John Benefiel, Rick Perry Ally: The Statue of Liberty Is a "Demonic Idol"


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Oh this is going to be fun.

[ame=]‪John Benefiel: The Statue of Liberty Is a "Demonic Idol"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Not even out of the gate..and the man is batting 1000..

I have no idea who this goober is, but that is hysterical!


Build by French Masons, who OF COURSE are members of the Illuminati! :lol:


He's one of the speakers at Perry's religious rallys. Which by the way are doing terribly. They are getting like 7,000 seats filled at very large arenas.

And this nutter is not alone. They have other nutters speaking.
I kinda hope Perry gets the Nomination now!
[ame=]‪Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for demonstrating the absurd hypocrisy of the left yet again.
[ame=]‪Statue of Liberty Secret Symbols - Featuring Mark Dice‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Needless to say we realize our liberty by virtue of our humanity; as persons living in the United States, codified by the 14th Amendment.

Our liberty does not ‘come from Jesus,’ what arrogant ignorance.

And the logical inference is, of course, that Jews, Muslims, and those who don’t worship Jesus ‘get no liberty.’

I have no idea who this goober is, but that is hysterical!


Build by French Masons, who OF COURSE are members of the Illuminati! :lol:


He's one of the speakers at Perry's religious rallys. Which by the way are doing terribly. They are getting like 7,000 seats filled at very large arenas.

And this nutter is not alone. They have other nutters speaking.

Obama's last two pastors were anti-Semitic racists. That's the kind of folks Obama is comfortable with.

So by that measure every pastor Obama associates with is like Obama ????

You seem to think Perry believes this horseshit himself.

Go ahead and sell this snake oil. You're sounding more and more like Chickenlittle
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I kinda hope Perry gets the Nomination now!

Obama can go to a church that preaches that AIDS is a government conspiracy and God should damn America, and that is fine with you--but this, THIS goes to far? :cuckoo:


This guy is one of many!

Why can't you hold Obama to the same standard?

Hell, why can't any of the left use the same standard they used under Bush? What happened to that passionate arguments against the wars and the patriot act? Or how about "dissent is the highest form of patriotism", now dissent is racist.
Needless to say we realize our liberty by virtue of our humanity; as persons living in the United States, codified by the 14th Amendment.

Our liberty does not ‘come from Jesus,’ what arrogant ignorance.

And the logical inference is, of course, that Jews, Muslims, and those who don’t worship Jesus ‘get no liberty.’

The left emanates with hatred and resentment towards Christianity. You will sit there and accuse conservatives of being bigots and stereotyping people, then effortlessly condemn 78% of Americans (This Christmas, 78% of Americans Identify as Christian) as wanting to deprive liberty from non-Christians.

You don't have the intellectual honesty or integrity to be consistent with your criticism of religion because God forbid you offend minorities.

What is so laughable is that you are the true bigot.
I kinda hope Perry gets the Nomination now!

Obama can go to a church that preaches that AIDS is a government conspiracy and God should damn America, and that is fine with you--but this, THIS goes to far? :cuckoo:


This guy is one of many!

I wonder where you got the idea to post this from.

I know you didn't come up with it on your own because nobody has made a peep about it.

The Rev Wright stuff was all over the place. This isn't.
Obama can go to a church that preaches that AIDS is a government conspiracy and God should damn America, and that is fine with you--but this, THIS goes to far? :cuckoo:


This guy is one of many!

Why can't you hold Obama to the same standard?

Hell, why can't any of the left use the same standard they used under Bush? What happened to that passionate arguments against the wars and the patriot act? Or how about "dissent is the highest form of patriotism", now dissent is racist.

What same standard?

Wright had some national prominence and a pretty good reason for some of his stances. I don't agree with them..but then again..I am not black..and I have no idea what ordeals he faced growing up. He served in the military..had the ear of Presidents and still was treated like a second class citizen in this country. I kinda understand his anger. And if you look at history..this country has some pretty despicable episodes in regards to the treatment of blacks. Unless of course you hold the notion that slavery is acceptable and black people are inferior.

This guy. Heck..I don't know him. But he's railing against a national icon.

Good luck with that.
Not even out of the gate..and the man is batting 1000..

The Statue of Liberty, designed by Frederic Bartholdi, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor; representing Libertas, the Roman (false) goddess of Freedom, it is symbolic of the rebellious nature of the US constitution that elevates the command of man over the command of God.

In Islam, the public veneration of idols and statues is strictly prohibited. This has forced sincere Muslims to develop realistic plans that will aid in the removal of the Statue of Liberty.

Due to the scale of the task at hand, it is highly likely that rigorous safety checks will need to be employed before the demolition of the Statue of Liberty can commence; thus as a temporary measure, it is proposed that a large burkha is used to cover the statue, thereby shielding this horrendous eye sore from public view as well as sending a strong message to its French creators.

Post demolition, it is recommended that a minaret be built as a fitting replacement, allowing the glorification of God to be proclaimed daily as well as act as a powerful reminder of the superiority of Islam over all other ways of life.

(The Islamic Demolition of the Statue of Liberty)

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