John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster

CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.
I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.

We're already at war with them. Iran has financed insurgents in Iraq and Syria, who have killed American soldiers. They need to be crushed.

Are you signing up to go fight them, or are you just another loser that lets others fight while you hide behind your computer

Want to see just what I can do to protect myself, my family, my property, and my country? Just try starting something, shit for brains.

You mean nothing to me.

You are just another fucking internet badass that wants other people to go fight for him. Do not have the balls to put on the boots yourself. You are abouts as tough as Barney the dinosaur.

Really, mang? I don't need an internet to be a badass, I'm a genuine American badass. I can do my own fighting for myself, want to try me?

I wear size 13 boots, military-issue, and I have no compunction against stomping little weasels faces into the ground, because that's what I was borned for.

But between you and me, I wouldn't waste my time with a little peckerwood like you, because you probably wouldn't fight and your sister wouldn't fuck, so why bother? :biggrin:
^idiocy like above is hard to top. but then there is trump, LOL
I consider Bolton a very dangerous appointment to our national security. Bolton is not a rational man. Trump just reached into the gutter.

Indeed. He is right down there in the sewer slime. Should be an interesting attempt at confirmation. We will see if there is any integrity among Republicans.
Lakhota, Robert Mueller has proved himself a very dangerous threat to our national security (multiple Muslim terrorist events under his watch with the FBI), yet you support him. Why?

For much the same reason you do not. Because Mueller has a very long history at his job, and is respected by everyone who knows him. Only a few of Trumps con trols do not believe in him. You know, like you. Only the con trolls who believe trump, known to be the biggest liar in politics. Really, me boy, your question is really stupid.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

Maybe so but she is a clown all the same.
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.
…a war with Iran to get Trump reelected, just like Bush.
Yup. You have it. He will be pushing for war anywhere. And pushing bush along like a toy..

He will find the orange clown a lot easier to convince...
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

Maybe so but she is a clown all the same.

So says the orange clown worshipper...
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.

We're already at war with them. Iran has financed insurgents in Iraq and Syria, who have killed American soldiers. They need to be crushed.

Screw you, just because you side with SA and Israel, it does not mean we need to kill Iran, Russia and Pakistan will not tolerate it, we are facing WWIII and we will have a lot of destruction in the US. The biggest neocon in the US, death and destruction is coming.

Our military has game played war with Iran over and over and over. And, according to the Generals, war with Iran is a very, very bad idea, and would result in multiple times the deaths of our soldiers that we experienced in Iraq. It would be expected to be the worst war we have been in since WWI.
So, if you enjoy wars and lots of dead and injured americans, you should support Boulton.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

Maybe so but she is a clown all the same.

So says the orange clown worshipper...

(smile) She was kinda pretty until she became a man. Oh yes, I didn't vote for Trump, sorry.
Careforall, democrats have been pushing for WWIII against the Ruskies for a while now. Bolton simply doesn't like anti-American Muslim regimes.

Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and the other mental cases on MSNBC and CNN will be melting down tonight for sure. :p
Are you saying that you're fine with the behavior of the Russians? Absolutely anti-extremist efforts rank first in national security, but the Russian proclivity to assassinate agents in Britain particularly with militarized nerve agent, coupled with the conquest of Ukraine, cannot be ignored and best, forgiven at worst.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

True, But cons hate college, learning, truth, all of that college supported stuff. But honestly, the con issue has been studied for decades and years. They are a known quantity, and really can not help their ailments. Just plain bad luck. Though they are annoying.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

True, But cons hate college, learning, truth, all of that college supported stuff. But honestly, the con issue has been studied for decades and years. They are a known quantity, and really can not help their ailments. Just plain bad luck. Though they are annoying.

If only the US was filled with Beta Kittens just like you.......
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.

We're already at war with them. Iran has financed insurgents in Iraq and Syria, who have killed American soldiers. They need to be crushed.

Are you signing up to go fight them, or are you just another loser that lets others fight while you hide behind your computer

Want to see just what I can do to protect myself, my family, my property, and my country? Just try starting something, shit for brains.

You mean nothing to me.

Yup, just what the studies have found about conservatives. They scare easily, drum up defenses, love guns, and see the bad in people. Good for you, me boy. You are easy to understand.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

True, But cons hate college, learning, truth, all of that college supported stuff. But honestly, the con issue has been studied for decades and years. They are a known quantity, and really can not help their ailments. Just plain bad luck. Though they are annoying.

True - and they are notoriously fearful.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

True, But cons hate college, learning, truth, all of that college supported stuff. But honestly, the con issue has been studied for decades and years. They are a known quantity, and really can not help their ailments. Just plain bad luck. Though they are annoying.

If only the US was filled with Beta Kittens just like you.......

Funny. You do not know me, and make comments like that. Are you simply trying to prove yourself to be stupid. My 14 year old grandson makes more rational conversation than you, by miles.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened in The White House. :p
Like you say, when some people talk, you know they are nuts. Maddow is a PHD. You, on the other hand, are just a stupid con troll.

Maddow was a Rhodes Scholar....she graduated from Stanford with honors. She has more brains in her gay fingernail than some of these idiots have in their entire head...

Maybe so but she is a clown all the same.

So says the orange clown worshipper...

(smile) She was kinda pretty until she became a man. Oh yes, I didn't vote for Trump, sorry.View attachment 184136 View attachment 184136
Does anyone think with a vagina or a penis? The cerebellum does not care I don't you're man, woman, gay or straight.

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