John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster

Bolton is the biggest swamp creature there is.

What did Bolton do that would compel you to make this statement?

Bolton has been around since the days Reagan Admin, he cut his teeth by ignoring the Iran/Contra affair. And he has been a part of government in one form or another pretty much ever since then.

He is one of the architects of the Iraq War and the failed rebuilding in Iraq.

He tried to get Bush II to attack Cuba, telling him they had WMDs, but Bush would not be fooled twice. But Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than Trump so no telling what Trump will do at Bolton's bidding.

Cool story and good non-answer.
John Bolton??? How low can they go? Our nation is really in deep, deep trouble. Bolton is one of the filth in the PNAC conspiracy.
Bolton is the biggest swamp creature there is.

What did Bolton do that would compel you to make this statement?

Bolton has been around since the days Reagan Admin, he cut his teeth by ignoring the Iran/Contra affair. And he has been a part of government in one form or another pretty much ever since then.

He is one of the architects of the Iraq War and the failed rebuilding in Iraq.

He tried to get Bush II to attack Cuba, telling him they had WMDs, but Bush would not be fooled twice. But Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than Trump so no telling what Trump will do at Bolton's bidding.

Cool story and good non-answer.
you should buy a dictionary, corky
Bolton is the biggest swamp creature there is.

What did Bolton do that would compel you to make this statement?

Bolton has been around since the days Reagan Admin, he cut his teeth by ignoring the Iran/Contra affair. And he has been a part of government in one form or another pretty much ever since then.

He is one of the architects of the Iraq War and the failed rebuilding in Iraq.

He tried to get Bush II to attack Cuba, telling him they had WMDs, but Bush would not be fooled twice. But Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than Trump so no telling what Trump will do at Bolton's bidding.

Cool story and good non-answer.

Not a story, just the facts. Bolton has been a part of the swamp longer than your little ass has been alive, yet somehow you think he is not swap creature.

Put your head back up Trump's ass now, it is time for your next talking points memo
The question is, the blood of how many American live's will be on the hands of Trump when this is said and done?

The only positive out of this move, it might speed up Mueller's investigation to get Trump charged and impeached. Then hopefully Pence will get rid of this idiot Bolton. Even Richard Painter said he was dangerous.
Bolton is the biggest swamp creature there is.

What did Bolton do that would compel you to make this statement?

Bolton has been around since the days Reagan Admin, he cut his teeth by ignoring the Iran/Contra affair. And he has been a part of government in one form or another pretty much ever since then.

He is one of the architects of the Iraq War and the failed rebuilding in Iraq.

He tried to get Bush II to attack Cuba, telling him they had WMDs, but Bush would not be fooled twice. But Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than Trump so no telling what Trump will do at Bolton's bidding.

Cool story and good non-answer.

Not a story, just the facts. Bolton has been a part of the swamp longer than your little ass has been alive, yet somehow you think he is not swap creature.

Put your head back up Trump's ass now, it is time for your next talking points memo

So, Trump replaces McMaster, a three star general, with Bolton, a Vietnam war dodger. Tough talking Bolton wanted nothing at all to do with actual war. He preffered others to die.

"John Bolton, Wimp
A Vietnam hawk who remained stateside.
By Timothy Noah
Posted Friday, April 29, 2005, at 6:01 PM PT

Scratch a saber-rattler, find a war wimp. You can just about set your watch by it, can't you? So it's entirely unsurprising to read the following about John Bolton, Yale '70, in the Yale Daily News:

Though Bolton supported the Vietnam War, he declined to enter combat duty, instead enlisting in the National Guard and attending law school after his 1970 graduation. "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy," Bolton wrote of his decision in the 25th reunion book. "I considered the war in Vietnam already lost."

So Bolton supported sending other young American soldiers to risk their very lives in a war "already lost", while he saved his beautiful mind for better things (like stealing national elections, endangering national security by manipulating intelligence information and otherwise being a general SOB)."
Bolton avoided Vietnam duty

John Bolton, Chicken Hawk
Though Bolton supported the Vietnam War, he declined to enter combat duty, instead enlisting in the National Guard

Do you condemn everyone that dodged the Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War was a disaster and is, arguably, America's biggest foreign policy failure of the 20th century. We expended a fortune in blood and treasure and, for what? As far as I'm concerned, anyone who dodged Vietnam is a fucking genius.
The question is, the blood of how many American live's will be on the hands of Trump when this is said and done?

