John Harwood Asks "Who Do You Believe America?"

The far right cry babies are going to go insane if a national general strike is pulled off along with the Inaugration protests. The far right morons simply don't understand what is coming in a week, and their opinions don't mean much. That's OK. Trump has a minority while the majority don't like him or worse. What an amazing time.

Will you shut up if there is no massive general strike on inauguaration day? Will you shut up if the protests turn out to be duds.will you shut up if Hilary Clinton is considered more untrustworthy than trump. For you to be taken seriously at some point you have to admit to reality. i think it was Abraham Lincoln who said, it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you an idiot than to open it and let people know you are an idiot. Good advice for you jake.

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