John Avlon: Trump is the ‘Prime Driver of Chaos and Instability’ in the U.S. Today

Is Ze Trumpenführer the ‘Prime Driver of Chaos and Instability’ in the U.S. Today?

  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I have to say...yes.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I think not

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I'm an Independent, and I have to say...yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I'm an Independent, and I think not

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I have to say...yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I think not

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  1. (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring.
Alrighty then, prolific you are.
That's because you are a biased moron.

I seriously can't see how idiots can make statements like this.....

In 2012 Barry as caught telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he will be more flexible after re-election...2 years later Barry and Hillary give Vlad 20% of the US Supply o Uranium, Crimea, Top Secret data from Hillary's illegal server, and 2 years of unchallenged hacking/interference....

....But Trump is the one who illegally colluded / committed treason with Russia.


Hillary Clinton took $145 million from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank effort to buy Uranium One

....But Trump is the one who illegally colluded / committed treason with Russia.


Mueller hid Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium One...

....But Trump is the one who illegally colluded / committed treason with Russia.


Democrats defended Bill Clinton's lies, perjury, and Obstruction over his sexual misconduct by declaring what a President does in his personal time is his own business....

Later Democrats, led by D-John Conyers, get exposed for committing sexual misconduct FOR DECADES...and instead of STOPPING it they create a committee whose sole purpose for existing is USING TAX DOLLARS TO BUY THE SILENCE OF THEIR VICTIMS.....

...WHEN all of this hits the news it is downplayed and ignored like a quiet fart in one is held accountable as some quietly retire......

...and at the same time all of this is going on Trump-Hating Liberals screamed how Trump paying a woman he had consensual sex with in an affair off in a nondisclosure agreement BEFORE he ran for public office was illegal an an impeachable offense .... Which it is NOT.

DECADES of Democrats IN OFFICE having PERPETRATED SEXUAL MISCONDUCT against NON-CONSENTING women, COVERING IT ALL UP by creating a committee tasked to do so by using TAX DOLLARS to PAY FOR THE SILENCE OF THEIR somehow infinitely worse than a businessman having an affair with a willing woman and then entering into a nondisclosure agreement with her, paying her with his own money?


You Trump-Hating TDS-suffering loons have lost your sense of reality and your dann minds.....
That $4.407 trillion budget came from Deficit Donald. He hates being second to anyone, especially Obama.

Deficit Donald feels a deep need to outspend Obama's worst year by a trillion dollars.

I can see why a Rand cult member would have him as his avatar. :lol:
That's only the "on Budget" spending. The actual Deficit including off-Budget wars and such is $1.3T, which is what gets added to the Debt. The swamp is winning. We need to get rid of these wars and build better walls.
I tend to agree with the statement that you’re an idiot!

First Maggie Haberman and now this guy. Do you ever stop trolling?
I'm one of the most prolific members on this site.

And you're one of the biggest regurgitators here. I mean, look at your siggy.

And you have the cohones to call me a troll?!???


You are a troll. Just because you post a lot in no way means you say anything worth while. You simply post partisan bile, nothing more.
"CNN's John Avlon"? :laughing0301:

Actually, CNN is one of the prime drivers of chaos and instability’ in the U.S. Today. As well as MSNBC.

They've been pushing their divisive Trump-hatred for two years straight now. One would think they have an unhealthy obsession.
Galt .it's called love of country and knowing when an idiot like trump is shitting on america

Oh, right. So for the first time in your life, you're actually proud of your country?

You stole that from Michelle Obama, right?
We're all proud of the country that has given us so much ,,,,for republicans ,,,,not so much
I notice Self-Aggrandizing Donald didn't put doubling the deficit on his List o'Accomplishments.

Or being the first president under investigation in 20 years.

Or having the most scandals in his Administration than any...ever.

Or outspending Obama by a trillion dollars.

Or failing to repeal and replace Obamacare.

You know...shit that actually fucking matters over which he actually has control.

You're a liar. The national deficit was $20 trillion dollars when Obama left office. He effectively doubled the national debt in only 8 years..

It stands at almost $22 trillion after 2 years of Trump and is estimated to be only $25 trillion by 2022, if it continues it's present rate of rise.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
All liars go to hell, you know.

Learn the difference between debt and deficit and then come back and apologize for being a moron

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I tend to agree with the statement that you’re an idiot!

First Maggie Haberman and now this guy. Do you ever stop trolling?

You're the one who's trolling, troll.
Trump is a massive fuck up and idiots like you are responsible for putting him in office.