Bill Clinton had a hands-off policy when it came to Al Qaeda in the 90's. How did that work out?
Bolton is the biggest swamp creature there is.

What did Bolton do that would compel you to make this statement?

Bolton has been around since the days Reagan Admin, he cut his teeth by ignoring the Iran/Contra affair. And he has been a part of government in one form or another pretty much ever since then.

He is one of the architects of the Iraq War and the failed rebuilding in Iraq.

He tried to get Bush II to attack Cuba, telling him they had WMDs, but Bush would not be fooled twice. But Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than Trump so no telling what Trump will do at Bolton's bidding.

Cool story and good non-answer.

Not a story, just the facts. Bolton has been a part of the swamp longer than your little ass has been alive, yet somehow you think he is not swap creature.

Put your head back up Trump's ass now, it is time for your next talking points memo

I asked you for specifics and you haven't presented a single one. I'm willing to be persuaded, but you're going to have to give me a reason.
Do you condemn everyone that dodged the Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War was a disaster and is, arguably, America's biggest foreign policy failure of the 20th century. We expended a fortune in blood and treasure and, for what? As far as I'm concerned, anyone who dodged Vietnam is a fucking genius.
only the ones who then helped launch the greatest american foreign policy blunder in any century, like bolton.
Bolton is the biggest swamp creature there is.

What did Bolton do that would compel you to make this statement?

Bolton has been around since the days Reagan Admin, he cut his teeth by ignoring the Iran/Contra affair. And he has been a part of government in one form or another pretty much ever since then.

He is one of the architects of the Iraq War and the failed rebuilding in Iraq.

He tried to get Bush II to attack Cuba, telling him they had WMDs, but Bush would not be fooled twice. But Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than Trump so no telling what Trump will do at Bolton's bidding.

Cool story and good non-answer.

Not a story, just the facts. Bolton has been a part of the swamp longer than your little ass has been alive, yet somehow you think he is not swap creature.

Put your head back up Trump's ass now, it is time for your next talking points memo

I asked you for specifics and you haven't presented a single one. I'm willing to be persuaded, but you're going to have to give me a reason.

he's given you multiple specific examples of bolton's idiocy.

you're either a liar or a moron.

actually, you could be both
The question is, the blood of how many American live's will be on the hands of Trump when this is said and done?

Bill Clinton had a hands-off policy when it came to Al Qaeda in the 90's. How did that work out?

considerably better than the iraq war, sparky.

you know he's out of office, right?

I really don't get why so many Trump supporters can't understand such a simple concept... worry about the person that is in power NOW, Presidents from years ago have no control, and can't hurt the current state of the nation.
I really don't get why so many Trump supporters can't understand such a simple concept... worry about the person that is in power NOW, Presidents from years ago have no control, and can't hurt the current state of the nation.

It's not about past presidents, it's learning from our historical mistakes. Clinton played nice with Al Qaeda and the result was the September 11 attacks. Pacifist policies results in dead Americans. No thanks.
I really don't get why so many Trump supporters can't understand such a simple concept... worry about the person that is in power NOW, Presidents from years ago have no control, and can't hurt the current state of the nation.

It's not about past presidents, it's learning from our historical mistakes. Clinton played nice with Al Qaeda and the result was the September 11 attacks. Pacifist policies results in dead Americans. No thanks.

Learning from historical mistakes? Well about a month ago Bolton said we should go to war with Iran and North Korea. Learn from that.
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

What the hell is a "neocon"?

I'm not even a "conservative", I'm a right-winger.
were you not around during the Bush 2 administration???

'Conservatives' attack McCain for being a neocon. Trump hires THE neocon and the response by the dishonest 'conservatives' is 'neocon? what's a neocon?" What a bunch of lying morons.

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