John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster

oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!
Yes and watch as the Ds all line up with them to push for war.
wanna bet? :p
Do you even know anything about the history of the D party? Your girl Cankles voted for the Iraq did John Fing did nearly ALL Ds in Congress.

When Trump sent missiles into Syria, nearly all Ds supported it along with nearly all in the liberal MSM.

Your Messiah intervened in multiple nation's affairs and expanded the wars in Afghanland and Syria, with the FULL support of the D party.

If only you weren't so uninformed and so terribly wouldn't be so dumb.
The antichrist is walking among us, and YOU are making excuses for him.... Why?
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!
Yes and watch as the Ds all line up with them to push for war.
wanna bet? :p
Do you even know anything about the history of the D party? Your girl Cankles voted for the Iraq did John Fing did nearly ALL Ds in Congress.

When Trump sent missiles into Syria, nearly all Ds supported it along with nearly all in the liberal MSM.

Your Messiah intervened in multiple nation's affairs and expanded the wars in Afghanland and Syria, with the FULL support of the D party.

If only you weren't so uninformed and so terribly wouldn't be so dumb.

Only because Bush said they had WMD.

In the Senate, the 21 Democrats, one Republican and one Independent who courageously voted their consciences in 2002 against the War in Iraq were:

Congress Members Who Voted Against the 2002 Iraq War
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

As a libertarian who actually thinks we are way too engaged in the middle east, you're such a liar. Obama did nothing but expand W's middle east policy to your complete silence, Care4Leftists.

You're a pathetic, partisan hypocrite. It would be great to welcome you to the side of actually reducing US military overuse, but you've repeatedly proven you're a hack leftist liar on this and don't mean it at all. It's just a partisan attack.

Democrats do NOTHING to help those of us who actually believe what you just said. You sure the hell don't
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!
Yes and watch as the Ds all line up with them to push for war.
wanna bet? :p
Do you even know anything about the history of the D party? Your girl Cankles voted for the Iraq did John Fing did nearly ALL Ds in Congress.

When Trump sent missiles into Syria, nearly all Ds supported it along with nearly all in the liberal MSM.

Your Messiah intervened in multiple nation's affairs and expanded the wars in Afghanland and Syria, with the FULL support of the D party.

If only you weren't so uninformed and so terribly wouldn't be so dumb.

Only because Bush said they had WMD.

In the Senate, the 21 Democrats, one Republican and one Independent who courageously voted their consciences in 2002 against the War in Iraq were:

Congress Members Who Voted Against the 2002 Iraq War

The big lie of the Gulf War was Democrats saying you were lied to
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

Maybe so but she is a clown all the same.

So says the orange clown worshipper...

(smile) She was kinda pretty until she became a man. Oh yes, I didn't vote for Trump, sorry.View attachment 184136 View attachment 184136
Does anyone think with a vagina or a penis? The cerebellum does not care I don't you're man, woman, gay or straight.

Sorry, she is a whack job.
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!
Yes and watch as the Ds all line up with them to push for war.
wanna bet? :p
Do you even know anything about the history of the D party? Your girl Cankles voted for the Iraq did John Fing did nearly ALL Ds in Congress.

When Trump sent missiles into Syria, nearly all Ds supported it along with nearly all in the liberal MSM.

Your Messiah intervened in multiple nation's affairs and expanded the wars in Afghanland and Syria, with the FULL support of the D party.

If only you weren't so uninformed and so terribly wouldn't be so dumb.
The antichrist is walking among us, and YOU are making excuses for him.... Why?

From the "woman" (after being a leftist) who voted for a sexual predator twice and then his hoe who attacked his victims again. And you don't tolerate women who disagree with you, Archie Bunker.

Your ability to detect "the Antichrist" is demonstrably a failure, Care4Leftists. You keep voting for them
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

As a libertarian who actually thinks we are way too engaged in the middle east, you're such a liar. Obama did nothing but expand W's middle east policy to your complete silence, Care4Leftists.

You're a pathetic, partisan hypocrite. It would be great to welcome you to the side of actually reducing US military overuse, but you've repeatedly proven you're a hack leftist liar on this and don't mean it at all. It's just a partisan attack.

Democrats do NOTHING to help those of us who actually believe what you just said. You sure the hell don't
So that is your excuse now, for you to support the likes of Bolton...? You're a weak minded gutless slivering serpent!

