Joe's son Hunter, is now a salesman of "illusions"....with some help from Joe's phone conversations about the weather!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Former business partner says Hunter Biden sold ‘illusion’ of access to Joe Biden, source says
Goldman told reporters during a break in the hearing that Archer later said that Hunter Biden putting his father on speaker phone with business associates was “part of the daily conversations” between father and son, adding,
“The witness was very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions.”

Just the number of Joe Biden’s sitdowns with Hunter clients is damning​

Between meetings and phone calls, then-Veep Joe chatted repeatedly — 20 times, to Archer’s knowledge — with Hunter and his overseas clients, usually for periods longer than the cup-of-coffee or just-a-handshake that Joe’s defenders have claimed.

Now according to Democrat Rep Dan Goldman..... ALL of these phone calls conversations were

Rep. Dan Goldman mocked for claim Joe Biden ‘talked about the weather’ with Hunter’s business partners​

“There were niceties. And there was a hello. And [they] talked about the weather or whatever it was,” Goldman stressed, “but it was never any business.”

Now all of the above makes me just wonder one question...
If Joe was on the phone calls "just to talk about the weather"... wouldn't that be aiding in the selling the "illusion" of access to Biden?
Biden participate in the fraudulent "appearance of access to the presidency".
It is pretty self-evident what was going on, or at the very least, raises grave concerns with any reasonable person. What is sad is how the leftist shills bitch like little babies, claiming there is not evidence when it is staring them right in the face. Is there sufficient evidence to indict and convict Biden today? Probably. But even if you cannot restrain your bias, you have to admit that this looks like criminal conduct. It looks A LOT like criminal conduct. Thus, when the leftist scourge whines "TheRE's nO eVidenCE" in the case of Biden (when, in fact, there is a lot of evidence), it destroys their credibility.
"Former business partner says Hunter Biden sold ‘illusion’ of access to Joe Biden, source says
Goldman told reporters during a break in the hearing that Archer later said that Hunter Biden putting his father on speaker phone with business associates was “part of the daily conversations” between father and son, adding,
“The witness was very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions.”

Just the number of Joe Biden’s sitdowns with Hunter clients is damning​

Between meetings and phone calls, then-Veep Joe chatted repeatedly — 20 times, to Archer’s knowledge — with Hunter and his overseas clients, usually for periods longer than the cup-of-coffee or just-a-handshake that Joe’s defenders have claimed.

Now according to Democrat Rep Dan Goldman..... ALL of these phone calls conversations were

Rep. Dan Goldman mocked for claim Joe Biden ‘talked about the weather’ with Hunter’s business partners​

“There were niceties. And there was a hello. And [they] talked about the weather or whatever it was,” Goldman stressed, “but it was never any business.”

Now all of the above makes me just wonder one question...
If Joe was on the phone calls "just to talk about the weather"... wouldn't that be aiding in the selling the "illusion" of access to Biden?
Biden participate in the fraudulent "appearance of access to the presidency".
None of this meets criminal behavior.
"Former business partner says Hunter Biden sold ‘illusion’ of access to Joe Biden, source says
Goldman told reporters during a break in the hearing that Archer later said that Hunter Biden putting his father on speaker phone with business associates was “part of the daily conversations” between father and son, adding,
“The witness was very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions.”

Just the number of Joe Biden’s sitdowns with Hunter clients is damning​

Between meetings and phone calls, then-Veep Joe chatted repeatedly — 20 times, to Archer’s knowledge — with Hunter and his overseas clients, usually for periods longer than the cup-of-coffee or just-a-handshake that Joe’s defenders have claimed.

Now according to Democrat Rep Dan Goldman..... ALL of these phone calls conversations were

Rep. Dan Goldman mocked for claim Joe Biden ‘talked about the weather’ with Hunter’s business partners​

“There were niceties. And there was a hello. And [they] talked about the weather or whatever it was,” Goldman stressed, “but it was never any business.”

Now all of the above makes me just wonder one question...
If Joe was on the phone calls "just to talk about the weather"... wouldn't that be aiding in the selling the "illusion" of access to Biden?
Biden participate in the fraudulent "appearance of access to the presidency".
It's to bad your thoughts and feelings are not evidence.

