John Avlon: Trump is the ‘Prime Driver of Chaos and Instability’ in the U.S. Today

Is Ze Trumpenführer the ‘Prime Driver of Chaos and Instability’ in the U.S. Today?

  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I have to say...yes.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I think not

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I'm an Independent, and I have to say...yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I'm an Independent, and I think not

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I have to say...yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I think not

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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A guy who calls himself John Galt has the biggest government spender (leech) in the history of the Universe as his avatar.

A guy who calls himself John Galt has the biggest government spender (leech) in the history of the Universe as his avatar.

He doesn't come anywhere near Obama, shit for brains.
Actually, dumbass, Trump's FY2019 budget exceeds Obama worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump.

That makes him the biggest government spender in the history of the Universe.

You should be asking yourself why your propagandists have not told you this. You should be wondering why they have deliberately kept that very important fact from you.

But we both know you are going to get back in line for a refill of your piss cup from them.

Go ahead. I'll avert my eyes and be embarrassed for you.
That $4.407 trillion budget came from Deficit Donald. He hates being second to anyone, especially Obama.

Deficit Donald feels a deep need to outspend Obama's worst year by a trillion dollars.

I can see why a Rand cult member would have him as his avatar. :lol:
Imagine the chaos and instability in the minds of the poor credulous pseudocons right now as they learn these facts about Deficit Donald.


" blame...Democrats!"
A guy who calls himself John Galt has the biggest government spender (leech) in the history of the Universe as his avatar.

He doesn't come anywhere near Obama, shit for brains.
Actually, dumbass, Trump's FY2019 budget exceeds Obama worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump.

That makes him the biggest government spender in the history of the Universe.

You should be asking yourself why your propagandists have not told you this. You should be wondering why they have deliberately kept that very important fact from you.

But we both know you are going to get back in line for a refill of your piss cup from them.

Go ahead. I'll avert my eyes and be embarrassed for you.

When people blamed Hussein for spending you reminded us congress controls the purse strings. Now that Trump is in charge it’s on him. You’re transparent if anything
"CNN's John Avlon"? :laughing0301:

Actually, CNN is one of the prime drivers of chaos and instability’ in the U.S. Today. As well as MSNBC.

They've been pushing their divisive Trump-hatred for two years straight now. One would think they have an unhealthy obsession.
Galt .it's called love of country and knowing when an idiot like trump is shitting on america
I tend to agree with the statement that you’re an idiot!

First Maggie Haberman and now this guy. Do you ever stop trolling?
I'm one of the most prolific members on this site.

And you're one of the biggest regurgitators here. I mean, look at your siggy.

And you have the cohones to call me a troll?!???

  1. (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring.
Alrighty then, prolific you are.
Like most CNN types, Avlon is a classic hypocrite. There is no doubt that he enjoys a booming economy just like everyone else but who really cares what he thinks? The U.S. is stable with a 4.2% GDP and a DOW that still hovers around 25,000 despite trepidation about the democrat upcoming majority. The president is trying to untangle us from bad trade deals and military adventures and trying to deal with the millions of illegals flooding the border. What's not to like? The sad thing is that the left never has a good day even on a good day.
"CNN's John Avlon"? :laughing0301:

Actually, CNN is one of the prime drivers of chaos and instability’ in the U.S. Today. As well as MSNBC.

They've been pushing their divisive Trump-hatred for two years straight now. One would think they have an unhealthy obsession.
Galt .it's called love of country and knowing when an idiot like trump is shitting on america

Oh, right. So for the first time in your life, you're actually proud of your country?

You stole that from Michelle Obama, right?
I tend to agree with the statement that you’re an idiot!

First Maggie Haberman and now this guy. Do you ever stop trolling?
I'm one of the most prolific members on this site.

And you're one of the biggest regurgitators here. I mean, look at your siggy.

And you have the cohones to call me a troll?!???

  1. (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring.
Alrighty then, prolific you are.

Prolific shitposter, maybe. I'll give him that much.
Not sure how far in you want to drive that wedge, but yes it is true he is not helping stabilize much.
Democrat socialist hysteria brought all the chaos. President Trump has been trying to function in the dimwit fury for two years.
The dirty little secret is that the democrat party thrives on chaos and instability. Creating anger and unrest is the only way democrats get votes. CNN is in the business of trying to create chaos and instability in an era of stability and a booming economy. If CNN was honest and doing their job the stagnant Obama administration would have been sent packing after the "operation Fast/Furious" debacle or the Iran mystery extortion payoff.
Not sure how far in you want to drive that wedge, but yes it is true he is not helping stabilize much.

If "stabilize" means giving in to the leftists demands, then yes: He rightly should create as much instability as he possibly can.
A guy who calls himself John Galt has the biggest government spender (leech) in the history of the Universe as his avatar.


As long as my tax money is going into killing radical Islamic shitheads and preparing the FEMA trailers or internment camps for you radical leftard rabble-rousers, then OK: Call me a "Big government" sorta guy.

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