John Avlon: Trump is the ‘Prime Driver of Chaos and Instability’ in the U.S. Today

Is Ze Trumpenführer the ‘Prime Driver of Chaos and Instability’ in the U.S. Today?

  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I have to say...yes.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I think not

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I'm an Independent, and I have to say...yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I'm an Independent, and I think not

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I have to say...yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I think not

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Functional moron dupe. Trump didn't "shut the government down."

The Democrats refused to vote for a spending bill.
Drumpf even said last week he would shut down the government and own it. Gimme a break moron. You fools cant even keep his lies straight. :rolleyes:

Schumer Shutdown #2 :laughing0301:

Shoulda given him the money for the wall. Trump's not joking around.
Deficit Donald could not have been held hostage by the Democrats if he had not run out of other people's money.

Now he is asking to borrow even more to spend. Much more than the $5 billion. Far more.


accusing trump of deficit increases and ignoring Obama's deficit increases (which resulted in doubling the national debt in 8 years) is like pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
Wow. You said that with no sense of irony at all! :lol:

I did hold Obama accountable.

The problem is that you do NOT hold Trump accountable.


bullshit, I hold Trump accountable for deficits during his terms, I also hold congress accountable because its congress that appropriates and authorizes spending, Presidents get the credit or blame but its congress that really controls deficits, because only by continuous spending can they capture the bribes necessary to stay in power.

My issue with Obama is that he never tried to control spending, at least Trump is trying.
Democrats are acting suspiciously like the man who beats his wife because she burned the toast. If she hadn't made toast he would not have lost his temper. Democrats lose their temper over everything Trump does.

That's exactly the case. They act like total dicks and then blame Trump when he reacts the way they KNOW he is going to react. It's the way they have treated him since he first announced his candidacy.

Now true, Trump over reacts a lot, but damn.......... And in this case, they are simply mad because he won't cave into them. Nothing more. They couldn't give a fuck about closing the government, and they most certainly don't care about the $5B . They are just mad that Trump won't cave in.
So far 55% of the poll respondents point the blame at the correct target. Drumpf.
Democrats are acting suspiciously like the man who beats his wife because she burned the toast. If she hadn't made toast he would not have lost his temper. Democrats lose their temper over everything Trump does.

That's exactly the case. They act like total dicks and then blame Trump when he reacts the way they KNOW he is going to react. It's the way they have treated him since he first announced his candidacy.

Now true, Trump over reacts a lot, but damn.......... And in this case, they are simply mad because he won't cave into them. Nothing more. They couldn't give a fuck about closing the government, and they most certainly don't care about the $5B . They are just mad that Trump won't cave in.
Youre proving this correct: The Psychology Behind Donald Trump's Unwavering Support
1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
2. Hypersensitivity to Threat
3. Terror Management Theory
4. High Attentional Engagement

The trump base is the scariest political faction in America right now, they are so fucking ignorant and stupid it's actually s threat to our democracy.
Democrats are acting suspiciously like the man who beats his wife because she burned the toast. If she hadn't made toast he would not have lost his temper. Democrats lose their temper over everything Trump does.

That's exactly the case. They act like total dicks and then blame Trump when he reacts the way they KNOW he is going to react. It's the way they have treated him since he first announced his candidacy.

Now true, Trump over reacts a lot, but damn.......... And in this case, they are simply mad because he won't cave into them. Nothing more. They couldn't give a fuck about closing the government, and they most certainly don't care about the $5B . They are just mad that Trump won't cave in.
Youre proving this correct: The Psychology Behind Donald Trump's Unwavering Support
1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
2. Hypersensitivity to Threat
3. Terror Management Theory
4. High Attentional Engagement

The trump base is the scariest political faction in America right now, they are so fucking ignorant and stupid it's actually s threat to our democracy.

I support Trump when he deserves it, I do not when he doesn't. Unlike the blind hatred shown by those who oppose him regardless. Trump could announce that he's sinking $1B of his own money into cancer research and you dumb fucks would be all "Oh my God Trump is trying to put cancer doctors out of work, that asshole" so of course you see anyone who is even remotely fair to the man as a lunatic, when in fact it is YOU who is the lunatic.
Democrats are acting suspiciously like the man who beats his wife because she burned the toast. If she hadn't made toast he would not have lost his temper. Democrats lose their temper over everything Trump does.

That's exactly the case. They act like total dicks and then blame Trump when he reacts the way they KNOW he is going to react. It's the way they have treated him since he first announced his candidacy.