You may want to find a safe place till this this is all over.
Niger should send an envoy to the US to monitor for fraud in the 2024 electom, seeing how the Dems claim 2016 was stolen and the Pubs claim 2024 was stolen.

Niger should run the elections for thie US.
"Former business partner says Hunter Biden sold ‘illusion’ of access to Joe Biden, source says
Goldman told reporters during a break in the hearing that Archer later said that Hunter Biden putting his father on speaker phone with business associates was “part of the daily conversations” between father and son, adding,
“The witness was very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions.”

Just the number of Joe Biden’s sitdowns with Hunter clients is damning​

Between meetings and phone calls, then-Veep Joe chatted repeatedly — 20 times, to Archer’s knowledge — with Hunter and his overseas clients, usually for periods longer than the cup-of-coffee or just-a-handshake that Joe’s defenders have claimed.

Now according to Democrat Rep Dan Goldman..... ALL of these phone calls conversations were

Rep. Dan Goldman mocked for claim Joe Biden ‘talked about the weather’ with Hunter’s business partners​

“There were niceties. And there was a hello. And [they] talked about the weather or whatever it was,” Goldman stressed, “but it was never any business.”

Now all of the above makes me just wonder one question...
If Joe was on the phone calls "just to talk about the weather"... wouldn't that be aiding in the selling the "illusion" of access to Biden?
Biden participate in the fraudulent "appearance of access to the presidency".
Hunter did not call Joe during his business dinners etc, Joe called Hunter every day, and still does call him every day if he does not see him in person.

The point...

It is made out by the right wing that Hunter called Joe in the middle of 20 business dinners and meetings, implying Hunter called him to show influence or whatever it is that you've dreamed up... but it was the opposite, Joe simply was making his daily call to Hunter....
It is pretty self-evident what was going on, or at the very least, raises grave concerns with any reasonable person. What is sad is how the leftist shills bitch like little babies, claiming there is not evidence when it is staring them right in the face. Is there sufficient evidence to indict and convict Biden today? Probably. But even if you cannot restrain your bias, you have to admit that this looks like criminal conduct. It looks A LOT like criminal conduct. Thus, when the leftist scourge whines "TheRE's nO eVidenCE" in the case of Biden (when, in fact, there is a lot of evidence), it destroys their credibility.
The present set of leftist fucktards never had any credibility in the first place.
None of this meets criminal behavior.

Neither does anything Trump did.

You're not very bright, are you?

How many times do you have to be informed before it starts to sink in?

Your game, your rules.

And we tire of your idiotic game.

Therefore, you get a red hot poker up the ass.

And fuck you if you don't like it.

YOU insisted on playing this idiotic game, even while people all over the world were telling you to stop.

Now you get what's coming. No sympathy, and no mercy.
He put Joe on speaker to prove he can PEDDLE INFLUENCE.

You dumb cult fucks think Joe is going to say, “Pay me $10 million and I will do political favors for you.”

Hunter did not call Joe during his business dinners etc, Joe called Hunter every day, and still does call him every day if he does not see him in person.

The point...

It is made out by the right wing that Hunter called Joe in the middle of 20 business dinners and meetings, implying Hunter called him to show influence or whatever it is that you've dreamed up... but it was the opposite, Joe simply was making his daily call to Hunter....
That isnt true. Hunter would call Joe during the meetings.
Hunter did not call Joe during his business dinners etc, Joe called Hunter every day, and still does call him every day if he does not see him in person.

The point...

It is made out by the right wing that Hunter called Joe in the middle of 20 business dinners and meetings, implying Hunter called him to show influence or whatever it is that you've dreamed up... but it was the opposite, Joe simply was making his daily call to Hunter....
/----/ Please post the transcripts you have to prove this.
Niger should send an envoy to the US to monitor for fraud in the 2024 electom, seeing how the Dems claim 2016 was stolen and the Pubs claim 2024 was stolen.

Niger should run the elections for thie US.
Let's see... Today in 8/12/....2023? SO how can something be stolen "from the future"... wait... are you saying you believe in time travel?
Hunter did not call Joe during his business dinners etc, Joe called Hunter every day, and still does call him every day if he does not see him in person.

The point...

