John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster

So, who's first - Iran or North Korea?

North Korea has pretty much surrendered, so I'd put the screws on Iran.
from your armchair, fatboy?

We'll see. Whatever Trump does will be the best thing for my country, whether you like it or not.

That's why He is the President and Hillary is not.
useless idiot. go enlist.

So, who's first - Iran or North Korea?

North Korea has pretty much surrendered, so I'd put the screws on Iran.
from your armchair, fatboy?

We'll see. Whatever Trump does will be the best thing for my country, whether you like it or not.

That's why He is the President and Hillary is not.
useless idiot. go enlist.

Oh. You don't like hearing that Hillary is not President? Well let me repeat it again for you, alright?

Hillary Clinton is not, nor will she ever be the President of my country. Neither will; Bernie Sanders or Jill Stain.

Now go curl yourself up in your closet in a fetal position, suck on your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep. Tomorrow is another day and even though tomorrow might be another day, Hillary will still not be President and you'll be stuck with Donald J. Trump, whether you like it or not.


  • H.R. McMaster is the latest casualty amid a turbulent shake-up of senior White House staff.
  • McMaster is the second national security advisor to leave the Trump administration in just over one year.
John Bolton will replace H.R. McMaster as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, the latest move in an ongoing shakeup of the president's top advisors.

In a tweet Thursday, Trump said Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., will take over the post on April 9. McMaster, an Army lieutenant general, "has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend," the president wrote.

More: Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Bolton was a recess appointment under Bush - because Bush knew that Bolton would never be confirmed by the Senate.

If Bolton needs Senate approval...he will be blocked. Everyone knows he is a nut. We already have one orange nut in the White House...

Sadly, he does NOT need Senate approval. Trump just appoints him.

Good. I call that a "win/win situation".
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.

We're already at war with them. Iran has financed insurgents in Iraq and Syria, who have killed American soldiers. They need to be crushed.

Screw you, just because you side with SA and Israel, it does not mean we need to kill Iran, Russia and Pakistan will not tolerate it, we are facing WWIII and we will have a lot of destruction in the US. The biggest neocon in the US, death and destruction is coming.

We would already be at War had Hillary won. Her plan was to institute the airspace over Syria as a "no fly zone".

Not Iran. The reason we are in Syria is Israel wants us there, and lots of money to be made in destroyed countries like Iraq and Syria, and lots of natural recourses, and Iran is a goldmine.
Bolton is the biggest swamp creature there is. How the hell can you sheep still think that Trump is draining the swamp when he keeps replacing outsiders with swamp denizens?

Are you really that stupid or just that brainwashed?
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.

We're already at war with them. Iran has financed insurgents in Iraq and Syria, who have killed American soldiers. They need to be crushed.

Are you signing up to go fight them, or are you just another loser that lets others fight while you hide behind your computer

Want to see just what I can do to protect myself, my family, my property, and my country? Just try starting something, shit for brains.

You mean nothing to me.

You are just another fucking internet badass that wants other people to go fight for him. Do not have the balls to put on the boots yourself. You are abouts as tough as Barney the dinosaur.

Really, mang? I don't need an internet to be a badass, I'm a genuine American badass. I can do my own fighting for myself, want to try me?

I wear size 13 boots, military-issue, and I have no compunction against stomping little weasels faces into the ground, because that's what I was borned for.

But between you and me, I wouldn't waste my time with a little peckerwood like you, because you probably wouldn't fight and your sister wouldn't fuck, so why bother? :biggrin:
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oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.

We're already at war with them. Iran has financed insurgents in Iraq and Syria, who have killed American soldiers. They need to be crushed.

Screw you, just because you side with SA and Israel, it does not mean we need to kill Iran, Russia and Pakistan will not tolerate it, we are facing WWIII and we will have a lot of destruction in the US. The biggest neocon in the US, death and destruction is coming.

We would already be at War had Hillary won. Her plan was to institute the airspace over Syria as a "no fly zone".

