't nominate an asshole who made his fortune putting working people out of jobs in an economy where everyone is scared to death of losing his job.

It's kind of like making Hijacking Jokes at an Airport the week after 9/11. It's just kind of stupid.

But gosh darn, you guys all said, "What a successful businessman!" and nominated him anyway.

and then he got caught on tape saying, "Screw half the country, they don't pay taxes" and "It's totally awesome we put these Chinese women behind barbed wire to make me money".

Fuck, dude, you guys are lucky that Obama was black, and the racists showed up to support him, or he'd have lost by Alf Landon levels.

You said Gingrich would win the nomination. You were wrong.

Now you have this Huckabee fantasy. You're wrong about that too.
That you were wrong.

And continue to be so.

No,I was completely right.

I said that Romney would be a complete disaster because you don't nominate an asshole who made his fortune putting working people out of jobs in an economy where everyone is scared to death of losing his job.

It's kind of like making Hijacking Jokes at an Airport the week after 9/11. It's just kind of stupid.

But gosh darn, you guys all said, "What a successful businessman!" and nominated him anyway.

and then he got caught on tape saying, "Screw half the country, they don't pay taxes" and "It's totally awesome we put these Chinese women behind barbed wire to make me money".

Fuck, dude, you guys are lucky that Obama was black, and the racists showed up to support him, or he'd have lost by Alf Landon levels.

You're pretty sick Joe.:eusa_shifty:

NO, guy, what is sick is that the GOP has become so enthralled to rich people and multi-national corporations that they don't see people like us anymore, just struggling to make ends meet.

Instead, the GOP figured that they could just talk about abortions or gays or guns or race and get these people to keep voting for them. And it worked. For a while. Not so much anymore.

Here's a thought question for you.

When was the last time the GOP put the interest of working folks above that of a rich corporation?


You said Gingrich would win the nomination. You were wrong.

Now you have this Huckabee fantasy. You're wrong about that too.

Can you please point out where I said that Gingrich "would" win the nomination?

The GOP would do well to nominate someone like Huckabee. Someone who doesn't think the recession is bad because we could only buy one Dressage Horsie this year.

But you'll nominate another clueless rich guy, who doesn't know what a gallon of milk costs, and then be scratching your head when Hillary beats him.

And all you've got to run is Hillary.


Tell you what, guy.

You show me ONE PERSON who voted for Obama in 2012 who says, "Wow, if only I knew the TRUTH about Benghazi, I'd have totally voted for Romney."

When you can find that person for me, then I will take all your whining about Benghazi seriously.

Because the only people who care about the Benghazi Non-Scandal are the ones who weren't going to vote for a Democrat anyway.

You do get this, right? That in order to win in 2016, you have to convince some of the folks who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy this time? Right?

Nobody that votes Democrat cares about Benghazi..............except maybe people that Obama or Hillary might place in harms way and abandon in the same manner, just like Hillary and Bill did to me and my brothers in arms in Somalia 93'.

If you go overseas in a Muslim country, you're on your own.

Dumb fuck, it was Bush that put us in Somalia.

The United States Army in Somalia, 1992-1994

The United States Army has a long tradition of humanitarian relief. No such operation has proven as costly or shocking, however, as that undertaken in Somalia from August 1992 to March 1994. Greeted initially by Somalis happy to be saved from starvation, U.S. troops were slowly drawn into interclan power struggles and ill-defined "nation-building" missions. The American people woke up one day in early October 1993 to news reports of dozens of our soldiers killed or wounded in fierce fighting in the streets of the capital city Mogadishu. These disturbing events of a decade ago have taken on increasing meaning after the horrific attacks of 11 September 2001.

The Army began by assisting in relief operations in Somalia, but by December 1992 it was deeply engaged on the ground in Operation RESTORE HOPE in that chaotic African country. In the spring of the following year, the initial crisis of imminent starvation seemed to be over, and the U.S.-led Unified Task Force (UNITAF) turned over the mission to the United Nations, leaving only a small logistical, aviation, and quick reaction force behind to assist. The American public seemed to forget about Somalia. That sense of "mission accomplished" made the evens of 3-4 October 1993 more startling, as Americans reacted to the spectacle of dead U.S. soldiers being dragged through the streets by cheering Somali mobs-the very people Americans thought they had rescued from starvation.

This brochure, prepared to honor the tenth anniversary of Operation RESTORE HOPE beginning on 8 December, places the events of the firefight of 3-4 October 1993 into the wider context of the U.S. humanitarian, political, and military operation to rescue a people and a state from anarchy and chaos. The dedication and sacrifices made by U.S. soldiers, airmen, and marines in that war-torn country provide a lesson in heroism that remains compelling a decade later.

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