John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster

Good deal! Bolton is one of the good guys.

It is simply a contest. Which is the biggest nut case, trump or bolton.
The nations of the world know this clown, and will now be sure that the US is brain dead, and maybe brain dead.

Fucker. You're just jealous because he has a cooler mustache than you'll ever have. And Trump gets more pussy that you'll ever get.
Good deal! Bolton is one of the good guys.

It is simply a contest. Which is the biggest nut case, trump or bolton.
The nations of the world know this clown, and will now be sure that the US is brain dead, and maybe brain dead.

We have now lost our place as Leader of the Free World.... Bolton is a psychopath joining trump the sociopath....Great team for nation building.....
Breaking on MSNBC. No link yet.

Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Somebody leaked the talking points and it was a VERY small circle of people that had access to them.
Bolton is a Neocon war hawk, so he will probably advocate very hawkish stances towards Iran and DPRK. Not sure why he was picked for the national security advisor role though. Is there anything in his background that would make him a credible authority on national security matters? All I know about him is that he's a war hawk and was shrub's ambassador to the UN.
Breaking on MSNBC. No link yet.

Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Somebody leaked the talking points and it was a VERY small circle of people that had access to them.
Bolton is a Neocon war hawk, so he will probably advocate very hawkish stances towards Iran and DPRK. Not sure why he was picked for the national security advisor role though. Is there anything in his background that would make him a credible authority on national security matters? All I know about him is that he's a war hawk and was shrub's ambassador to the UN.
come on. this is about the trump circus where steve bannon had a position in the national security council.
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

What the hell is a "neocon"?

I'm not even a "conservative", I'm a right-winger.
were you not around during the Bush 2 administration???

Even Republicans refused to vote for Bolton as US Ambassador!

Of course we had a few sane ones back then. Like George Voinovich, who voted against Bolton.
Good deal! Bolton is one of the good guys.

It is simply a contest. Which is the biggest nut case, trump or bolton.
The nations of the world know this clown, and will now be sure that the US is brain dead, and maybe brain dead.

We have now lost our place as Leader of the Free World.... Bolton is a psychopath joining trump the sociopath....Great team for nation building.....

Like we were really the "Leader of the Free World" when Obama was sucking off dictators all over the world and giving terrorist nations money to kill American soldiers?

Are you really that stupid?
Breaking on MSNBC. No link yet.

Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Somebody leaked the talking points and it was a VERY small circle of people that had access to them.
Bolton is a Neocon war hawk, so he will probably advocate very hawkish stances towards Iran and DPRK. Not sure why he was picked for the national security advisor role though. Is there anything in his background that would make him a credible authority on national security matters? All I know about him is that he's a war hawk and was shrub's ambassador to the UN.

In 2000 7 Nations did not have a Central Bank, now there are only 3. Iran, NK and Cuba. It doesn't matter who is in office, the Bankers want wars and more Central Banks. It's just the way it is.

  • H.R. McMaster is the latest casualty amid a turbulent shake-up of senior White House staff.
  • McMaster is the second national security advisor to leave the Trump administration in just over one year.
John Bolton will replace H.R. McMaster as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, the latest move in an ongoing shakeup of the president's top advisors.

In a tweet Thursday, Trump said Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., will take over the post on April 9. McMaster, an Army lieutenant general, "has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend," the president wrote.

More: Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Bolton was a recess appointment under Bush - because Bush knew that Bolton would never be confirmed by the Senate.

If Bolton needs Senate approval...he will be blocked. Everyone knows he is a nut. We already have one orange nut in the White House...
Good deal! Bolton is one of the good guys.

Pretty sure Bolton was one of the guys who was knee deep in WMD in Iraq...

Yup. Here are a few reasons the neocon was and is a nut case:
1. Bolton was a primary cheerleader of the War in Iraq and stands for everything Americans rejected about the Bush administration's foreign policy.
2. Bolton wanted the U.S. to go to war with Cuba over WMDs that also didn't exist.
3. Bolton really, really wants to bomb Iran
4. President Obama followed Bolton's terrible advice about Libya and then Bolton blamed Obama for the resulting mess.
5. Bolton suggested Israel should unleash nuclear weapons against Iran.
Five Horrifically Bad Foreign Policy Ideas That Should Disqualify John Bolton From Being Secretary of State
And Many More.
I consider Bolton a very dangerous appointment to our national security. Bolton is not a rational man. Trump just reached into the gutter.

Well then you might as well surrender right here and now. Have yourself fitted for a burka and get your genitalia mutilated if you want to, but don't count on me for any support.

That would be Saudi Arabia.
oh boy oh boy, the republican war mongering neocons out there are going to be happy!

I agree. Bolton is a lunatic warmonger. He'll be pushing for war with Iran.

We're already at war with them. Iran has financed insurgents in Iraq and Syria, who have killed American soldiers. They need to be crushed.

Are you signing up to go fight them, or are you just another loser that lets others fight while you hide behind your computer

Want to see just what I can do to protect myself, my family, my property, and my country? Just try starting something, shit for brains.

You mean nothing to me.

You are just another fucking internet badass that wants other people to go fight for him. Do not have the balls to put on the boots yourself. You are abouts as tough as Barney the dinosaur.

  • H.R. McMaster is the latest casualty amid a turbulent shake-up of senior White House staff.
  • McMaster is the second national security advisor to leave the Trump administration in just over one year.
John Bolton will replace H.R. McMaster as President Donald Trump's national security advisor, the latest move in an ongoing shakeup of the president's top advisors.

In a tweet Thursday, Trump said Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., will take over the post on April 9. McMaster, an Army lieutenant general, "has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend," the president wrote.

More: Trump says John Bolton will replace HR McMaster as national security advisor

Bolton was a recess appointment under Bush - because Bush knew that Bolton would never be confirmed by the Senate.

If Bolton needs Senate approval...he will be blocked. Everyone knows he is a nut. We already have one orange nut in the White House...

Sadly, he does NOT need Senate approval. Trump just appoints him.

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