John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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so according to liberal historians, abe lincoln was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was all about money, not slavery
so according to liberal historians, robert e lee was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was about slavery, not money
they love to go both ways
Its amazing that you are so ignorant you cant comprehend two people fighting a war for two different reasons. When were you born son?

There would have been a war if they agreed. That’s the mp
muhammed owned slaves. that means he is a bad person. that means the muslim religion is based worshipping a bad person.
There are no statues of Muhammed that tax payers have to fund in order to maintain them though. Try being relevant.

Swing and a miss...

Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court a Gesture of Goodwill
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Great post and spot on.

Back then States were more important that the Federal Government. That's as it should be.

Lee was a Virginian and decided he would lead the Confederate Army that Virginia was a part of.

Lee was an honorable man and a man who fought for what he believed in. The State of Virginia.
Is it true that Robert E. Lee killed more Americans than Hitler?

Lee didn't start that war, but he fought for his homeland to the best of his ability.

For you to smear him with "Hitler" for that just shows your intellectual immaturity.
There is nothing outlandish about my father serving in WWII..

Other than the fact that he didn't, and you're just making this shit up so you can lend yourself much-needed credibility that doesn't exist on the facts. What a fucking loser. Imagine being so insecure you have to invent given circumstances just to make your argument credible. What a disappointment.

Because people like you, are using this shit to wage the Culture War TODAY.

By accurately recalling historical facts? Robert E. Lee was a traitor. Robert E. Lee was also a loser. So what "history" am I missing there?

The history I learned in a norther public school was that Lee was a national war hero, who fought for his home state and lost.

Bullshit. First of all, I doubt you're even an your posts continue to grow less and less articulate, become more and more rife with grammar and spelling errors, and appear as if they were put through an internet translator. Only a Russian would be this inarticulate on the internet...rightly so because English isn't your first language. All you're doing is Putin's directive to divide Americans with bullshit propaganda. You're no American. You're a rat.

I also firmly now believe you think fighting to preserve slavery is an honorable cause. Because Russians love slavery. Especially sex slavery.

Not sure what you are referring to, but I am comfortable assuming you are lying.

I'm referring to you pretending your father fought in WWII just so you can make a shitty point about Robert E. Lee. And what was that point again? We won WWII (not you, becuase your father fought for the Wehrmacht). Robert E. Lee lost the Civil War. So how are they the same? They're not. You're just using a Russian Active Measure to sow division. If none of these statues matter, then tear them the fuck down. Are you going to forget who lost the Civil War if we take down statues of Confederate traitors?

ANd my point about you doing all you can to avoid serious and honest discuss stands.

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Don't make this personal.
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Who cares about his motives . He took up arms against the us and killed 100,000s troops.Who’s worse ? Bowe berghdal or Lee??

Of course slavery was his motivation. Lee owned slaves and was wealthy because he owned slaves. When you don't have to pay labor, you get rich pretty quick.
You lefties care. THat's why you keep insisting that the Civil War was about nothing BUT slavery..

Everything about the Civil War has slavery as the common denominator.

States' own slaves
The economics...of slave-based economies

Fact is that without free labor, most all those plantation owners in the South wouldn't have been rich (Including Lee). So it was in their economic interests to preserve slavery because that's how they got their wealth. They were also a bunch of overt racists too who thought black people were born to be chattel. Many Conservatives still hold that view today. Like the owner of the Houston Texans who referred to his players as "inmates".

So that you can vilify them, and thus any of their descendants that are not wallowing in guilt.

No, their decendents aren't wallowing in guilt, they're walloing in insecurity. Because they've been losers their entire lives they have to "win" something...that means selling out your principles to defend the memory of traitors, and to align yourself with Russia just so you can vicariously "win" something through Trump.

You're a loser and you'll always be a loser.
ee certainly was not fighting for slavery.

Yes, he absolutely was. Lee personally profited off the free labor he exploited. Why would he give that up? You don't get rich by paying people to work for you in 1861.

It probably is NOT an accident that the flag that has become the symbol of the Confederacy and/or the South, is the Battle Flag of the Army of Virginia, and NOT one of the National Flags of the Confederacy.

The flag became the symbol of the KKK because we were too nice to the South during reconstruction. Sherman had the right idea; burn it all to the fucking ground. Kill everyone. Wipe everything away, including their memory.

If you can't wipe away their memory, then degrade it. Lee was a traitor and you're a loser.
so according to liberal historians, abe lincoln was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was all about money, not slavery
so according to liberal historians, robert e lee was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was about slavery, not money
they love to go both ways
Its amazing that you are so ignorant you cant comprehend two people fighting a war for two different reasons. When were you born son?

