John Avlon: Trump is the ‘Prime Driver of Chaos and Instability’ in the U.S. Today

Is Ze Trumpenführer the ‘Prime Driver of Chaos and Instability’ in the U.S. Today?

  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I have to say...yes.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I'm a Conservative/Republican/rightwinger and I think not

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I'm an Independent, and I have to say...yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I'm an Independent, and I think not

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I have to say...yes

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I'm a liberal/Democrat/progressive and I think not

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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the Trump haters are the prime drivers of division, hate, obstruction, and lies.

Get the fuck over it, Trump won, Hillary lost. Start caring about the country instead of your fricken political party.

Your post is like an ancient relic fished from the bottom of Trump's increasingly foul-smelling swamp of crooks and corpses.

the truth never gets old, deal with it
The truth is Drumpfs administration is nothing but a cabal of thieves. Deal with it. :rolleyes:

idiotic post, go back under your rock and STFU
Name any other administration with more convicts and liars than Drumpfs.....Just like I thought. You cant. :rolleyes:

Clinton, Obama, Nixon, Ford, FDR, just to name 5.
turnover is normal in any administration. They all do it. AND Obama is the worst president in the history of this country. Trump is one of the best after only 2 years.
One of the best big spenders after only 2 years.


At least we're finally getting our money's worth, unlike we did under Obama. And Trump is doing the job for free.

What a guy!
Those who have brains and common sense knew tRumputin would bring total discord to America.

Putin's plan is working great. He helped elect a Moron in order to bring the US to it's knees....

wrong, Hillary lost. did you miss that?

Putin's boy won. Now he is dismantling the standing of the US a brick at a time. By the end of his first term....our debt will be astronomical and we will no longer be considered a world power. EXACTLY what Putin wanted.
Trump is a divider, not a uniter

That should be obvious to anyone by now


if telling it like it is makes him a divider, great, we need that kind of divider to break up the deep state and the DC swamp dwellers.

I just showed you the swamp is deeper, wider, and stinkier since Trump came to town.

Talk about willful blindness! :eek-52:
Chaos and instability.

Trump reiterated his threat to shut down the government, and the Dow tanked again. Tariff Man has racked up the worst year for the Dow since the Great Recession.

That's the definition of chaos and instability. What a fucking dumbass.
I didnt think anyone would be worse for the economy than Bush Jr but Drumpf looks to surpass him.
Chaos and instability.

Trump reiterated his threat to shut down the government, and the Dow tanked again. Tariff Man has racked up the worst year for the Dow since the Great Recession.

That's the definition of chaos and instability. What a fucking dumbass.

The Trump giveth, and the Trump taketh away. Get on board with him or suffer the consequences.


turnover is normal in any administration. They all do it. AND Obama is the worst president in the history of this country. Trump is one of the best after only 2 years.
One of the best big spenders after only 2 years.


At least we're finally getting our money's worth, unlike we did under Obama. And Trump is doing the job for free.

What a guy!
Your money's worth?

Millions of Americans whose 401ks have taken a beating this year, thanks to Tariff Man, would kick you in the nuts if you had any.

Hundreds of millions of yet-to-be born Americans will be paying through the nose for Trump's Keynesian fake stimulus tax cut and his massive overspending.
Chaos and instability.

Trump reiterated his threat to shut down the government, and the Dow tanked again. Tariff Man has racked up the worst year for the Dow since the Great Recession.

That's the definition of chaos and instability. What a fucking dumbass.

sometimes it has to hurt before it heals. Fixing bad trade policy has caused some temporary negative impacts, they will reverse themselves very soon.

I fully understand that you are here to spout Trump hate. I get that. Its kind of like listening to a pregnant bitch having labor pains. You will feel better as soon as the pups pop out.
Chaos and instability.

Trump reiterated his threat to shut down the government, and the Dow tanked again. Tariff Man has racked up the worst year for the Dow since the Great Recession.

That's the definition of chaos and instability. What a fucking dumbass.

Putin's plan...
Chaos and instability.

Trump reiterated his threat to shut down the government, and the Dow tanked again. Tariff Man has racked up the worst year for the Dow since the Great Recession.

