John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster

Lakhota, Robert Mueller has proved himself a very dangerous threat to our national security (multiple Muslim terrorist events under his watch with the FBI), yet you support him. Why?
This tread says a lot. Some people love a war, and some people prefer peace, and we know who you are.

The biggest issue liberals have with Bolton is that he's pro-American. Any American politician that is pro-American is despised by the American left.

  • H.R. McMaster is the latest casualty amid a turbulent shake-up of senior White House staff.
  • McMaster is the second national security advisor to leave the Trump administration in just over one year.
John Bolton will replace H.R. McMaster as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, the latest move in an ongoing shakeup of the president's top advisors.

In a tweet Thursday, Trump said Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., will take over the post on April 9. McMaster, an Army lieutenant general, "has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend," the president wrote.

More: Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Bolton was a recess appointment under Bush - because Bush knew that Bolton would never be confirmed by the Senate.

My advice is to do one or both of the following. start drinking heavily and or take 2 aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.
I consider Bolton a very dangerous appointment to our national security. Bolton is not a rational man. Trump just reached into the gutter.

Well then you might as well surrender right here and now. Have yourself fitted for a burka and get your genitalia mutilated if you want to, but don't count on me for any support.
It's about time that hard charger Bolton won a seat in the Trump administration.
WASHINGTON, March 22 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday chose as his new national security adviser John Bolton, a hawk who has advocated using military force against Iran and North Korea and has taken a hard line against Russia.

Trump said in a tweet that Bolton would replace H.R. McMaster, his current national security adviser. Bolton, 69, who has long been a polarizing figure in Washington foreign policy circles, becomes Trump's third national security adviser in 14 months.

Bolton joins a Trump national security team that with the planned replacement of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson by CIA chief Mike Pompeo, is increasingly populated by figures who share Trump's penchant for exercising U.S. power unilaterally.


Notable people who have been fired or resigned from Trump's administration

As the State Department's top arms control official under President George W. Bush, Bolton was a leading advocate of the 2003 invasion of Iraq - which was later found to have been based on bogus and exaggerated intelligence about President Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and ties to terrorism.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened. :p

Rachel Maddow will not go mental, she will probably have a bit of a laugh...

Trump is going through staff at a rate of knots... This is his third National Security advisor, good point on this one is that he hasn't been charged with a crime...

You will continue and say this is some kind of victory... Seriously, the first two were duds and third time is a charm...

Admit it this guy can't pick a team and that is why so many have left or been fired... Trump is all over the place, we would get better leadership from Pence's rabbit...

It's not that he can't pick a team, it's more like there are way too many unqualified people who can't do the job.

If you can't do the job to the best of your ability or to the expectations of the POTUS, then GTFO.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened. :p

Rachel Maddow will not go mental, she will probably have a bit of a laugh...

Trump is going through staff at a rate of knots... This is his third National Security advisor, good point on this one is that he hasn't been charged with a crime...

You will continue and say this is some kind of victory... Seriously, the first two were duds and third time is a charm...

Admit it this guy can't pick a team and that is why so many have left or been fired... Trump is all over the place, we would get better leadership from Pence's rabbit...

Somebody leaked the talking points and it was a VERY small circle of people that had access to them.
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.

We're already at war with them. Iran has financed insurgents in Iraq and Syria, who have killed American soldiers. They need to be crushed.

Screw you, just because you side with SA and Israel, it does not mean we need to kill Iran, Russia and Pakistan will not tolerate it, we are facing WWIII and we will have a lot of destruction in the US. The biggest neocon in the US, death and destruction is coming.
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened. :p

Rachel Maddow will not go mental, she will probably have a bit of a laugh...

Trump is going through staff at a rate of knots... This is his third National Security advisor, good point on this one is that he hasn't been charged with a crime...

You will continue and say this is some kind of victory... Seriously, the first two were duds and third time is a charm...

Admit it this guy can't pick a team and that is why so many have left or been fired... Trump is all over the place, we would get better leadership from Pence's rabbit...

It's not that he can't pick a team, it's more like there are way too many unqualified people who can't do the job.
U keeping score?? All those losers and trump stays?
CowboyTed, butthurt anti-Donald people will always be angry as long as The Donald is in office! The fact is when unhinged broadcasters like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other mental cases melt down, that means something good happened. :p

Rachel Maddow will not go mental, she will probably have a bit of a laugh...

Trump is going through staff at a rate of knots... This is his third National Security advisor, good point on this one is that he hasn't been charged with a crime...

You will continue and say this is some kind of victory... Seriously, the first two were duds and third time is a charm...

Admit it this guy can't pick a team and that is why so many have left or been fired... Trump is all over the place, we would get better leadership from Pence's rabbit...

It's not that he can't pick a team, it's more like there are way too many unqualified people who can't do the job.
U keeping score?? All those losers and trump stays?

Rump hires only the best people though, AMIRITE!

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