There would have been a war if they agreed. That’s the mp
muhammed owned slaves. that means he is a bad person. that means the muslim religion is based worshipping a bad person.
There are no statues of Muhammed that tax payers have to fund in order to maintain them though. Try being relevant.

Swing and a miss...

Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court a Gesture of Goodwill
I think you meant there wouldnt have been a war if they agreed. The point is they didnt agree and both were pieces of shit racists.
so according to liberal historians, abe lincoln was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was all about money, not slavery
so according to liberal historians, robert e lee was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was about slavery, not money
they love to go both ways
Its amazing that you are so ignorant you cant comprehend two people fighting a war for two different reasons. When were you born son?

There would have been a war if they agreed. That’s the mp
muhammed owned slaves. that means he is a bad person. that means the muslim religion is based worshipping a bad person.
There are no statues of Muhammed that tax payers have to fund in order to maintain them though. Try being relevant.

Swing and a miss...

Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court a Gesture of Goodwill
I think you meant there wouldnt have been a war if they agreed. The point is they didnt agree and both were pieces of shit racists.

you are always correct, so I will concede the point.
so according to liberal historians, abe lincoln was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was all about money, not slavery
so according to liberal historians, robert e lee was a piece of shit racist because the civil war was about slavery, not money
they love to go both ways
Its amazing that you are so ignorant you cant comprehend two people fighting a war for two different reasons. When were you born son?

There would have been a war if they agreed. That’s the mp
muhammed owned slaves. that means he is a bad person. that means the muslim religion is based worshipping a bad person.
There are no statues of Muhammed that tax payers have to fund in order to maintain them though. Try being relevant.

Swing and a miss...

Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court a Gesture of Goodwill
I think you meant there wouldnt have been a war if they agreed. The point is they didnt agree and both were pieces of shit racists.

you are always correct, so I will concede the point.
That was a graceful concession.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.

Lee was an honorable man born on the wrong side of history. He was a slave owner, but he was admittedly against abusing slaves. He in fact freed all the slaves he inherited from his father-in-law. While he wasn’t against slavery he was an ideology in favor of it.

When VA discussed succession, he was vehemently opposed it it calling it treason. He first turned down the offer to lead the Confederate Army. He then agreed to it when Lincoln gave his intentions he was going to put down the rebellion by force (obviously the right decision).

Lee was quoted as saying he would give up all the slaves in the South to preserve the Union.

After the war he supported the new government and the reconstruction efforts.

Many of his views were attributed to the time he lived in. But he was honorable even if he was born on the wrong side of history.

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Lee was an honorable man born on the wrong side of history. He was a slave owner, but he was admittedly against abusing slaves. He in fact freed all the slaves he inherited from his father-in-law. While he wasn’t against slavery he was an ideology in favor of it.

Slavery is how he maintained and grew his wealth. You get rich real quick when you don't have to pay labor. Whether or not he was a racist doesn't matter; he exploited slaves in order to enrich himself personally.

No honor there.
There is no honor in fighting to protect slavery.


Every death in the Civil War is on the traitorous Confederate generals and their leadership.
Lee was an honorable man born on the wrong side of history. He was a slave owner, but he was admittedly against abusing slaves. He in fact freed all the slaves he inherited from his father-in-law. While he wasn’t against slavery he was an ideology in favor of it.

Slavery is how he maintained and grew his wealth. You get rich real quick when you don't have to pay labor. Whether or not he was a racist doesn't matter; he exploited slaves in order to enrich himself personally.

No honor there.[/QUOTE
/—-/ Wrong again. Slaves were expensive to buy and keep. Nothing free about it. The problem was a lack of work force. Why toil in back breaking work even with pay when you could travel West and homestead your own land. So the plantation owners saw slavery as a solution to thei labor shortages.
Wrong again. Slaves were expensive to buy and keep.

LOL! Yeah, I know. Which is why mostly just rich people had them. So square that circle for me; rich people got rich because they didn't have to pay labor, yet it cost them more to have slaves? No. That doesn't fly. Try again.

It cost more to pay someone a wage than it did to keep a slave, even with the "expenses" you're pretending were there. Thing about slaves is that you don't really have to give a shit about them. They're dispensable because they're, you know, slaves.

Nothing free about it. The problem was a lack of work force. Why toil in back breaking work even with pay when you could travel West and homestead your own land. So the plantation owners saw slavery as a solution to thei labor shortages.

No, they saw slavery as a solution to their "not being rich enough" problems. Why do you think most all slave owners were rich? How did they get rich? Magic? labor.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

Gen. GreedHead Grant

The South had slavery, the North had sweatshops. The North had no moral superiority. Your snobbish contempt for those born in the White working class dims your shiny self-righteous conceit.
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