John 3:16 and Tebow


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The fact that Tebow had 316 yards passing and averaged 31.6 yards per pass in the game didn't escape notice on Sunday night. Tebow wore "John 3:16" on his eye black in the 2009 BCS Championship game and has since become identified with the famous Bible message. The coincidental stats caused millions of fans to perform Google searches on the Bible passage in the past 24 hours. Here's one more unbelievable stat: John Ourand of Sports Business Journal reports that the final quarter-hour television rating for the Broncos-Steelers game was, you guessed it, 31.6.
(John 3:16 reads: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.")

Tebow has taken a LOT of flak from bigots for daring to practice his right to pray in public, and for being openly thankful to God for his success. He has made it a point to assert that it is only by God's grace that he is successful. For that he has been lambasted, lampooned, threatened, jeered...

But God is faithful, and quite obvious in his support. The 316 numbers are not a coincidence; nor is the fact that more people than ever are not only watching the games...they are googling John 3:16 in record numbers.

God is moving in the world, and Christians know that when God uses you, great things can and do come...but also ridicule and oppression. He's using Tebow now but this won't be the last time we see something like this. It's going to be happening more and more...and the reaction against it (reference Ravi's frothing fits) is going to become stronger and stronger as well.
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I think for the Broncos to beat New England he better write something like Matthew 5:14 on his eye black :)
Hide your eyes at the beginning of this ad, as the shameless Jezebel is using his nakedness to sell a t-shirt.

At the end you will see the 666 logo.


[ame=]Official Jockey staycool Commercial Featuring Tim Tebow - YouTube[/ame]
I do believe that God lives within each of us and that when we have faith, good things happen. This of course could be the case with Tim Tebow. Or it could just be the fact that he's the next up-and-coming quaterback because of his skills. His beliefs and his religion mean very little to me and if he wants to stop and pray, well more power to him.

I wish him and his Broncos the best of luck this coming Saturday night when my Patriots welcome them to Foxboro Stadium. They are going to need all the prayers and luck they can get.
Hide your eyes at the beginning of this ad, as the shameless Jezebel is using his nakedness to sell a t-shirt.

At the end you will see the 666 logo.


Official Jockey staycool Commercial Featuring Tim Tebow - YouTube

I'm sure you think you're making some point here, but per usual the distance between what goes on in your head and the outside world is too great for it to make any sense.
If you're going to dabble in Numerology you must take all the numbers into account.

Yet you fear doing just that.

simpsons episode from 1991
I recall. As a Catholic kid I can remember grabbing my Good News bible and looking it up at somepoint. Thanks to the intranet, evangelists like Tebow are alot more effective simply because more people can access the word of God vs. having to go find a bible.

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