John Benefiel, Rick Perry Ally: The Statue of Liberty Is a "Demonic Idol"

I hate to break it to right wing loons, but Perry is one of you guys.

Republicans have a personal God that only talks to them and Rick Perry is one of their prophets.

I hate to break it to right wing loons, but Perry is one of you guys.

Republicans have a personal God that only talks to them and Rick Perry is one of their prophets.


He is? Who knew?

Crawl back under your rock there Beavis.
Not even out of the gate..and the man is batting 1000..

More like you're scraping the barrel. You want to talk associates?
[ame=]‪Jeremiah Wright - God Damn America‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
CaféAuLait;3953004 said:
Bill Ayers, Barack Obama ally: "kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at"

Yup Ayers said such he also said he would bomb the Pentagon, Capitol Building and police stations all over again on many occasions and in fact in 2001 ( ironically September11th issue of the NY Times one article appeared) . He would do it all over again to include trying to kill hundreds of soldiers at Fort Dix. He states he has no regrets.

Yet Obama's association with Ayers has always been excused because “Obama was eight at the time Ayers carried out these acts”. Everyone always looks past the fact that he has always been quite vocal about repeating his actions and has never hidden such intent. He was vocal about such even before Obama had his political coming out party at Ayers and Dhorn's ( another convicted felon) home.

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives - In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen -

Ayer's was convicted of what again?'s been so long..I sorta forgot.
Not even out of the gate..and the man is batting 1000..

More like you're scraping the barrel. You want to talk associates?
[ame=]‪Jeremiah Wright - God Damn America‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Wright is a fiery fellow.

Much like this guy..

[ame=]‪Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Bill Ayers, Barack Obama ally: "kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at"


You voted for Bush, right?

Who was in business with the Bin Laden's.

Who's daddy funded Osama Bin Laden.

Who's Grand Pappy was doing business with Hitler.

So "associations" are pretty fucking important to you folks..Right?

Most of the left already dismissed the rabmblings of associates in the 2008 election...

This is meaningless....
Some people take idolotry a tad to far.

But this is still far far far better than sitting in the pews of an Amerca hating racist for 20 years.

The double standard is thick on this thread.
Some people take idolotry a tad to far.

But this is still far far far better than sitting in the pews of an Amerca hating racist for 20 years.

The double standard is thick on this thread.

Somehow that was different...

Somehow it just was....

Gotta admire the loony left when they get their hipocrisy groove on....:lol:
Some people take idolotry a tad to far.

But this is still far far far better than sitting in the pews of an Amerca hating racist for 20 years.

The double standard is thick on this thread.

Somehow that was different...

Somehow it just was....

Gotta admire the loony left when they get their hipocrisy groove on....:lol:

I'd make fun of this goofball myself and the fact Perry has him in his camp is cause for concern to me.

As the saying goes; You can jusdge a man by the company he keeps.

Keeps, is a present tense word, for those that want to blather on about grand parents.
Yep. Barry sat in the pew for 20 years but never heard any of the bullshit Wright was slinging???

He also didn't have a clue who Ayers and his wife were??

I've got some land down here in Florida I'll sell ya real cheap. The gators are free.
Most of the left already dismissed the rabmblings of associates in the 2008 election...

This is meaningless.... holding a guy responsible for what his associate did before they met and when he was 8-9 years old and that associate NEVER was tried, convicted or imprisoned? holding a guy responsible for what his minister, wait...for what people like to present that his minister said when giving incomplete sound bites.

Those kinds of associations
Most of the left already dismissed the rabmblings of associates in the 2008 election...

This is meaningless.... holding a guy responsible for what his associate did before they met and when he was 8-9 years old and that associate NEVER was tried, convicted or imprisoned? holding a guy responsible for what his minister, wait...for what people like to present that his minister said when giving incomplete sound bites.

Those kinds of associations


You aren't too bright, are you?

So, if those associations were meaningless then this association should be meaningless, right?

Or are you changing your mind and now find them all to be meaningful? I mean, don't let me stop you from flip-flopping if that's what you want to do now...
Another friend of Obama's -> Father Michael Pfleger

But that's just fine with these left-winged kook-fringe idiots.
If current trends continue, six months from now Perry might be considered too liberal to win the Republican nomination considering how the GOP keeps moving ever further to the right.

Well he was a Democrat for a short while.


I think Perry once worked on Al Gore's campaign back in the 80's.

That would explain his deep religious views.

If I ever supported Al, I'd feel a need for a baptism to clean my soul.

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