Now true, Trump over reacts a lot, but damn.......... And in this case, they are simply mad because he won't cave into them. Nothing more. They couldn't give a fuck about closing the government, and they most certainly don't care about the $5B . They are just mad that Trump won't cave in.
Youre proving this correct: The Psychology Behind Donald Trump's Unwavering Support
1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
2. Hypersensitivity to Threat
3. Terror Management Theory
4. High Attentional Engagement

The trump base is the scariest political faction in America right now, they are so fucking ignorant and stupid it's actually s threat to our democracy.

I support Trump when he deserves it, I do not when he doesn't. Unlike the blind hatred shown by those who oppose him regardless. Trump could announce that he's sinking $1B of his own money into cancer research and you dumb fucks would be all "Oh my God Trump is trying to put cancer doctors out of work, that asshole" so of course you see anyone who is even remotely fair to the man as a lunatic, when in fact it is YOU who is the lunatic.
Most would just assume he was seeking a tax write off but we dont know for sure because he lied so much about showing his taxes.
We pulled the pin and threw Trump at DC and the deep state hoping this would happen. We couldn't be happier with Trumps many accomplishments:

Signed the first major tax reform in 30 years.
Federal revenues are increasing as the economy grows. April 2018 had a record surplus of $214 billion.
Over 500 companies (507) have announced bonuses, wage increases, and new investments.
Businesses have invested $482 billion in new American projects and employees.
More than 4.8 million workers received increased wages or bonuses (3.7% of all private workers).
Provided $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to individuals.
American families received $3.2 trillion in gross tax cuts and saw the child tax credit double.
A family of four making $73,000 will get a cut of over $2,000-cutting their taxes in half.
Nearly doubled the standard deduction.
Repealed Obamacare’s burdensome individual mandate.
The bill provides a 20% deduction for small business income, which means $415 billion tax cut.
Lowered the corporate tax rate from the highest in the industrialized world (35%) to 21%.
Since President Trump was elected, the American economy has added 3.7 million jobs. One in every 10 of those jobs has been in manufacturing.
Executive Order to create apprenticeship programs, providing many more Americans access to an affordable education that leads to a well-paying job.

Eliminated regulations at a two-to-one ratio, issuing 2 deregulatory actions for every new regulatory action.
Rolled back rules and regulations harming farmers and energy producers, such as the Waters of the United States Rule and the Clean Power Plan.
Regional and community banks and credit unions got relief after President Trump signed legislation reducing harmful requirements imposed by the Dodd-Frank Act.
Since President Trump’s election, more than $5 trillion in wealth has been created for the U.S. economy.
1Q18 economy grew 2.3%
2Q18 economy grew 4.2%
3Q18 economy grew 3.5%
4Q18 economy 3.0% (projected)

Withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.
Working to defend American intellectual property from China's unfair practices through a range of actions.
Improved the KORUS trade agreement, which allows more U.S. automobile exports with lower tariffs and increases U.S. pharmaceutical access to South Korea.
American agriculture has gained access to new markets under President Trump.

Started building the wall along the southern border
DHS took action to wind down the (DACA) program in an orderly fashion, following the assessment of the (DOJ) that DACA lacks legal authorization.
Rescinded the unlawful Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) program.
DHS launched the office of Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE).
(ICE) made 110,568 arrests of illegal aliens in 2017, a 40 percent increase compared to the same time period the prior year.
The number of counties participating in the 287(g) program, which gives state and local law enforcement authority to enforce immigration in their jurisdiction, has doubled.
In FY 2017, ICE conducted 226,119 removals. The proportion of removals from ICE arrests increased from 65,332, or 27% of total removals in FY 2016 to 81,603, or 36% of total removals.
The Trump Administration cracked down on sanctuary cities
The DOJ has worked with Central American partners to arrest and charge about 4,000 MS-13 members.
DHS arrested 796 MS-13 gang members and associates in FY 2017, an 83 percent increase from the previous year.
The White House negotiated $1.6 billion in border wall funding.
Increased ICE funding by more than 10%.
Federal agents have seized nearly 1 million lbs. (981,000) of narcotics on the border.
Congress needs to fix the outdated immigration laws:
1. No catch & release
2. No diversity lottery
3. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
4. No chain migration
5. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
6. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
7. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

