John "FUCKING" Kerry to Speak at 12:30 Today on Syria

There is no way that Kerry's speech could be tolerated except with astonished incredulity. There is only one question "How do you expect to get away with shoveling this much bullshit?"
"No military solution" say what? Kerry mentioned several times that "the president has been clear". That's political speak for "I hope the public believes me because we ain't got a clue what the president wants to do".
And so it begins... Selling the attack on Syria to the American people.

If he doesn't get Congress, he's going to need the American people...

No matter what The President or the Secretary of State say, no matter what is decided - to use force, or not to use force - the decision made will be condemned by the first two assholes above, each will disagree and have always disagreed with The President based on nothing but their animus for the man; neither of these assholes have ever posted anything of substance and in the case of Warrior nothing civil; both being the quintessential partisan hacks - ignorant, dishonest and rigid.
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As usual, congress is on vacation. There will be a lot of bodies piled up while we wait for them to go back to DC.

President Obama does not want war. That is what he has said and his actions support that.

Won't matter what is said or done - the brain dead traitors will find fault with it and, BET ON THIS: they will side AGAINST their own country.
Typical John Kerry rhetoric "I voted for it before I voted against it". Kerry's confused rhetoric about Syria is an indication of how freaking bad the US foreign policy has become under Obama. Kerry gave a negative reference to Iraq but he voted for HJ Res 114 that authorized the use of the US Military against Iraq in 10/11/02. The bottom line is that we have no coherent foreign policy. Only smoke and mirrors.
As usual, congress is on vacation. There will be a lot of bodies piled up while we wait for them to go back to DC.

President Obama does not want war. That is what he has said and his actions support that.

Won't matter what is said or done - the brain dead traitors will find fault with it and, BET ON THIS: they will side AGAINST their own country.

You won't carry about any of this ^^ when the U.S. puts it's alert status on Defcon 2.
The other stooge, Moe......errr....I mean Obie to speak live about Syria in 20 mins..
In my opinion The President should call the Congress back into session under his powers in Art. II, sec 3 and provide the leadership with the documented evidence Secretary Kerry spoke about this hour. The Congress and each member of both houses should vote to authorize or not to authorize the use of force against the Assad Government.

Or, they could - as usual - decide to kick the can down the road until each member can figure out how her or his vote will effect their job security.
In my opinion The President should call the Congress back into session under his powers in Art. II, sec 3 and provide the leadership with the documented evidence Secretary Kerry spoke about this hour. The Congress and each member of both houses should vote to authorize or not to authorize the use of force against the Assad Government.

Or, they could - as usual - decide to kick the can down the road until each member can figure out how her or his vote will effect their job security.

Won't happen cause that makes sense. Attack probably comin' sometime Sunday.
In my opinion.....

I'm sure he values your fucking opinion. The bottom line is the Warmonger-In-Chump is going to invade - with no allies - with no Congressional or UN approval - much like GWBush did in Iraq, but your mouth is so far down onto Obama's dick - it's absolutely OK with you and people of your "ilk."

I hope the Draft is reinstated and your pansy-ass gets shipped to the Syrian front. You go fight this dipshit's (Black Jimmy's) war dumbass.
In my opinion.....

I'm sure he values your fucking opinion. The bottom line is the Warmonger-In-Chump is going to invade - with no allies - with no Congressional or UN approval - much like GWBush did in Iraq, but your mouth is so far down onto Obama's dick - it's absolutely OK with you and people of your "ilk."

I hope the Draft is reinstated and your pansy-ass gets shipped to the Syrian front. You go fight this dipshit's (Black Jimmy's) war dumbass.

In my opinion you're an asshole. I'm sure you don't care or value my opinion and honestly I don't care. You're also a dumb, angry, coward who attacks others while hiding behind a keyboard. You're no fucking warrior and I doubt you even meet the standard to be called a man, and that opinion isn't even based on your sexual orientation and relationship with Rabbi.

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