It is made out by the right wing that Hunter called Joe in the middle of 20 business dinners and meetings, implying Hunter called him to show influence or whatever it is that you've dreamed up... but it was the opposite, Joe simply was making his daily call to Hunter....
Do you have the records to show who actually made the call: Did the call originate at a location where Biden was at that time?
Where is the proof?
"Former business partner says Hunter Biden sold ‘illusion’ of access to Joe Biden, source says
Goldman told reporters during a break in the hearing that Archer later said that Hunter Biden putting his father on speaker phone with business associates was “part of the daily conversations” between father and son, adding,
“The witness was very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions.”

Just the number of Joe Biden’s sitdowns with Hunter clients is damning​

Between meetings and phone calls, then-Veep Joe chatted repeatedly — 20 times, to Archer’s knowledge — with Hunter and his overseas clients, usually for periods longer than the cup-of-coffee or just-a-handshake that Joe’s defenders have claimed.

Now according to Democrat Rep Dan Goldman..... ALL of these phone calls conversations were

Rep. Dan Goldman mocked for claim Joe Biden ‘talked about the weather’ with Hunter’s business partners​

“There were niceties. And there was a hello. And [they] talked about the weather or whatever it was,” Goldman stressed, “but it was never any business.”

Now all of the above makes me just wonder one question...
If Joe was on the phone calls "just to talk about the weather"... wouldn't that be aiding in the selling the "illusion" of access to Biden?
Biden participate in the fraudulent "appearance of access to the presidency".
They wouldn't let Trump off the hook even for talking about the weather. It is astounding how deep the double standard is....
It was a typo. Fucking relax. I meant 2020.
Ah so you are not only a time traveler BUT you can determine my personal state of anxiety ! You are a marvelous and evidently perfect person.
Why are you so uptight about someone helping you? "Fucking relax"!
Hunter did not call Joe during his business dinners etc, Joe called Hunter every day, and still does call him every day if he does not see him in person.

The point...

It is made out by the right wing that Hunter called Joe in the middle of 20 business dinners and meetings, implying Hunter called him to show influence or whatever it is that you've dreamed up... but it was the opposite, Joe simply was making his daily call to Hunter....
So what were these events for, another "illusion" confirmation discuss the weather, climate change, who will pay?
  • The vice president’s appearance at a dinner at Cafe Milano in Washington with Hunter Biden, his business associates and a Russian billionaire
  • His handshake with a Chinese businessman in the lobby of a Beijing hotel
  • His appearance on speakerphone while Hunter Biden had dinner in Paris with executives from a French energy company.
These are a few of the ways Hunter Biden used his relationship with his powerful and influential father, Joe Biden, while the younger Biden was working to grow his business portfolio, according to testimony by Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner. Archer testified before investigators working for the House Oversight and Accountability
"Former business partner says Hunter Biden sold ‘illusion’ of access to Joe Biden, source says
Goldman told reporters during a break in the hearing that Archer later said that Hunter Biden putting his father on speaker phone with business associates was “part of the daily conversations” between father and son, adding,
“The witness was very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions.”

Just the number of Joe Biden’s sitdowns with Hunter clients is damning​

Between meetings and phone calls, then-Veep Joe chatted repeatedly — 20 times, to Archer’s knowledge — with Hunter and his overseas clients, usually for periods longer than the cup-of-coffee or just-a-handshake that Joe’s defenders have claimed.

Now according to Democrat Rep Dan Goldman..... ALL of these phone calls conversations were

Rep. Dan Goldman mocked for claim Joe Biden ‘talked about the weather’ with Hunter’s business partners​

“There were niceties. And there was a hello. And [they] talked about the weather or whatever it was,” Goldman stressed, “but it was never any business.”

Now all of the above makes me just wonder one question...
If Joe was on the phone calls "just to talk about the weather"... wouldn't that be aiding in the selling the "illusion" of access to Biden?
Biden participate in the fraudulent "appearance of access to the presidency".
It's hilarious to hear how obedient the Dembots are in shifting the narrative. They went from complete denial to "OF COURSE JOE WAS INVOLVED IN THE MEETINGS". This is a pathetic attempt to cover up Biden's selling out to hostile foreign countries. There is no other explanation.

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