Addressed global overcapacity and unfair trade practices in the steel and aluminum industries by announcing a 25 percent tariff on steel imports and 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports.
Worked to bring foreign investment back to the United States so more goods are made in America by American workers.
South Korean companies announced 64 projects that will invest more than $17 billion in the U.S. over four years and will purchase $58 billion in goods and services.
Foxconn announced its investment of $10 billion in Wisconsin to build a factory that will employ thousands of workers directly, and up to 22,000 workers indirectly.
Toyota and Mazda announced a $1.6 billion investment that will go toward a new manufacturing plant in the U.S., creating an estimated 4,000 jobs.
Broadcom Limited announced they were moving their headquarters back to the United States, bringing potentially $20 billion in annual revenue.
President Trump and King Salman of Saudi Arabia oversaw the signing of a historic $400 billion in deals between U.S. and Saudi companies.
To defend U.S. national security interests, President Trump blocked a foreign company from acquiring a U.S. business for only the fourth time in history.
Department of Commerce has initiated 79 antidumping and countervailing duties (AD/CVD) investigations.
USTR initiated a Section 301 investigation into Chinese policies, acts, and practices related to technology transfer, licensing, and intellectual property are discriminatory.
The Treasury and State put new sanction rules to channel economic activity away from the Cuban government, particularly the military, and towards the people of Cuba.
Considering a range of actions to respond to China’s acts, policies, and practices involving the unfair and harmful acquisition of U.S. technology.
China imposes contractual restrictions on the licensing of intellectual property and foreign technology into their country.
In 2014, the U.S charged five Chinese military hackers for cyber-esponiage committed against U.S. corporations and a labor organization for commercial advantage.
An interagency analysis estimated that China's unfair acts, policies, and practices caused tens of billions in dollars in damages to the US each year.
Conducted 82 antidumping and countervailing duty investigations in 2017. This was a 58 percent increase in investigations over 2016.
USTR won a WTO compliance challenge against China’s unfair antidumping and countervailing duties on U.S. poultry exports, China terminated those duties.
The US won a WTO dispute regarding Indonesia’s unfair import licensing regime restricting U.S. agricultural exports.
A WTO compliance panel found that U.S. tuna labeling rules designed to inform consumers about safe fishing practices were consistent with WTO standards.
The WTO rejected allegations by the European Union that Boeing was receiving prohibited subsidies.
A WTO panel rejected claims by the EU that alleged U.S. subsidies to Boeing were causing serious prejudice to Airbus, instead finding that 28 of 29 challenged programs were consistent with WTO rules.
South Korea and Japan pledged to build closer defense collaboration with the United States, and the President underscored the commitment of the US to provide advanced military equipment.
Cooperation was boosted between the Quad countries (the United States, Japan, India and Australia) on the sidelines of ASEAN in Manila.
The US to promote prosperity and security in the region by modernizing America’s development finance institutions and increasing their coordination with Japanese counterparts.
Persuaded allies to develop national plans to boost defense spending up to 2 percent of GDP by 2024, and for NATO to formally join the coalition to defeat ISIS at the 2017 NATO Leaders’ meeting.
UN Security Council unanimously passed new sanctions on North Korea.
Secured new commitments from Vietnam and China to increase pressure on NK.
China affirmed it would fully implement UN Security Council resolutions to pressure North Korea.

Edited Can't post entire article, only 4-5 paragraphs and link the rest-meister

Re-formatted from Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

Yup. He's quite the failure isn't he??
Functional moron dupe. Trump didn't "shut the government down."

The Democrats refused to vote for a spending bill.
Drumpf even said last week he would shut down the government and own it. Gimme a break moron. You fools cant even keep his lies straight. :rolleyes:

Schumer Shutdown #2 :laughing0301:

Shoulda given him the money for the wall. Trump's not joking around.
Deficit Donald could not have been held hostage by the Democrats if he had not run out of other people's money.

Now he is asking to borrow even more to spend. Much more than the $5 billion. Far more.


accusing trump of deficit increases and ignoring Obama's deficit increases (which resulted in doubling the national debt in 8 years) is like pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
Wow. You said that with no sense of irony at all! :lol:

I did hold Obama accountable.

The problem is that you do NOT hold Trump accountable for his massive overspending.


What "massive overspending"?

At least we're getting our money's worth now. Not so much when that purple-lipped jug-eared bastid went on his spending spree.
Democrats are acting suspiciously like the man who beats his wife because she burned the toast. If she hadn't made toast he would not have lost his temper. Democrats lose their temper over everything Trump does.

That's exactly the case. They act like total dicks and then blame Trump when he reacts the way they KNOW he is going to react. It's the way they have treated him since he first announced his candidacy.

Now true, Trump over reacts a lot, but damn.......... And in this case, they are simply mad because he won't cave into them. Nothing more. They couldn't give a fuck about closing the government, and they most certainly don't care about the $5B . They are just mad that Trump won't cave in.
Youre proving this correct: The Psychology Behind Donald Trump's Unwavering Support
1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
2. Hypersensitivity to Threat
3. Terror Management Theory
4. High Attentional Engagement

The trump base is the scariest political faction in America right now, they are so fucking ignorant and stupid it's actually s threat to our democracy.