That's the definition of chaos and instability. What a fucking dumbass.

The Trump giveth, and the Trump taketh away. Get on board with him or suffer the consequences.

Spoken like a true Kool-Aid drinker who doesn't know the difference between a deficit and debt.

No wonder you're a Randian idiot.
turnover is normal in any administration. They all do it. AND Obama is the worst president in the history of this country. Trump is one of the best after only 2 years.
One of the best big spenders after only 2 years.


At least we're finally getting our money's worth, unlike we did under Obama. And Trump is doing the job for free.

What a guy!
Your money's worth?

Millions of Americans whose 401ks have taken a beating this year, thanks to Tariff Man, would kick you in the nuts if you had any.

the recent drops were caused by the fed, not Trump. the fed does not like a booming economy so they decided to slow it down by raising interest rates. had nothing to do with tariffs or Trump.
1. A bullshit Mueller investigation started illegally w/o and evidence of a crime
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator of a crime. Several of his pals are under indictment or in jail.

2. The list of scandals in any admin is long, but no Vince Foster in Trump's yet...
Ah. A bullshit conspiracy theory is all you have? :lol:

3. Not sure Trump outspent Obama by a trillion? Got a link?

Easy peasey! I started a topic about it: Trump Hates Being Second To Anyone

4. Obamacare is all but dead, Roberts only approved it because he called it a tax. Remember Scalia was incensed at Roberts' interpretation? Now judge O'Conner has it lined up for a head shot...Judge Who Invalidated Obamacare Has Been A 'Go-To Judge' For Republicans, Critics Say
Obama lives. The subsidies are still there. The employer mandate is still there. The insurance exchanges are still there. The individual mandate was but a tiny piece. And costs are skyrocketing. Even moreso since Trump has done his best to sabotage it. Now show me a link to Trump's legislation which he said he had to replace Obamacare with. Show me his "beautiful" plan. The Emperor Has No Clothes
1. They can indict Trump all they want for the hush money paid, that is not a crime even though Cohen chose to plead guilty instead of fight it. Dershowitz says its not illegal, and Trump can easily beat those charges
Dershowitz: Cohen Doesn't Seem to Understand the Difference Between 'Wrong' and 'Illegal'

2. I have more than Vince Foster, how about a real impeachment, and a very long list
Category:Clinton administration controversies - Wikipedia

3. I'll take your word for the deficit, the Budget Deficit is my biggest bitch about this admin

4. Healthcare is about to undergo major changes, and will be litigated. Either they fix the ACA, or repeal and replace it with something new. The issue is in the courts, take a nerve pill...and relax...

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not one of those implicates Trump in any crime or proves any collusion with Russia by Trump or anyone else-
I said Trump has the most scandalous administration maybe ever.

All caught up now?

Still say that Bill Clinton's admin had the most scandals by a mile. Not just ticky-tack bullshit.
Clinton Scandals: A Guide From Whitewater To The Clinton Foundation

Writing Trump's ticky-tack scandals in big font doesn't make them any more serious
turnover is normal in any administration. They all do it. AND Obama is the worst president in the history of this country. Trump is one of the best after only 2 years.
One of the best big spenders after only 2 years.


At least we're finally getting our money's worth, unlike we did under Obama. And Trump is doing the job for free.

What a guy!
Your money's worth?

Millions of Americans whose 401ks have taken a beating this year, thanks to Tariff Man, would kick you in the nuts if you had any.

the recent drops were caused by the fed, not Trump. the fed does not like a booming economy so they decided to slow it down by raising interest rates. had nothing to do with tariffs or Trump.
Nope. The Dow was rising today until Trump said he was going to definitely shut the government down. Then it dove several hundred points.

This whole year is a wash thanks to the massively overspending Tariff Man.

Stop drinking your propagandist's piss.
Chaos and instability.

Trump reiterated his threat to shut down the government, and the Dow tanked again. Tariff Man has racked up the worst year for the Dow since the Great Recession.

That's the definition of chaos and instability. What a fucking dumbass.

The Trump giveth, and the Trump taketh away. Get on board with him or suffer the consequences.

Spoken like a true Kool-Aid drinker.