Yep, and would do it again in a heart beat, he kept the bitch out of the WH and away from supreme court appointments, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Trump has also had annual deficits, but he is trying to turn that around, Obama never tried.
Trump has DOUBLED the deficit. The deficit the Republicans inherited was DECLINING. They have ACCLERATED it. It has been SKYROCKETING higher and higher.

Trump just submitted a budget for FY2019 which is a full trillion dollars more spending than Obama's worst year of spending.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

You sure have a fucking hilarious idea of "trying to turn it around". :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just proves it's more prudent to maintain the military at effective levels, rather than consent decline and rebuilding.

Democrats are acting suspiciously like the man who beats his wife because she burned the toast. If she hadn't made toast he would not have lost his temper. Democrats lose their temper over everything Trump does.
the recent drops were caused by the fed, not Trump. the fed does not like a booming economy so they decided to slow it down by raising interest rates. had nothing to do with tariffs or Trump.
Nope. The Dow was rising today until Trump said he was going to definitely shut the government down. Then it dove several hundred points.

This whole year is a wash thanks to the massively overspending Tariff Man.

Stop drinking your propagandist's piss.

Functional moron dupe. Trump didn't "shut the government down."

The Democrats refused to vote for a spending bill.
Drumpf even said last week he would shut down the government and own it. Gimme a break moron. You fools cant even keep his lies straight. :rolleyes:

Schumer Shutdown #2 :laughing0301:

Shoulda given him the money for the wall. Trump's not joking around.
Deficit Donald could not have been held hostage by the Democrats if he had not run out of other people's money.

Now he is asking to borrow even more to spend. Much more than the $5 billion. Far more.


The 3.5 million no longer collecting food stamps would cover that in short order. But hey, let's not count the reduction in mandatory spending that isn't reflected in the budget. RIGHT?

At least we're finally getting our money's worth, unlike we did under Obama. And Trump is doing the job for free.

What a guy!
Your money's worth?

Millions of Americans whose 401ks have taken a beating this year, thanks to Tariff Man, would kick you in the nuts if you had any.

the recent drops were caused by the fed, not Trump. the fed does not like a booming economy so they decided to slow it down by raising interest rates. had nothing to do with tariffs or Trump.
Nope. The Dow was rising today until Trump said he was going to definitely shut the government down. Then it dove several hundred points.

This whole year is a wash thanks to the massively overspending Tariff Man.

Stop drinking your propagandist's piss.

you are delusional, who ties your shoes for you?
Take a look at the Dow's performance today, dumbass. It was in positive territory, until Dipshit Donald opened his mouth again.

the DOW drops were caused by the fed raising interest rates, not anything that Trump said or did. Huge rebound yesterday.
the recent drops were caused by the fed, not Trump. the fed does not like a booming economy so they decided to slow it down by raising interest rates. had nothing to do with tariffs or Trump.
Nope. The Dow was rising today until Trump said he was going to definitely shut the government down. Then it dove several hundred points.

This whole year is a wash thanks to the massively overspending Tariff Man.

Stop drinking your propagandist's piss.

Functional moron dupe. Trump didn't "shut the government down."

The Democrats refused to vote for a spending bill.
Drumpf even said last week he would shut down the government and own it. Gimme a break moron. You fools cant even keep his lies straight. :rolleyes:

Schumer Shutdown #2 :laughing0301:

Shoulda given him the money for the wall. Trump's not joking around.
Deficit Donald could not have been held hostage by the Democrats if he had not run out of other people's money.

Now he is asking to borrow even more to spend. Much more than the $5 billion. Far more.


accusing trump of deficit increases and ignoring Obama's deficit increases (which resulted in doubling the national debt in 8 years) is like pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
Nope. The Dow was rising today until Trump said he was going to definitely shut the government down. Then it dove several hundred points.

This whole year is a wash thanks to the massively overspending Tariff Man.

Stop drinking your propagandist's piss.

Functional moron dupe. Trump didn't "shut the government down."

The Democrats refused to vote for a spending bill.
Drumpf even said last week he would shut down the government and own it. Gimme a break moron. You fools cant even keep his lies straight. :rolleyes:

Schumer Shutdown #2 :laughing0301:

Shoulda given him the money for the wall. Trump's not joking around.
Deficit Donald could not have been held hostage by the Democrats if he had not run out of other people's money.

Now he is asking to borrow even more to spend. Much more than the $5 billion. Far more.


accusing trump of deficit increases and ignoring Obama's deficit increases (which resulted in doubling the national debt in 8 years) is like pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
Wow. You said that with no sense of irony at all! :lol:

I did hold Obama accountable.

The problem is that you do NOT hold Trump accountable for his massive overspending.


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