I support Trump when he deserves it, I do not when he doesn't. Unlike the blind hatred shown by those who oppose him regardless. Trump could announce that he's sinking $1B of his own money into cancer research and you dumb fucks would be all "Oh my God Trump is trying to put cancer doctors out of work, that asshole" so of course you see anyone who is even remotely fair to the man as a lunatic, when in fact it is YOU who is the lunatic.
Most would just assume he was seeking a tax write off but we dont know for sure because he lied so much about showing his taxes.

if he showed his tax returns, none of you or the media would understand them. They are hundreds of pages, very complex. He gets audited by the IRS every year, like all very rich people. If he was cheating the Obama IRS would have been leaking it during the campaign.

the lying media and the lying dems would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would dominate the crooked news for weeks as Trump tried to explain what it really means to the idiots like you.

He is smart not to release them.
Democrats are acting suspiciously like the man who beats his wife because she burned the toast. If she hadn't made toast he would not have lost his temper. Democrats lose their temper over everything Trump does.

That's exactly the case. They act like total dicks and then blame Trump when he reacts the way they KNOW he is going to react. It's the way they have treated him since he first announced his candidacy.

Now true, Trump over reacts a lot, but damn.......... And in this case, they are simply mad because he won't cave into them. Nothing more. They couldn't give a fuck about closing the government, and they most certainly don't care about the $5B . They are just mad that Trump won't cave in.
Youre proving this correct: The Psychology Behind Donald Trump's Unwavering Support
1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
2. Hypersensitivity to Threat
3. Terror Management Theory
4. High Attentional Engagement

The trump base is the scariest political faction in America right now, they are so fucking ignorant and stupid it's actually s threat to our democracy.

I support Trump when he deserves it, I do not when he doesn't. Unlike the blind hatred shown by those who oppose him regardless. Trump could announce that he's sinking $1B of his own money into cancer research and you dumb fucks would be all "Oh my God Trump is trying to put cancer doctors out of work, that asshole" so of course you see anyone who is even remotely fair to the man as a lunatic, when in fact it is YOU who is the lunatic.
Most would just assume he was seeking a tax write off but we dont know for sure because he lied so much about showing his taxes.

if he showed his tax returns, none of you or the media would understand them. They are hundreds of pages, very complex. He gets audited by the IRS every year, like all very rich people. If he was cheating the Obama IRS would have been leaking it during the campaign.

the lying media and the lying dems would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would dominate the crooked news for weeks as Trump tried to explain what it really means to the idiots like you.

He is smart not to release them.

The one return that was leaked showed he paid a higher percentage income tax that particular year than the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bidens . LOL
Democrats are acting suspiciously like the man who beats his wife because she burned the toast. If she hadn't made toast he would not have lost his temper. Democrats lose their temper over everything Trump does.

That's exactly the case. They act like total dicks and then blame Trump when he reacts the way they KNOW he is going to react. It's the way they have treated him since he first announced his candidacy.

Now true, Trump over reacts a lot, but damn.......... And in this case, they are simply mad because he won't cave into them. Nothing more. They couldn't give a fuck about closing the government, and they most certainly don't care about the $5B . They are just mad that Trump won't cave in.
Youre proving this correct: The Psychology Behind Donald Trump's Unwavering Support
1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
2. Hypersensitivity to Threat
3. Terror Management Theory
4. High Attentional Engagement

The trump base is the scariest political faction in America right now, they are so fucking ignorant and stupid it's actually s threat to our democracy.

I support Trump when he deserves it, I do not when he doesn't. Unlike the blind hatred shown by those who oppose him regardless. Trump could announce that he's sinking $1B of his own money into cancer research and you dumb fucks would be all "Oh my God Trump is trying to put cancer doctors out of work, that asshole" so of course you see anyone who is even remotely fair to the man as a lunatic, when in fact it is YOU who is the lunatic.
Most would just assume he was seeking a tax write off but we dont know for sure because he lied so much about showing his taxes.

if he showed his tax returns, none of you or the media would understand them. They are hundreds of pages, very complex. He gets audited by the IRS every year, like all very rich people. If he was cheating the Obama IRS would have been leaking it during the campaign.

the lying media and the lying dems would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would dominate the crooked news for weeks as Trump tried to explain what it really means to the idiots like you.

He is smart not to release them.
I'll be the judge of if I cant understand his taxes or not. None....and I mean by none, that zero percent of what you said changes the fact that Drumpf lied....again about his taxes and releasing them. :rolleyes:

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