Kool-Aid is for your bottom-feeders. We're sipping champagne these days.
The Dow has lost 2000 points this year, thanks to Unstable Donny.
Chaos and instability.

Trump reiterated his threat to shut down the government, and the Dow tanked again. Tariff Man has racked up the worst year for the Dow since the Great Recession.

That's the definition of chaos and instability. What a fucking dumbass.

The Trump giveth, and the Trump taketh away. Get on board with him or suffer the consequences.

Spoken like a true Kool-Aid drinker.

Kool-Aid is for your bottom-feeders. We're sipping champagne these days.
It's carbonated piss. They serve it to ignorant fucks like you who don't know the difference between deficits and debt, knowing you will drink the piss and bleev it's champagne.

"The bubbles tickle my nose!"
Chaos and instability.

Trump reiterated his threat to shut down the government, and the Dow tanked again. Tariff Man has racked up the worst year for the Dow since the Great Recession.

That's the definition of chaos and instability. What a fucking dumbass.

The Trump giveth, and the Trump taketh away. Get on board with him or suffer the consequences.

Spoken like a true Kool-Aid drinker.

Kool-Aid is for your bottom-feeders. We're sipping champagne these days.
Youre sipping Kool-Aid spike with recycled champagne or as we say..... Drumpf piss.
turnover is normal in any administration. They all do it. AND Obama is the worst president in the history of this country. Trump is one of the best after only 2 years.
One of the best big spenders after only 2 years.


At least we're finally getting our money's worth, unlike we did under Obama. And Trump is doing the job for free.

What a guy!
Your money's worth?

Millions of Americans whose 401ks have taken a beating this year, thanks to Tariff Man, would kick you in the nuts if you had any.

the recent drops were caused by the fed, not Trump. the fed does not like a booming economy so they decided to slow it down by raising interest rates. had nothing to do with tariffs or Trump.
Nope. The Dow was rising today until Trump said he was going to definitely shut the government down. Then it dove several hundred points.

This whole year is a wash thanks to the massively overspending Tariff Man.

Stop drinking your propagandist's piss.

Functional moron dupe. Trump didn't "shut the government down." The Democrats refused to vote for a spending bill.

Lots of butt-hurt leftards here today. They sure love their precious "government." :laughing0301:
One of the best big spenders after only 2 years.


At least we're finally getting our money's worth, unlike we did under Obama. And Trump is doing the job for free.

What a guy!
Your money's worth?

Millions of Americans whose 401ks have taken a beating this year, thanks to Tariff Man, would kick you in the nuts if you had any.

the recent drops were caused by the fed, not Trump. the fed does not like a booming economy so they decided to slow it down by raising interest rates. had nothing to do with tariffs or Trump.
Nope. The Dow was rising today until Trump said he was going to definitely shut the government down. Then it dove several hundred points.

This whole year is a wash thanks to the massively overspending Tariff Man.

Stop drinking your propagandist's piss.

Functional moron dupe. Trump didn't "shut the government down."

The Democrats refused to vote for a spending bill.
Drumpf even said last week he would shut down the government and own it. Gimme a break moron. You fools cant even keep his lies straight. :rolleyes:
At least we're finally getting our money's worth, unlike we did under Obama. And Trump is doing the job for free.

What a guy!
Your money's worth?

Millions of Americans whose 401ks have taken a beating this year, thanks to Tariff Man, would kick you in the nuts if you had any.

the recent drops were caused by the fed, not Trump. the fed does not like a booming economy so they decided to slow it down by raising interest rates. had nothing to do with tariffs or Trump.
Nope. The Dow was rising today until Trump said he was going to definitely shut the government down. Then it dove several hundred points.

This whole year is a wash thanks to the massively overspending Tariff Man.

Stop drinking your propagandist's piss.

Functional moron dupe. Trump didn't "shut the government down."

The Democrats refused to vote for a spending bill.
Drumpf even said last week he would shut down the government and own it. Gimme a break moron. You fools cant even keep his lies straight. :rolleyes:

Schumer Shutdown #2 :laughing0301:

Shoulda given him the money for the wall. Trump's not joking around.

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