Not Iran. The reason we are in Syria is Israel wants us there, and lots of money to be made in destroyed countries like Iraq and Syria, and lots of natural recourses, and Iran is a goldmine.

Yes Iran. The Bankers want a Central Bank there and just like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, the Sudan and the rest they are going to get it. Bush did it in Iraq and Afghanistan and Hillary and Obama did it in Libya and Syria. Sorry but those are the facts.
Careforall, democrats have been pushing for WWIII against the Ruskies for a while now. Bolton simply doesn't like anti-American Muslim regimes.

Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and the other mental cases on MSNBC and CNN will be melting down tonight for sure. :p

nobody outside the voices in your head is pushing for ww3 against the *roooooskies*, son.
Well, Trump got our minds off the Dow dropping over 700 points today.

The Trump giveth and the Trump taketh away.

What's a measly little 700 points in the Trump economy? If this were Obama's economy, I would be disturbed, but it's not.
Well, Trump got our minds off the Dow dropping over 700 points today.

The Trump giveth and the Trump taketh away.

What's a measly little 700 points in the Trump economy? If this were Obama's economy, I would be disturbed, but it's not.

It goes back up you won't hear anything....:abgg2q.jpg:

Bolton should have been there from the start.....we need a war time consigliere
So, who's first - Iran or North Korea?

North Korea has pretty much surrendered, so I'd put the screws on Iran.
from your armchair, fatboy?

We'll see. Whatever Trump does will be the best thing for my country, whether you like it or not.

That's why He is the President and Hillary is not.
useless idiot. go enlist.

So, who's first - Iran or North Korea?

North Korea has pretty much surrendered, so I'd put the screws on Iran.
from your armchair, fatboy?

We'll see. Whatever Trump does will be the best thing for my country, whether you like it or not.

That's why He is the President and Hillary is not.
useless idiot. go enlist.

Oh. You don't like hearing that Hillary is not President? Well let me repeat it again for you, alright?

Hillary Clinton is not, nor will she ever be the President of my country. Neither will; Bernie Sanders or Jill Stain.

Now go curl yourself up in your closet in a fetal position, suck on your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep. Tomorrow is another day and even though tomorrow might be another day, Hillary will still not be President and you'll be stuck with Donald J. Trump, whether you like it or not.

this thread is about john bolton. not about hillary, you sad no trick pony. try knitting.

  • H.R. McMaster is the latest casualty amid a turbulent shake-up of senior White House staff.
  • McMaster is the second national security advisor to leave the Trump administration in just over one year.
John Bolton will replace H.R. McMaster as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, the latest move in an ongoing shakeup of the president's top advisors.

In a tweet Thursday, Trump said Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., will take over the post on April 9. McMaster, an Army lieutenant general, "has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend," the president wrote.

More: Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Bolton was a recess appointment under Bush - because Bush knew that Bolton would never be confirmed by the Senate.

If Bolton needs Senate approval...he will be blocked. Everyone knows he is a nut. We already have one orange nut in the White House...

Sadly, he does NOT need Senate approval. Trump just appoints him.

That is what I was afraid of....nutcase appoints nutcase....
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

while they sit home and send other people's kids to die
Stop it with the drama, will ya

as soon as the orange sociopath stops appointing insane people to positions that matter.

psycho Donald said he didn't understand why we have nukes if we don't use them. now he got bolton who's just as nuts as he is.

but please, think that it's ok.
Breaking on MSNBC. No link yet.

Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Somebody leaked the talking points and it was a VERY small circle of people that had access to them.
Bolton is a Neocon war hawk, so he will probably advocate very hawkish stances towards Iran and DPRK. Not sure why he was picked for the national security advisor role though. Is there anything in his background that would make him a credible authority on national security matters? All I know about him is that he's a war hawk and was shrub's ambassador to the UN.
come on. this is about the trump circus where steve bannon had a position in the national security council.

The only difference is the mustache and one never takes a bath...

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