John kasich surges to 2nd place in SC

I like Kasich. Nice guy, a bit too moderate for me, but he has no chance. Zero. Zilch Nada. He & Ben need to get the heck out so the real contenders can compete for the nomination.
It'd be great if Kasich stays in till at least March 15th, that way he mucks up the anti-Trump vote and prevents Rubio from stopping Trump.

If Trump wins the nomination, the GE will be a bloodbath for the GOP, and Kasich seems to be helping Trump get there wonderfully.
Here, I'll do it for you. The ONLY poll that shows Kasich in #2 and he's 20 points behind. :lol:

South Carolina Polls 2016: Trump Leads the Pack; Rubio Won the Debate

When I go to your link I get this;

Public Policy Poll
The State newspaper published results February 15 of a poll from Public Policy Polling. The poll was conducted February 14 and 15 and has a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.

Updated 10:37 am EST, February 16, 2016
Donald Trump 35%
Marco Rubio 18%
Ted Cruz 18%
John Kasich 10%
Jeb Bush 7%
Thats Kasich behind Trump, Rubio, Cruz. 4th place. Also, same page;

South Carolina House GOP Caucus Poll
The South Carolina House GOP caucus was the first organization to publish polls both before and after Saturday’s debate. The caucus’ most recent poll was conducted February 14. It has a margin of error of 2.83 percentage points.

Donald Trump 33%
Marco Rubio 14%
Ted Cruz 14%
Jeb Bush 13%
John Kasich 10%
Ben Carson 6%
Thats 5th. I cant find a poll with Kasich in 2nd anywhere. Aargh!
Here, I'll do it for you. The ONLY poll that shows Kasich in #2 and he's 20 points behind. :lol:

South Carolina Polls 2016: Trump Leads the Pack; Rubio Won the Debate

When I go to your link I get this;

Public Policy Poll
The State newspaper published results February 15 of a poll from Public Policy Polling. The poll was conducted February 14 and 15 and has a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.

Updated 10:37 am EST, February 16, 2016
Donald Trump 35%
Marco Rubio 18%
Ted Cruz 18%
John Kasich 10%
Jeb Bush 7%
Thats Kasich behind Trump, Rubio, Cruz. 4th place. Also, same page;

South Carolina House GOP Caucus Poll
The South Carolina House GOP caucus was the first organization to publish polls both before and after Saturday’s debate. The caucus’ most recent poll was conducted February 14. It has a margin of error of 2.83 percentage points.

Donald Trump 33%
Marco Rubio 14%
Ted Cruz 14%
Jeb Bush 13%
John Kasich 10%
Ben Carson 6%
Thats 5th. I cant find a poll with Kasich in 2nd anywhere. Aargh!
It's the next poll down from that one.
I like Kasich. Nice guy, a bit too moderate for me, but he has no chance. Zero. Zilch Nada. He & Ben need to get the heck out so the real contenders can compete for the nomination.

I like his approach -- watched him on CNN last night, he seems to be the only player who wants to talk nuts and bolts and doesn't care to play Pander Bear. Cruz comes off as a complete whore and Rubio really doesn't loook old enough to drive. Bush is both reading a script and pandering. He put me to sleep. Rump of course is just a fucking joke that makes a mockery of the entire process.

In the end I think Kasich is the only one I could live with.
Let's go John. I want to go on an all-expense-paid cruise. lol

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