I didn't vote for Obama, idiot.
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

As a libertarian who actually thinks we are way too engaged in the middle east, you're such a liar. Obama did nothing but expand W's middle east policy to your complete silence, Care4Leftists.

You're a pathetic, partisan hypocrite. It would be great to welcome you to the side of actually reducing US military overuse, but you've repeatedly proven you're a hack leftist liar on this and don't mean it at all. It's just a partisan attack.

Democrats do NOTHING to help those of us who actually believe what you just said. You sure the hell don't
So that is your excuse now, for you to support the likes of Bolton... you weak minded gutless slivering serpent!

I didn't vote for Obama, idiot.

I said I'm Mixed on Bolton, moron. That was my whole point you extremist whack job. You're such a nut that you think not being extreme left is what makes you extreme.

What I like about Bolton is that he holds other nations accountable for things like what they say about the Jews and paying their bills. I liked him at the UN where he wasn't in charge of any military decisions.

What I don't like about him is that he's a war hawk.

You're such a loony nut bag that you think being mixed on him is extreme
I really don't get why so many Trump supporters can't understand such a simple concept... worry about the person that is in power NOW, Presidents from years ago have no control, and can't hurt the current state of the nation.

It's not about past presidents, it's learning from our historical mistakes. Clinton played nice with Al Qaeda and the result was the September 11 attacks. Pacifist policies results in dead Americans. No thanks.

Good rewrite of history there....

Clinton called Bin Laden and Al Queda as a major threat in a letter to Bush as he left office.

When 911 happened Al Queda were almost finished, thanks to Bush, Bolton and others they actually drastically increased Al Queda size and power....
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

As a libertarian who actually thinks we are way too engaged in the middle east, you're such a liar. Obama did nothing but expand W's middle east policy to your complete silence, Care4Leftists.

You're a pathetic, partisan hypocrite. It would be great to welcome you to the side of actually reducing US military overuse, but you've repeatedly proven you're a hack leftist liar on this and don't mean it at all. It's just a partisan attack.

Democrats do NOTHING to help those of us who actually believe what you just said. You sure the hell don't

Bernard Henri Levy, and a Kurd set himself on fire and started it.
Bernard-Henri Levy Urges Intervention in Syria: His Role in Libya as Example | HuffPost

And all planned by the New American Century:
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  • H.R. McMaster is the latest casualty amid a turbulent shake-up of senior White House staff.
  • McMaster is the second national security advisor to leave the Trump administration in just over one year.
John Bolton will replace H.R. McMaster as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, the latest move in an ongoing shakeup of the president's top advisors.

In a tweet Thursday, Trump said Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., will take over the post on April 9. McMaster, an Army lieutenant general, "has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend," the president wrote.

More: Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Bolton was a recess appointment under Bush - because Bush knew that Bolton would never be confirmed by the Senate.


Bolton is a criminally insane neocrazy warmonger


Foreign Policy Initiative - Wikipedia

We do whatever Israel wants and the Saudi, and the war hawks love it and the industries.

"FPI proposed an active U.S. role in Syria. In 2012, Slate Magazine wrote, "The most forward-looking part of the FPI's conference came when the French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy chatted with Sen. John McCain (a PNAC signatory and contributing writer). They quickly agreed that America needed to intervene in Syria, setting up a partial no-fly zone and arming rebels."
Foreign Policy Initiative - Wikipedia

Levy is a jew.
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oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!
Yes and watch as the Ds all line up with them to push for war.
wanna bet? :p
Do you even know anything about the history of the D party? Your girl Cankles voted for the Iraq did John Fing did nearly ALL Ds in Congress.

When Trump sent missiles into Syria, nearly all Ds supported it along with nearly all in the liberal MSM.

Your Messiah intervened in multiple nation's affairs and expanded the wars in Afghanland and Syria, with the FULL support of the D party.

If only you weren't so uninformed and so terribly wouldn't be so dumb.

Only because Bush said they had WMD.

In the Senate, the 21 Democrats, one Republican and one Independent who courageously voted their consciences in 2002 against the War in Iraq were:

Congress Members Who Voted Against the 2002 Iraq War

The big lie of the Gulf War was Democrats saying you were lied to

Neocons, which are mainly Jews and Cons.
Bolton is the biggest swamp creature there is. How the hell can you sheep still think that Trump is draining the swamp when he keeps replacing outsiders with swamp denizens?

Are you really that stupid or just that brainwashed?
Kudlow, Bolton,Pompeo and Trump!

Great combination.:1peleas:

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